Пример #1
        } // end ListProducts

        public ProductData GetProduct(string productNumber)
            // Create a reference to a ProductData object
            ProductData productData = null;

                // Connect to AdventureWorks database by using the Entity Framework
                using (AdventureWorksEntities database = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                    // Find the first  product that matches the specified product number
                    Product matchingProduct = database.Products.First(
                        p => String.Compare(p.ProductNumber, productNumber) == 0);

                    productData = new ProductData()
                        Name = matchingProduct.Name,
                        ProductNumber = matchingProduct.ProductNumber,
                        Color = matchingProduct.Color,
                        ListPrice = matchingProduct.ListPrice
                    };  // end productData
                // Ignore exceptions in this implementation

            // Return the product
            return productData;
        } // end GetProduct
        public int CurrentStockLevel(string productNumber)
            // Obtain the total stock level for the specified product.
            // The stock level is calculated by summing the quantity of the product
            // available in all the bins in the ProductInventory table.

            // The Product and ProductInventory tables are joined over the
            // ProductID column.

            int stockLevel = 0;

                // Connect to the AdventureWorks database by using the Entity Framework
                using (AdventureWorksEntities database = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                    // Calculate the sum of all quantities for the specified product
                    stockLevel = (from pi in database.ProductInventories
                                  join p in database.Products
                                  on pi.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                                  where String.Compare(p.ProductNumber, productNumber) == 0
                                  select (int)pi.Quantity).Sum();
                // Ignore exceptions in this implementation

            // Return the stock level
            return stockLevel;
Пример #3
        public List<string> ListProducts()
            // Create a list for holding product numbers
            List<string> productsList = new List<string>();

            // Create a list for holding product numbers
                // Connect to AdventureWorks database by using the Entity Framework
                using (AdventureWorksEntities database = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                    // Fetch the product number of every product in the database
                    var products = from product in database.Products
                                   select product.ProductNumber;
                    productsList = products.ToList();

                 // Ignore exceptions in this implementation

            // Return the list of product numbers
            return productsList;
        } // end ListProducts
Пример #4
        public void ChangePrice(string productNumber, decimal price)
            // Modify the price of the selected product
            // If the update is successful then return true, otherwise return false.
            Product product = null;

                // Connect to the AdventureWorks database by using the Entity Framework
                using (AdventureWorksEntities database = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                    if (!ProductExists(productNumber, database))
                        // Find the specified product
                        product = (from p in database.Products
                                   where String.Compare(p.ProductNumber, productNumber) == 0
                                   select p).First();

                        // Change the price for the product
                        product.ListPrice = price;

                        // Save the change back to the database
                // If an exception occurs, return false to indicate failure

            // Notify the client that the price has been changed successfully
            ProductData productData = new ProductData()
                    ProductNumber = product.ProductNumber,
                    Name = product.Name,
                    ListPrice = product.ListPrice,
                    Color = product.Color

        public bool ChangeStockLevel(string productNumber, short newStockLevel,
                             string shelf, int bin)
            // Modify the current stock level of the selected product
            // in the ProductInventory table.
            // If the update is successful then return true, otherwise return false.

            // The Product and ProductInventory tables are joined over the
            // ProductID column.

                // Connect to the AdventureWorks database by using the Entity Framework
                using (AdventureWorksEntities database = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                    // Find the ProductID for the specified product
                    int productID =
                        (from p in database.Products
                         where String.Compare(p.ProductNumber, productNumber) == 0
                         select p.ProductID).First();

                    // Find the ProductInventory object that matches the parameters passed
                    // in to the operation
                    ProductInventory productInventory = database.ProductInventories.First(
                        pi => String.Compare(pi.Shelf, shelf) == 0 &&
                              pi.Bin == bin &&
                              pi.ProductID == productID);

                    // Update the stock level for the ProductInventory object
                    productInventory.Quantity += newStockLevel;

                    // Save the change back to the database
                // If an exception occurs, return false to indicate failure
                return false;

            // Return true to indicate success
            return true;
Пример #6
        public bool ProductExists(string productNumber, AdventureWorksEntities database)
            // Check to see whether the specified product exists in the database
            int numProducts = (from p in database.Products
                               where string.Equals(p.ProductNumber, productNumber)
                               select p).Count();

            return numProducts > 0;
Пример #7
        public ProductData GetProduct(string productNumber)
            // Create a reference to a ProductData object
            // This object will be instantiated if a matching product is found
            ProductData productData = null;

                // Connect to the AdventureWorks database by using the Entity Framework
                using (AdventureWorksEntities database = new AdventureWorksEntities())
                    // Check that the specified product exists
                    if (ProductExists(productNumber, database))
                        // Find the first product that matches the specified product number
                        Product matchingProduct = database.Products.First(
                            p => String.Compare(p.ProductNumber, productNumber) == 0);

                        productData = new ProductData()
                            Name = matchingProduct.Name,
                            ProductNumber = matchingProduct.ProductNumber,
                            Color = matchingProduct.Color,
                            ListPrice = matchingProduct.ListPrice
                // Ignore exceptions in this implementation

            // Return the product
            return productData;