Пример #1
        public List<FriendBM> GetAllFriends(int CurrentUserId)
            ProWorldzContext context = new ProWorldzContext();
            var b = from user in context.Users
                    join fr in context.Friend
                    on user.Id equals fr.UserId
                    where user.Id == CurrentUserId && fr.FriendShipStatusId == (int)FriendShipStatus.Accepted
                    select new { fr.FriendId, fr.UserId,user.Name };

            IQueryable<FriendBM> frndCollection = from curUser in context.Users
                                                  join genInfo in context.UserGeneralInfomation
                                                  on curUser.Id equals genInfo.UserId
                                                  into t
                                                  from rt in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                                  where b.Any(o => o.FriendId == curUser.Id)
                                                  select new FriendBM
                                                      FriendName = curUser.Name,
                                                      FriendCommunity = curUser.CommunityName,
                                                      FriendImage = rt.Image != null ? rt.Image : "",
                                                      FriendId = curUser.Id,
                                                      UserId = b.Where(x => x.FriendId == curUser.Id).Select(x => x.UserId).FirstOrDefault(),
                                                      UserName = b.Where(x => x.FriendId == curUser.Id).Select(x => x.Name).FirstOrDefault(),
                                                      IsOnline = curUser.IsOnline
            return frndCollection.ToList();
Пример #2
 public void CreateFriendrequest(List<FriendBM> frndbm)
     ProWorldzContext context = new ProWorldzContext();
     List<Friend> friends = frndbm.ConvertAll<Friend>(new Converter<FriendBM, Friend>(ConvertToDM));
Пример #3
        public void ConfirmFriendRequest(FriendBM frndbm)
            ProWorldzContext context = new ProWorldzContext();
            List<Friend> frndList = uow.FriendRepository.Find(x => x.UserId == frndbm.UserId && x.FriendId == frndbm.FriendId || x.UserId == frndbm.FriendId && x.FriendId == frndbm.UserId );

            foreach (var item in frndList)
                item.FriendShipStatusId = (int)FriendShipStatus.Accepted;
Пример #4
        public List<FriendBM> GetFriendListById(int CurrentUserId, DataTableParams param)
            ProWorldzContext context = new ProWorldzContext();

            //Join User & Frien table to find current users frient with Accepted status
            //Join with GeneralInfo to get users Image
            //IQueryable<FriendBM> frndCollection =

            //   (from frnd in context.Friend
            //    join curUser in context.Users on
            //    frnd.UserId equals curUser.Id
            //    join genInfo in context.UserGeneralInfomation on
            //    frnd.FriendId equals genInfo.UserId
            //    into t
            //    from rt in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
            //    where frnd.FriendShipStatusId == (int)FriendShipStatus.Accepted && curUser.Id == CurrentUserId
            //    select new FriendBM
            //    {
            //        FriendName = curUser.Name,
            //        FriendCommunity = curUser.CommunityName,
            //        FriendImage = rt.Image != "" ? rt.Image : "",
            //        Id = frnd.Id,
            //        FriendId = frnd.FriendId,
            //        UserId = curUser.Id
            //    });

            var b = from user in context.Users
                    join fr in context.Friend
                    on user.Id equals fr.UserId
                    where user.Id == CurrentUserId && fr.FriendShipStatusId == (int)FriendShipStatus.Accepted
                    select new { fr.FriendId, fr.UserId };

            IQueryable<FriendBM> frndCollection = from curUser in context.Users
                                                  join genInfo in context.UserGeneralInfomation
                                                  on curUser.Id equals genInfo.UserId
                                                  into t
                                                  from rt in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                                  where b.Any(o => o.FriendId == curUser.Id)
                                                  select new FriendBM
                                                      FriendName = curUser.Name,
                                                      FriendCommunity = curUser.CommunityName,
                                                      FriendImage = rt.Image !=null ? rt.Image : "",
                                                      FriendId = curUser.Id,
                                                      UserId = b.Where(x => x.FriendId == curUser.Id).Select(x => x.UserId).FirstOrDefault()

            //Pagination logic Math.Min returns the least from both values
            int RecordsToFetch = Math.Min(frndCollection.Count() - param.RecordsToSkip, param.RecordsToTake);
            frndCollection = frndCollection.OrderBy(x => x.FriendName).Skip(param.RecordsToSkip).Take(RecordsToFetch);

            if (param.SearchOptions.value != null)
                frndCollection = frndCollection.Where(x => x.FriendName.Contains(param.SearchOptions.value));

            return frndCollection.ToList();

            //***Problem with lambda it fills the FriendUser Model with Current User info not with Friend's Info***//

            //IQueryable<Friend> frndCollection = context.Friend.Where(x => x.UserId == CurrentUserId
            //    && x.FriendShipStatusId == (int)FriendShipStatus.Accepted).
            //    OrderBy(x => x.FriendUser.Name);
            //int RecordsToFetch = Math.Min(frndCollection.Count() - param.RecordsToSkip, param.RecordsToTake);
            //frndCollection = frndCollection.Skip(RecordsToFetch).Take(param.RecordsToSkip);
            // List<FriendBM> frndBM = frndCollection.ToList().ConvertAll<FriendBM>(new Converter<Friend, FriendBM>(ConvertToBM));
Пример #5
 public int GetFriendCountById(int CurrentUserId)
     ProWorldzContext context = new ProWorldzContext();
     int count = (from frnd in context.Friend
                  where frnd.UserId == CurrentUserId
                  && frnd.FriendShipStatusId == (int)FriendShipStatus.Accepted
                  select new { }).Count();
     return count;