public void AddToStoreList_BananIsAddedToList_AldiAnd8IsInTheList()
     List<StoreAndPrice> list = new List<StoreAndPrice>();
     var storeandprice = new StoreAndPrice();
     storeandprice.Name = "Aldi";
     storeandprice.Price = 8;
     _findProduct.ProductName = "Banan";
     Assert.That(_findProduct.StorePrice.Contains(storeandprice), Is.EqualTo(true));
        public void ChangeItemToAnotherStores_ChangeFromLidlToAldiWhenItemExistInAldi_returns1()
            StoreProductAndPrice storeProductAndPrice = new StoreProductAndPrice() {Price = 2, ProductName = "Test", Quantity = "2", StoreName = "Lidl"};
            ProductAndPrice productAndPrice = new ProductAndPrice() {Price = 3, Name = "Aldi"};
            _unitWork.Stores.FindProductInStore("Aldi", storeProductAndPrice.ProductName).Returns(productAndPrice);

            List<StoreAndPrice> storeAndPriceList = new List<StoreAndPrice>();
            StoreAndPrice storeAndPrice = new StoreAndPrice{Price = 6, Name = _store.StoreName};


            _uut.ShoppingListData.Add(new ProductInfo(_product.ProductName, "2"));

            Assert.That(_uut.ChangeProductToAnotherStore("Aldi", storeProductAndPrice), Is.EqualTo(1));
        public void FindCheapestStoreWithSumForListOfProducts_TwoProductsFromOneStore_ReturnsFaktaAsTheCheapestStore()
            var testList = new List<ProductInfo>();
            testList.Add(new ProductInfo(_product.ProductName, "2"));
            testList.Add(new ProductInfo("Tomat", "2"));
            testList.Add(new ProductInfo("Agurk", "2"));

            var returnList = new List<StoreAndPrice>();
            var store1WithPrice = new StoreAndPrice() {Name = "Fakta", Price = 5};
            var store1WithPrice2 = new StoreAndPrice() {Name = "Fakta", Price = 4};
            var store2WithPrice = new StoreAndPrice() {Name = "Føtex", Price = 10};

            Assert.That(_uut.FindCheapestStoreWithSumForListOfProducts(testList).Price, Is.EqualTo(9));
        public void FindCheapestStoreWithSumForListOfProducts_OneProductInList_ReturnsTheCheapestStoreWithPrice()
            var testList = new List<ProductInfo>();
            testList.Add(new ProductInfo(_product.ProductName));

            var returnList = new List<StoreAndPrice>();
            var cheapestStoreWithPrice = new StoreAndPrice() {Name = "Fakta", Price = 20};


        public void CreateShoppingList_CreateShoppingListForBananAndBuyInFakta_YouSave0Kr()
            _uut.ShoppingListData.Add(new ProductInfo(_product.ProductName));
            _uut.OptionsStores.Add(new StoresInPristjek("Fakta"));
            List<StoreAndPrice> storeAndPriceList = new List<StoreAndPrice>();
            StoreAndPrice storeAndPrice = new StoreAndPrice();
            storeAndPrice.Price = 1.95;
            storeAndPrice.Name = "fakta";


            var fakta = new Store() {StoreName = "Fakta"};
            _product.HasARelation.Add(new HasA() {Price = 2.95, Store = _store});
            _product.HasARelation.Add(new HasA() {Price = 1.95, Store = fakta});
            _store.HasARelation.Add(new HasA() {Price = 2.95, Product = _product, Store = _store});
            fakta.HasARelation.Add(new HasA() {Price = 1.95, Product = _product, Store = fakta});

            Assert.That(_uut.MoneySaved, Is.EqualTo(double.Parse("0,00", new CultureInfo("da-DK")).ToString("F2") + " kr"));
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Find the cheapest Store with sum that sells all the products in a list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="products"></param>
        /// <returns>The store and the sum of all the products in the list</returns>
        public StoreAndPrice FindCheapestStoreWithSumForListOfProducts(List<ProductInfo> products)
            var cheapestStore = new StoreAndPrice {Price = double.MaxValue};

            var list = _unit.Products.FindCheapestStoreForAllProductsWithSum(products);
            if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                return null;

            var name = list[0].Name;
            double sum = 0;

            foreach (var item in list)
                if (item.Name == name)
                    sum += item.Price;
                    if (cheapestStore.Price > sum)
                        cheapestStore = new StoreAndPrice {Name = name, Price = sum};
                    name = item.Name;
                    sum = item.Price;

            if (name == list[list.Count - 1].Name && cheapestStore.Price > sum)
                cheapestStore = new StoreAndPrice {Name = name, Price = sum};

            return cheapestStore;