public static List<Dosage> getPrescribedDoses(int prescriptionId) { //select M.medicine,D.mid,D.reco,D.m,D.n,D.e from PRESCRIPTION_DOSAGE PD,DOSAGE D,MEDICINES M where PD.did = AND D.mid = AND = 23 List<Dosage> doses = new List<Dosage>(); using (SQLiteConnection conn = getConnection()) { conn.Open(); using (SQLiteCommand command = conn.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = "select M.medicine,D.mid,D.reco,D.m,D.n,D.e from PRESCRIPTION_DOSAGE PD,DOSAGE D,MEDICINES M where PD.did = AND D.mid = AND = @prescriptionId"; command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@prescriptionId", prescriptionId)); using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { Dosage d = new Dosage((string)reader["reco"], new Medicine( (int)((Int64)reader["mid"]) , (string)reader["medicine"])); d.setDose( (int)(Int64)reader["m"], (int)(Int64)reader["n"], (int)(Int64)reader["e"] ); doses.Add(d); } } } } return doses; }
public static Dosage getDosage(int id) { long m = -1, n = -1, e = -1; string reco = null,medname = null; long mid = -1; using (SQLiteConnection conn = getConnection()) { conn.Open(); using (SQLiteCommand command = conn.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = "SELECT id,reco,m,n,e,mid from DOSAGE where id = @id"; command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@id", id)); using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { m = (Int64) reader["m"]; n = (Int64) reader["n"]; e = (Int64) reader["e"]; mid = (Int64)reader["mid"]; reco = (string) reader["reco"]; } } if (mid > 0) { command.CommandText = "SELECT id,medicine from MEDICINES where id = @id"; command.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@id", mid)); using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { medname = (string)reader["medicine"]; } } } if (mid != -1) { Dosage d = new Dosage(reco, new Medicine((int)mid, medname)); d.setDose((int)m, (int)n, (int)e); return d; } } } return null; }
public void updateViewState(string source, string id, string value) { if (onSelectCallBack != null) { onSelectCallBack.Invoke(source, id, value); } /** * figure out how to push the various text boxes to the model objects * i.e. if source is medicineName then a new medicine object needs to be inited. * if source is name, then the view's name fields need to reflect the selection. * **/ //MessageBox.Show( + " - " + id + " = " + text); TextBox t = null; textViews.TryGetValue(source, out t); if (t != null) { t.Text = value; t.Focus(); if (source.Equals("medicationRoot_txt")) { currentDosage = new Dosage("",new Medicine(Int32.Parse(id), value)); /** if the dosage is null, then create new. * else use the same dosage and update the dosage count. * **/ // patientInView.getCurrentPrescription().getCurrent().setDose(d); } else if (source.Equals("patientName_txt")) { Patient p = new Patient(value, Int32.Parse(id), -2); // will update age from the age field. bindViewFor(p); RichTextBox rt; richTextViews.TryGetValue("prevDiagnosis_rtxt", out rt); if (rt != null) { Prescription pr = DB.getMostRecentPrescription(Int32.Parse(id)); if (pr != null) { rt.Text = pr.getDiagnosis(); textViews.TryGetValue("patientAge_txt", out t); t.Text = ""+pr.getPatientAge(); textViews.TryGetValue("prevAppontmentDate_txt", out t); t.Text = pr.getDate().ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); //String note = DB.getNote(pr.getId()); List<Note> allNotes = DB.getNotes(pr.getId()); StringBuilder notesBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Note n in allNotes) { notesBuilder.Append(n.getNote()); notesBuilder.Append("\n"); } richTextViews.TryGetValue("prevPresNote_rtxt", out rt); rt.Text = notesBuilder.ToString(); } string gender = DB.getGender(Int32.Parse(id)); int genderIndex = 0; switch (gender) { case "F": genderIndex = 0; break; case "M": genderIndex = 1; break; case "T": genderIndex = 2; break; } ComboBox cb; dropDownViews.TryGetValue("gender_cbx", out cb); cb.SelectedIndex = genderIndex; /*if ( (gender != null && (gender.Trim().Equals("M", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) || (gender.Trim().Equals("F", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) ) { ComboBox cb; dropDownViews.TryGetValue("gender_cbx", out cb); cb.SelectedIndex = "F".Equals(gender.Trim(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? 0 : 1; }*/ } richTextViews.TryGetValue("allergy_rtxt", out rt); rt.Text = DB.getAllergies(p.getId()); p.updateAllergies(rt.Text); } else if (source.Equals("dosageRoot_txt")) { //MessageBox.Show(source + " " + id + " " + value); Dosage d = DB.getDosage(Int32.Parse(id)); //MessageBox.Show(d.getMedicine().getName()); if (d != null) { currentDosage = d; textViews.TryGetValue("morningRoot_txt", out t); t.Text = d.getDose()[0] +""; textViews.TryGetValue("afternoonRoot_txt", out t); t.Text = d.getDose()[1] + ""; textViews.TryGetValue("eveningRoot_txt", out t); t.Text = d.getDose()[2] + ""; } } } }
public void cleanView() { /** * 1- clean internal variables. * 2- clean out the grid. * */ patientInView = new Patient("", -1, -2);// blank patient currentDosage = new Dosage("", null); // blank dosage while (medGrid.Rows.Count > 0) { medGrid.Rows.RemoveAt(0); } foreach (TextBox t in textViews.Values) { string value = String.Empty; if (defaultTextValues.ContainsKey(t.Name)) { defaultTextValues.TryGetValue(t.Name, out value); t.Text = value; } else { t.Text = String.Empty; } } foreach (RichTextBox rt in richTextViews.Values) { rt.Text = String.Empty; } foreach(ComboBox cb in dropDownViews.Values) { cb.Text = String.Empty; cb.SelectedIndex = -1; } }
public void addCurrentDosageToGrid() { TextBox t = null; string mi, ni, ei, di; textViews.TryGetValue("morningRoot_txt", out t); mi = t.Text; textViews.TryGetValue("afternoonRoot_txt", out t); ni = t.Text; textViews.TryGetValue("eveningRoot_txt", out t); ei = t.Text; textViews.TryGetValue("dosageRoot_txt", out t); di = t.Text; if (currentDosage.getMedicine() == null) // we have'nt seen this med before so lets save it. { textViews.TryGetValue("medicationRoot_txt", out t); int medId = DB.addMedicine(t.Text); Medicine newMed = new Medicine(medId, t.Text); currentDosage = new Dosage(di, newMed); currentDosage.setDose(Int32.Parse(mi), Int32.Parse(ni), Int32.Parse(ei)); } else { currentDosage.replaceIfUpdated(di, Int32.Parse(mi), Int32.Parse(ni), Int32.Parse(ei)); } int[] mne = currentDosage.getDose(); medGrid.Rows.Add(currentDosage.getMedicine().getName(), currentDosage.getRecommended(), mne[0], mne[1], mne[2]); patientInView.getCurrentPrescription().add(currentDosage); currentDosage = new Dosage("", null); }
public void add(Dosage row) { if (row != null) { prescriptions.Add(row); } }