Пример #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds any occurrences given the found features.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="features">Feature occurrences that correspond to this model.</param>
		/// <param name="bitmap">Bitmap containing the feature occurrences.</param>
		/// <returns>A list of hypotheses</returns>
		public void FindOccurrences(Ptype ptype, Bitmap bitmap, IEnumerable<Tree> features, List<Tree> found)

			Feature bottomleftFeature = ptype.Feature("bottomleft");
			Feature toprightFeature = ptype.Feature("topright");
			Feature bottomrightFeature = ptype.Feature("bottomright");
			Feature topleftFeature = ptype.Feature("topleft");

			Region topregion = ptype.Region("top");
			Region leftregion = ptype.Region("left");
			Region bottomregion = ptype.Region("bottom");
			Region rightregion = ptype.Region("right");
			Region interior = ptype.Region("interior");

			//foreach each corresponding bottom left feature, find the corresponding bottom right and top right features
			foreach (Tree bottomleft in features)

					//Find each bottom right feature corresponding to the bottom left feature
					IEnumerable<Tree> bottomrights = GetBottomRightsFromBottomLeft(bottomrightFeature, bottomleft, features);

					//foreach each bottom right feature, get the corresponding top right features
					foreach (Tree bottomright in bottomrights)

						//Get the top right feature corresponding to this bottom right feature
						IEnumerable<Tree> toprights = GetTopRightsFromBottomRight(toprightFeature, bottomright, features);

						foreach (Tree topright in toprights)
							Tree topleft = GetTopLeft(topleftFeature, topright, bottomleft, features);

							//Validate the hypothesis by matching edges. If they match, then create occurrence.
							if (topleft != null &&
								InteriorFits(interior, topregion, bottomregion, leftregion, rightregion, topleft, bottomleft, topright, bottomright) &&
								EdgesMatch(ptype, bitmap, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright))
								int top = topleft.Top;
								int left = topleft.Left;
								int height = bottomleft.Top + bottomleft.Height - topleft.Top;
								int width = topright.Left + topright.Width - topleft.Left;

								BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(left, top, width, height);
								Dictionary<String,Object> dict = new Dictionary<String,Object>();
								dict.Add("type", "ptype");
								dict.Add("ptype", ptype);
                                dict.Add("ptype_id", ptype.Id);
								Tree prototypeOccurrence = Tree.FromBoundingBox(bb, dict);
Пример #2
            public Visual Visualize(Ptype ptype, object parameter = null)
                if (!ptype.Model.Name.Equals("onepart"))
                    throw new Exception("One Part Model cannot render prototypes created by other models.");

                Feature part = ptype.Feature("part");

                Image img = new Image();
                img.Source = ViewablePrototypeItem.ToBitmapSource(part.Bitmap);
                img.SnapsToDevicePixels = true;
                img.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Uniform;
                RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(img, BitmapScalingMode.NearestNeighbor);

                return img;
Пример #3
		public void FindOccurrences(Ptype ptype, Bitmap bitmap, IEnumerable<Tree> features, List<Tree> found)
			Feature part = ptype.Feature("part");

			foreach (Tree feature in features)
					Dictionary<string,object> dict = new Dictionary<string,object>();
					dict.Add("type", "ptype");
					dict.Add("ptype", ptype);
                    dict.Add("ptype_id", ptype.Id);
					Tree occurrence = Tree.FromBoundingBox(feature, dict);
Пример #4
            public Mutable(Ptype ptype)
                Features = new Dictionary <String, Bitmap>();

                foreach (string fname in ptype.FeatureNames())
                    Features.Add(fname, ptype.Feature(fname).Bitmap);

                Regions = new Dictionary <String, Region>();
                foreach (string rname in ptype.RegionNames())
                    Regions.Add(rname, ptype.Region(rname));

                Id = ptype.Id;

                Model = ptype.Model.Name;
Пример #5
			public Mutable(Ptype ptype)
				Features = new Dictionary<String,Bitmap>();

				foreach(string fname in ptype.FeatureNames())
					Features.Add(fname, ptype.Feature(fname).Bitmap);

				Regions = new Dictionary<String,Region>();
				foreach(string rname in ptype.RegionNames())
					Regions.Add(rname, ptype.Region(rname));

				Id = ptype.Id;

				Model = ptype.Model.Name;
Пример #6
		private static void EraseFeaturesFromforeground(Bitmap foreground, Tree occurrence, Ptype ptype)
			//top left
			Feature topleft = ptype.Feature("topleft");
			for(int row = occurrence.Top; row < occurrence.Top + topleft.Bitmap.Height; row++)
				for(int col = occurrence.Left; col < occurrence.Left + topleft.Bitmap.Width; col++)
					foreground[row, col] =  Utils.BACKGROUND;

			//top right
			Feature topright = ptype.Feature("topright");
			for (int row = occurrence.Top; row < occurrence.Top + topleft.Bitmap.Height; row++)
				for(int col = occurrence.Left + occurrence.Width - topright.Bitmap.Width; col < occurrence.Left + occurrence.Width; col++)
					foreground[row, col] =  Utils.BACKGROUND;

			//bottom left
			Feature bottomleft = ptype.Feature("bottomleft");
			for (int row = occurrence.Top + occurrence.Height - bottomleft.Bitmap.Height; row < occurrence.Top + occurrence.Height; row++)
				for (int col = occurrence.Left; col < occurrence.Left + bottomleft.Bitmap.Width; col++)
					foreground[row, col] = Utils.BACKGROUND;

			//bottom right
			Feature bottomright = ptype.Feature("bottomright");
			for (int row = occurrence.Top + occurrence.Height - bottomright.Bitmap.Height; row < occurrence.Top + occurrence.Height; row++)
				for (int col = occurrence.Left + occurrence.Width - bottomright.Bitmap.Width; col < occurrence.Left + occurrence.Width; col++)
					foreground[row, col] = Utils.BACKGROUND;
Пример #7
            public Visual Visualize(Ptype ptype, object parameter = null)
                if (!ptype.Model.Name.Equals("ninepart"))
                    throw new Exception("Nine Part Model cannot render prototypes created by other models.");

                Feature bottomleftFeature = ptype.Feature("bottomleft");
                Feature toprightFeature = ptype.Feature("topright");
                Feature bottomrightFeature = ptype.Feature("bottomright");
                Feature topleftFeature = ptype.Feature("topleft");

                Region topregion = ptype.Region("top");
                Region leftregion = ptype.Region("left");
                Region bottomregion = ptype.Region("bottom");
                Region rightregion = ptype.Region("right");
                Region interiorRegion = ptype.Region("interior");

                Grid grid = new Grid();

                ////Find the biggest dimensions for each Part object so that
                ////we can figure out how many cells to add into the grid.
                int longestTopOrBottom = (int)Math.Max(topregion.Bitmap.Width, bottomregion.Bitmap.Width);
                int longestLeftOrRight = (int)Math.Max(leftregion.Bitmap.Height, rightregion.Bitmap.Height);
                int widestTLOrBL = (int)Math.Max(topleftFeature.Bitmap.Width, bottomleftFeature.Bitmap.Width);
                int widestTROrBR = (int)Math.Max(toprightFeature.Bitmap.Width, bottomrightFeature.Bitmap.Width);
                int tallestTLOrTR = (int)Math.Max(topleftFeature.Bitmap.Height, toprightFeature.Bitmap.Height);
                int tallestBLOrBR = (int)Math.Max(bottomleftFeature.Bitmap.Height, bottomrightFeature.Bitmap.Height);
                int interiorWidth = 0;
                int interiorHeight = 0;

                if (interiorRegion != null)
                    interiorHeight = interiorRegion.Bitmap.Height;
                    interiorWidth = interiorRegion.Bitmap.Width;

                //Assign the width and height of the grid.
                int width = Math.Max(widestTLOrBL + longestTopOrBottom + widestTROrBR + 2, interiorWidth + leftregion.Bitmap.Width + rightregion.Bitmap.Width + 2);
                int height = Math.Max(tallestTLOrTR + longestLeftOrRight + tallestBLOrBR + 2, interiorHeight + topregion.Bitmap.Height + bottomregion.Bitmap.Height + 2);

                //Set the rows and columns of the grid.
                for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                    RowDefinition rowdef = new RowDefinition();

                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                    ColumnDefinition coldef = new ColumnDefinition();

                //Add each Part to the grid (cells = pixels).
                PtypeVisualizerHelper.AddFeatureToGrid(topleftFeature, new Prefab.Point(0, 0), grid);
                PtypeVisualizerHelper.AddFeatureToGrid(toprightFeature, new Prefab.Point(width - toprightFeature.Bitmap.Width, 0), grid);
                PtypeVisualizerHelper.AddFeatureToGrid(bottomleftFeature, new Prefab.Point(0, height - bottomleftFeature.Bitmap.Height), grid);
                PtypeVisualizerHelper.AddFeatureToGrid(bottomrightFeature, new Prefab.Point(width - bottomrightFeature.Bitmap.Width, height - bottomrightFeature.Bitmap.Height), grid);

                PtypeVisualizerHelper.AddHorizontalRegionToGrid(topregion.Bitmap, new Prefab.Point(topleftFeature.Bitmap.Width + 1, 0), grid);
                PtypeVisualizerHelper.AddHorizontalRegionToGrid(bottomregion.Bitmap, new Prefab.Point(bottomleftFeature.Bitmap.Width + 1, height - bottomregion.Bitmap.Height), grid);
                PtypeVisualizerHelper.AddVerticalRegionToGrid(leftregion.Bitmap, new Prefab.Point(0, topleftFeature.Bitmap.Height + 1), grid);
                PtypeVisualizerHelper.AddVerticalRegionToGrid(rightregion.Bitmap, new Prefab.Point(width - rightregion.Bitmap.Width, toprightFeature.Bitmap.Height + 1), grid);

                if (interiorRegion != null)
                    Prefab.Point location;
                    if (interiorRegion.MatchStrategy.Equals("horizontal"))
                        location = new Prefab.Point(topleftFeature.Bitmap.Width + 1, (height - interiorHeight) / 2);
                        location = new Prefab.Point((width - interiorWidth) / 2, topleftFeature.Bitmap.Height + 1);

                    PtypeVisualizerHelper.AddEachPixelOfBitmapToGrid(interiorRegion.Bitmap, location, grid);

                return grid;
