Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Scores the list of places given in full
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="places">The places to report a score for each.</param>
        /// <returns>a string of names and scores, </returns>
        public static string GetScoresForFullArea(List <DbTables.Place> places)
            //As above, but counts the Places' full area, not the area in the given Cell8 or Cell10.
            List <Tuple <string, long, Guid> > areaSizes = new List <Tuple <string, long, Guid> >(places.Count());

            foreach (var place in places)
                areaSizes.Add(Tuple.Create(TagParser.GetPlaceName(place.Tags), GetScoreForSinglePlace(place.ElementGeometry), place.PrivacyId));
            return(string.Join("\r\n", areaSizes.Select(a => a.Item1 + "|" + a.Item2 + "|" + a.Item3)));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the smallest (most-important) element in a list, to identify which element a client should use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entriesHere">the list of elements to pull data from</param>
        /// <returns>the name, areatype, and client facing ID of the OSM element to use</returns>
        public static TerrainData DetermineAreaPlace(List <DbTables.Place> entriesHere)
            //Which Place in this given Area is the one that should be displayed on the game/map as the name? picks the smallest one.
            //This one only returns the smallest entry, for games that only need to check the most interesting area in a cell.
            var entry = entriesHere.Last();

            return(new TerrainData()
                Name = TagParser.GetPlaceName(entry.Tags), areaType = entry.GameElementName, PrivacyId = entry.PrivacyId
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the areatype (as defined by TagParser) for each OSM element in the list, along with name and client-facing ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entriesHere">the list of elements to pull data from</param>
        /// <returns>A list of name, areatype, and elementIds for a client</returns>
        public static List <TerrainData> DetermineAreaPlaces(List <DbTables.Place> entriesHere)
            //Which Place in this given Area is the one that should be displayed on the game/map as the name? picks the smallest one.
            //This one return all entries, for a game mode that might need all of them.
            var results = new List <TerrainData>(entriesHere.Count());

            foreach (var e in entriesHere)
                results.Add(new TerrainData()
                    Name = TagParser.GetPlaceName(e.Tags), areaType = e.GameElementName, PrivacyId = e.PrivacyId
Пример #4
        //TODO: these might be slightly faster with StringBuilder during calculations than String.Join after doing all the calculation. Test and check that assumption.
        //Default Scoring rules:
        //Each Cell10 of surface area is 1 Score (would be Points in any other game, but Points is already an overloaded term in this system).
        //OSM Areas are measured in square area, divided by Cell10 area squared. (An area that covers 25 square Cell10s is 25 Score)
        //Lines are measured in their length.  (A trail that's 25 * resolutionCell10 long is 25 Score)
        //OSM Points (single lat/lon pair) are assigned a Score of 1 as the minimum interactable size object.

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of element names, score, and client-facing IDs from a list of places and an area to search, cropped to that area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="areaPoly">the area to search and use to determine scores of elements intersecting it  </param>
        /// <param name="places">the elements to be scored, relative to their size in the given area</param>
        /// <returns>a string of pipe-separated values (name, score, ID) split by newlines</returns>
        public static string GetScoresForArea(Geometry areaPoly, List <DbTables.Place> places)
            //Determines the Scores for the Places, limited to the intersection of the current Area. 1 Cell10 = 1 Score.
            //EX: if a park overlaps 800 Cell10s, but the current area overlaps 250 of them, this returns 250 for that park.
            //Lists each Place and its corresponding Score.
            List <Tuple <string, long, Guid> > areaSizes = new List <Tuple <string, long, Guid> >(places.Count());

            foreach (var md in places)
                var containedArea   = md.ElementGeometry.Intersection(areaPoly);
                var areaCell10Count = GetScoreForSinglePlace(containedArea);
                areaSizes.Add(new Tuple <string, long, Guid>(TagParser.GetPlaceName(md.Tags), areaCell10Count, md.PrivacyId));
            return(string.Join("\r\n", areaSizes.Select(a => a.Item1 + "|" + a.Item2 + "|" + a.Item3)));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a database StoredOsmElement from an OSMSharp Complete object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the CompleteOSMGeo object to prepare to save to the DB</param>
        /// <returns>the StoredOsmElement ready to save to the DB</returns>
        public static DbTables.Place ConvertOsmEntryToStoredElement(OsmSharp.Complete.ICompleteOsmGeo g)
            var tags = TagParser.getFilteredTags(g.Tags);

            if (tags == null || tags.Count() == 0)
                return(null); //For nodes, don't store every untagged node.
                var geometry = featureInterpreter.Interpret(g);
                if (geometry == null)
                    Log.WriteLog("Error: " + g.Type.ToString() + " " + g.Id + "-" + TagParser.GetPlaceName(g.Tags) + " didn't interpret into a Geometry object", Log.VerbosityLevels.Errors);
                var sw = new DbTables.Place();
                sw.SourceItemID   = g.Id;
                sw.SourceItemType = (g.Type == OsmGeoType.Relation ? 3 : g.Type == OsmGeoType.Way ? 2 : 1);
                var geo = SimplifyArea(geometry);
                if (geo == null)
                    Log.WriteLog("Error: " + g.Type.ToString() + " " + g.Id + " didn't simplify for some reason.", Log.VerbosityLevels.Errors);
                geo.SRID           = 4326;//Required for SQL Server to accept data.
                sw.ElementGeometry = geo;
                sw.Tags            = tags;
                if (sw.ElementGeometry.GeometryType == "LinearRing" || (sw.ElementGeometry.GeometryType == "LineString" && sw.ElementGeometry.Coordinates.First() == sw.ElementGeometry.Coordinates.Last()))
                    //I want to update all LinearRings to Polygons, and let the style determine if they're Filled or Stroked.
                    var poly = factory.CreatePolygon((LinearRing)sw.ElementGeometry);
                    sw.ElementGeometry = poly;
                sw.AreaSize = sw.ElementGeometry.Length > 0 ? sw.ElementGeometry.Length : resolutionCell10;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteLog("Error: Item " + g.Id + " failed to process. " + ex.Message);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// A debugging function, writres some information an element using its OSM id (or internal primary key) to load from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">the PlaceId or SourceElementId of an area to load.</param>
        /// <returns>a string with some details on the area in question.</returns>
        public static string LoadDataOnPlace(long id)
            //Debugging helper call. Loads up some information on an area and display it.
            //Not currently used anywhere.
            var    db      = new PraxisContext();
            var    entries = db.Places.Where(m => m.Id == id || m.SourceItemID == id).ToList();
            string results = "";

            foreach (var entry in entries)
                var shape = entry.ElementGeometry;

                results += "Name: " + TagParser.GetPlaceName(entry.Tags) + Environment.NewLine;
                results += "Game Type: " + TagParser.GetAreaType(entry.Tags.ToList()) + Environment.NewLine;
                results += "Geometry Type: " + shape.GeometryType + Environment.NewLine;
                results += "OSM Type: " + entry.SourceItemType + Environment.NewLine;
                results += "Area Tags: " + String.Join(",", entry.Tags.Select(t => t.Key + ":" + t.Value));
                results += "IsValid? : " + shape.IsValid + Environment.NewLine;
                results += "Area: " + shape.Area + Environment.NewLine; //Not documented, but I believe this is the area in square degrees. Is that a real unit?
                results += "As Text: " + shape.AsText() + Environment.NewLine;

Пример #7
 } = Guid.NewGuid();                                   //Pass this Id to clients, so we can attempt to block attaching players to locations in the DB.
 public override string ToString()
     return((SourceItemType == 3 ? "Relation " : SourceItemType == 2 ? "Way " : "Node ") + SourceItemID.ToString() + TagParser.GetPlaceName(Tags));