public static void Input_Info(Printed_Edition p) { Console.WriteLine("Input name: "); p.Name = Console.ReadLine(); try { Console.WriteLine("Input number of pages: "); p.Pages = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Input number of chapters: "); p.Chapters = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Input price in USD: "); p.Price = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Input number of goods: "); p.Quantity = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Printed_Edition[] arr = new Printed_Edition[2]; Magazine magazine = new Magazine(); Book book = new Book(); Input_Info(book); Input_Info(magazine); arr[0] = book; arr[1] = magazine; for (; ;) { string[] action; int i; Console.WriteLine("Input 1 to choose book or 2 to choose magazine"); int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out i); i--; Console.WriteLine("Actions: "); Console.WriteLine("sn 'name' to set name\t\t\tgn to get name"); Console.WriteLine("sp 'pages' to set pages\t\t\tgp to get pages"); Console.WriteLine("sc 'chapters' to set chapters\t\t\tgc to get chapters;"); Console.WriteLine("sr 'price' to set price\t\t\tgp to get price "); Console.WriteLine("sq 'quantity' to set quantity\t\t\tgq to get quantity"); Console.WriteLine("pa to print all info\t\t\tex to exit"); Console.WriteLine("Input: "); action = Console.ReadLine().Split(" "); if (action[0] == "sn") { arr[0].Name = action[1]; } try { if (action[0] == "sp") { arr[0].Pages = int.Parse(action[1]); } if (action[0] == "sc") { arr[0].Chapters = int.Parse(action[1]); } if (action[0] == "sp") { arr[0].Price = double.Parse(action[1]); } if (action[0] == "sq") { arr[0].Quantity = int.Parse(action[1]); } } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); } if (action[0] == "gn") { Console.WriteLine($"Name: {arr[i].Name}"); } if (action[0] == "gp") { Console.WriteLine($"Pages: {arr[i].Pages}"); } if (action[0] == "gc") { Console.WriteLine($"Chapters: {arr[i].Chapters}"); } if (action[0] == "gp") { Console.WriteLine($"Price: {arr[i].Price}"); } if (action[0] == "gq") { Console.WriteLine($"Quantity: {arr[i].Quantity}"); } if (action[0] == "pa") { Console.WriteLine(arr[i].GetInfo()); } if (action[0] == "ex") { break; } } }