/// <summary>Renders a straight line from the previous point to this one.</summary>
		public override void RenderLine(CanvasContext context){
			// Grab the raw drawing data:
			DynamicTexture data=context.ImageData;
			// Invert y:
			int endY=data.Height-(int)Y;
			int startY=data.Height-(int)Previous.Y;
			// Grab X:
			int endX=(int)X;
			int startX=(int)Previous.X;
		/// <summary>Renders an arc from the previous point to this one.</summary>
		public override void RenderLine(CanvasContext context){
			// Grab the raw drawing data:
			DynamicTexture data=context.ImageData;
			// Time to go polar!
			// We're going to rotate around the pole drawing one pixel at a time.
			// For the best accuracy, we first need to find out how much to rotate through per pixel.
				// Nothing to draw anyway.
			// How much must we rotate through overall?
			float angleToRotateThrough=EndAngle-StartAngle;
			// So arc length is how many pixels long the arc is.
			// Thus to step that many times, our delta angle is..
			float deltaAngle=angleToRotateThrough/Length;
			// The current angle:
			float currentAngle=StartAngle;
			// The number of pixels:
			int pixelCount=(int)Mathf.Ceil(Length);
				// Going anti-clockwise. Invert deltaAngle and the pixel count:
			// Step pixel count times:
			for(int i=0;i<pixelCount;i++){
				// Map from polar angle to coords:
				float x=Radius * (float) Math.Cos(currentAngle);
				float y=Radius * (float) Math.Sin(currentAngle);
				// Draw the pixel:
				// Rotate the angle:
		/// <summary>Used internally. Renders the line between this point and the next one, if there is one.</summary>
		/// <param name="data">The image to draw to.</param>
		public virtual void RenderLine(CanvasContext context){}