Пример #1
        //public void startMenus()
        //    _fadeInTimer = 0;
        //    _fadeIntro = true;
        //    _drawOptionsWindow = _drawQuickGameWindow = false;
        //    _globalAlpha = 0;
        //    cCamera.Instance.Position = new Vector2(0, 0);
        //    mouseState = new MouseState();
        public cMenuWindow(GraphicsDeviceManager gd, ContentManager cm)
            _MenuWindowButton = new cMenuWindowButton(gd, cm);
            _MenuOptionsWindowButton = new cMenuOptionsWindowButton(gd, cm);
            _textParser = new cTextParser();
            //_button = new cMenuButton("Resources/Menu/button");
            _aLevel = new string[6];
            _aLevel[0] = "Training";
            _aLevel[1] = "Training2";
            _aLevel[2] = "Training3";
            //_quickgamebuttons = new List<cMenuButton>();
            //_optionsSelection = new List<cMenuWindow>();

            _titleFont = cFontManager.Instance.getFont("Treb8");
            _mainFont = cFontManager.Instance.getFont("Treb11");

            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/quickgamewindow", "quick_game_window");
            _tQuickGameWindow = new cSprite("quick_game_window");
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/quickgamewindow2", "quick_game_window2");
            _tQuickGameWindow2 = new cSprite("quick_game_window2");
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/quickgamehighlight", "quick_game_highlight");
            _tQuickGameHighlight = new cSprite("quick_game_highlight");
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/optionswindow", "options_window");
            _tOptionsWindow = new cSprite("options_window");
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/controlswindow", "controls_window");
            _tControlsWindow = new cSprite("controls_window");
Пример #2
        public cHUD()
            _instance = this;
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture(@"Resources/HUD/hud_lives", "hud_lives");
            _lives = new cSprite("hud_lives");
            _lives.ScreenFixed = true;
            _lives.Position = new Vector2((_lives.Width / 2) + 16, cCamera.Instance.WidthHeight.Y - (_lives.Height / 2) - 6);
            _font = cFontManager.Instance.getFont("Treb11");

            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture(@"Resources/HUD/hudboarder", "hudboarder");
            _hudBoarder = new cSprite("hudboarder");
            _hudBoarder.Position = new Vector2(400, 300);
            _hudBoarder.ScreenFixed = true;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor
        /// </summary>
        public cPortal()
            : base(10, 50, 1)
            //RigidBody.CanCollide = false;
            RigidBody.IsStatic = true;
            //this.CanAttachPortalTo = false;
            //this.IsPortalTransparrent = false;
            _attachedTo = null;
            _openingAnim = false;


            // Make sure the textures are available to use
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture(@"Resources/Sprites/portal", "portal");
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture(@"Resources/LightMaps/portalLightMap", "portalLightMap");
            _sprite.Visible = false;
            _lightMap = new cSprite("portalLightMap");
Пример #4
        public cScene()
            _instance = this;
            _sceneObjects = new List<cGameObject>();
            _shaderObjects = new List<iShaderObject>();
            _bitmapFont = cFontManager.Instance.getFont("Treb11");
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture(@"Resources/HUD/descripwindow", "descripwindow");
            _blankWindow = new cSprite("descripwindow");
            _blankWindow.ScreenFixed = true;
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/half-life2_pointer", "mouse_pointer");
            _mousePointer = new cSprite("mouse_pointer");
            _mousePointer.ScreenFixed = true;
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/button1", "button1");
            _startButton = new cMenuTextButton("button1", "Start");
            _startButton.setHoverOverColor(new Color(17, 194, 253));
            _startButton.ScreenFixed = true;

            _continueButton = new cMenuTextButton("button1", "Continue");
            _continueButton.setHoverOverColor(new Color(17, 194, 253));
            _continueButton.ScreenFixed = true;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor, player initially in standing state
        /// </summary>
        public cPlayer()
            : base(26,46,1)
            _instance = this;
            Position = Vector2.Zero;
            _state = (int)STATES.STANDING;
            _vel = Vector2.Zero;

            //RigidBody.IsPlayer = true;
            //this.CanAttachPortalTo = false;
            //this.IsPortalTransparrent = true;

            // Make sure all the correct graphics get loaded
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addAnimation(@"Resources/Sprites/egon_anim.xml", "egon_anim");
            cEffectManager.Instance.defineEffect(@"Resources/Sprites/player_spawn_anim.xml", "player_spawn");
            //cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture(@"Resources/Sprites/bazooka", "portal_gun");
            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture(@"Resources/Sprites/portalblob", "portal_target");
            _sprite.Origin = new Vector2(15, 23);
            //_portalGunSprite = new cSprite("portal_gun");
            _targeter = new cSprite("portal_target");
Пример #6
        public void loadLevel(String levelName)
            // TODO: We need to dump the graphics from a previously loaded
            // level before we load new ones, or instead when we load the
            // graphics below we check that they dont already exist.

            #region XMLParsing
            // If the XML document isnt in the correct format that we expect then
            // an XmlException will be thrown to alert the user to the fact.
                // Load the XML document into the reader
                XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(@"Resources/Levels/"+levelName+".xml");
                Dictionary<String, objDef> spriteVerts = new Dictionary<String, objDef>();

                // Loop through all the elements
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        String elementName = reader.Name;
                        // If its our top-level elemennt
                        if (elementName == "level")
                            for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++)

                                if (reader.Name == "type")
                                    if (reader.Value == "lab")
                                        // Load the parallax graphics
                                        cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Textures/wall01-800-600", "parallax_lab_back");
                                        //cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture(gd, "Resources/floor.bmp", "parallax_lab_front");

                                        // Create new sprites
                                        _paralaxBack = new cSprite("parallax_lab_back");
                                        //_paralaxFront = new cSprite("parallax_lab_front");

                                if (reader.Name == "name")
                                    _currentLevelName = reader.Value;

                        if (elementName == "description")
                            string str = reader.ReadInnerXml();
                            str = str.Replace("\r","");
                            str = str.Replace("\t","");
                            string[] s = { "\n" };
                            _currentLevelDescription = str.Split(s, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                        // If its a frame of the animation
                        if (elementName == "sprite")
                            String spriteURL = "";
                            String type = "";
                            String collisionType = "";
                            String spriteName = "";
                            bool spritecollision = false;
                            int width = 0;
                            int height = 0;
                            float mass = 1;
                            float friction = 1;
                            float restitution = 0;

                            if (reader.HasAttributes)

                                for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++)

                                    // Getting the properties of the sprite
                                    if (reader.Name == "url") { spriteURL += reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "type") { type = reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "collision") { collisionType = reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "w") { width = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "h") { height = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "mass") { mass = float.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "friction") { mass = float.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "restitution") { mass = float.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "name") { spriteName = reader.Value; }

                            if (type == "static") { cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture(spriteURL, spriteName); }
                            if (collisionType == "rectangle")
                                Vertices v = Vertices.CreateRectangle(width,height);
                                objDef od = new objDef();
                                od.v = v;
                                od.mass = mass;
                                od.friction = friction;
                                od.restitution = restitution;
                                spriteVerts.Add(spriteName, od);

                        // If its a frame of the animation
                        if (elementName == "obj")
                            String type = "";
                            String resource = "";
                            int x = 0;
                            int y = 0;
                            float orientation = 0;
                            bool canAttachPortalTo = false;

                            if (reader.HasAttributes)
                                for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++)

                                    // Getting the properties of the object
                                    if (reader.Name == "type") { type = reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "x") { x = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "y") { y = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "orientation") { orientation = float.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "resource") { resource = reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "canAttachPortalTo") { canAttachPortalTo = bool.Parse(reader.Value); }

                            objDef od = spriteVerts[resource];

                            cRigidBodyGameObject obj = new cRigidBodyGameObject(od.mass,od.v);
                            if (type == "static") { obj.RigidBody.IsStatic = true; }
                            obj.Position = new Vector2(x, y);
                            obj.Orientation = orientation*(float)(Math.PI*2/360);
                            obj.RigidBody.RestitutionCoefficient = od.restitution;
                            obj.RigidBody.FrictionCoefficient = od.friction;
                            obj.RigidBody.RotationalDragCoefficient = 10;
                            obj.RigidBody.LinearDragCoefficient = .00001f;
                            obj.CanAttachPortalTo = canAttachPortalTo;


                        // If its a frame of the animation
                        if (elementName == "trigger")
                            String type = "";
                            int x = 0;
                            int y = 0;
                            int w = 0;
                            int h = 0;
                            String nextLevel = "";
                            String audio = "";

                            if (reader.HasAttributes)
                                for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++)

                                    // Getting the properties of the object
                                    if (reader.Name == "type") { type = reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "x") { x = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "y") { y = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "w") { w = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "h") { h = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "audio") { audio = reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "nextLevel") { nextLevel = reader.Value; }

                            if (type == "player_spawn")
                                cPlayer.Instance.spawnIn(new Vector2(x,y));

                            if (type == "flame")
                                cFlameEffect fe = new cFlameEffect(Portal2D.GD, Portal2D.CM, w, h);
                                fe.Position = new Vector2(x, y);

                            if (type == "exit")
                                cExit e = new cExit(nextLevel,audio);
                                e.Position = new Vector2(x,y);


                        // If its a frame of the animation
                        if (elementName == "light")
                            String type = "";
                            String resource = "";
                            String lightMap = "";
                            int x = 0;
                            int y = 0;

                            if (reader.HasAttributes)
                                for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++)

                                    // Getting the properties of the object
                                    if (reader.Name == "type") { type = reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "resource") { resource = reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "lightMap") { lightMap = reader.Value; }
                                    if (reader.Name == "x") { x = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }
                                    if (reader.Name == "y") { y = Int32.Parse(reader.Value); }

                            if (type == "point")
                                cLight l = new cLight();
                                l.AffectedByGravity = false;
                                l.Position = new Vector2(x, y);

            catch (XmlException e)
                Console.WriteLine("error occured: " + e.Message);

            _levelFastestTime = this.getLevelFastestTime(_currentLevelName);
Пример #7
 public void setLightMap(string map)
     _lightMap = new cSprite(map);
Пример #8
 public void setStaticSprite(String name)
     _sprite = new cSprite(name);
Пример #9
 public void setAnimatedSprite(String name)
     _sprite = new cAnimatedSprite(name);
Пример #10
 public void setLightMap(string map)
     _lightMap = new cSprite(map);
Пример #11
 public cSprite clone()
     cSprite s = new cSprite(_texName);
     s.HorizontalFlip = HorizontalFlip;
     s.Orientation = Orientation;
     s.Position = Position;
     s.Visible = Visible;
     return s;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Load graphics 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gd">the graphics device</param>
        private void LoadGraphicsContent()
            GraphicsDevice gd = _graphics.GraphicsDevice;

            Color c = new Color(17, 194, 253);

            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/PortalLogoHiRes", "portal_logo");
            _tPortalLogo = new cSprite("portal_logo");

            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/textnewgame", "new_game");
            _tNewGame = new cMenuButton("new_game");
            _tNewGame.Position = new Vector2(800 / 5 - 73, 600 / 2+39);

            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/textcontinue", "continue");
            _tContinue = new cMenuButton("continue");
            _tContinue.Position = new Vector2(800 / 5 - 73, 600 / 2 + 59);

            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/textquickgame", "quick_game");
            _tQuickGame = new cMenuButton("quick_game");
            _tQuickGame.Position = new Vector2(800 / 5 - 73, 600 / 2 + 79);

            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/textoptions", "options");
            _tOptions = new cMenuButton("options");
            _tOptions.Position = new Vector2(800 / 5 - 73, 600 / 2 + 99);

            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/textquit", "quit");
            _tQuit = new cMenuButton("quit");
            _tQuit.Position = new Vector2(800 / 5 - 73, 600 / 2 + 119);

            cSpriteManager.Instance.addTexture("Resources/Menu/half-life2_pointer", "mouse_pointer");
            _tMousePointer = new cSprite("mouse_pointer");