Пример #1
 public void Initialize(string addres, string pass)
     _client = new Pop3MimeClient("pop.gmail.com", 995, true, addres, pass);
     _client.Trace += new TraceHandler(client_Trace);
     _client.Warning += new WarningHandler(client_Warning);
     _client.ReadTimeout = 60000; //give pop server 60 seconds to answer
Пример #2
      static void Main(string[] args) 
      // TODO: Remove the comment signs from the next line, if you want to create some sample emails.
//      SendTestmail();
      //If you get a run time error her: SmtpFailedRecipientException, 'Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for',
      //then you need to change the settings of the local IIS/SMTP server.

      Console.WriteLine("POP3 MIME Client Demo");

      XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("Log4net.config"));
      Pop3MimeClient DemoClient = new Pop3MimeClient("pop.gmail.com", 995, true, "*****@*****.**", "elvis3012");
      //DemoClient.Trace += new TraceHandler(Console.WriteLine);
      DemoClient.Trace += new TraceHandler((s) => log.Debug(s));
      DemoClient.Warning += new WarningHandler((s, z) => log.Warn(s + " " + z));
      DemoClient.ReadTimeout = 60000; //give pop server 60 seconds to answer

      int numberOfMailsInMailbox, mailboxSize;
      DemoClient.GetMailboxStats(out numberOfMailsInMailbox, out mailboxSize);

      //get at most the xx first emails
      RxMailMessage mm;
      int downloadNumberOfEmails;
      int maxDownloadEmails = 99;
      if (numberOfMailsInMailbox<maxDownloadEmails) 
        downloadNumberOfEmails = numberOfMailsInMailbox;
        downloadNumberOfEmails = maxDownloadEmails;
      for (int i = 1;i <= downloadNumberOfEmails;i++) 
        DemoClient.GetEmail(i, out mm);
        if (mm==null) 
          Console.WriteLine("Email " + i.ToString() + " cannot be displayed.");

      //close connection

      Console.WriteLine("======== Press Enter to end program");
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a MIME entity
        /// A MIME entity consists of header and body.
        /// Separator lines in the body might mark children MIME entities
        /// </summary>
        private MimeEntityReturnCode ProcessMimeEntity(RxMailMessage message, string parentBoundaryStart)
            bool   hasParentBoundary = parentBoundaryStart.Length > 0;
            string parentBoundaryEnd = parentBoundaryStart + "--";
            MimeEntityReturnCode boundaryMimeReturnCode;

            //some format fields are inherited from parent, only the default for
            //ContentType needs to be set here, otherwise the boundary parameter would be
            //inherited too !
            message.SetContentTypeFields("text/plain; charset=us-ascii");

            //get header
            string completeHeaderField = null; //consists of one start line and possibly several continuation lines
            string response;

            // read header lines until empty line is found (end of header)
            while (true)
                if (!readMultiLine(out response))
                    //POP3 server has not send any more lines
                    callGetEmailWarning("incomplete MIME entity header received");
                    //empty this message
                    while (readMultiLine(out response))
                    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); //didn't have a sample email to test this

                if (response.Length < 1)
                    //empty line found => end of header
                    if (completeHeaderField != null)
                        ProcessHeaderField(message, completeHeaderField);
                        //there was only an empty header.

                //check if there is a parent boundary in the header (wrong format!)
                if (hasParentBoundary && parentBoundaryFound(response, parentBoundaryStart, parentBoundaryEnd, out boundaryMimeReturnCode))
                    callGetEmailWarning("MIME entity header  prematurely ended by parent boundary");
                    //empty this message
                    while (readMultiLine(out response))
                    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); //didn't have a sample email to test this
                //read header field
                //one header field can extend over one start line and multiple continuation lines
                //a continuation line starts with at least 1 blank (' ') or tab
                if (response[0] == ' ' || response[0] == '\t')
                    //continuation line found.
                    if (completeHeaderField == null)
                        callGetEmailWarning("Email header starts with continuation line");
                        //empty this message
                        while (readMultiLine(out response))
                        System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); //didn't have a sample email to test this
                        // append space, if needed, and continuation line
                        if (completeHeaderField[completeHeaderField.Length - 1] != ' ')
                            //previous line did not end with a whitespace
                            //need to replace CRLF with a ' '
                            completeHeaderField += ' ' + response.TrimStart(WhiteSpaceChars);
                            //previous line did end with a whitespace
                            completeHeaderField += response.TrimStart(WhiteSpaceChars);
                    //a new header field line found
                    if (completeHeaderField == null)
                        //very first field, just copy it and then check for continuation lines
                        completeHeaderField = response;
                        //new header line found
                        ProcessHeaderField(message, completeHeaderField);

                        //save the beginning of the next line
                        completeHeaderField = response;
            }//end while read header lines

            //process body

            MimeEntitySB.Length = 0; //empty StringBuilder. For speed reasons, reuse StringBuilder defined as member of class
            string BoundaryDelimiterLineStart = null;
            bool   isBoundaryDefined          = false;

            if (message.ContentType.Boundary != null)
                isBoundaryDefined          = true;
                BoundaryDelimiterLineStart = "--" + message.ContentType.Boundary;
            //prepare return code for the case there is no boundary in the body
            boundaryMimeReturnCode = MimeEntityReturnCode.bodyComplete;

            //read body lines
            while (readMultiLine(out response))
                //check if there is a boundary line from this entity itself in the body
                if (isBoundaryDefined && response.TrimEnd() == BoundaryDelimiterLineStart)
                    //boundary line found.
                    //stop the processing here and start a delimited body processing
                    return(ProcessDelimitedBody(message, BoundaryDelimiterLineStart, parentBoundaryStart, parentBoundaryEnd));

                //check if there is a parent boundary in the body
                if (hasParentBoundary &&
                    parentBoundaryFound(response, parentBoundaryStart, parentBoundaryEnd, out boundaryMimeReturnCode))
                    //a parent boundary is found. Decode the content of the body received so far, then end this MIME entity
                    //note that boundaryMimeReturnCode is set here, but used in the return statement

                //process next line
                MimeEntitySB.Append(response + CRLF);

            //a complete MIME body read
            //convert received US ASCII characters to .NET string (Unicode)
            string TransferEncodedMessage = MimeEntitySB.ToString();
            bool   isAttachmentSaved      = false;

            switch (message.ContentTransferEncoding)
            case TransferEncoding.SevenBit:
                //nothing to do
                if (message.MediaMainType == "message" && message.MediaSubType == "rfc822")
                    System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                    using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(TransferEncodedMessage)))
                        Pop3MimeClient pop3Embedded = new Pop3MimeClient(mem);
                        pop3Embedded.ProcessEmbedded(ref message);
                    saveMessageBody(message, TransferEncodedMessage);

            case TransferEncoding.Base64:
                //convert base 64 -> byte[]
                byte[] bodyBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(TransferEncodedMessage);
                message.ContentStream = new MemoryStream(bodyBytes, false);

                if (message.MediaMainType == "text")
                    //convert byte[] -> string
                    message.Body = DecodeByteArryToString(bodyBytes, message.BodyEncoding);
                else if (message.MediaMainType == "image" || message.MediaMainType == "application")
                    isAttachmentSaved = true;

            case TransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable:
                saveMessageBody(message, QuotedPrintable.Decode(TransferEncodedMessage));

                saveMessageBody(message, TransferEncodedMessage);
                //no need to raise a warning here, the warning was done when analising the header

            if (message.ContentDisposition != null && message.ContentDisposition.DispositionType.ToLowerInvariant() == "attachment" && !isAttachmentSaved)
                isAttachmentSaved = true;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a MIME entity
        /// A MIME entity consists of header and body.
        /// Separator lines in the body might mark children MIME entities
        /// </summary>
        private MimeEntityReturnCode ProcessMimeEntity(RxMailMessage message, string parentBoundaryStart)
            bool hasParentBoundary = parentBoundaryStart.Length>0;
              string parentBoundaryEnd = parentBoundaryStart + "--";
              MimeEntityReturnCode boundaryMimeReturnCode;

              //some format fields are inherited from parent, only the default for
              //ContentType needs to be set here, otherwise the boundary parameter would be
              //inherited too !
              message.SetContentTypeFields("text/plain; charset=us-ascii");

              //get header
              string completeHeaderField = null;     //consists of one start line and possibly several continuation lines
              string response;

              // read header lines until empty line is found (end of header)
              while (true) {
            if (!readMultiLine(out response)) {
              //POP3 server has not send any more lines
              callGetEmailWarning("incomplete MIME entity header received");
              //empty this message
              while (readMultiLine(out response)) { }
              System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); //didn't have a sample email to test this
              return MimeEntityReturnCode.problem;

            if (response.Length<1) {
              //empty line found => end of header
              if (completeHeaderField!=null) {
            ProcessHeaderField(message, completeHeaderField);
            //there was only an empty header.

            //check if there is a parent boundary in the header (wrong format!)
            if (hasParentBoundary && parentBoundaryFound(response, parentBoundaryStart, parentBoundaryEnd, out boundaryMimeReturnCode)){
              callGetEmailWarning("MIME entity header  prematurely ended by parent boundary");
              //empty this message
              while (readMultiLine(out response)) { }
              System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); //didn't have a sample email to test this
              return boundaryMimeReturnCode;
            //read header field
            //one header field can extend over one start line and multiple continuation lines
            //a continuation line starts with at least 1 blank (' ') or tab
            if (response[0]==' ' || response[0]=='\t') {
              //continuation line found.
              if (completeHeaderField==null){
            callGetEmailWarning("Email header starts with continuation line");
            //empty this message
            while (readMultiLine(out response)) { }
            System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); //didn't have a sample email to test this
            return MimeEntityReturnCode.problem;
              }else {
            // append space, if needed, and continuation line
            if (completeHeaderField[completeHeaderField.Length-1]!=' ') {
              //previous line did not end with a whitespace
              //need to replace CRLF with a ' '
              completeHeaderField += ' ' + response.TrimStart(WhiteSpaceChars);
            } else {
              //previous line did end with a whitespace
              completeHeaderField += response.TrimStart(WhiteSpaceChars);

            } else {
              //a new header field line found
              if (completeHeaderField==null) {
            //very first field, just copy it and then check for continuation lines
            completeHeaderField = response;
              } else {
            //new header line found
            ProcessHeaderField(message, completeHeaderField);

            //save the beginning of the next line
            completeHeaderField = response;
              }//end while read header lines

              //process body

              MimeEntitySB.Length=0;  //empty StringBuilder. For speed reasons, reuse StringBuilder defined as member of class
              string BoundaryDelimiterLineStart = null;
              bool isBoundaryDefined = false;
              if (message.ContentType.Boundary!=null) {
            isBoundaryDefined = true;
            BoundaryDelimiterLineStart = "--" + message.ContentType.Boundary;
              //prepare return code for the case there is no boundary in the body
              boundaryMimeReturnCode = MimeEntityReturnCode.bodyComplete;

              //read body lines
              while (readMultiLine(out response)) {
            //check if there is a boundary line from this entity itself in the body
            if (isBoundaryDefined && response.TrimEnd()==BoundaryDelimiterLineStart) {
              //boundary line found.
              //stop the processing here and start a delimited body processing
              return ProcessDelimitedBody(message, BoundaryDelimiterLineStart, parentBoundaryStart, parentBoundaryEnd);

            //check if there is a parent boundary in the body
            if (hasParentBoundary &&
              parentBoundaryFound(response, parentBoundaryStart, parentBoundaryEnd, out boundaryMimeReturnCode)) {
              //a parent boundary is found. Decode the content of the body received so far, then end this MIME entity
              //note that boundaryMimeReturnCode is set here, but used in the return statement

            //process next line
            MimeEntitySB.Append(response + CRLF);

              //a complete MIME body read
              //convert received US ASCII characters to .NET string (Unicode)
              string TransferEncodedMessage = MimeEntitySB.ToString();
              bool isAttachmentSaved = false;
              switch (message.ContentTransferEncoding) {
              case TransferEncoding.SevenBit:
            //nothing to do
            if ( message.MediaMainType == "message" && message.MediaSubType == "rfc822" )
            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
            using ( MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(TransferEncodedMessage)) )
                Pop3MimeClient pop3Embedded = new Pop3MimeClient(mem);
                pop3Embedded.ProcessEmbedded(ref message);
            saveMessageBody(message, TransferEncodedMessage);

              case TransferEncoding.Base64:
            //convert base 64 -> byte[]
            byte[] bodyBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(TransferEncodedMessage);
            message.ContentStream = new MemoryStream(bodyBytes, false);

            if (message.MediaMainType=="text") {
              //convert byte[] -> string
              message.Body = DecodeByteArryToString(bodyBytes, message.BodyEncoding);

            } else if (message.MediaMainType=="image" || message.MediaMainType=="application") {
              isAttachmentSaved = true;

              case TransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable:
            saveMessageBody(message, QuotedPrintable.Decode(TransferEncodedMessage));

            saveMessageBody(message, TransferEncodedMessage);
            //no need to raise a warning here, the warning was done when analising the header

              if (message.ContentDisposition!=null && message.ContentDisposition.DispositionType.ToLowerInvariant()=="attachment" && !isAttachmentSaved) {
            isAttachmentSaved = true;
              return boundaryMimeReturnCode;