public void AddBall(LevelData.BallData data) { string name = data.Type.ToString(); GameObject o = Instantiate((GameObject)Resources.Load(name)) as GameObject; o.transform.SetParent(m_CustomBallRoot.transform); o.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; o.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(data.Position.x, -2.3f, data.Position.z); Texture2D tex = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/Images/EditorTextures/" + name + ".png"); TouchObject to = new TouchObject() { transform = o.transform, id = data.ID, rect = data.pRect, texture = tex, type = data.Type }; m_Balls.Add( , to); }
void Awake() { if (!EditorApplication.currentScene.Contains("PoolGame")) { return; } GetLevelDataIndex(); m_CustomBallRoot = GameObject.Find("8Ball/OtherObjects").transform; Transform trans = GameObject.Find("WhiteBall").transform; Texture2D tex = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>("Assets/Images/EditorTextures/CUEBALL.png"); m_PocketTexture = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>("Assets/Images/EditorTextures/Pocket.png"); m_CueBall = new TouchObject() { transform = trans, texture = tex, id = 0, type = BallType.WHITE }; HideStandardBalls(); string ss = "Table/Colliders/pocket_"; m_Pockets[0] = new Pocket(m_LeftTop, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "TopLeft"), PocketIndexes.TopLeft); m_Pockets[1] = new Pocket(m_Top, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "TopCenter"), PocketIndexes.TopCenter); m_Pockets[2] = new Pocket(m_RightTop, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "TopRight"), PocketIndexes.TopRight); m_Pockets[3] = new Pocket(m_LeftBottom, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "BottomLeft"), PocketIndexes.BottomLeft); m_Pockets[4] = new Pocket(m_Bottom, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "BottomCenter"), PocketIndexes.BottomCenter); m_Pockets[5] = new Pocket(m_RightBottom, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "BottomRight"), PocketIndexes.BottomRight); GameObject o1 = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <WhiteBall>().gameObject; Constraint c = o1.GetComponent <Constraint>(); m_R = o1.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().radius *o1.transform.lossyScale.x; TableMin = new Vector2(c.min.x + m_R, c.min.z + m_R); TableMax = new Vector2(c.max.x - m_R, c.max.z - m_R); XSize = TableMax.x - TableMin.x; YSize = TableMax.y - TableMin.y; m_Aspect = YSize / XSize; m_GridSize = c.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().radius *c.transform.localScale.x - ConstantData.BallRadiusAdjustment; AreaWidth = 953;//constant value AreaHeight = AreaWidth * m_Aspect; m_xRadio = AreaWidth / XSize; m_yRadio = AreaHeight / YSize; m_GridSize = m_GridSize * AreaWidth / XSize; m_BackgroundRect.width = AreaWidth + 2 * m_GridSize; m_BackgroundRect.height = AreaHeight + 2 * m_GridSize; //m_BackImage = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/Images/Table/bian.png"); SyncData(); GetBallObjectsRect(); }
public void AddBall(LevelData.BallData data) { string name = data.Type.ToString(); GameObject o = Instantiate((GameObject)Resources.Load(name)) as GameObject; o.transform.SetParent(m_CustomBallRoot.transform); o.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; o.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(data.Position.x, -2.3f, data.Position.z); Texture2D tex = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>("Assets/Images/EditorTextures/" + name + ".png"); TouchObject to = new TouchObject() { transform = o.transform, id = data.ID, rect = data.pRect, texture = tex, type = data.Type }; m_Balls.Add(, to); }
public void AddBall(object t) { BallType type = (BallType)t; string name = type.ToString(); GameObject o = Instantiate((GameObject)Resources.Load(name)) as GameObject; o.transform.SetParent(m_CustomBallRoot.transform); o.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; //o.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-7.6f, -2.3f, 0); Texture2D tex = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/Images/EditorTextures/" + name + ".png"); Rect rect = new Rect(backgroundHitPoint.x, backgroundHitPoint.y, m_GridSize * 2, m_GridSize * 2); TouchObject to = new TouchObject() { transform = o.transform, id = o.GetInstanceID(), texture = tex, type = type, rect = rect}; m_Balls.Add(, to); //GetBallObjectsRect(); }
public void AddBall(object t) { BallType type = (BallType)t; string name = type.ToString(); GameObject o = Instantiate((GameObject)Resources.Load(name)) as GameObject; o.transform.SetParent(m_CustomBallRoot.transform); o.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; //o.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-7.6f, -2.3f, 0); Texture2D tex = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>("Assets/Images/EditorTextures/" + name + ".png"); Rect rect = new Rect(backgroundHitPoint.x, backgroundHitPoint.y, m_GridSize * 2, m_GridSize * 2); TouchObject to = new TouchObject() { transform = o.transform, id = o.GetInstanceID(), texture = tex, type = type, rect = rect }; m_Balls.Add(, to); //GetBallObjectsRect(); }
void Awake() { if (!EditorApplication.currentScene.Contains("PoolGame")) return; GetLevelDataIndex(); m_CustomBallRoot = GameObject.Find("8Ball/OtherObjects").transform; Transform trans = GameObject.Find("WhiteBall").transform; Texture2D tex = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/Images/EditorTextures/CUEBALL.png"); m_PocketTexture = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/Images/EditorTextures/Pocket.png"); m_CueBall = new TouchObject() { transform = trans, texture = tex, id = 0, type = BallType.WHITE }; HideStandardBalls(); string ss = "Table/Colliders/pocket_"; m_Pockets[0] = new Pocket(m_LeftTop, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "TopLeft"), PocketIndexes.TopLeft); m_Pockets[1] = new Pocket(m_Top, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "TopCenter"), PocketIndexes.TopCenter); m_Pockets[2] = new Pocket(m_RightTop, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "TopRight"), PocketIndexes.TopRight); m_Pockets[3] = new Pocket(m_LeftBottom, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "BottomLeft"), PocketIndexes.BottomLeft); m_Pockets[4] = new Pocket(m_Bottom, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "BottomCenter"), PocketIndexes.BottomCenter); m_Pockets[5] = new Pocket(m_RightBottom, m_PocketTexture, GameObject.Find(ss + "BottomRight"), PocketIndexes.BottomRight); GameObject o1 = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<WhiteBall>().gameObject; Constraint c = o1.GetComponent<Constraint>(); m_R = o1.GetComponent<SphereCollider>().radius * o1.transform.lossyScale.x; TableMin = new Vector2(c.min.x + m_R, c.min.z + m_R); TableMax = new Vector2(c.max.x - m_R, c.max.z - m_R); XSize = TableMax.x - TableMin.x; YSize = TableMax.y - TableMin.y; m_Aspect = YSize / XSize; m_GridSize = c.GetComponent<SphereCollider>().radius * c.transform.localScale.x - ConstantData.BallRadiusAdjustment; AreaWidth = 953;//constant value AreaHeight = AreaWidth * m_Aspect; m_xRadio = AreaWidth / XSize; m_yRadio = AreaHeight / YSize; m_GridSize = m_GridSize * AreaWidth / XSize; m_BackgroundRect.width = AreaWidth + 2 * m_GridSize; m_BackgroundRect.height = AreaHeight + 2 * m_GridSize; //m_BackImage = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/Images/Table/bian.png"); SyncData(); GetBallObjectsRect(); }