Пример #1
        private static Vec2 drawItem(RenderingContext rc, AlertDrawStyle drawStyle, int x, int y, Vec2 vPadding, string text,
                                     int fontSize)
            // collapse padding when there's a frame
            vPadding.X -= drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            vPadding.Y -= drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            // item will appear to have equal size

            Vec2 textPos   = new Vec2(x - vPadding.X, y + vPadding.Y);
            Vec2 vTextSize = rc.AddTextWithHeight(textPos, text, drawStyle.color, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Right);

            int iconSize = drawStyle.IconIndex >= 0 ? vTextSize.Y : 0;

            int fullHeight = vTextSize.Y + 2 * vPadding.Y + 2 * drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            int fullWidth  = vTextSize.X + 2 * vPadding.X + iconSize + 2 * drawStyle.FrameWidth;

            rc.AddBox(new Rect(x - fullWidth, y, fullWidth, fullHeight), Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 0));

            if (iconSize > 0)
                const float iconsInSprite = 4;

                Rect   iconPos = new Rect(textPos.X - iconSize - vTextSize.X, textPos.Y, iconSize, iconSize);
                RectUV uv      = new RectUV(drawStyle.IconIndex / iconsInSprite, 0, (drawStyle.IconIndex + 1) / iconsInSprite, 1);
                rc.AddSprite("item_icons.png", iconPos, uv);
            if (drawStyle.FrameWidth > 0)
                Rect frame = new Rect(x - fullWidth, y, fullWidth, fullHeight);
                rc.AddFrame(frame, drawStyle.color, drawStyle.FrameWidth);
            return(new Vec2(fullWidth, fullHeight));
Пример #2
 protected override void OnEntityAdded(EntityWrapper entity)
     if (Settings.Enable && entity != null && !GameController.Area.CurrentArea.IsTown &&
         !currentAlerts.ContainsKey(entity) && entity.HasComponent <WorldItem>())
         IEntity item = entity.GetComponent <WorldItem>().ItemEntity;
         if (Settings.Alternative && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.FilePath))
             var result = visitor.Visit(item);
             if (result != null)
                 AlertDrawStyle drawStyle = result;
                 PrepareForDrawingAndPlaySound(entity, drawStyle);
             ItemUsefulProperties props = initItem(item);
             if (props == null)
             if (props.ShouldAlert(currencyNames, Settings))
                 AlertDrawStyle drawStyle = props.GetDrawStyle();
                 PrepareForDrawingAndPlaySound(entity, drawStyle);
             Settings.Alternative.Value = false;
Пример #3
        protected override void OnEntityAdded(EntityWrapper entity)
            if (!Settings.Enable || currentAlerts.ContainsKey(entity))
            if (entity.HasComponent <WorldItem>())
                IEntity item = entity.GetComponent <WorldItem>().ItemEntity;
                ItemUsefulProperties props = EvaluateItem(item);

                if (props.IsWorthAlertingPlayer(currencyNames, Settings))
                    AlertDrawStyle drawStyle = props.GetDrawStyle();
                    currentAlerts.Add(entity, drawStyle);
                    CurrentIcons[entity] = new MapIcon(entity, new HudTexture("minimap_default_icon.png", drawStyle.Color),
                                                       () => Settings.ShowItemOnMap, 8);

                    if (Settings.PlaySound && !playedSoundsCache.Contains(entity.LongId))
Пример #4
        public void EntityAdded(EntityWrapper entity)
            if (!Settings.Enabled || currentAlerts.ContainsKey(entity))
            if (!entity.HasComponent <WorldItem>())

            EntityWrapper        item  = new EntityWrapper(model, entity.GetComponent <WorldItem>().ItemEntity);
            ItemUsefulProperties props = EvaluateItem(item);

            if (!props.IsWorthAlertingPlayer(Settings, currencyNames))

            AlertDrawStyle drawStyle = props.GetDrawStyle();

            currentAlerts.Add(entity, drawStyle);
            drawStyle.IconForMap = new MapIcon(entity, new HudTexture("minimap_default_icon.png", drawStyle.color), 8)
                Type = MapIcon.IconType.Item

            if (Settings.PlaySound && drawStyle.soundToPlay != null && !playedSoundsCache.Contains(entity.LongId))
Пример #5
        public override void Render(RenderingContext rc)
            if (!Settings.GetBool("ItemAlert") || !Settings.GetBool("ItemAlert.ShowText"))
            Rect clientRect     = this.poe.Internal.game.IngameState.IngameUi.Minimap.SmallMinimap.GetClientRect();
            Vec2 rightTopAnchor = new Vec2(clientRect.X + clientRect.W, clientRect.Y + clientRect.H + 5);

            int y        = rightTopAnchor.Y;
            int fontSize = Settings.GetInt("ItemAlert.ShowText.FontSize");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ExileBot.Entity, AlertDrawStyle> kv in this.currentAlerts)
                if (!kv.Key.IsValid)

                string text = GetItemName(kv);
                if (null == text)

                AlertDrawStyle drawStyle   = kv.Value;
                int            frameWidth  = drawStyle.FrameWidth;
                Vec2           vPadding    = new Vec2(frameWidth + 5, frameWidth);
                int            frameMargin = frameWidth + 2;

                Vec2 textPos = new Vec2(rightTopAnchor.X - vPadding.X, y + vPadding.Y);

                var  vTextFrame = rc.AddTextWithHeight(textPos, text, drawStyle.color, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Right);
                int  iconSize   = vTextFrame.Y;
                bool hasIcon    = drawStyle.IconIndex >= 0;

                int maxHeight = vTextFrame.Y + 2 * vPadding.Y + frameMargin;
                int maxWidth  = vTextFrame.X + 2 * vPadding.X + (hasIcon ? iconSize : 0);
                rc.AddBox(new Rect(rightTopAnchor.X - maxWidth, y, maxWidth, maxHeight), Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 0));

                if (hasIcon)
                    const float iconsInSprite = 4;

                    Rect   iconPos = new Rect(textPos.X - iconSize - vTextFrame.X, textPos.Y, iconSize, iconSize);
                    RectUV uv      = new RectUV(drawStyle.IconIndex / iconsInSprite, 0, (drawStyle.IconIndex + 1) / iconsInSprite, 1);
                    rc.AddSprite("item_icons.png", iconPos, uv);
                if (frameWidth > 0)
                    Rect frame = new Rect(rightTopAnchor.X - vTextFrame.X - 2 * vPadding.X, y, vTextFrame.X + 2 * vPadding.X, vTextFrame.Y + 2 * vPadding.Y);
                    rc.AddFrame(frame, kv.Value.color, frameWidth);
                y += vTextFrame.Y + 2 * vPadding.Y + frameMargin;
Пример #6
        private void PrepareForDrawingAndPlaySound(EntityWrapper entity, AlertDrawStyle drawStyle)
            currentAlerts.Add(entity, drawStyle);
            CurrentIcons[entity] = new MapIcon(entity, new HudTexture("currency.png", drawStyle.TextColor), () => Settings.ShowItemOnMap, Settings.LootIcon);

            if (Settings.PlaySound && !playedSoundsCache.Contains(entity.LongId))
Пример #7
        private void DoAlert(ExileBot.Entity entity, ItemUsefulProperties ip)
            AlertDrawStyle drawStyle = ip.GetDrawStyle();

            this.currentAlerts.Add(entity, drawStyle);
            this.overlay.MinimapRenderer.AddIcon(new ItemMinimapIcon(entity, "minimap_default_icon.png", drawStyle.color, 8));
            if (Settings.GetBool("ItemAlert.PlaySound") && !this.playedSoundsCache.Contains(entity.LongId))
Пример #8
        private static Vec2 drawItem(RenderingContext rc, AlertDrawStyle drawStyle, Vec2 delta, int x, int y, Vec2 vPadding, string text,
                                     int fontSize)
            // collapse padding when there's a frame
            vPadding.X -= drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            vPadding.Y -= drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            // item will appear to have equal size

            double phi;
            var    distance = delta.GetPolarCoordinates(out phi);

            //text = text + " @ " + (int)distance + " : " + (int)(phi / Math.PI * 180)  + " : " + xSprite;

            int  compassOffset = fontSize + 8;
            Vec2 textPos       = new Vec2(x - vPadding.X - compassOffset, y + vPadding.Y);
            Vec2 vTextSize     = rc.AddTextWithHeight(textPos, text, drawStyle.color, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Right);

            int iconSize = drawStyle.IconIndex >= 0 ? vTextSize.Y : 0;

            int fullHeight = vTextSize.Y + 2 * vPadding.Y + 2 * drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            int fullWidth  = vTextSize.X + 2 * vPadding.X + iconSize + 2 * drawStyle.FrameWidth + compassOffset;

            rc.AddBox(new Rect(x - fullWidth, y, fullWidth - compassOffset, fullHeight), Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 0));

            var rectUV = GetDirectionsUv(phi, distance);

            rc.AddSprite("directions.png", new Rect(x - vPadding.X - compassOffset + 6, y + vPadding.Y, vTextSize.Y, vTextSize.Y), rectUV);

            if (iconSize > 0)
                const float iconsInSprite = 6;

                Rect   iconPos = new Rect(textPos.X - iconSize - vTextSize.X, textPos.Y, iconSize, iconSize);
                RectUV uv      = new RectUV(drawStyle.IconIndex / iconsInSprite, 0, (drawStyle.IconIndex + 1) / iconsInSprite, 1);
                rc.AddSprite("item_icons.png", iconPos, uv);
            if (drawStyle.FrameWidth > 0)
                Rect frame = new Rect(x - fullWidth, y, fullWidth - compassOffset, fullHeight);
                rc.AddFrame(frame, drawStyle.color, drawStyle.FrameWidth);
            return(new Vec2(fullWidth, fullHeight));
Пример #9
        private Vector2 DrawItem(AlertDrawStyle drawStyle, Vector2 delta, Vector2 position, Vector2 padding, string text)
            padding.X -= drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            padding.Y -= drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            double  phi;
            double  distance      = delta.GetPolarCoordinates(out phi);
            float   compassOffset = Settings.TextSize + 8;
            Vector2 textPos       = position.Translate(-padding.X - compassOffset, padding.Y);
            Size2   textSize      = Graphics.DrawText(text, Settings.TextSize, textPos, drawStyle.AlertColor, FontDrawFlags.Right);

            if (textSize == new Size2()) // Access Violation
                return(new Vector2());

            int iconSize = drawStyle.IconIndex >= 0 ? textSize.Height : 0;

            float fullHeight = textSize.Height + 2 * padding.Y + 2 * drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            float fullWidth  = textSize.Width + 2 * padding.X + iconSize + 2 * drawStyle.FrameWidth + compassOffset;
            var   boxRect    = new RectangleF(position.X - fullWidth, position.Y, fullWidth - compassOffset, fullHeight);

            Graphics.DrawBox(boxRect, new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, 180));

            RectangleF rectUV     = GetDirectionsUV(phi, distance);
            var        rectangleF = new RectangleF(position.X - padding.X - compassOffset + 6, position.Y + padding.Y,
                                                   textSize.Height, textSize.Height);

            Graphics.DrawImage("directions.png", rectangleF, rectUV);

            if (iconSize > 0)
                const float ICONS_IN_SPRITE = 4;
                var         iconPos         = new RectangleF(textPos.X - iconSize - textSize.Width, textPos.Y, iconSize, iconSize);
                float       iconX           = drawStyle.IconIndex / ICONS_IN_SPRITE;
                var         uv = new RectangleF(iconX, 0, (drawStyle.IconIndex + 1) / ICONS_IN_SPRITE - iconX, 1);
                Graphics.DrawImage("item_icons.png", iconPos, uv);
            if (drawStyle.FrameWidth > 0)
                Graphics.DrawFrame(boxRect, drawStyle.FrameWidth, drawStyle.AlertColor);
            return(new Vector2(fullWidth, fullHeight));
Пример #10
        protected override void OnEntityAdded(EntityWrapper entity)
            if (Settings.Enable && entity != null && !GameController.Area.CurrentArea.IsTown && !currentAlerts.ContainsKey(entity) && entity.HasComponent <WorldItem>())
                IEntity item = entity.GetComponent <WorldItem>().ItemEntity;
                ItemUsefulProperties props = initItem(item);

                if (props.ShouldAlert(currencyNames, Settings))
                    AlertDrawStyle drawStyle = props.GetDrawStyle();
                    currentAlerts.TryAdd(entity, drawStyle);
                    CurrentIcons[entity] = new MapIcon(entity, new HudTexture("minimap_default_icon.png", drawStyle.AlertColor), () => Settings.ShowItemOnMap, 8);

                    if (Settings.PlaySound && !playedSoundsCache.Contains(entity.LongId))
Пример #11
        public override void Render()
            if (!holdKey && WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = true;
                Settings.Enable.Value = !Settings.Enable.Value;
            else if (holdKey && !WinApi.IsKeyDown(Keys.F10))
                holdKey = false;
            if (!Settings.Enable)

            if (Settings.Enable)
                var pos = GameController.Player.GetComponent <Positioned>();

                var       playerPos     = pos.GridPos;
                var       position      = StartDrawPointFunc();
                const int BOTTOM_MARGIN = 2;
                var       shouldUpdate  = false;

                var validAlerts = currentAlerts.ToList().Where(
                    x => x.Key != null && x.Key.Address != 0 && x.Key.IsValid);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <EntityWrapper, AlertDrawStyle> kv in validAlerts)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kv.Value.Text))

                    LabelOnGround entityLabel;
                    if (!currentLabels.TryGetValue(kv.Key.Address, out entityLabel))
                        shouldUpdate = true;
                        if (Settings.BorderSettings.Enable)

                        if (Settings.ShowText)
                            if (entityLabel.CanPickUp || entityLabel.MaxTimeForPickUp.TotalSeconds == 0)
                                position = DrawText(playerPos, position, BOTTOM_MARGIN, kv, kv.Value.Text);
                            else if (!Settings.HideOthers)
                                // get current values
                                Color TextColor       = kv.Value.TextColor;
                                Color BorderColor     = kv.Value.BorderColor;
                                Color BackgroundColor = kv.Value.BackgroundColor;

                                if (Settings.DimOtherByPercentToggle)
                                    // edit values to new ones
                                    double ReduceByPercent = (double)Settings.DimOtherByPercent / 100;

                                    TextColor       = ReduceNumbers(TextColor, ReduceByPercent);
                                    BorderColor     = ReduceNumbers(BorderColor, ReduceByPercent);
                                    BackgroundColor = ReduceNumbers(BackgroundColor, ReduceByPercent);

                                    // backgrounds with low alpha start to look a little strange when dark so im adding an alpha threshold
                                    if (BackgroundColor.A < 210)
                                        BackgroundColor.A = 210;

                                // Complete new KeyValuePair with new stuff
                                AlertDrawStyle ModifiedDrawStyle = new AlertDrawStyle(kv.Value.Text, TextColor, kv.Value.BorderWidth, BorderColor, BackgroundColor, kv.Value.IconIndex);
                                KeyValuePair <EntityWrapper, AlertDrawStyle> NewKV = new KeyValuePair <EntityWrapper, AlertDrawStyle>(kv.Key, ModifiedDrawStyle);

                                position = DrawText(playerPos, position, BOTTOM_MARGIN, NewKV, kv.Value.Text);
                Size = new Size2F(0, position.Y); //bug absent width

                if (shouldUpdate)
                    currentLabels = GameController.Game.IngameState.IngameUi.ItemsOnGroundLabels
                                    .GroupBy(y => y.ItemOnGround.Address).ToDictionary(y => y.Key, y => y.First());
Пример #12
        private static Vec2 drawItem(RenderingContext rc, AlertDrawStyle drawStyle, Vec2 delta, int x, int y, Vec2 vPadding, string text,
			int fontSize)
            // collapse padding when there's a frame
            vPadding.X -= drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            vPadding.Y -= drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            // item will appear to have equal size

            double phi;
            var distance = delta.GetPolarCoordinates(out phi);

            //text = text + " @ " + (int)distance + " : " + (int)(phi / Math.PI * 180)  + " : " + xSprite;

            int compassOffset = fontSize + 8;
            Vec2 textPos = new Vec2(x - vPadding.X - compassOffset, y + vPadding.Y);
            Vec2 vTextSize = rc.AddTextWithHeight(textPos, text, drawStyle.color, fontSize, DrawTextFormat.Right);

            int iconSize =  drawStyle.IconIndex >= 0 ? vTextSize.Y : 0;

            int fullHeight = vTextSize.Y + 2 * vPadding.Y + 2 * drawStyle.FrameWidth;
            int fullWidth = vTextSize.X + 2 * vPadding.X + iconSize + 2 * drawStyle.FrameWidth + compassOffset;
            rc.AddBox(new Rect(x - fullWidth, y, fullWidth - compassOffset, fullHeight), Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 0));

            var rectUV = GetDirectionsUv(phi, distance);
            rc.AddSprite("directions.png", new Rect(x - vPadding.X - compassOffset + 6, y + vPadding.Y, vTextSize.Y, vTextSize.Y), rectUV);

            if (iconSize > 0)
                const float iconsInSprite = 6;

                Rect iconPos = new Rect(textPos.X - iconSize - vTextSize.X, textPos.Y, iconSize, iconSize);
                RectUV uv = new RectUV(drawStyle.IconIndex/iconsInSprite, 0, (drawStyle.IconIndex + 1)/iconsInSprite, 1);
                rc.AddSprite("item_icons.png", iconPos, uv);
            if (drawStyle.FrameWidth > 0)
                Rect frame = new Rect(x - fullWidth, y, fullWidth - compassOffset , fullHeight);
                rc.AddFrame(frame, drawStyle.color, drawStyle.FrameWidth);
            return new Vec2(fullWidth, fullHeight);