public static DialogResult ShowInfo(string msg, string caption) { PluginDebug.AddInfo("Show info", 6, caption, msg); return(MessageBox.Show(msg, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)); }
private static void AddPluginToOverview(string sPluginName, TabControl tcPlugins) { if (tcPlugins == null) { tcPlugins = AddPluginTabContainer(); } TabPage tpOverview = null; ListView lv = null; string sTabName = c_tabRookiestyle + "_PluginOverview"; string sListViewName = c_tabRookiestyle + "_PluginOverviewListView"; if (tcPlugins.TabPages.ContainsKey(sTabName)) { tpOverview = tcPlugins.TabPages[sTabName]; lv = (ListView)tpOverview.Controls.Find(sListViewName, true)[0]; PluginDebug.AddInfo("Found " + sTabName, 0, "Listview: " + (lv == null ? "null" : lv.Items.Count.ToString() + " /" + lv.Name.ToString())); } else { tpOverview = new TabPage("Overview"); tpOverview.CreateControl(); tpOverview.Name = sTabName; UserControl uc = new UserControl(); uc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; uc.Padding = new Padding(15, 10, 15, 10); tpOverview.Controls.Add(uc); lv = new ListView(); lv.Name = sListViewName; lv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; lv.View = View.Details; lv.Columns.Add("Plugin"); lv.Columns.Add("Version"); lv.CheckBoxes = true; tpOverview.Layout += TpOverview_Layout; Label lInfo = new Label(); lInfo.Text = "Use the checkbox to activate/deactivate debug mode"; lInfo.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; uc.Controls.Add(lv); uc.Controls.Add(lInfo); } lv.ItemCheck += Lv_ItemCheck; lv.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending; lv.FullRowSelect = true; ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.Name = sPluginName; lvi.Checked = PluginDebug.DebugMode; lvi.Text = DefaultCaption; Version v = new Version(0, 0); GetLoadedPluginsName().TryGetValue(sPluginName.Replace("Ext", string.Empty) + "." + sPluginName, out v); if (v == null) { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not get loaded plugins' data", 0); } string ver = (v == null) ? "???" : v.ToString(); if (ver.EndsWith(".0")) { ver = ver.Substring(0, ver.Length - 2); } else { ver += " (Dev)"; } lvi.SubItems.Add(ver); lv.Items.Add(lvi); tcPlugins.TabPages.Remove(tpOverview); tcPlugins.TabPages.Add(tpOverview); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Added " + sTabName, 0, "Listview: " + (lv == null ? "null" : lv.Items.Count.ToString() + " /" + lv.Name.ToString())); }
public static DialogResult ShowError(string msg, string caption) { PluginDebug.AddError("Show error", 6, caption, msg); return(MessageBox.Show(msg, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)); }