static void Main(string[] args) { Building EliotTowers = new Building("420 Avenue") { Width = 60, Depth = 90, Stories = 3 }; EliotTowers.Construct(); EliotTowers.Purchase("Shelly"); Console.WriteLine(EliotTowers.Address); Console.WriteLine("-----------"); Console.WriteLine($"Designed by {EliotTowers.Designer}"); Console.WriteLine($"Constructed on {EliotTowers.DateConstructed}"); Console.WriteLine($"Owned by {EliotTowers.Owner}"); Console.WriteLine($"{EliotTowers.Volume} cubic meters of space"); City NextCity = new City("") { }; NextCity.ConstructEst(); Console.WriteLine($"Name of city is {NextCity.nameCity}"); // City Mayor = new City("") // { }; Console.WriteLine($"Name of the mayor is {NextCity.Mayor}"); // City DateEstablished = new City(""); Console.WriteLine($"Constructed on {NextCity.dateEstablished}"); }