private async void CommandCreateAction()
            HasActiveTask = true;

            var segment = _entity.Content.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContentSegmentType.Text);

            if (segment != null)
                segment.Text = segment.Text?.Trim();

                if (_entity.ID == null)
                    _entity = await _client.CreatePostAsync(_userID, _entity, CancellationToken.None);
                    _entity = await _client.UpdatePostAsync(_userID, _entity.ID, _entity, CancellationToken.None);

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                var template = new DialogTemplate
                    Title = "Something went wrong",
                    Content = $"There is a problem sending your status. Inquiring minds may find this information helpful: {ex.Message}",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "Close"

                await _dialogService.ShowAsync(template);

            HasActiveTask = false;
        private async void CommandRemoveAction()
            var template = new DialogTemplate
                Title = "Remove comment?",
                Content = "Comment will be removed permanently",
                PrimaryButtonText = "Remove",
                SecondaryButtonText = "Cancel"

            var result = await _dialogService.ShowAsync(template);

            if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary)
                await RemoveCommentAsync();
        private async Task RemovePostAsync()
            HasActiveTask = true;

                await _client.RemovePostAsync(_userID, _entity.ID, CancellationToken.None);

                var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    { NavigationParameters.UserID, _userID }

                NavigationService.Navigate(NavigationRegistry.HomePage, parameters);
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                var template = new DialogTemplate
                    Title = "Something went wrong",
                    Content = $"There is a problem removing your status. Inquiring minds may find this information helpful: {ex.Message}",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "Close"

                await _dialogService.ShowAsync(template);

            HasActiveTask = false;
        private async Task PopulateDataAsync()
                HasActiveTask = true;

                _entity = await _client.FetchPostAsync(_userID, _entity.ID, CancellationToken.None);

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                var template = new DialogTemplate
                    Title = "Something went wrong",
                    Content = $"There is a problem fetching your status. Inquiring minds may find this information helpful: {ex.Message}",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "Close"

                await _dialogService.ShowAsync(template);
                HasActiveTask = false;
        private async Task RemovePostAsync()
            HasActiveTask = true;

                var index = EntriesJournal.IndexOf(_selectedEntryJournal);

                await _client.RemovePostAsync(_userID, _selectedEntryJournal.ID, CancellationToken.None);


                if (EntriesJournal.Count == 0)
                    SelectedEntryJournal = null;
                else if (index < EntriesJournal.Count)
                    SelectedEntryJournal = EntriesJournal.ElementAt(index);
                else if (index == EntriesJournal.Count)
                    SelectedEntryJournal = EntriesJournal.ElementAt(index - 1);
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                var template = new DialogTemplate
                    Title = "Something went wrong",
                    Content = $"There is a problem removing your status. Inquiring minds may find this information helpful: {ex.Message}",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "Close"

                await _dialogService.ShowAsync(template);

            HasActiveTask = false;
        private async Task RemoveEntryCommentAsync(CommentEntryViewModel entry)
            var template = new DialogTemplate
                Title = "Remove comment?",
                Content = "Comment will be removed permanently",
                PrimaryButtonText = "Remove",
                SecondaryButtonText = "Cancel"

            var result = await _dialogService.ShowAsync(template);

            if (result != ContentDialogResult.Primary)

            HasActiveTask = true;

                await _client.RemovePostCommentAsync(_userID, entry.PostID, entry.ID, CancellationToken.None);

                var entryPost = default(PostEntryViewModel);

                if (_selectedMenuIndex == 0)
                    entryPost = EntriesPublic.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == entry.PostID);
                else if (_selectedMenuIndex == 1)
                    entryPost = EntriesJournal.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == entry.PostID);

            catch (OperationCanceledException)

            HasActiveTask = false;
        private async Task SignUpAsync()
            HasActiveTask = true;

                _terminator = new CancellationTokenSource();

                var token = new SignUpToken { ID = _tuple.ID, Key = _tuple.Key, Name = _name };
                var user = await _client.SignUpAsync(_tuple.Server, token, _terminator.Token);

                await _storage.StoreDataAsync("signin", new[] { _tuple });

                var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    { NavigationParameters.UserID, user.ID }

                NavigationService.Navigate(NavigationRegistry.HomePage, parameters);
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                var template = new DialogTemplate
                    Title = "Something went wrong",
                    Content = $"There is a problem signing you up. Inquiring minds may find this information helpful: {ex.Message}",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "Close"

                await _dialogService.ShowAsync(template);
                _terminator = null;

            HasActiveTask = false;
        private async Task RemoveCommentAsync()
            HasActiveTask = true;

                await _client.RemovePostCommentAsync(_userID, _postID, _entity.ID, CancellationToken.None);

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                var template = new DialogTemplate
                    Title = "Something went wrong",
                    Content = $"There is a problem removing your comment. Inquiring minds may find this information helpful: {ex.Message}",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "Close"

                await _dialogService.ShowAsync(template);

            HasActiveTask = false;