private void AddMachine(string host) { if (host != "" && TestMachine(host) && PingItems.Where(p => p.Host == host).Count() == 0) { var pi = new PingItem(); pi.Host = host; DNSEntry(pi); PingItems.Add(pi); machineToolStripMenuItem.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; RefreshTree(); machineToolStripMenuItem.Text = ""; } else { machineToolStripMenuItem.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon; if (host != "" && PingItems.Where(p => p.Host == host).Count() == 0 && MessageBox.Show(host + " does not respond,\ndo you want to add it anyways?", "eew...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { var pi = new PingItem(); pi.Host = host; DNSEntry(pi); PingItems.Add(pi); machineToolStripMenuItem.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; RefreshTree(); machineToolStripMenuItem.Text = ""; } } }
private void scanPorts(string host, int[] sel = null, int from = 88, int to = 80) { var dt = new DataTable(); var h = new PingItem(); h.Host = host; PingHost(h); bool ok = !h.Failing; if (!ok) { if (MessageBox.Show("Host does not respond to ping!\nDo you want to continue?", "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { ok = true; } } if (ok) { PortItems.Clear(); if (sel == null) { for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { PortItems.Add((new PortItem { port = i, host = host })); } } else { foreach (var i in sel) { PortItems.Add((new PortItem { port = i, host = host })); } } dt.Columns.Add("Port"); dt.Columns.Add("Open"); foreach (var p in PortItems) { var r = dt.Rows.Add(); if (InfoItems.Where(t => t.Port == p.port.ToString()).Count() > 0) { r["Port"] = string.Format("{0} ({1})", p.port.ToString(), InfoItems.Where(t => t.Port == p.port.ToString()).First().Name); } else { r["Port"] = p.port.ToString(); } r["Open"] = "Testing..."; } foreach (var p in PortItems) { Task.Run(() => CheckPort(p)); } } dgPorts.DataSource = dt; }
private void PingHost(PingItem pi) { using (Ping pinger = new Ping()) { string data = ""; while (data.Length < numPacket.Value) { data += "a"; } byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data); int timeout = (int)numTicker.Value - 500; PingLogItem pii = new PingLogItem(); pi.pingMemory = (int)numPingMem.Value; pi.TotalAttemps += 1; pii.PacketSize = buffer.Length; pii.TimeOut = timeout; try { PingReply reply = ConvertAndPingHost(pi.Host, pinger, timeout, buffer); pii.Message = reply == null ? "N/A" : reply.Status.ToString(); if (reply != null) { if (reply.Address != null) { pii.ReplyAddress = reply.Address.ToString(); } if (reply.Status != IPStatus.Success) { pi.TotalFails += 1; pii.Failed = true; pii.RoundTrip = -1; } else { pii.RoundTrip = reply.RoundtripTime; } } else { pi.TotalFails += 1; pii.Failed = true; pii.RoundTrip = -1; } } catch (PingException pex) { pii.Message = pex.Message; pi.TotalFails += 1; pii.Failed = true; pii.RoundTrip = -1; } pi.AddLogItem(pii); LogOutput(pi); } }
public void RefreshData(PingItem pi) { this.pi = pi; chkHost.Checked = !pi.Paused; chkRoute.Checked = !pi.PauseTrace; pg.Pings = new List <int>(); foreach (PingLogItem pl in pi.PingLog) { pg.Pings.Add((int)pl.RoundTrip); } this.Refresh(); }
private int DrawPingDetails(PaintEventArgs e, int y, int x, PingItem pi, int fontSize, Brush b) { int pgy1 = y; e.Graphics.DrawString(pi.Host, new Font("Arial", fontSize, FontStyle.Bold), b, new Point(x, y)); y += fontSize + 4; string t = string.Format("LastRT: {0}", pi.LastRoundTrip); e.Graphics.DrawString(t, new Font("Arial", fontSize), b, new Point(x, y)); y += fontSize + 4; t = string.Format("AvgRT: {0}", pi.AvgRoundTrip); e.Graphics.DrawString(t, new Font("Arial", fontSize), b, new Point(x, y)); y += fontSize + 4; t = string.Format("CurrentLoss: {0}%", pi.CurrentLoss); e.Graphics.DrawString(t, new Font("Arial", fontSize), b, new Point(x, y)); y += fontSize + 4; t = string.Format("Attempts: {0}", pi.TotalAttemps); e.Graphics.DrawString(t, new Font("Arial", fontSize), b, new Point(x, y)); y += fontSize + 4; t = string.Format("Fails: {0}", pi.TotalFails); e.Graphics.DrawString(t, new Font("Arial", fontSize), b, new Point(x, y)); y += fontSize + 4; t = string.Format("TotalLoss: {0}%", pi.TotalLoss); e.Graphics.DrawString(t, new Font("Arial", fontSize), b, new Point(x, y)); y += fontSize + 4; t = string.Format("PingIP: {0}", pi.LastPingIP); e.Graphics.DrawString(t, new Font("Arial", fontSize), b, new Point(x, y)); y += fontSize + 4; string ip = ""; foreach (var i in pi.DNSAddess) { ip = ip == "" ? i : ";" + i; } t = string.Format("DNSIP: {0}", ip); e.Graphics.DrawString(t, new Font("Arial", fontSize), b, new Point(x, y)); y += fontSize + 4; t = string.Format("DNSHost: {0}", pi.DNSHostName); e.Graphics.DrawString(t, new Font("Arial", fontSize), b, new Point(x, y)); int pgy2 = y + fontSize; pg.Location = new Point(200, pgy1); pg.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, pgy2 - pgy1); y += fontSize + 40; return(y); }
private void DNSEntry(PingItem pi) { try { var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(pi.Host); pi.DNSAddess = new List <string>(); foreach (var a in host.AddressList) { pi.DNSAddess.Add(a.MapToIPv4().ToString()); } pi.DNSHostName = host.HostName; } catch { pi.DNSAddess.Add(""); pi.DNSHostName = ""; } }
private void TraceRoute(PingItem pi) { var tr = new TraceRoute((int)numTicker.Value - 500).GetTraceRoute(pi.Host); int i = 0; Ping pinger = new Ping(); foreach (var t in tr) { TraceItem ti = new TraceItem(); ti.Index = i += 1; ti.Address = t; if (!t.Contains('*')) { try { var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(ti.Address); foreach (var a in host.AddressList) { ti.DNSAddess.Add(a.MapToIPv4().ToString()); } ti.DNSHost = host.HostName; } catch { } try { for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { ti.TotalAttemps += 1; PingReply p = pinger.Send(t); int rt = -1; if (p.Status == IPStatus.Success) { rt = (int)p.RoundtripTime; } ti.AddLogItem(rt); ti.TotalFails += rt == -1 ? 1 : 0; } } catch { } } pi.TraceRoute.Add(ti); } }
private void LogOutput(PingItem pi) { LogBuffer lb = new LogBuffer(); // This failed if the input was null (Thomas) PingLogItem pii = pi.PingLog.Where(i => null != i).OrderByDescending(i => i.ID).First(); if (pii.Failed) { string ip = ""; foreach (var i in pi.DNSAddess) { ip = ip == "" ? i : ";" + i; } = string.Format("\n{0} - {1} - {2} | Count: {3} | Fails: {4} | LastRT: {5} | AvgRT: {6} | PingIP: {7} | DnsIP: {8} | DNSHost: {9}", pii.TimeStamp, pi.Host, pii.Message, pi.TotalAttemps, pi.TotalFails, pii.RoundTrip, pi.AvgRoundTrip, pi.LastPingIP, ip, pi.DNSHostName); = pi.Host; Log.Add(lb); } }
public StatusPanel(PingItem pi) { this.pi = pi; this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.Paint += StatusPanel_Paint; chkHost.Location = new Point(10000, 10000); chkRoute.Location = new Point(10000, 10000); pg.Location = new Point(10000, 10000); btnReTrace.Location = new Point(10000, 10000); btnReTrace.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(70, 21); chkHost.CheckedChanged += chkHost_CheckedChanged; chkRoute.CheckedChanged += chkRoute_CheckedChanged; btnReTrace.Click += btnReTrace_Click; chkHost.Text = "Ping Host"; chkRoute.Text = "Ping Trace"; btnReTrace.Text = "Re-Trace"; this.Controls.Add(chkHost); this.Controls.Add(chkRoute); this.Controls.Add(pg); this.Controls.Add(btnReTrace); }