private void LoadAllActiveAccounts()
     DailyEntries.AllActiveAccounts = DBClass.Reader("Select * from Accounts where IsClosed=0 and OpeningDate<@OpeningDate and AccountID not in(Select DailyTransactions.AccountID from DailyTransactions where DailyTransactions.TransactionDate=@TransactionDate)",
                                                     System.Data.CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@TransactionDate", BasePage.GetSystemDate),
                                                     new SqlParameter("@OpeningDate", GetSystemDate));
        protected void frmDisplayPersonalDetails_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int AccountID;

            if (grdAccounts.SelectedDataKey != null)
                int.TryParse(grdAccounts.SelectedDataKey.Value.ToString(), out AccountID);
                string txt = ((Label)frmDisplayPersonalDetails.FindControl("txtTotalAmountCollected")).Text;

                txt = txt + String.Format("{0:#.##}", DBClass.Scalar("Select sum(Amount) from DailyTransactions where AccountID=@AccountID", System.Data.CommandType.Text,
                                                                     new SqlParameter("@AccountID", AccountID)));

                ((Label)frmDisplayPersonalDetails.FindControl("txtTotalAmountCollected")).Text = txt;

                txt = ((Label)frmDisplayPersonalDetails.FindControl("txtLastTransactionDate")).Text;

                SqlDataReader dr = DBClass.Reader("Select TransactionDate from DailyTransactions where AccountID=@AccountID order by TransactionDate DESC", System.Data.CommandType.Text,
                                                  new SqlParameter("@AccountID", AccountID));

                if (dr.Read())
                    txt = txt + String.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy}", dr[0]);
                ((Label)frmDisplayPersonalDetails.FindControl("txtLastTransactionDate")).Text = txt;
        private void GetVisibilityStatus()
            SqlDataReader dr    = DBClass.Reader("SELECT Name, NoOfAccountsLinked, Address, PhoneNo, MobileNo, Age, DOB, CustomerUID, CustomerPanID, CustomerElectionID, Gender, CreatedOn, ModifiedOn, IsDiscontinued, DiscontinuedOn FROM CustomerConfigurations");
            int           index = 0;

            if (dr != null)
                if (dr.Read())
                    foreach (DataControlField c in grdCustomers.Columns)
                        if (c.HeaderText == "Name" || c.HeaderText == "No. of <br/>Accounts Linked" || c.HeaderText == "Address" || c.HeaderText == "Phone No" || c.HeaderText == "Mobile No" || c.HeaderText == "Age" || c.HeaderText == "Date of Birth" || c.HeaderText == "Aadhar-card No" || c.HeaderText == "Pan-card No" || c.HeaderText == "Election-card No" || c.HeaderText == "Gender" || c.HeaderText == "Created On" || c.HeaderText == "Modified On" || c.HeaderText == "Discontinue" || c.HeaderText == "Discontinued On")
                            string value = dr[index++].ToString();
                            if (value == "False")
                                c.Visible = false;
                                c.Visible = true;