public void dump_descriptor(PhotoshopTypeLibrary.IActionDescriptor desc1, int indent)
            string indent_text = "  ";
            int    num_items;

            desc1.GetCount(out num_items);

            log.WriteLine("Descriptor ({0} items)", num_items);
            for (int i = 0; i < num_items; i++)
                int child_key;
                int child_type;

                desc1.GetKey(i, out child_key);
                desc1.GetType(child_key, out child_type);

                string indent_str = " ";///commoncs.libstring.Multiply(indent_text, indent + 1);

                log.Write("[{0}] ", i.ToString());
                log.WriteLine(" ( {0} ) ", IDToStr(child_type));

                log.Write(indent_str + "-");

                if (child_type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeObject)
                    PhotoshopTypeLibrary.IActionDescriptor child_desc;
                    int child_class_id;

                    desc1.GetObject(child_key, out child_class_id, out child_desc);

                    string sss = string.Format(" ( {0} ) ( {1} ) ", IDToStr(child_key), IDToStr(child_class_id));

                    dump_descriptor(child_desc, indent + 1);
                else if (child_type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeObjectReference)
                    log.WriteLine("<handled type>");
                else if (child_type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeText)
                    log.WriteLine("<handled type>");
                else if (child_type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeBoolean)
                    log.WriteLine("<handled type>");
                else if (child_type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeEnumerated)
                    log.WriteLine("<handled type>");
                else if (child_type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeType)
                    log.WriteLine("<handled type>");
                else if (child_type == (int)PSConstants.phTypePath)
                    log.WriteLine("<handled type>");
                    log.WriteLine("<unhandled type>");
        public Object get_value_from_descriptor(PhotoshopTypeLibrary.IActionDescriptor desc, int prop_id)
            /// Given a descriptor and a propid, will return an Object containing
            /// the value
            /// If there is no prop_id, then returns null
            /// Workitem: this should really return an exception if the property doesn't
            /// exist or it should return an additional error code.

            if (!desc_has_key(desc, prop_id))
                // If the descriptor does not contain the key, return null

            // Stores the object being returned
            Object o = null;

            // Determine the type of the object
            int type = 0;

            type = get_type_from_descriptor(desc, prop_id);

            if (type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeChar)
                string v;
                desc.GetString(prop_id, out v);
                o = (string)v;
            else if (type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeInteger)
                int v;
                desc.GetInteger(prop_id, out v);
                o = v;
            else if (type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeFloat)
                double v;
                desc.GetDouble(prop_id, out v);
                o = v;
            else if (type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeBoolean)
                int v;
                desc.GetBoolean(prop_id, out v);
                o = v;
            else if (type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeUnitFloat)
                // WORKITEM: Return an array instead
                int    unit_id;
                double v;
                desc.GetUnitDouble(prop_id, out unit_id, out v);
                o = v;
            else if (type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeEnumerated)
                // WORKITEM: Return an array instead
                int enum_type;
                int enum_value;
                desc.GetEnumerated(prop_id, out enum_type, out enum_value);
                o = enum_value;
            else if (type == (int)PSConstants.phTypeObject)
                // WORKITEM: Return an array instead
                int class_id;
                PhotoshopTypeLibrary.IActionDescriptor v;
                desc.GetObject(prop_id, out class_id, out v);
                o = v;
            else if (type == (int)PSConstants.phTypePath)
                string v;
                desc.GetPath(prop_id, out v);
                o = v;
                string type_name = GetNameFromTypeID(type);
                string msg       = "Unsupported type " + type_name;
                var    e         = new PhotoshoProxyError(msg);
                throw (e);
