public void Add(DataEntry de) { string key = de.GetKey(); if (!ContainsKey(key)) { Add(key, de); de.NeedToDump = true; de.Id = this.Count; } else { de.Id = ((DataEntry)this[key]).Id; PhotoDataUploader.Log(0, "Found Item"); } }
protected override bool AddOnePhotoOverride(string DateStr, string JustTheName, string Title, string People, string AlbumT, string Place, bool NoShow, bool Favorite, string FlickrId, string FlickrSecret, string FlickrOriginalSecret, string FlickrFarm, string FlickrServer, string Rectangles) { if (FlickrId == "") { return(false); } // Add places to the places table PhotoDataUploader.g_PlaceList.Add(new Place(Place)); // Finally add the photo to the list string qS = @"Insert into Photos (PhotoId, PhotoTitle, FileName, Path, Favorite, DisableIt, AlbumId, PlaceId, Month_, Date_, Year_, People, FlickrId, FlickrSecret, FlickrOSecret, FlickrFarm, FlickrServer, Rects) Values("; g_PhotoCount++; qS += g_PhotoCount + ", "; //string FullFilename = _abmPath + "\\" + Filename; if (Title == "") { Title = AlbumT; } // Add in the title qS += "'" + DataEntry.Escape(Title, '\'') + "', "; // Add in the filename qS += "'" + DataEntry.Escape(JustTheName, '\'') + "', "; // Add in the path of the image file qS += "'" + DataEntry.Escape("Path", '\'') + "', "; // Now the date time string //qS += "'" + /*DateTimeStr*/ "10/10/96" + "', "; //qS += "TO_DATE('10/10/1996', 'MM/DD/YYY'),"; // Favorite? qS += (Favorite ? "true" : "false") + ", "; // DisableIt? qS += (NoShow ? "true" : "false") + ", "; Album a = (Album)(_albumsInFolder[AlbumT]); Place p = (Place)(PhotoDataUploader.g_PlaceList[Place]); p.AddToDataBase(); if (a != null && p != null) { // AlbumId qS += a.Id + ", "; // PlaceId qS += p.Id + ", "; if (a.Photo == "") { a.Photo = JustTheName; } if (a.Photo == JustTheName) { const string photourl = "http://farm{0}{1}/{2}_{3}{4}.{5}"; a.FlickrUrl = string.Format(photourl, FlickrFarm, FlickrServer, FlickrId, FlickrSecret, "_s", "jpg"); } } else { PhotoDataUploader.Log(3, "Not found either the album or the place - data error"); return(false); } { bool foundDate = false; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; // Month, Date, Year if (DateStr != "") { try { dt = DateTime.Parse(DateStr); foundDate = true; } catch { } if (!foundDate) { try { dt = DateTime.ParseExact(DateStr, "yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); foundDate = true; } catch { } } } if (foundDate) { qS += dt.Month + ", " + dt.Day + ", " + dt.Year; } else { qS += a.Month + ", 1, " + a.Year; } } qS += ", '" + DataEntry.Escape(People, '\'') + "'"; qS += ", '" + FlickrId + "'"; qS += ", '" + FlickrSecret + "'"; qS += ", '" + FlickrOriginalSecret + "'"; qS += ", '" + FlickrFarm + "'"; qS += ", '" + FlickrServer + "'"; qS += ", '" + Rectangles + "'"; qS += ")"; _photosInFolder.Add(qS); return(false); }