public PhotoChatForm() { InitializeComponent(); _allJoyn = new AllJoynBus(); _connectForm = new AllJoynConnectForm(_allJoyn, this); _transcriptForm = new SimpleTranscript(); _buffer = new RichTextBuffer(richTextOutput); _chatText = new StringBuilder(DateTime.Now.ToString()); _chatText.AppendLine(); _transcriptText = new StringBuilder("New Session " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); _transcriptText.AppendLine(); // EOL _connected = false; // refresh of the UI and other events related to the UI are managed by this timer // see timedEvent() for details _timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); _timer.Interval = 300; _timer.Start(); _timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timedEvent); _timer.Enabled = true; // large thumbnails imageList1.ImageSize = new Size(64, 64); imageList1.TransparentColor = Color.White; // small thumbnails _largeList = new ImageList(); _largeList.ImageSize = new Size(32, 32); _largeList.TransparentColor = Color.White; lvPic.LargeImageList = _largeList; lvPic.SmallImageList = _largeList; lvPic.View = View.Tile; richTextOutput.AllowDrop = true; richTextOutput.DragEnter += richTextOutput_DragEnter; richTextOutput.DragDrop += richTextOutput_DragDrop; }