Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if dark and light narrow bar widths are in agreement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hist">barcode data</param>
        /// <returns>true if barcode data is valid</returns>
        private static bool ValidBars(HistogramResult hist)
            float fCompNarrowBarWidths = hist.Lightnarrowbarwidth / hist.Darknarrowbarwidth;
            float fCompWiderBarWidths  = hist.Lightwiderbarwidth / hist.Darkwiderbarwidth;

            return((fCompNarrowBarWidths >= 0.5) && (fCompNarrowBarWidths <= 2.0) &&
                   (fCompWiderBarWidths >= 0.5) && (fCompWiderBarWidths <= 2.0) &&
                   (hist.Darkwiderbarwidth / hist.Darknarrowbarwidth >= 1.5) &&
                   (hist.Lightwiderbarwidth / hist.Lightnarrowbarwidth >= 1.5));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the bar width distribution and calculates narrow bar width over the specified
        /// range of the histogramResult. A histogramResult could have multiple ranges, separated
        /// by quiet zones.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hist">histogramResult data</param>
        /// <param name="start">start coordinate to be considered</param>
        /// <param name="end">end coordinate + 1</param>
        private static void GetBarWidthDistribution(HistogramResult hist, int start, int end)
            Dictionary <int, int> lightBars = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> darkBars  = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            bool darkBar  = (hist.Histogram[start] <= hist.Threshold);
            int  barStart = 0;

            for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++)
                bool bDark = (hist.Histogram[i] <= hist.Threshold);
                if (bDark != darkBar)
                    int iBarWidth = i - barStart;
                    if (darkBar)
                        if (!darkBars.ContainsKey(iBarWidth))
                            darkBars.Add(iBarWidth, 1);
                            darkBars[iBarWidth] = (int)darkBars[iBarWidth] + 1;
                        if (!lightBars.ContainsKey(iBarWidth))
                            lightBars.Add(iBarWidth, 1);
                            lightBars[iBarWidth] = (int)lightBars[iBarWidth] + 1;
                    darkBar  = bDark;
                    barStart = i;

            // Now get the most common bar widths
            CalcNarrowBarWidth(lightBars, out hist.Lightnarrowbarwidth, out hist.Lightwiderbarwidth);
            CalcNarrowBarWidth(darkBars, out hist.Darknarrowbarwidth, out hist.Darkwiderbarwidth);
Пример #3
        private void GetBarPatterns(HistogramResult hist)
            // Initialize return data

            if (hist.Zones != null) // if barcode zones were found along the scan line
                for (int iZone = 0; iZone < hist.Zones.Length; iZone++)
                    // Recalculate bar width distribution if more than one zone is present, it could differ per zone
                    if (hist.Zones.Length > 1)
                        GetBarWidthDistribution(hist, hist.Zones[iZone].Start, hist.Zones[iZone].End);

                    // Check the calculated narrow bar widths. If they are very different, the pattern is
                    // unlikely to be a bar code
                    if (ValidBars(hist))
                        // add gap separator to output patterns

                        // Variables needed to check for
                        int  iBarStart = 0;
                        bool bDarkBar  = (hist.Histogram[0] <= hist.Threshold);

                        // Find the narrow and wide bars
                        for (int i = 1; i < hist.Histogram.Length; ++i)
                            bool bDark = (hist.Histogram[i] <= hist.Threshold);
                            if (bDark != bDarkBar)
                                int   iBarWidth       = i - iBarStart;
                                float fNarrowBarWidth = bDarkBar ? hist.Darknarrowbarwidth : hist.Lightnarrowbarwidth;
                                float fWiderBarWidth  = bDarkBar ? hist.Darkwiderbarwidth : hist.Lightwiderbarwidth;
                                if (IsWideBar(iBarWidth, fNarrowBarWidth, fWiderBarWidth))
                                    // The bar was wider than the narrow bar width, it's a wide bar or a gap
                                    if (iBarWidth > GAPFACTOR * fNarrowBarWidth)
                                        AppendEAN(sbEANPattern, iBarWidth, fNarrowBarWidth);
                                    // The bar is a narrow bar
                                    AppendEAN(sbEANPattern, iBarWidth, fNarrowBarWidth);
                                bDarkBar  = bDark;
                                iBarStart = i;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// FindBarcodeZones looks for barcode zones in the current band.
        /// We look for white space that is more than GAPFACTOR * narrowbarwidth
        /// separating two zones. For narrowbarwidth we take the maximum of the
        /// dark and light narrow bar width.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hist">Data for current image band</param>
        private static void FindBarcodeZones(HistogramResult hist)
            if (!ValidBars(hist))
                hist.Zones = null;

            List <BarcodeZone> barcodeZones = new List <BarcodeZone>();
            bool  darkBar        = (hist.Histogram[0] <= hist.Threshold);
            int   barStart       = 0;
            int   zoneStart      = -1;
            int   zoneEnd        = -1;
            float quietZoneWidth = GAPFACTOR * (hist.Darknarrowbarwidth + hist.Lightnarrowbarwidth) / 2;
            float minZoneWidth   = quietZoneWidth;

            for (int i = 1; i < hist.Histogram.Length; i++)
                bool dark = (hist.Histogram[i] <= hist.Threshold);
                if (dark != darkBar)
                    int iBarWidth = i - barStart;
                    if (!darkBar)     // This ends a light area
                        if ((zoneStart == -1) || (iBarWidth > quietZoneWidth))
                            // the light area can be seen as a quiet zone
                            zoneEnd = i - (iBarWidth >> 1);

                            // Check if the active zone is big enough to contain a barcode
                            if ((zoneStart >= 0) && (zoneEnd > zoneStart + minZoneWidth))
                                // record the barcode zone that ended in the detected quiet zone ...
                                BarcodeZone bz = new BarcodeZone {
                                    Start = zoneStart, End = zoneEnd

                                // .. and start a new barcode zone
                                zoneStart = zoneEnd;
                            if (zoneStart == -1)
                                zoneStart = zoneEnd;     // first zone starts here
                    darkBar  = dark;
                    barStart = i;
            if (zoneStart >= 0)
                BarcodeZone bz = new BarcodeZone {
                    Start = zoneStart, End = hist.Histogram.Length
            if (barcodeZones.Count > 0)
                hist.Zones = barcodeZones.ToArray();
                hist.Zones = null;
Пример #5
        public string ReadBarcodes(WriteableBitmap bmp, int start, int end, ScanDirection direction, BarcodeType types)
            string barCodes = "|"; // will hold return values

            // To find a horizontal barcode, find the vertical histogram to find individual barcodes,
            // then get the vertical histogram to decode each
            HistogramResult vertHist = VerticalHistogram(bmp, start, end, direction);

            // Get the light/dark bar patterns.
            // GetBarPatterns returns the bar pattern in 2 formats:
            //   sbCode39Pattern: for Code39 (only distinguishes narrow bars "n" and wide bars "w")
            //   sbEANPattern: for EAN (distinguishes bar widths 1, 2, 3, 4 and L/G-code)


            // We now have a barcode in terms of narrow & wide bars... Parse it!
            if ((sbCode39Pattern.Length > 0) || (sbEANPattern.Length > 0))
                for (int iPass = 0; iPass < 2; iPass++)
                    if ((types & BarcodeType.Code39) != BarcodeType.None) // if caller wanted Code39
                        string sCode39 = Code39Parser.ParseCode(sbCode39Pattern);
                        if (sCode39.Length > 0)
                            barCodes += sCode39 + "|";
                    if ((types & BarcodeType.EAN) != BarcodeType.None) // if caller wanted EAN
                        string sEAN = EANParser.ParseCode(sbEANPattern);
                        if (sEAN.Length > 0)
                            barCodes += sEAN + "|";
                    if ((types & BarcodeType.Code128) != BarcodeType.None) // if caller wanted Code128
                        // Note: Code128 uses same bar width measurement data as EAN
                        string sCode128 = Code128Parser.ParseCode(sbEANPattern);
                        if (sCode128.Length > 0)
                            barCodes += sCode128 + "|";

                    // Reverse the bar pattern arrays to read again in the mirror direction
                    if (iPass == 0)
                        sbCode39Pattern = Helper.Reverse(sbCode39Pattern);
                        sbEANPattern    = Helper.Reverse(sbEANPattern);

            // Return pipe-separated list of found barcodes, if any
            if (barCodes.Length > 2)
                return(barCodes.Substring(1, barCodes.Length - 2));
Пример #6
        private HistogramResult VerticalHistogram(WriteableBitmap bmp, int start, int end, ScanDirection direction)
            int xMax;
            int yMax;

            if (direction == ScanDirection.Horizontal)
                xMax = bmp.PixelHeight;
                yMax = end - start;
                xMax = bmp.PixelWidth;
                yMax = end - start;

            // Create the return value
            byte[] histResult = new byte[xMax + 2]; // add 2 to simulate light-colored background pixels at sart and end of scanline
            int[]  vertSum    = new int[xMax];

            if (direction == ScanDirection.Horizontal)
                int xEnd = (end - start) + scanX;

                for (; scanX < xEnd; scanX++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < bmp.PixelHeight; y++)
                        var pixel = bmp.GetPixel(scanX, y);
                        vertSum[y] += (pixel.R + pixel.B + pixel.G);
                int yEnd = (end - start) + scanY;
                for (; scanY < yEnd; scanY++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < bmp.PixelWidth; x++)
                        var pixel = bmp.GetPixel(x, scanY);
                        vertSum[x] += (pixel.R + pixel.B + pixel.G);

            // Now get the average of the row by dividing the pixel by num pixels
            int iDivider = end - start;

            // if (pf != PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed)
            iDivider *= 3;

            byte maxValue = byte.MinValue;  // Start the max value at zero
            byte minValue = byte.MaxValue;  // Start the min value at the absolute maximum

            for (int i = 1; i <= xMax; i++) // note: intentionally skips first pixel in histResult
                histResult[i] = (byte)(vertSum[i - 1] / iDivider);
                //Save the max value for later
                if (histResult[i] > maxValue)
                    maxValue = histResult[i];
                // Save the min value for later
                if (histResult[i] < minValue)
                    minValue = histResult[i];

            // Set first and last pixel to "white", i.e., maximum intensity
            histResult[0]        = maxValue;
            histResult[xMax + 1] = maxValue;

            HistogramResult retVal = new HistogramResult
                Histogram = histResult,
                Max       = maxValue,
                Min       = minValue,
                Threshold = (byte)(minValue + ((maxValue - minValue) >> 1))

            // Now we have the brightness distribution along the scan band, try to find the distribution of bar widths.

            GetBarWidthDistribution(retVal, 0, retVal.Histogram.Length);

            // Now that we know the narrow bar width, lets look for barcode zones.
            // The image could have more than one barcode in the same band, with
            // different bar widths.