public AccountForm(EmailAccount a) { InitializeComponent(); textBoxUsername.Text = a.Username; textBoxPassword.Text = a.Password; textBoxNickname.Text = a.Nickname; textBoxServer.Text = a.Server; numericUpDownPort.Value = a.Port; checkBoxSsl.Checked = a.EnableSsl; }
public EmailAccount GetAccount() { EmailAccount a = new EmailAccount(); a.Username = textBoxUsername.Text; a.Password = textBoxPassword.Text; a.Nickname = textBoxNickname.Text; a.Server = textBoxServer.Text; a.Port = (int)numericUpDownPort.Value; a.EnableSsl = checkBoxSsl.Checked; return a; }
public void LoadAccounts() { if (File.Exists(m_accountsFile)) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(m_accountsFile); foreach (string line in lines) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { EmailAccount account = new EmailAccount(line.Split(',')); m_accounts.Add(account); } } } }
public WrappedItem(EmailAccount account) { m_account = account; }
public MailJob(EmailAccount account, object[] addresses) { m_account = account; m_addresses = addresses; }
public void Remove(EmailAccount account) { m_accounts.Remove(account); }
public void Add(EmailAccount account) { m_accounts.Add(account); }
private void buttonSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_timer.Enabled)//表示timer正在工作 { m_timer.Stop(); m_timer.Enabled = false; OnDone(); return; } else if (backgroundWorkerMailSender.IsBusy) { backgroundWorkerMailSender.CancelAsync(); OnDone(); return; } if (comboBoxAccounts.Items.Count < 1) { QMessageBox.ShowWarning("account can not be empty!"); return; } else if (comboBoxAccounts.SelectedIndex < 0) { QMessageBox.ShowWarning("you must select an account!"); return; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxSubject.Text)) { QMessageBox.ShowWarning("email subject can not be empty!"); return; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(richTextBoxBody.Text)) { QMessageBox.ShowWarning("email body can not be empty!"); return; } else if (listBoxAddresses.Items.Count <= 0) { QMessageBox.ShowWarning("recipients can not be empty!"); return; } else { if (checkBoxTimedSend.Checked) { if (dateTimePickerTimedSend.Value <= DateTime.Now) { QMessageBox.ShowError("the time is in the past!"); return; } m_timer.Interval = dateTimePickerTimedSend.Value.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds * 1000; } else { m_timer.Interval = 1; } } WrappedItem item = (WrappedItem)comboBoxAccounts.SelectedItem; EmailAccount a = item.Account; a.Init(textBoxSubject.Text, richTextBoxBody.Text); object[] addresses = new object[listBoxAddresses.Items.Count]; listBoxAddresses.Items.CopyTo(addresses, 0); job = new MailJob(a, addresses); m_timer.Start(); buttonSend.Text = "Cancel"; buttonQuit.Enabled = false; this.Text = String.Format("{0} - waiting to send...", m_formText); }
private ListViewItem BuildListViewItem(EmailAccount a) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Tag = a; ShowAccount(item); return item; }