Пример #1
        public static void Load(string directory)
            NoData = new ConfigNPC
                InternalName = "{Unknown NPC}",
                DisplayName  = "{Unknown NPC}",
                IsFemale     = false,
                Enabled      = false,
                HomeSpots    = false,
                BathSpots    = false,
                OtherSpots   = false

            var filepath = Path.Combine(directory, "assets", "npcs.json");

            if (!File.Exists(filepath))
                Modworks.Log.Error($"NPCConfig file not found at {filepath}");
                var fileContents = File.ReadAllText(filepath);
                Data  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, ConfigNPC> >(fileContents);
                Ready = true;
                Modworks.Log.Debug($"Loaded config from {filepath}, data has {Data.Count} NPCs");
            catch (Exception e)
                Modworks.Log.Error("Failed to read config file: " + e.Message);
            //set internal names
            foreach (var(key, configNpc) in Data)
                configNpc.InternalName = key;

                //child safety - if any configured NPCs are children, we'll disable them here
                var n = Game1.getCharacterFromName(configNpc.InternalName);
                if (n == null)
                    continue;            //if we can't read it, we'll let it pass.
                if (IsChild(n))
                    configNpc.Enabled = false;

            foreach (var cnpc in Data.Values)
                if (cnpc.Enabled)
                    Modworks.Log.Trace("Personal Effects enabled for NPC " + cnpc.DisplayName);
Пример #2
        public static void Load(string directory)
            NoData = new ConfigNPC
                InternalName = "{Unknown NPC}",
                DisplayName  = "{Unknown NPC}",
                IsFemale     = false,
                Enabled      = false,
                HomeSpots    = false,
                BathSpots    = false,
                OtherSpots   = false

            string filepath = directory + "config.json";

            if (File.Exists(filepath))
                    string filecontents = File.ReadAllText(filepath);
                    Data  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, ConfigNPC> >(filecontents);
                    ready = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Modworks.Log.Error("Failed to read config file: " + e.Message);
                //set internal names
                foreach (var kvp in Data)
                    kvp.Value.InternalName = kvp.Key;

                    //child safety - if any configured NPCs are children, we'll disable them here
                    var n = StardewValley.Game1.getCharacterFromName(kvp.Value.InternalName);
                    if (n == null)
                        continue;            //if we can't read it, we'll let it pass.
                    if (Modworks.NPCs.IsChild(n))
                        kvp.Value.Enabled = false;

                foreach (ConfigNPC cnpc in Data.Values)
                    if (cnpc.Enabled)
                        Modworks.Log.Trace("Personal Effects enabled for NPC " + cnpc.DisplayName);