Пример #1
 public void SetStart(Vector2F position)
     Start = position;
Пример #2
 public Segment(Segment parent, float length)
     Start  = parent.End;
     Length = length;
Пример #3
 public Segment(float x, float y, float length)
     Start  = new Vector2F(x, y);
     Length = length;
 public float Angle(Vector2F vector1, Vector2F vector2) => (vector1 * vector2) / ((vector1.Length) * (vector2.Length));
 // Сводка:
 //     Returns sin of angles between this vector and another.
 public float Angle(Vector2F vector2) => (this * vector2) / ((this.Length) * (vector2.Length));
        //static void OnMouseScroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //    MouseWheelScrollEventArgs mouseWE = (MouseWheelScrollEventArgs)e;
        //    lineLength += (int)mouseWE.Delta;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            for (int i = 0; i < dotsAmount; i++)
                Random rnd = new Random();
                int    x   = rnd.Next(0, (int)_Width);
                int    y   = rnd.Next(0, (int)_Height);

                dots[i]     = new Vector2F(x, y);
                dotsVels[i] = new Vector2F(0, 0);
                // dotsVels[i] = new Vector2F((float)rnd.Next(-20, 20) / 10, (float)rnd.Next(-20, 20) / 10);

            point = new Vector2F(new Random().Next(0, (int)_Width), new Random().Next(0, (int)_Height));
            FastNoiseLite noise = new FastNoiseLite(1337);

            RenderWindow window = new RenderWindow(new SFML.Window.VideoMode(_SWidth, _SHeight), "Pixels");

            //window.MouseWheelScrolled += new EventHandler<MouseWheelScrollEventArgs>(OnMouseScroll);

            int   amount = 5;                                                         //Amount of paws
            float da     = (float)(Math.PI * 2 / amount);

            InverseKinematicsReacher[] paws = new InverseKinematicsReacher[amount];
            Vector2F[] positions            = new Vector2F[amount];
            int        counter = 0;

            for (float a = 0; a < Math.PI * 2; a += da)
                float x = (float)((Math.Cos(a) * 10));
                float y = (float)((Math.Sin(a) * 10));
                paws[counter]      = new InverseKinematicsReacher(x, y, 20, 4);
                paws[counter].Base = new Vector2F(x, y);
                //paws[counter].segments[0].Length /= 2;
                positions[counter] = new Vector2F(x, y);

            foreach (InverseKinematicsReacher paw in paws)
                paw.Target = dots[new Random().Next(0, dots.Length)];

            Vector2i mousePosition;

            for (int x = 0; x < _Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < _Height; y++)
                    field[x, y] = Color.White;
            while (window.IsOpen)

                //da = (float)(Math.PI * 2 / amount);
                //counter = 0;
                //for (float a = (float)(mouseDir + Math.PI); a < mouseDir + Math.PI * 2; a += da)
                //    float x = (float)((Math.Cos(a) * 10));
                //    float y = (float)((Math.Sin(a) * 10));
                //    //paws[counter].segments[0].Length /= 2;
                //    positions[counter] = new Vector2F(x, y);
                //    counter++;


                Sprite mainviewport = new Sprite(MainViewPort)
                    Scale = new Vector2f(_ResMult, _ResMult)
                mousePosition = Mouse.GetPosition(window);
                int mouseMultInt = Convert.ToInt32(mouseMult);

                //z = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentTick % Convert.ToDouble(_Z));
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.W))
                //    yOffset--;
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.S))
                //    yOffset++;
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.A))
                //    xOffset--;
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.D))
                //    xOffset++;
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Q))
                //    zOffset++;
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.E))
                //    zOffset--;
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.LShift))
                //    fOffset += 0.0001f;
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Space))
                //    fOffset -= 0.0001f;

                if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Escape))
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.F5))

                //    if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Up))
                //        z++;
                //if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Down))
                //    z--;

                for (int y = 0; y < _Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < _Width; x++)
                        field[x, y] = Color.White;
                        //BG[x, y] = Color.White;

                for (int i = 0; i < dots.Length - 1; i++)
                    //dotsVels[i] = (dots[i] - paws[0].segments[paws[0].segments.Length - 1].End).Normalized * 0.5f;
                    //if ((int)(dotsVels[i] + dots[i]).X < _Width - 1)
                    //    if ((int)(dotsVels[i] + dots[i]).Y < _Height - 1)
                    //        if ((int)(dotsVels[i] + dots[i]).X >= 0)
                    //            if ((int)(dotsVels[i] + dots[i]).Y >= 0)
                    //                if (field[(int)(dots[i]+dotsVels[i]).X, (int)(dots[i] + dotsVels[i]).Y] == Color.White)

                    //                            dots[i] += dotsVels[i];

                    Random rnd = new Random();
                    field[(int)dots[i].X, (int)dots[i].Y] = Color.Blue;
                    //foreach (InverseKinematicsReacher paw in paws)
                    //    int rndInt = rnd.Next(0, dots.Length-1);
                    //    if ((paw.segments[paw.segments.Length - 1].End - dots[i]).Length < 1)
                    //    {
                    //        dots[i] = new Vector2F(new Random().Next(0, (int)_Width), new Random().Next(0, (int)_Height));
                    //        paw.Target = dots[rndInt];
                    //    }
                    //    //paw.Target = dots[rndInt];


                if (Mouse.GetPosition().X / mouseMult < window.Size.X & Mouse.GetPosition().Y / mouseMult < window.Size.Y)
                    if (mousePosition.X >= 0 & mousePosition.Y >= 0)
                        field[(int)windowMP.X, (int)windowMP.Y] = Color.Black;
                        windowMP.X = mousePosition.X / mouseMultInt;
                        windowMP.Y = mousePosition.Y / mouseMultInt;
                        mouseDir   = (prevPos - windowMP).Normalized.Heading();
                        if (CurrentTick == PrevTick - 5)
                            prevPos = windowMP;
                        // Vector2F mDir = windowMP - new Vector2F(_Width / 2, _Height / 2);
                        // Console.WriteLine(mDir.Heading());
                        //field[mousePosition.X / mouseMultInt, mousePosition.Y / mouseMultInt] = Color.White;

                if (CurrentTick - PrevTick > 10)
                    if ((point + pointVel).X > _Width - 1)
                        pointVel.X *= -1;
                    if ((point + pointVel).X < 0)
                        pointVel.X *= -1;
                    if ((point + pointVel).Y > _Height - 1)
                        pointVel.Y *= -1;
                    if ((point + pointVel).Y < 0)
                        pointVel.Y *= -1;
                    point += pointVel;

                    PrevTick = CurrentTick;
                //foreach (InverseKinematicsReacher paw in paws)
                //    if ((paw.segments[paw.segments.Length - 1].End - point).Length < 1)
                //        point = new Vector2F(new Random().Next(0, (int)_Width), new Random().Next(0, (int)_Height));
                field[(int)point.X, (int)point.Y] = Color.Red;
                dots[dots.Length - 1]             = point;

                DrawLine((int)paws[0].Base.X, (int)paws[0].Base.Y, (int)paws[paws.Length - 1].Base.X, (int)paws[paws.Length - 1].Base.Y);
                for (int i = 1; i < paws.Length - 1; i++)
                    DrawLine((int)paws[i].Base.X, (int)paws[i].Base.Y, (int)paws[i - 1].Base.X, (int)paws[i - 1].Base.Y);
                    DrawLine((int)paws[i].Base.X, (int)paws[i].Base.Y, (int)paws[i + 1].Base.X, (int)paws[i + 1].Base.Y);

                for (int i = 0; i < paws.Length; i++)
                    //paws[i].Target = null;
                    float minDist    = 1000;
                    float minPosDist = paws[i].MaxLength;
                    foreach (Vector2F dot in dots)
                        if ((paws[i].Base - dot).Length < minDist & (paws[i].Target == null))
                            minDist        = (paws[i].Base - dot).Length;
                            paws[i].Target = dot;
                        else if ((paws[i].Base - paws[i].Target).Length >= minPosDist * 0.8)
                            minDist        = (paws[i].Base - dot).Length;
                            paws[i].Target = dot;
                    paws[i].Base = windowMP + positions[i];

                foreach (InverseKinematicsReacher paw in paws)

                if (window.HasFocus())
                    //Drawing function