Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                  = "Bob";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.ColosusOfRhodes;
            bob.BucketList            = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon |
            // bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            bob.Childred = new List <Person> {
                new Person {
                    Name = "Zoe"
                new Person {
                    Name = "Alfred"
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            var fruitByName = bob.GetFruitByName();

            (string fruitName, int fruitCount) = bob.GetFruit();

                format: "{0} - {1}",
                arg0: fruit.Item1,
                arg1: fruit.Item2
                format: "By name: {0} - {1}",
                arg0: fruitByName.Name,
                arg1: fruitByName.Count
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}. Favorite wonder: {2}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth,
                arg2: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder
                format: "Favorite wonders: {0}",
                arg0: bob.BucketList
                format: "Childrens: {0}",
                arg0: bob.Childred
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            // WriteLine(bob.ToString());
            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeus;
            bob.BucketList            = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.Pyramid
                                        | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeus;
            // bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)5;
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Jeff"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Mary"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was bon on {bob.DateOfBirth:d}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} favorite place is {(int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} bucketlist is {bob.BucketList}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born in {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"{fruitNamed.Name}, {fruitNamed.Number} there are.");

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("jump", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke", active: false));

            int a = 10, b = 20, c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            a = 10; b = 20;
            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, d dose not exist");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out int d);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, d = {d}");

            BankAccount.IntrestRate = 0.012M;
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.IntrestRate);

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavoriteIceCream     = "Chocolate Fudge";
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "red";
            WriteLine($"sam's Favorite icecream is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}");
            WriteLine($"sam's Favorite color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}");
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // bob
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                   = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth            = new DateTime(1970, 11, 30);
            bob.FavouriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            bob.BucketList             = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alf"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth
                format: "{0}'s favourite wonder is {1}, it's integer is {2}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.FavouriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)bob.FavouriteAncientWonder
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is: {bob.BucketList}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children");
            foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
                WriteLine($"child name: {child.Name}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is from {bob.HomePlanet}");

            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"USING TUPLES: {fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");
            var vegetablesNamed = bob.GetVeg();

            WriteLine($"USING named TUPLES: {vegetablesNamed.Name}, {vegetablesNamed.Number} there are.");

            // Deconstructing tuples
            (string name, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed TUPLE: {name}, {fruitNumber}");

            // Inferring tuple names
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Item1} has {thing2.Item2} children-");

            // optional parameters
            WriteLine("Optional Parameters------------------------------");
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump", 2.4));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 2.4, active: false));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(active: false, command: "Fly"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Walk", active: false));

            // alice
            var alice = new Person();

            alice.Name        = "Alice Smith";
            alice.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1968, 10, 22);

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd, MMM yy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth

            // blank Person to use constructor
            var blankPerson = new Person();

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: gunny.Name,
                arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                arg2: gunny.Instantiated

            // bank account class use
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            var smithAccount = new BankAccount();

            smithAccount.AccountName = "Mrs Smith";
            smithAccount.Balance     = 800;

            WriteLine("public STATIC property - shared across all instances of class - bank interest rate demonstrateS ---------------");
                format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest",
                arg0: jonesAccount,
                arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate
                format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest",
                arg0: smithAccount,
                arg1: smithAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            WriteLine("PARAMETERS  - 3 ways: by value, reference or an an out parameter ---------------");
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30; // no point in setting value of c as gets repoaced from within the method

            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"a: {a}, b: {b}, c {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"d: {d}, e: {e}, f doesn't exist yet");
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"d: {d}, e: {e}, f: {f}");

            WriteLine("Partial classes and properties, and indexers ---------------");
            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavouriteIceCream      = "Mint choc chip";
            sam.FavouritePrimaryColour = "Red";

            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s favourite ice cream is {sam.FavouriteIceCream} and fav primary colour is {sam.FavouritePrimaryColour}");
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            // if you had no indexer set up for Children:
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s second- child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");

            // if you have indexer set up for Children - does it really add much value? I think it reduces ease of reading code...
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s second- child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s favorite wonder is {bob.FavoriteAncientWonder}. Its integer is {(int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder}.");

            bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon
                             | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
                WriteLine($"    {child.Name}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is of species {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on planet {bob.HomePlanet}");

            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

            WriteLine($"{alice.Name} was born on {alice.DateOfBirth:dd MMM yy}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine($"{jonesAccount.AccountName} earned {jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine($"{gerrierAccount.AccountName} earned {gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{blankPerson.Name} of {blankPerson.HomePlanet} was created at {blankPerson.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {blankPerson.Instantiated:dddd}");

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine($"{gunny.Name} of {gunny.HomePlanet} was created at {gunny.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {gunny.Instantiated:dddd}");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}!");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolage Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            bob.BuckedList            = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its integer is {2}",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                      arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BuckedList}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"  {bob.Children[child].Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Befire a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            var sam = new Person {
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");

            object[] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Пример #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //var bob =new Person();
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            //dddd means the name of the day of the week
            //d means the ne number of the day of the month
            //MMMM means the name of the month
            //yyyy means the full number of the year
            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}", arg0: bob.Name, arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

            // another way to initialize the object
            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}", arg0: alice.Name, arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            // Use an enum
            // enum internally is stored as int for effiency
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlimpia;
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}", arg0: bob.Name, arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder, arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);
            bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            //bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"    {bob.Children[child].Name}");

            // Bank Account Example
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.", arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName, arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.", arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName, arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            //Using const value
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            // Constructor initialization
            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.", arg0: blankPerson.Name, arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet, arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);
            // Second constructor to initialize values
            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.", arg0: gunny.Name, arg1: gunny.HomePlanet, arg2: gunny.Instantiated);

            // calling methods

            // Get Tuple's fields
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            // Named Tuple
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            // Examples of tuples
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2}");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count}");

            // Deconstructing tuples
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            // Method paramters

            // Optional parameters
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

            // Named paaramters
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            // You can even use named parameters to skip over optional parameters
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            // in - ref - out parameters
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            // More example about out parameters
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet");
            // Simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            // Working with Properties
            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite icecream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "blue";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            // Indexers
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            // Using Indexers
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var edixon = new Person();

            edixon.Name        = "Edixon van Vliet";
            edixon.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1996, 3, 27);

                "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",

            edixon.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;

                "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",

            edixon.BucketList =
                | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;

            WriteLine($"{edixon.Name}'s bucket list is {edixon.BucketList}");

            edixon.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            edixon.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            WriteLine($"{edixon.Name} has {edixon.Children.Count} children:");

            foreach (Person child in edixon.Children)
                WriteLine($"  {child.Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012m;

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400m;

                "{0} earned {1:c} interest.",
                jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98m;

                "{0} earned {1:c} interest.",
                gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            WriteLine($"{edixon.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            WriteLine($"{edixon.Name} was born on {edixon.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",


            (string, int)fruit = edixon.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = edixon.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (edixon.Name, edixon.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = edixon.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");



            WriteLine(edixon.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

            WriteLine(edixon.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            WriteLine(edixon.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            edixon.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);

            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");

            // simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            edixon.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);

            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";

                $"{sam.Name}'s favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}."

            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

                $"{sam.Name}'s favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}."

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Setting and outputting field values

            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            // Storing a value using an enum type

            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;

                      "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                      arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);

            // Storing multiple values using an enum type

            bob.BucketList =
                | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus
                | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;

            // bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            // Storing multiple values using collections

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

                $"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");

            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"  {bob.Children[child].Name}");
            foreach (var chi in bob.Children)

            // Making a field static

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.02M;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.(InterestRate changed)",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.(InterestRate changed)",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // Making a field constant

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            // Making a field read-only

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            // Initializing fields with constructors

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);

            // Returning values from methods


            // Combining multiple returned values using tuples

            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            // Naming the fields of a tuple

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            // Inferring tuple names

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            // Deconstructing tuples

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            // Defining and passing parameters to methods


            // Passing optional parameters and naming arguments


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

                          number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            // Controlling how parameters are passed

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);

            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");

            // simplified C# 7 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);

            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            // Defining read-only properties

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            // Defining settable properties

            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");

            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            // Defining indexers

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var john = new Person("John", "Earth");

            john.Name        = "John Doe";
            john.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1992, 6, 19);

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}", // dddd: name of day, d: number of day, MMMM: name of month, yyyy: full year
                      arg0: john.Name,
                      arg1: john.DateOfBirth);

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                      arg0: john.Name,
                      arg1: john.DateOfBirth);

            // ==========Enums==========
            // Using enums in PacktLibrary WondersOfTheAncientWorld.cs
            john.FavoriteWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon;
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}",
                      arg0: john.Name,
                      arg1: john.FavoriteWonder,
                      arg2: (int)john.FavoriteWonder); // enum valuesa are initialy stored as an int for efficiency.

            // enums can also be called and set using int values when useing the decoration [System.Flags] and inheriting from byte
            john.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.ColossusOfRhodes | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.GreatPyramidOfGiza;
            WriteLine($"{john.Name}'s bucket list is {john.BucketList}");
            john.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)33;
            WriteLine($"{john.Name}'s bucket list is {john.BucketList}");

            // ==========Objects with Lists==========
            // calling from the public List<Person> in PacktLibrary Person.cs
            john.Children.Add(new Person("Jane", john.HomePlanet));
            john.Children.Add(new Person("Jack", john.HomePlanet));
            WriteLine($"{john.Name} has {john.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < john.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"    {john.Children[child].Name}");

            // ==========Using static values==========
            // using BankAccount.cs class
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.12M; // store a shared value, InterestRate is static

            var doeAccount = new BankAccount();

            doeAccount.AccountName = "Mr. Doe";
            doeAccount.Balance     = 43_600;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.", // :C - currency format
                      arg0: doeAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: doeAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var smithAccount = new BankAccount();

            smithAccount.AccountName = "Mr. Smith";
            smithAccount.Balance     = 1_400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.", // :C - currency format
                      arg0: smithAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: smithAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // using const value from Person.cs
            WriteLine($"{john.Name} is a {Person.Species}. (We hope)");

            // using readonly value from Person.cs
            WriteLine($"{john.Name} is from {john.HomePlanet}. (If he is a H**o Sapien)");

            // ==========Contrcutors==========
            // Contrcutors with arguments
            // using PersonArgs.cs
            var mike = new Person("Mike", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: mike.Name,
                      arg1: mike.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: mike.Instantiated);

            // using methods

            // ==========Tuples==========
            // using tuples
            (string, int)fruit = mike.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = mike.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            // variable use of tuples
            var thing1 = ("George", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} Children.");

            var thing2 = (john.Name, john.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            // Deconstructing tuples
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = mike.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");
            // taking the values held in GetFruit() and assigning the tuple to the new variables

            // ==========Param Methods and Overloading==========

            // ==========Optional Parameters==========
            WriteLine(mike.OptionalParameters());              // will output default values in PersonArgs.cs
            WriteLine(mike.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5)); // overwrites the default values

            // delcaring some parameters can be skipped if you name the parameters based on the method
            WriteLine(mike.OptionalParameters(number: 29.1, command: "Hide!")); // parameter calues can be named when declaring them
            WriteLine(mike.OptionalParameters("Walk!", active: false));

            // ==========Controlling How Parameters are Passed==========
            // by value (default)(in), ref(in-out), and as an out parameter(out)
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}.");
            mike.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}.");
            // When passing a value as a parameter by default, the current VALUE
            // is passed, not the variable itself. a before and after is 10.
            // When passing y as a reference to b, b increments as y increments.
            // When using an out, the value in z overwrites the value of c.

            // In C# 7.0 we can simpify code that uses the out variable:
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            // simplified syntax for the out parameter
            mike.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f ={f}");

            // ==========Using Properties in C# 6+==========
            // Using PersonAutoGen.cs
            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1928, 1, 27)


            // settable properties
            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice cream is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");

            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            // ==========Indexers==========
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #10
        static void Main(string[] args)

            WriteLine("-- People App --");

            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1956, 8, 24);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on " +
                      $"{bob.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Jessica"

            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"{bob.Children[child].Name} is Bob's Child.");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;          // Store a shared value

            var alfredAccount = new BankAccount();      // Instance BankAccount

            alfredAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Alfred";
            alfredAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: alfredAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: alfredAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var jessicaAccount = new BankAccount();     // Instance BankAccount

            jessicaAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Jessica";
            jessicaAccount.Balance     = 5600;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jessicaAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jessicaAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // Blank Person for Constructor
            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} " +
                      "on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} " +
                      "on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);

            // Defauls
            var thingOfDefault = new ThingOfDefaults();

            WriteLine("Default Values");
            WriteLine($"{thingOfDefault.Population} - {thingOfDefault.When} - " +
                      $"{thingOfDefault.Name} - {thingOfDefault.People}");

            // METHOD CALL

            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));

            // Return Value
            var toReturn = new Processor();
            var result   = toReturn.GetTheData();


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));

            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"ThingOne = {thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            WriteLine($"ThingTwo = {thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));

            (string name, int age)deconstruct = bob.GetPerson();
            WriteLine($"{deconstruct.name} is {deconstruct.age} yeas old!");

            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            WriteLine(gunny.SaySomething("Blah Blash!"));


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavoriteIceCream     = "Chocolate Fudge";
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}");

            WriteLine($"Sam {sam.Age} yeas old!");


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");


            WriteLine(new string('-', 35));
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            object[] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Пример #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.BucketList  =
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)


            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Mr. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}",

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",

            var fruit = bob.GetFruit();

            WriteLine($"{fruit.Name}, {fruit.Number} there are.");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1}, {thing1.Item2} there are.");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name}, {thing2.Count} there are.");

            // // store return value in a typle variable with two fields
            // (string name, int age) tupleWithNamedFields = GetPerson();
            // // typleWithNamedFields.name
            // // typleWithNamedFields.age

            // // deconstruct return value into two separate variables
            // (string name, int age) = GetPerson();
            // // name
            // // age

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            // command is Run!, number is 0, active is True

            // command is jump!, number is 98.5, active is True
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

            // command is Hide!, number is 52.7, active is True

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"before a={a}, b={b}, c={c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"after a={a}, b={b}, c={c}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            // indexers
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
Пример #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.BucketList  = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

             * WriteLine(format:
             *  "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",
             *  arg0: bob.Name,
             *  arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
             *  arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);

            //Bob Smith's bucket list is HangingGardensOfBabylon, MausoleumAtHalicarnassus
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
                $"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($" {bob.Children[child].Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);
            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            // store return value in a tuple variable with two fields
            // (string name, int age) tupleWithNamedFields = GetPerson();
            // tupleWithNamedFields.name
            // tupleWithNamedFields.age
            // deconstruct return value into two separate variables
            // (string name, int age) = GetPerson();
            // name
            // age

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
                          number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            // simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1: dddd, d MMMM yyyy}", arg0: bob.Name, arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            foreach (Person p1 in bob.Children)
            // for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
            // {
            // WriteLine($" {bob.Children[child].Name}") ;
            // }

            //bob.FavoriteAncientWonder =  WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            WriteLine($"{bob. Name}' s bucket list is {bob. BucketList}");

            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s FavoriteAncientWonder is {1},It's integer is {2}.", arg0: bob.Name, arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder, arg2: (int)WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia);

            var alice = new Person()
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1984, 7, 3)

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}", arg0: alice.Name, arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400M;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest rate.", arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName, arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new  BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Mr gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98M;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest rate.", arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName, arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}  was born in {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was create at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.", arg0: blankPerson.Name, arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet, arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was create at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.", arg0: gunny.Name, arg1: gunny.HomePlanet, arg2: gunny.Instantiated);


            (string Name, int Number)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            (string Name, int Number)      = bob.GetFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruit.Number} {fruit.Name}.");
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {Name},{Number}");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children. ");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children. ");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("jump", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.9, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: true));

            int a = 10, b = 20, c = 30;

            WriteLine("a = {0},b = {1},c = {2},", a, b, c);
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine("a = {0},b = {1},c = {2},", a, b, c);

            int d = 10, e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn' t exist yet! ");
            // simplified C# 7. 0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}. ");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "red";
            WriteLine($"Sam' s favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}. ");

            test t1 = new test();


            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam' s first child is {sam.Children[0] . Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam' s second child is {sam.Children[1] . Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam' s first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam' s second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Person bob = new Person();
            bob.Name = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 2);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, dd/MM/yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);
            "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its integer is {2}.",
            arg0: bob.Name,
            arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
            arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);

            bob.Children.Add(new Person());
            bob.Children.Add(new Person { Name = "Zoe" });
                $"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($" {bob.Children[child].Name}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s 1st child is {bob.Children[0].Name}");
            // indexer
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s 1st child is {bob[0].Name}");
            // const field
                $"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            // Add Friend
            bob.addFriend(new Person("Edward", "Earth"));
            bob.addFriend(new Person("Edwin", "Mars"));
            List<Person> allFriends = bob.getFriend();
            for(int idx=0; idx< allFriends.Count; idx++){
                WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s friend {idx}: {allFriends[idx].Name}");
            for(int idx=0; idx< allFriends.Count; idx++){
                string idxString = idx.ToString();
                WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s friend {idx}: {bob[idxString].Name}");
            // calling Method
            WriteLine("** WriteLine(bob.GetOrigin())");
            WriteLine("** bob.WriteToConsole()");
            var fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruitNamed.Name}, {fruitNamed.Number} there are.");
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) dcFruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed 2: {dcFruit.fruitName}, {dcFruit.fruitNumber}");
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(command: "ALL!", active: false));
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;
            $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            // simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");
            var alice = new Person
                Name = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, dd/MM/yyyy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            var blankPerson = new Person();
            WriteLine(format:"{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person(initialName:"Gunny", homePlanet:"Mars");
                format:"{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: gunny.Name,
                arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                arg2: gunny.Instantiated);
            // Things of Default
            var default1 = new ThingOfDefaults();
            WriteLine("** Thing of Default");
                format: "int: {0}, DateTime:{1}, string:{2}, {3},",
                default1.Population, default1.When,
                default1.Name, default1.People.Count
            // ----------------------
            // BankAccount
            // ----------------------
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount
                    AccountName= "Mrs. Jones",
                    Balance= 2400

            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s Balanace is {1:N} earned {2:C} interest.",
                arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                arg1: jonesAccount.Balance,
                arg2: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);
            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();
            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s Balanace is {1:N} earned {2:C} interest.",
                arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance,
                arg2: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            // Try Property
            var sam = new Person(initialName:"Sam", homePlanet:"Mars", initBirth: new DateTime(1972, 1, 27));

            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Stars";
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s favorite icecream is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s favorite Color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}");
            catch (ArgumentException argEx){
                WriteLine($"{argEx.GetType()} says {argEx.Message}");
            // --------------------------------------
            // Flight Patterns(object pattern matching)
            // --------------------------------------
            WriteLine("// -------------------------------");
            WriteLine("//Flight Patterns(object pattern matching");
            WriteLine("// -------------------------------");
            var passengers = new object[5]{
                new FirstClassPassenger { AirMiles = 1_419 },
Пример #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);
            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.DateOfBirth:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");
            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM y}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder =

                format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its integer is {2}.",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);

            bob.BucketList =
                | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;

            // other way to write this is below--don't use it b/c it's harder to read
            // bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

                $"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children: ");

            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
                WriteLine($"  {bob.Children[child].Name}");

            // foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
            // {
            //     // WriteLine($" {child.Name}");
            //     Write($" {child.Name} ");
            // }
            // WriteLine();

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();

            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();

            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");



            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));

                          number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");

            //simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");

            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");

            object[] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Пример #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name = "Bob Smith";

            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);

            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;

            bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            //bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18; is the same as above but not as clear

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            //call GetFruit method and then output the tuple's fields
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            // WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            //call GetNamedFruit method which is a tuple with named fields
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();
            // WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.DateOfBirth: dddd, d MMMM yyyy}");
            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s favorite wonder is {bob.FavoriteAncientWonder}. It's integer is {(int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder}.");
            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");
            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}.");
            // WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            // for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)
            // {
            //     WriteLine($"  {bob.Children[child].Name}");
            // }

            var alice = new Person()
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

            // WriteLine($"{alice.Name} was born on {alice.DateOfBirth:dd MMM yy}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; //store a shared value

            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            // WriteLine($"{jonesAccount.AccountName} earned {jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;

            // WriteLine($"{gerrierAccount.AccountName} earned {gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate:C} interest.");

            //instantiate new person and then output its initial field values (p.160)
            var blankPerson = new Person();

            // WriteLine($"{blankPerson.Name} of {blankPerson.HomePlanet} was created at {blankPerson.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {blankPerson.Instantiated:dddd}");

            //using the 2nd constructor to set initial values
            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            // WriteLine($"{gunny.Name} of {gunny.HomePlanet} was creatd at {gunny.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {gunny.Instantiated:dddd}.");

            //call the two methods from the Person class
            // bob.WriteToConsole();
            // WriteLine(bob.GetOrigin());

            //create two tuples made of a string and int value
            //In C# 7.1 and later, the second thing can infer the names Name and Count
            // var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);
            // WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            // var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);
            // WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children");

            //deconstruct return values into two separate variables from tuple
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            // WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            //call two methods from Person class and write return values to console
            // WriteLine(bob.SayHello());
            // WriteLine(bob.SayHello("Emily"));

            //call optional parameters method from Person class
            // WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters());
            //pass values for command and number parameters
            // WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            //using named parameters so the order can be swapped
            // WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            //using positional order for the command param, skipping the number param, and using the named active param
            // WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            //pass variables into PassingParameters method
            // int a = 10;
            // int b = 20;
            // int c = 30;

            // WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            // bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            // WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            //simplify the code that uses the out variable in C# 7.0 and later by declaring inline
            // int d = 10;
            // int e = 20;
            // WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            //simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            // bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            // WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            // WriteLine(sam.Origin);
            // WriteLine(sam.Greeting);
            // WriteLine(sam.Age);

            //add statements to set Sam's favorite ice cream and color, and then write them to the console
            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";

            // WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");

            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

            // WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            // WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            // WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            // WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            // WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
            //Good Practice: Only use indexers if it makes sense to use the square bracket, also known as array syntax. As you can see from the preceding example, indexers rarely add much value
Пример #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Longhand instantiation
            var ant = new Person();

            ant.szLastName    = "Jim";
            ant.szFirstName   = "Anthony";
            ant.dtDateofBirth = new DateTime(1996, 06, 17);

            // WriteLine(
            //     format: "{0} {1} was born on {2:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
            //     arg0: ant.szFirstName,
            //     arg1: ant.szLastName,
            //     arg2: ant.dtDateofBirth);

            //Shorthand intitalisation:
            var jen = new Person()
                //shorthand instantiation
                szFirstName            = "Jennifer",
                szLastName             = "Jim",
                dtDateofBirth          = new DateTime(1954, 12, 27),
                FavouriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheWorld.TempleOfArtemisAtEphesus,
                BucketList             = WondersOfTheWorld.StatueofZeusAtOlympia | WondersOfTheWorld.ColossusOfRhodes

            // WriteLine
            // (
            //     $"{jen.szFirstName}'s bucket list of wonders to visit is {jen.BucketList}"
            // );
            // //Adding collections
            jen.Children.Add(new Person
                szFirstName = "Shit_one",
                szLastName  = jen.szLastName
            jen.Children.Add(new Person
                szFirstName = "Shit_two",
                szLastName  = jen.szLastName
            //Foreach loop on collections & enumerables
            // WriteLine($"{jen.szFirstName} has {jen.Children.Count} children:");
            // foreach(Person child in jen.Children)
            //     {
            //         WriteLine($"{child.szFirstName}");
            //     }
            // var wonders = Enum.GetValues(typeof(WondersOfTheWorld));
            // foreach(var i in wonders)
            // {
            //     WriteLine(i);
            // }

            // Setting static fields

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; //Stores a shared value

            var antsAccount = new BankAccount();

            antsAccount.AccountName = "Mr. Kcoon Leung Jim";
            antsAccount.Balance     = 2300;

            // WriteLine(
            //     format: "{0} earned {1:c} in interest",
            //     arg0: antsAccount.AccountName,
            //     arg1: antsAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate
            // );
            //const values are drawn from the class type
            //WriteLine($"{ant.szFirstName} is a {Person.szSpecies}");

            //readonly values are drawn from the object instance as this is inherited
            //WriteLine($"{ant.szFirstName}'s home planet is {ant.szHomePlanet}");

            //Generate new person and identify default values:
            var newCharacter = new Person();
            //WriteLine($"newCharacter: {newCharacter.szFirstName} was created at {newCharacter.dtCreatedDate:hh:mm:ss} on {newCharacter.dtCreatedDate:dd:MMMM:yyyy}");

            var Waggas = new Person("Waggas", "Jerob", "Pluto");
            // WriteLine(
            //     format: "{0} {1} is an alien from {2}",
            //     arg0: Waggas.szFirstName,
            //     arg1: Waggas.szLastName,
            //     arg2: Waggas.szHomePlanet
            // );

            // Console.WriteLine($"default(int) = {default(int)}");
            // Console.WriteLine($"default(bool) = {default(bool)}");
            // Console.WriteLine($"default(DateTime) = {default(DateTime)}");
            // Console.WriteLine($"default(string) = {default(string)}");

            var defaultThing = new Defaults();

            // WriteLine(
            //     $"{defaultThing.Population}\n{defaultThing.When}\n{defaultThing.Name}\n{defaultThing.People}"
            // );

            //Defining Methods
            // WriteLine(ant.GetOrigin());

            //Exploring tuples

            (string, int)AntsFruit = ant.GetFruit(4);
            //WriteLine($"{ant.szFirstName} got {AntsFruit.Item2} {AntsFruit.Item1}(s)!");

            var Gear = Person.GetLenses();

            // WriteLine($"{ant.szFirstName} got {Gear.quant} {Gear.lensType} lenses!");

            (string lensType, int quant) = Person.GetLenses();
            //WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {lensType},{quant}");

            //method overload
            // WriteLine(ant.SayHello());
            // WriteLine(ant.SayHello("Emily"));
            // WriteLine(ant.SayHello(10));

            //optional parameters

            // WriteLine(ant.OptionalParam(number: 23.5, active:false,command:"lift!"));

            //Param control

            int a = 10;
            int b = 10;
            int c = 10;

            // WriteLine($"Before: a={a},b={b},c={c}");

            Person.ParamControl(a, ref b, out c);
            // WriteLine($"After: a={a},b={b},c={c}");

            Person.outParam(out int z); //generate z varibable
            // WriteLine(z); //print

            //Access control

            var danny = new Person()
                szFirstName   = "Daniel",
                dtDateofBirth = new DateTime(1900, 01, 01)

            // WriteLine(danny.Origin);
            // WriteLine(danny.greeting("Peter"));
            // WriteLine(danny.szAge);

            danny.szFavouriteIcecream = "chocolate";

            //Complex setters
            //danny.szFavouritePrimaryColour = "RED";
            danny.FavouritePrimaryColour = "RED";

            //WriteLine($"{danny.szFirstName}'s favourite primary colour is {danny.FavouritePrimaryColour}.");

            //Index control

            // ant.Children.Add(new Person{szFirstName = "David" });
            // ant.Children.Add(new Person{szFirstName = "Goliath" });

            // WriteLine(ant.Children[0].szFirstName);
            // WriteLine(ant.Children[1].szFirstName);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1954, 12, 22);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            bob.BucketList            = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Suzie"

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth

                format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            WriteLine($"Bob has {bob.Children.Count} children.");
            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)

            foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
                WriteLine($"Saying hello to {child.Name}!");

            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth

            // Bank Accounts
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; // storing a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            var leslieAccount = new BankAccount();

            leslieAccount.AccountName = "Mr. Alldridge";
            leslieAccount.Balance     = 100;

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: leslieAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: leslieAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                arg0: gunny.Name,
                arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                arg2: gunny.Instantiated


            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var namedFruit = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"{namedFruit.Name} and {namedFruit.Number} exist");

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children."); // infers Name and Count as the named fields

            // deconstructing tuples
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");


            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParams(command: "Jump", number: 99));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParams("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = doesn't exist");

            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out int c);

            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            var sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1992, 6, 9)


            sam.FavouriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite ice-cream flavour is {sam.FavouriteIceCream}.");

            sam.FavouritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite primary color is {sam.FavouritePrimaryColor}");

            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name        = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd,d MMMM yyyy}",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);

            var alice = new Person {
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                      arg0: alice.Name,
                      arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            bob.FavouriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favourite wonder is {1}. Its interger is {2}.",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.FavouriteAncientWonder,
                      arg2: (int)bob.FavouriteAncientWonder);

            //bob.BucketList = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon;
            bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");

            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children.");

            for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++)

            //Making a field static
            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; //store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            //Making a field constant
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species} and PI constant is {Math.PI}.");

            //Making a field Read-only
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}.");

            //Initializing fields with constructors
            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated);

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated);

            //Returnig values from methods

            //call tuple method
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            //Naming fields of a tuple
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}");

            //infering tuple names
            var things1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{things1.Item1} has {things1.Item2} children");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            //Deconstructin tuples

            // deconstruct return value into two separate variables
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");
            // fruitName
            // fruitNumber

            //Defining and Passing Parameters to methods

            //Passing Optional Parameters & Naming Arguments
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 98.33, command: "Alright!"));

            //Controlling how parameters are passed
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            //simplified C# 7.0 syntax for out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            //Access Control with Properties & Indexers
            var sam = new Person {
                Name = "Sam", DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            //Defining Settable Properties
            sam.FavouriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite ice-cream floavor is {sam.FavouriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavouritePrimaryColor = "GREen";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favourite primary color is {sam.FavouritePrimaryColor}");

            //Defining Indexers
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");

            //Pattern matching with Objects
            object[] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Пример #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Person bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 2);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, dd MMMM yyyy}",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.DateOfBirth);
            WriteLine(format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its byte is {2}.",
                      arg0: bob.Name,
                      arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                      arg2: (byte)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder);
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
                WriteLine($"\t- {child.Name}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}.");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}.");
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");
            (string Name, int Number)namedFruit = bob.GetNamedFruit();
            WriteLine($"There are {namedFruit.Number} {namedFruit.Name}.");
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName} and {fruitNumber}.");
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(command: "Poke!", active: false));

            Person alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

            WriteLine(format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                      arg0: alice.Name,
                      arg1: alice.DateOfBirth);

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;
            BankAccount jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);
            BankAccount gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            Person blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated

            Person gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine(format: "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}.",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated

            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}.");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}.");
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f does not exist yet.");
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}.");

            Person sam = new Person
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}.");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}.");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s first child is {sam[0].Name}.");
            WriteLine($"{sam.Name}'s second child is {sam[1].Name}.");

            object [] passengers =
                new FirstClassPassenger {
                    AirMiles = 1_419
Пример #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Bob is instantiated and then his fields are set later
            var bob = new Person();

            bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            bob.BucketList            = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            // equivalent to bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18 due to byte
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}.",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.DateOfBirth
                format: "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. Its integer is {2}.",
                arg0: bob.Name,
                arg1: bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)bob.FavoriteAncientWonder
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name}'s bucket list is {bob.BucketList}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} has {bob.Children.Count} children:");
            //using a for loop to get the name of the children

/*             for (int child = 0; child < bob.Children.Count; child++) {
 *              WriteLine($" {bob.Children[child].Name}");
 *          } */
            //using a foreach loop to iterate through the list
            foreach (Person child in bob.Children)
                WriteLine($" {child.Name}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{bob.Name} was born on {bob.HomePlanet}");

            //Alice is instantiated with the fields set at that time
            var alice = new Person {
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M; //store a shared value
            var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();

            jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            jonesAccount.Balance     = 2400;
            decimal jonesInterest = jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate;

            WriteLine($"{jonesAccount.AccountName} earned {jonesInterest:C} interest.");

            var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();

            gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            gerrierAccount.Balance     = 98;
            decimal gerrierInterest = (gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate);

            WriteLine($"{gerrierAccount.AccountName} earned {gerrierInterest:C} interest.");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

            WriteLine($"{blankPerson.Name} of {blankPerson.HomePlanet} was created at " +
                      $"{blankPerson.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {blankPerson.Instantiated:dddd}.");

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

            WriteLine($"{gunny.Name} of {gunny.HomePlanet} was created at " +
                      $"{gunny.Instantiated:hh:mm:ss} on a {gunny.Instantiated:dddd}.");

            //item syntax
            (string, int)fruit = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");
            //named syntax
            var fruitNamed = bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}");
            //using the item1, item2 syntax
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children.");

            //set these equal to the class fields
            var thing2 = (bob.Name, bob.Children.Count);

            //can reference it using those automatically
            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children.");

            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Jump!", 98.5));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters(number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"));
            WriteLine(bob.OptionalParameters("Poke!", active: false));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");
            bob.PassingParameters(a, ref b, out c);
            WriteLine($"After: a = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

            WriteLine($"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!");
            //simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parameter
            bob.PassingParameters(d, ref e, out int f);
            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var sam = new Person {
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)

            sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");
            sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";
            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {sam[1].Name}");
Пример #22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var Bob = new Person();

            Bob.Name                  = "Bob Smith";
            Bob.DateOfBirth           = new DateTime(1965, 12, 22);
            Bob.FavoriteAncientWonder = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.StatueOfZeusAtOlympia;
            Bob.BucketList            = WondersOfTheAncientWorld.HangingGardensOfBabylon | WondersOfTheAncientWorld.MausoleumAtHalicarnassus;
            // or
            // Bob.BucketList = (WondersOfTheAncientWorld)18;
                format: "{0} was born on {1:dddd, d MMMM yyyy}",
                arg0: Bob.Name,
                arg1: Bob.DateOfBirth);
            var alice = new Person
                Name        = "Alice Jones",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 3, 7)

                format: "{0} was born on {1:dd MMM yy}",
                arg0: alice.Name,
                arg1: alice.DateOfBirth

                "{0}'s favorite wonder is {1}. It's integer is {2}.",
                arg0: Bob.Name,
                arg1: Bob.FavoriteAncientWonder,
                arg2: (int)Bob.FavoriteAncientWonder

            WriteLine($"{Bob.Name}'s bucket list is {Bob.BucketList}");

            Bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Alfred"
            Bob.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Zoe"

            Console.WriteLine($"{Bob.Name} has {Bob.Children.Count} children:");

            foreach (var Child in Bob.Children)
                WriteLine($"    {Child.Name}");

            BankAccount.InterestRate = 0.012M;

            // var jonesAccount = new BankAccount();
            // jonesAccount.AccountName = "Mrs. Jones";
            // jonesAccount.Balance = 2400;
            BankAccount jonesAccount = new BankAccount
                AccountName = "Mrs. Jones",
                Balance     = 2400

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: jonesAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: jonesAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            // var gerrierAccount = new BankAccount();
            // gerrierAccount.AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier";
            // gerrierAccount.Balance = 98;
            BankAccount gerrierAccount = new BankAccount
                AccountName = "Ms. Gerrier",
                Balance     = 98

            WriteLine(format: "{0} earned {1:C} interest.",
                      arg0: gerrierAccount.AccountName,
                      arg1: gerrierAccount.Balance * BankAccount.InterestRate

            WriteLine($"{Bob.Name} is a {Person.Species}");
            WriteLine($"{Bob.Name} was born on {Bob.HomePlanet}");

            var blankPerson = new Person();

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}",
                      arg0: blankPerson.Name,
                      arg1: blankPerson.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: blankPerson.Instantiated

            var gunny = new Person("Gunny", "Mars");

                      "{0} of {1} was created at {2:hh:mm:ss} on a {2:dddd}",
                      arg0: gunny.Name,
                      arg1: gunny.HomePlanet,
                      arg2: gunny.Instantiated


            (string, int)fruit = Bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"{fruit.Item1}, {fruit.Item2} there are.");

            var fruitNamed = Bob.GetNamedFruit();

            WriteLine($"There are {fruitNamed.Number} {fruitNamed.Name}.");

            // Using ValueTuple (not Tuple)
            var test = (11, 22, 34, 45, 15, 12);

            // ValueTuple mutable - Tuple immutable
            test.Item2 += 11;

            // Buldin tuple by future named "tuple name inference"
            var thing1 = ("Neville", 4);

            // C# 7.0
            WriteLine($"{thing1.Item1} has {thing1.Item2} children");

            // Name by last names of fields C# 7.1
            var thing2 = (Bob.Name, Bob.Children.Count);

            WriteLine($"{thing2.Name} has {thing2.Count} children");
            var sum   = 4.5;
            var count = 3;
            var test3 = (sum, count);

            Console.WriteLine($"Sum of {test3.count} elements is {test3.sum}.");

            // Deconstruction example
            (string fruitName, int fruitNumber) = Bob.GetFruit();
            WriteLine($"Deconstructed: {fruitName}, {fruitNumber}");

            // Accessible to use tuple with large number of elements
            var t = (11, 22, 34, 45, 15, 12);


            // Should be 45

            //var a = 1;
            //var test2 = (a, b: 2, 3);
            //Console.WriteLine($"The 1st element is {test2.Item1} (same as {test2.a}).");
            //Console.WriteLine($"The 2nd element is {test2.Item2} (same as {test2.b}).");
            //Console.WriteLine($"The 3rd element is {test2.Item3}.");


            WriteLine(Bob.OptionalParametrs("Jump!", 98.5));

            // Optional parametrs often combined with naming parametrs
                          number: 52.7, command: "Hide!"

            // Can use optional parametrs, named parametrs and simple parametrs
            WriteLine(Bob.OptionalParametrs("Poke!" /* - Parametr*/, active: false /* - Named parametr and then optional parametr number*/));

            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;
            int c = 30;

            WriteLine($"Before: = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            Bob.PassingParametrs(a, ref b, out c);

            WriteLine($"After: = {a}, b = {b}, c = {c}");

            // In C# 7.0 we can simplify code
            int d = 10;
            int e = 20;

                $"Before: d = {d}, e = {e}, f doesn't exist yet!"

            // simplified C# 7.0 syntax for the out parametr
            Bob.PassingParametrs(d, ref e, out int f);

            WriteLine($"After: d = {d}, e = {e}, f = {f}");

            var Sam = new Person {
                Name        = "Sam",
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 1, 27)


            Sam.FavoriteIceCream = "Chocolate Fudge";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite ice-cream flavor is {Sam.FavoriteIceCream}.");

            Sam.FavoritePrimaryColor = "Red";

            WriteLine($"Sam's favorite primary color is {Sam.FavoritePrimaryColor}.");

            Sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Charlie"
            Sam.Children.Add(new Person {
                Name = "Ella"

            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {Sam.Children[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {Sam.Children[1].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's first child is {Sam[0].Name}");
            WriteLine($"Sam's second child is {Sam[1].Name}");