public static void SetDocumentInfo(this C1PdfDocument pdf, string title)
            // set document info
            var di = pdf.DocumentInfo;

            di.Author  = Strings.DocumentAuthor;
            di.Subject = Strings.DocumentSubject;
            di.Title   = title;

            // render footers
            // this reopens each page and adds content to them (now we know the page count).
            var font = new Font("Arial", 8, PdfFontStyle.Bold);
            var fmt  = new StringFormat();

            fmt.Alignment     = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
            fmt.LineAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
            for (int page = 0; page < pdf.Pages.Count; page++)
                pdf.CurrentPage = page;
                var text = string.Format(Strings.Documentfooter,
                                         page + 1,
                    PdfUtils.Inflate(pdf.PageRectangle, -72, -36),
        static void CreateDocumentPaperSizes(C1PdfDocument pdf)
            // add title
            Font titleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 24, PdfFontStyle.Bold);
            Rect rc        = PdfUtils.PageRectangle(pdf);

            PdfUtils.RenderParagraph(pdf, pdf.DocumentInfo.Title, titleFont, rc, rc, false);

            // create constant font and StringFormat objects
            Font         font = new Font("Tahoma", 18);
            StringFormat sf   = new StringFormat();

            sf.Alignment     = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            sf.LineAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            // create one page with each paper size
            bool firstPage = true;

            foreach (PaperKind pk in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PaperKind)))
                // Silverlight doesn't have Enum.GetValues
                //PaperKind pk = fi;

                // skip custom size
                if (pk == PaperKind.Custom)

                // add new page for every page after the first one
                if (!firstPage)
                firstPage = false;

                // set paper kind and orientation
                pdf.PaperKind = pk;
                pdf.Landscape = !pdf.Landscape;

                // draw some content on the page
                rc = PdfUtils.PageRectangle(pdf);
                rc = PdfUtils.Inflate(rc, -6, -6);
                string text = string.Format(Strings.StringFormatTwoArg,
                                            pdf.PaperKind, pdf.Landscape);
                pdf.DrawString(text, font, Colors.Black, rc, sf);
                pdf.DrawRectangle(Colors.Black, rc);
            //foreach (var fi in typeof(PaperKind).GetTypeInfo().GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))

        /// <summary>
        /// Shows how to position and align text
        /// </summary>
        static void CreateDocumentText(C1PdfDocument pdf)
            // use landscape for more impact
            pdf.Landscape = true;

            // measure and show some text
            var text = Strings.DocumentBasicText;
            var font = new Font("Segoe UI Light", 12, PdfFontStyle.Italic);

            // create StringFormat used to set text alignment and line spacing
            var fmt = new StringFormat();

            fmt.LineSpacing = -1.5; // 1.5 char height
            fmt.Alignment   = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            // measure it
            var sz = pdf.MeasureString(text, font, 72 * 3, fmt);
            var rc = new Rect(pdf.PageRectangle.Width / 2, 72, sz.Width, sz.Height);

            rc = PdfUtils.Offset(rc, 110, 0);

            // draw a rounded frame
            rc = PdfUtils.Inflate(rc, 0, 0);
            pdf.FillRectangle(Colors.Teal, rc, new Size(0, 0));
            //pdf.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Colors.DarkGray, 5), rc, new Size(0, 0));
            rc = PdfUtils.Inflate(rc, -10, -10);

            // draw the text
            //pdf.RotateAngle = 90;
            pdf.DrawString(text, font, Colors.White, rc, fmt);
            //pdf.RotateAngle = 0;

            // point in center for rotate the text
            rc = pdf.PageRectangle;
            var pt = new Point(rc.X + rc.Width / 2, rc.Y + rc.Height / 2);

            // rotate the string in small increments
            var step = 6;

            text = Strings.DocumentBasicText2;
            for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i += step)
                pdf.RotateAngle = i;
                var s = string.Format(text, i);
                font = new Font("Courier New", 8 + i / 30.0, PdfFontStyle.Bold);
                byte b = (byte)(255 * (1 - i / 360.0));
                pdf.DrawString(s, font, Color.FromArgb(0xff, b, b, b), pt);
Пример #4
        static void CreateDocumentTextFlow(C1PdfDocument pdf)
            // load long string from resource file
            string text = Strings.ResourceNotFound;

            using (var sr = new StreamReader(typeof(BasicTextPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("PdfSamples.Resources.flow.txt")))
                text = sr.ReadToEnd();
            text = text.Replace("\t", "   ");
            text = string.Format("{0}\r\n\r\n---oOoOoOo---\r\n\r\n{0}", text);

            // create pdf document
            pdf.DocumentInfo.Title = Strings.TextFlowDocumentTitle;

            // add title
            Font titleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 24, PdfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font bodyFont  = new Font("Tahoma", 9);
            Rect rcPage    = PdfUtils.PageRectangle(pdf);
            Rect rc        = PdfUtils.RenderParagraph(pdf, pdf.DocumentInfo.Title, titleFont, rcPage, rcPage, false);

            rc.Y     += titleFont.Size + 6;
            rc.Height = rcPage.Height - rc.Y;

            // create two columns for the text
            Rect rcLeft = rc;

            rcLeft.Width  = rcPage.Width / 2 - 12;
            rcLeft.Height = 300;
            rcLeft.Y      = (rcPage.Y + rcPage.Height - rcLeft.Height) / 2;
            Rect rcRight = rcLeft;

            rcRight.X = rcPage.Right - rcRight.Width;

            // start with left column
            rc = rcLeft;

            // render string spanning columns and pages
            for (; ;)
                // render as much as will fit into the rectangle
                rc = PdfUtils.Inflate(rc, -3, -3);
                int nextChar = pdf.DrawString(text, bodyFont, Colors.Black, rc);
                rc = PdfUtils.Inflate(rc, +3, +3);
                pdf.DrawRectangle(Colors.LightGray, rc);

                // break when done
                if (nextChar >= text.Length)

                // get rid of the part that was rendered
                text = text.Substring(nextChar);

                // switch to right-side rectangle
                if (rc.Left == rcLeft.Left)
                    rc = rcRight;
                else // switch to left-side rectangle on the next page
                    rc = rcLeft;