static void writeMaster(InvoiceStruct capture) { //this is a mimic of FindConnectionString, with a few exceptions in the masterPDF specification. SqlConnection conn = GetDBConnection(@"Data Source=LAPTOP-GCAMI11Q\MSSQLSERVER01;Initial Catalog=TutorialDB;Integrated Security=True"); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); string path = @"..\..\collate\newmaster.pdf"; cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM invoiceTable2 WHERE userID=\'" + capture.userTwo + "\' AND isMaster = 1;"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO invoiceTable2 VALUES(" + capture.userTwo.ToString() + ", " + capture.finalPrice.ToString() + ", "; cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + "\'" + + "\', \'" + capture.address + "\', "; cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + "(SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N\'"; cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + Path.GetFullPath(path); cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + "\', SINGLE_BLOB) AS binary_file), "; cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + capture.userTwo.ToString(); cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + ", "; cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + "1, 1);"; //build = build + ", \'[email protected]\')"; cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", ""); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); string[] FileArray = Directory.GetFiles(@"..\..\collate", "*.pdf"); //Console.ReadLine(); for (int r = 0; r < FileArray.Length; r++) { File.Delete(FileArray[r]); } conn.Close(); }
static int FindUserId(InvoiceStruct capture, SqlCommand cmd) { capture.userTwo = capture.userTwo.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "");//deletes \n from the address header cmd.CommandText = "SELECT userID FROM userids WHERE companyHeading= \'" + capture.userTwo + "\';"; SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { int result = reader.GetInt32(0);//Get the user ID associated with the company heading in the database reader.Close(); return(result); } else { reader.Close(); //If the number doesn't exist, that means a new one is needed. Random rand = new Random(); int randNum = rand.Next(1000000); //generate a random 6 digit number cmd.CommandText = "SELECT userID FROM userids WHERE userID= \'" + randNum.ToString() + "\';"; reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { reader.Close(); randNum = rand.Next(1000000);//If the number was already selected, regenerate and check again cmd.CommandText = "SELECT userID FROM userids WHERE userID= \'" + randNum.ToString() + "\';"; reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); } reader.Close(); cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO userids VALUES (\'" + capture.userTwo + "\', " + randNum.ToString() + ", NULL, NULL);"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();//add the new values to the database and return the newly generated number return(randNum); } }
public static string FindSetupString(InvoiceStruct capture, string inputFile) { string build = ""; ="/", "-");//basically a long append to build the query string build = "INSERT INTO invoiceTable2 VALUES("; build = build + capture.invoiceNo.ToString() + ", "; build = build + capture.finalPrice.ToString() + ", \'"; build = build +; build = build + "\'"; build = build + ", \'"; build = build + capture.address + "\', "; build = build + "(SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N\'"; build = build + inputFile; build = build + "\', SINGLE_BLOB) AS binary_file), "; build = build + capture.userTwo.ToString(); build = build + ", "; build = build + "1, 0);"; build = build.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", ""); return(build); }
static void CollatePDF(int compnumber, InvoiceStruct capture) { fileSetup(compnumber); bool isMiddle; PDDocument child;//the newly addeed pdf, and the masterpdf PDDocument master; child = PDDocument.load(@"..\..\collate\child.pdf"); if (!File.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\collate\master.pdf"))) {"..\..\collate\newmaster.pdf");//if the master doesn't exist, the child is the master writeMaster(capture); child.close(); return; } master = PDDocument.load(@"..\..\collate\master.pdf");//if exists, load master PDFTextStripper strip = new PDFTextStripper(); Splitter split = new Splitter(); PDFMergerUtility merge = new PDFMergerUtility(); int pageNumber = master.getNumberOfPages() + 1; isMiddle = false; for (int x = 1; x <= master.getNumberOfPages(); x++) { strip.setStartPage(x); strip.setEndPage(x);//only extracting the specified page string text = strip.getText(master); string markerS = text.Substring(text.IndexOf("Invoice #") + 11, 6); int idNo = Int32.Parse(markerS); if (compnumber < idNo) //get the invoice number. If it's greater than the new imported one, then that's where it is spliced in. { isMiddle = true; pageNumber = x; break; } } java.util.List splittedDocuments = split.split(master); if (!isMiddle) { merge.appendDocument(master, child);//if the page number goes at the end, the master is collated on the child, no issues."..\..\collate\newmaster.pdf"); } else { PDDocument result; result = PDDocument.load(@"..\..\blank.pdf"); for (int y = 1; y < master.getNumberOfPages(); y++) { if (pageNumber == y) { merge.appendDocument(result, child);//once we reach the right page number, the child is appended there } merge.appendDocument(result, (PDDocument)splittedDocuments.get(y - 1)); //we have to cast to PDDocument because of Java and .NET have clashes in syntax and we can't initialize them that way. } result.removePage(0);//A blank page is used at the beginning because of issues with IKVM and empty PDFs."..\..\collate\newmaster.pdf"); result.close(); } //} child.close(); master.close(); writeMaster(capture); }