DebugString() публичный Метод

public DebugString ( PathLog logMode ) : string
logMode PathLog
Результат string
 static int DebugString(IntPtr L)
         ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2);
         Pathfinding.Path obj  = (Pathfinding.Path)ToLua.CheckObject <Pathfinding.Path>(L, 1);
         PathLog          arg0 = (PathLog)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 2, typeof(PathLog));
         string           o    = obj.DebugString(arg0);
         LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(L, o);
     catch (Exception e)
         return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
Пример #2
	/** Prints path results to the log. What it prints can be controled using #logPathResults.
	 * \see #logPathResults
	 * \see PathLog
	 * \see Pathfinding.Path.DebugString
	private void LogPathResults (Path p) {
		if (logPathResults == PathLog.None || (logPathResults == PathLog.OnlyErrors && !p.error)) {
		string debug = p.DebugString (logPathResults);
		if (logPathResults == PathLog.InGame) {
			inGameDebugPath = debug;
		} else {
			//Debug.Log (debug);
Пример #3
	/** Prints path results to the log. What it prints can be controled using #logPathResults.
	 * \see #logPathResults \n PathLog
	 * \todo Use string builder instead for lower memory footprint
	public void LogPathResults (Path p) {
		//string debug = "";
		if (logPathResults == PathLog.None || (logPathResults == PathLog.OnlyErrors && !p.error)) {
		string debug = p.DebugString (logPathResults);
		if (logPathResults == PathLog.InGame) {
			inGameDebugPath = debug;
		} else {
			Debug.Log (debug);
		//Add stuff to the log
		/*if (active.logPathResults == PathLog.Normal || logPathResults == PathLog.OnlyErrors) {
			if (p.error) {
				debug = "Path Failed : Computation Time: "+(p.duration).ToString ("0.00")+" ms Searched Nodes "+p.searchedNodes+"\nPath number: "+PathsCompleted+"\nError: "+p.errorLog;
			} else {
				debug = "Path Completed : Computation Time: "+(p.duration).ToString ("0.00")+" ms Path Length "+(p.path == null ? "Null" : p.path.Length.ToString ()) + " Searched Nodes "+p.searchedNodes+"\nSmoothed path length "+(p.vectorPath == null ? "Null" : p.vectorPath.Length.ToString ())+"\nPath number: "+p.pathID;
		} else if (logPathResults == PathLog.Heavy || logPathResults == PathLog.InGame || logPathResults == PathLog.OnlyErrors) {
			if (p.error) {
				debug = "Path Failed : Computation Time: "+(p.duration).ToString ("0.000")+" ms Searched Nodes "+p.searchedNodes+"\nPath number: "+PathsCompleted+"\nError: "+p.errorLog;
			} else {
				debug = "Path Completed : Computation Time: "+(p.duration).ToString ("0.000")+" ms\nPath Length "+(p.path == null ? "Null" : p.path.Length.ToString ()) + "\nSearched Nodes "+p.searchedNodes+"\nSearch Iterations (frames) "+p.searchIterations+"\nSmoothed path length "+(p.vectorPath == null ? "Null" : p.vectorPath.Length.ToString ())+"\nEnd node\n	G = "+p.endNode.g+"\n	H = "+p.endNode.h+"\n	F = "+p.endNode.f+"\n	Point	"+p.endPoint
				+"\nStart Point = "+p.startPoint+"\n"+"Start Node graph: "+p.startNode.graphIndex+" End Node graph: "+p.endNode.graphIndex+"\nBinary Heap size at completion: "+( == null ? "Null" : ())+"\nPath number: "+p.pathID;
			/*if (active.logPathResults == PathLog.Heavy) {
				Debug.Log (debug);
			} else {
				inGameDebugPath = debug;
		if (logPathResults == PathLog.Normal || logPathResults == PathLog.Heavy || (logPathResults == PathLog.OnlyErrors && p.error)) {
			Debug.Log (debug);
		} else if (logPathResults == PathLog.InGame) {
			inGameDebugPath = debug;
		//if ((p.error && logPathResults == PathLog.OnlyErrors) || logPathResults == PathLog.Normal) {
		//		Debug.Log (debug);
		//	}