Пример #1
        public static void FindDefines(string directory, Dictionary <string, DefineObject> defines)
            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                Debug.LogError("Directory does not exist (" + directory + ")");

            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(directory);

            FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles("*.cs");
            foreach (FileInfo filePath in files)
                //Debug.Log ("Copying "+filePath.Name+" to "+destination);

                //string result = PreProcessScript (directory+"/"+filePath.Name, directives);

                string path = directory + "/" + filePath.Name;

                if (!File.Exists(path))
                    Debug.LogError("File does not exist : " + path);

                string text = File.ReadAllText(path);

                //Regex matching (optional //)#define [name] (optional->)//[description]
                Regex defineRegex = new Regex(@"^(//)?#define\s+?(\w+)(?:[^\n]*//(.+))?", RegexOptions.Multiline);

                //Regex matching "somestring" (with the quotation marks)
                Regex nameRegex = new Regex("\"(.*?)\"", RegexOptions.Multiline);

                //Regex matching [something]
                Regex enumRegex = new Regex(@"\[(.*?)\]", RegexOptions.Multiline);

                //Loop through all matches in this file
                foreach (Match match in defineRegex.Matches(text))
                    string name = match.Groups[2].Value;
                    string key  = name;

                    bool firstAdd = false;

                    //Create the define object if it has not already been found in another file
                    if (!defines.ContainsKey(name))
                        firstAdd = true;
                        defines.Add(name, new DefineObject());

                    DefineObject defOb = defines[name];

                    //Get the description from group 3
                    string desc = match.Groups[3].Value;

                    defOb.name = name;

                    //Find the optional name value in the description (in the form "MyName") and replace the name got from the key
                    Match nameMatch = nameRegex.Match(desc);

                    if (nameMatch.Success)
                        defOb.name = nameMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                        desc       = desc.Replace(nameMatch.Value, "");

                    //It is enabled if we couldn't find the "//" in the beginning of the string
                    bool enabled = match.Groups[1].Value == "";

                    //Check if some defines with this name are enabled and some are not
                    if (!firstAdd && defOb.enabled != enabled)
                        defOb.inconsistent = true;

                    defOb.enabled = enabled;

                    //Find the optional enum values (in the form [Value1,Value2,Value3])
                    Match enumMatch = enumRegex.Match(desc);

                    if (enumMatch.Success)
                        string enumstring = enumMatch.Groups[1].Value;

                        //Split the enum values by ","
                        string[] enums = enumstring.Split(","[0]);

                        //Add a special value to the start of the list
                        List <string> enumList = new List <string> (enums.Length + 1);
                        enumList.Add("Define Disabled");

                        enums = enumList.ToArray();

                        defOb.enumValues = enums;

                        //Remove the enums from the description
                        desc = desc.Replace(enumMatch.Value, "");

                        if (defOb.enabled)
                            //Figure out which one is selected right now
                            for (int j = 0; j < defOb.enumValues.Length; j++)
                                if (key == defOb.enumValues[j])
                                    defOb.selectedEnum = j;

                    //Only add to the brief if it was empty before
                    if (defOb.brief == "")
                        defOb.brief = desc;

                    //Add to the files list
                    defOb.files += (defOb.files == "" ? "" : ", ") + filePath.Name;

            //Search sub-folders
            DirectoryInfo[] children = dir.GetDirectories();
            foreach (DirectoryInfo dirPath in children)
                FindDefines(directory + "/" + dirPath.Name, defines);
Пример #2
        public static void ApplyDefines(string directory, List <DefineObject> defines)
            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                Debug.LogError("Directory does not exist (" + directory + ")");

            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(directory);

            FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles("*.cs");
            foreach (FileInfo filePath in files)
                string path = directory + "/" + filePath.Name;

                if (!File.Exists(path))
                    Debug.LogError("File does not exist : " + path);

                string text = File.ReadAllText(path);

                StringBuilder newScript = new StringBuilder();

                Regex defineRegex = new Regex(@"^(//)?#define\s+?(\w+)(?:[^\n]*//(.+))?", RegexOptions.Multiline);

                //Match[] matches =

                int prevIndex = 0;

                bool changed = false;

                foreach (Match match in defineRegex.Matches(text))
                    newScript.Append(text.Substring(prevIndex, match.Index - prevIndex));
                    prevIndex = match.Index;

                    string name = match.Groups[2].Value;

                    //if (!defines.ContainsKey (name)) {
                    DefineObject defOb = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < defines.Count; i++)
                        if (defines[i].name == name)
                            defOb = defines[i];

                    if (defOb == null)

                    //DefineObject defOb = defines[name];

                    bool enabled = match.Groups[1].Value == "";

                    if (!enabled && defOb.enabled)
                        prevIndex += 2;
                        changed    = true;
                    else if (enabled && !defOb.enabled)
                        changed = true;

                    if (defOb.selectedEnum != 0 && defOb.enumValues != null)
                        prevIndex = match.Groups[2].Index + match.Groups[2].Length;
                        newScript.Append("#define ");
                        changed = true;

                if (changed)

                    using (StreamWriter outfile =
                               new StreamWriter(path))

            DirectoryInfo[] children = dir.GetDirectories();
            foreach (DirectoryInfo dirPath in children)
                ApplyDefines(directory + "/" + dirPath.Name, defines);