Пример #1
		protected override void Draw (GameTime gameTime)
			graphics.GraphicsDevice.Clear (Color.White);

			//Texture for drawing primitive rectangles
			Color[] colorData = new Color[width * height];
			Texture2D rectangle = new Texture2D (graphics.GraphicsDevice, width, height); 
			for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
				colorData [i] = Color.White;
			rectangle.SetData<Color> (colorData);

			//Draw the maze
			maze.Draw (spriteBatch, rectangle, width, height, Color.DarkSlateGray);

			spriteBatch.Begin ();

			//If there is both a starting position and a goal position, generate a path
			if (startPos.HasValue && goalPos.HasValue) {
				algorithm = new PathAlgorithm (mapWidth, mapHeight);
				List<Vector2> path = algorithm.GetPath ((Vector2)startPos, (Vector2)goalPos);

				//Draw the best path given the coordinates.
				foreach (Vector2 vector in path) {
					spriteBatch.Draw (rectangle, new Vector2 (vector.X * width, vector.Y * height), Color.Yellow);

			//This is rendered last to ensure the starting node and end node overwrites the best path.

			//If the mouse cursor is in bounds and not over a wall and a starting point has been given
			if (startPos.HasValue)
				spriteBatch.Draw (rectangle, new Vector2 (startPos.Value.X * width, startPos.Value.Y * height), Color.Green);

			//If the mouse cursor is in bounds and not over a wall and an end point has been given
			if (goalPos.HasValue)
				spriteBatch.Draw (rectangle, new Vector2 (goalPos.Value.X * width, goalPos.Value.Y * height), Color.Red);

			spriteBatch.End ();

			base.Draw (gameTime);