protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            VisaApplication V = (VisaApplication)validationContext.ObjectInstance;
            DateTime        D = Convert.ToDateTime(value);

            if (V.Status == "Approved")
                if (D >= DateTime.Today)
                    return(new ValidationResult("Date Of Application Cannot be before the current date"));
Пример #2
        //This method validates the details given by the user to cancel the visa application
        //If validation is successfult then it calculates cancellation charges and updates status as 'Cancelled' in database
        public static VisaApplication VisaCancellation(VisaApplication V)
                //Checks whether the details entered by the user matches in the database
                VisaApplication VA = (from c in P.VisaApplications
                                      where c.UserID == V.UserID && c.VisaID == V.VisaID && c.PassportNumber == V.PassportNumber && c.DateOfIssue == V.DateOfIssue
                                      select c).FirstOrDefault();
                if (VA != null)
                    int cancellationcost = 0;
                    //Calculates difference between DateOfExpiry and Today's date in months
                    int Diff_mon = 0;
                    if (DateTime.Today < VA.DateOfExpiry)
                        Diff_mon = Math.Abs((VA.DateOfExpiry.Month - DateTime.Today.Month) + 12 * (VA.DateOfExpiry.Year - DateTime.Today.Year));

                    //Calculates cancellation cost based on occupation and 'Diff_mon'
                    if (VA.Occupation == "Student")
                        if (Diff_mon < 6)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.15 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                        else if (Diff_mon >= 6)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.25 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                    else if (VA.Occupation == "Private Employee")
                        if (Diff_mon < 6)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.15 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                        else if (Diff_mon >= 6 && Diff_mon < 12)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.25 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                        else if (Diff_mon >= 12)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.20 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                    else if (VA.Occupation == "Government Employee")
                        if (Diff_mon >= 6 && Diff_mon < 12)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.20 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                        else if (Diff_mon >= 12)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.25 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                        else if (Diff_mon < 6)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.15 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                    else if (VA.Occupation == "Self Employed")
                        if (Diff_mon < 6)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.15 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                        else if (Diff_mon >= 6)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.25 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                    else if (VA.Occupation == "Retired Employee")
                        if (Diff_mon < 6)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.10 * VA.RegistrationCost);
                        else if (Diff_mon >= 6)
                            cancellationcost = (int)(0.20 * VA.RegistrationCost);

                    //Updating into database
                    VA.CancellationCharges = cancellationcost;
                    VA.Status = "Cancelled";
            catch (Exception) { }
Пример #3
        //This method generates VisaID,DateOfIssue,DateOfExpiry and RegistrationCost based on validations and conditions mentioned in the SRD and insert in database
        public static VisaApplication VisaApply(VisaApplication V)
                string visaid = string.Empty;
                //Calculates DateOfIssue basedon DateOfApplication
                DateTime IssueDate        = V.DateOfApplication.AddDays(10);
                DateTime ExpiryDate       = DateTime.Today;
                int      registrationcost = 0;

                //Checks whether the User Entered PassportNumber is in database or not
                PassportApplication PA = (from c in P.PassportApplications
                                          where c.PassportNumber == V.PassportNumber
                                          select c).FirstOrDefault();
                if (PA != null)
                    //Based on Occupation of the User UserID,ExpiryDate and RegistrationCost is generated
                    if (V.Occupation == "Student")
                        int student_visaid = (from c in P.VisaApplications
                                              where c.Occupation == V.Occupation
                                              select c).Count() + 1;
                        visaid     = V.Occupation.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper() + "-" + string.Format("{0:0000}", student_visaid);
                        ExpiryDate = IssueDate.AddYears(2);

                        if (V.Country == "USA")
                            registrationcost = 3000;
                        else if (V.Country == "China")
                            registrationcost = 1500;
                        else if (V.Country == "Japan")
                            registrationcost = 3500;
                    else if (V.Occupation == "Private Employee")
                        int pe_visaid = (from c in P.VisaApplications
                                         where c.Occupation == V.Occupation
                                         select c).Count() + 1;
                        visaid     = "PE-" + string.Format("{0:0000}", pe_visaid);
                        ExpiryDate = IssueDate.AddYears(3);

                        if (V.Country == "USA")
                            registrationcost = 4500;
                        else if (V.Country == "China")
                            registrationcost = 2000;
                        else if (V.Country == "Japan")
                            registrationcost = 4000;
                    else if (V.Occupation == "Government Employee")
                        int ge_visaid = (from c in P.VisaApplications
                                         where c.Occupation == V.Occupation
                                         select c).Count() + 1;
                        visaid     = "GE-" + string.Format("{0:0000}", ge_visaid);
                        ExpiryDate = IssueDate.AddYears(4);

                        if (V.Country == "USA")
                            registrationcost = 5000;
                        else if (V.Country == "China")
                            registrationcost = 3000;
                        else if (V.Country == "Japan")
                            registrationcost = 4500;
                    else if (V.Occupation == "Self Employed")
                        int se_visaid = (from c in P.VisaApplications
                                         where c.Occupation == V.Occupation
                                         select c).Count() + 1;
                        visaid     = "SE-" + string.Format("{0:0000}", se_visaid);
                        ExpiryDate = IssueDate.AddYears(1);

                        if (V.Country == "USA")
                            registrationcost = 6000;
                        else if (V.Country == "China")
                            registrationcost = 4000;
                        else if (V.Country == "Japan")
                            registrationcost = 9000;
                    else if (V.Occupation == "Retired Employee")
                        int re_visaid = (from c in P.VisaApplications
                                         where c.Occupation == V.Occupation
                                         select c).Count() + 1;
                        visaid     = "RE-" + string.Format("{0:0000}", re_visaid);
                        ExpiryDate = IssueDate.AddYears(1).AddMonths(6);

                        if (V.Country == "USA")
                            registrationcost = 2000;
                        else if (V.Country == "China")
                            registrationcost = 2000;
                        else if (V.Country == "Japan")
                            registrationcost = 1000;

                    //If ExpiryDate of Visa is after the ExpiryDate of Passport then ExpiryDate of Visa is updated to ExpiryDate of Passport
                    if (ExpiryDate > PA.ExpiryDate)
                        ExpiryDate = PA.ExpiryDate;

                    //Inserting into database
                    V.VisaID           = visaid;
                    V.DateOfIssue      = IssueDate;
                    V.DateOfExpiry     = ExpiryDate;
                    V.RegistrationCost = registrationcost;
            catch (Exception) { }