Пример #1
        public static SimBuffer Create(Simulation sim)
            int   x, y;
            float u;

            if (sim.maxAngleConvergenceID <= 0 || sim.maxAngleConvergenceID <= 0)
                Debug.LogError("The simualtion does not have correct convergence group, GPU solver cannot be created!");
            if (!SimBuffer.GetTexDimension(sim.numberOfParticles(), out x, out y, out u))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot create GPU rendertexture with wrong dimension");
            return(new SimBuffer(x, y, sim));
Пример #2
        public SimBuffer_Angle(Simulation sim, Vector2[] particleUV, int width, int height)
            this.sim = sim;
            int angleNum = sim.numberOfAngleConstraints();
            int parNum   = sim.numberOfParticles();

            //angle uv
            float usage = 0f;

            if (!SimBuffer.GetTexDimension(angleNum, out deltaRTWidth, out deltaRTHeight, out usage))
                Debug.LogError("Cannot create SimBuffer Angle deltaw rt with wrong dimesnion!");
            angleUV = new Vector2[angleNum];
            int   count = 0;
            float halfW = 0.5f / deltaRTWidth;
            float halfH = 0.5f / deltaRTHeight;

            for (int y = 0; y < deltaRTHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < deltaRTWidth; x++)
                    if (count < angleNum)
                        angleUV[count] = new Vector2((float)x / (float)deltaRTWidth + halfW, (float)y / (float)deltaRTHeight + halfH);

            tempRT      = new RenderTexture[sim.maxAngleConvergenceID - 1];
            tempDeltaRT = new RenderTexture[sim.maxAngleConvergenceID];
            paramRT     = new RenderTexture[sim.maxAngleConvergenceID];
            deltaMesh   = new Mesh[sim.maxAngleConvergenceID];

            ID_AngleParamRT  = Shader.PropertyToID("_AngleParamRT");
            ID_AngleConstant = Shader.PropertyToID("_AngleConstant");
            ID_PositionRT    = Shader.PropertyToID("_PositionRT");
            ID_AngleDeltaRT  = Shader.PropertyToID("_AngleDeltaRT");

            //rg = the other end point's uv, ba = uv in the delta rt
            Color[]   paramRTColor = new Color[width * height];
            Texture2D tempTex      = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < sim.maxAngleConvergenceID; i++)
                //delta mesh
                int agbyid = sim.numberOfAnglesByConvID(i + 1);
                deltaMesh[i] = SimBuffer.PointMesh(agbyid);
                List <Vector3> vtc = new List <Vector3> (agbyid);         //xy = a uv,y=fixedangle
                List <Color>   cl  = new List <Color> (agbyid);           //rg=b uv,ba = m uv;
                List <Vector2> uv  = new List <Vector2> (agbyid);         //delta rt uv;

                //init rt
                paramRT[i] = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0, RTFormat.ARGB);

                //prepare temp color
                for (int k = 0; k < width * height; k++)
                    if (k < parNum)
                        Vector2 puv = particleUV[k];
                        paramRTColor[k] = new Color(puv.x, puv.y, 0f, 0f);                      //rg = other end,ba = uv in deltart
                        paramRTColor[k] = Color.clear;

                //get info
                for (int j = 0; j < angleNum; j++)
                    AngleConstraint2D ag = sim.getAngleConstraint(j);
                    if (ag.convergenceGroupID == i + 1)
                        int a      = sim.getParticleIndex(ag.ParticleB);
                        int b      = sim.getParticleIndex(ag.ParticleM);
                        int aIndex = sim.getParticleIndex(ag.ParticleA);
                        //if it's free, rg = the other end's uv, else = own uv
                        if (ag.ParticleB.IsFree)
                            paramRTColor[a].r = particleUV[b].x;
                            paramRTColor[a].g = particleUV[b].y;
                        if (ag.ParticleM.IsFree)
                            paramRTColor[b].r = particleUV[a].x;
                            paramRTColor[b].g = particleUV[a].y;
                        paramRTColor[a].b = paramRTColor[b].b = angleUV[j].x;
                        paramRTColor[a].a = paramRTColor[b].a = angleUV[j].y;

                        //mesh vtc and cl
                        vtc.Add(new Vector3(angleUV[j].x, angleUV[j].y, ag.angle_Fixed));
                        cl.Add(new Color(particleUV[a].x, particleUV[a].y, particleUV[b].x, particleUV[b].y));

                Graphics.Blit(tempTex, paramRT[i]);

                //delta mesh
                deltaMesh[i].vertices = vtc.ToArray();
                deltaMesh[i].colors   = cl.ToArray();
                deltaMesh[i].uv       = uv.ToArray();


            mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock[sim.maxSpringConvergenceID];
            for (int i = 0; i < sim.maxAngleConvergenceID; i++)
                mpb[i] = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
                mpb[i].SetTexture(ID_AngleParamRT, paramRT[i]);
                mpb[i].SetFloat(ID_AngleConstant, sim.Settings.angleConstant);