Пример #1
        public static double PowerParse(string folder)
            string input = folder + @"\power.pt4";

            FileStream pt4Stream = File.Open(

            //Console.WriteLine("File source " + args[1]);

            BinaryReader pt4Reader = new BinaryReader(pt4Stream);

            // reader the file header
            PT4.Pt4Header header = new PT4.Pt4Header();

            PT4.ReadHeader(pt4Reader, ref header);

            // read the Status Packet
            PT4.StatusPacket statusPacket = new PT4.StatusPacket();
            PT4.ReadStatusPacket(pt4Reader, ref statusPacket);

            // determine the number of samples in the file
            long sampleCount = PT4.SampleCount(pt4Reader, header.captureDataMask);

            // pre-position input file to the beginning of the sample // data (saves a lot of repositioning in the GetSample // routine)
            pt4Reader.BaseStream.Position = PT4.sampleOffset;
            // process the samples sequentially, beginning to end
            PT4.Sample sample = new PT4.Sample();

            double sum = 0;
            double powAvg = 0;
            double count = 0;
            for (long sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < sampleCount; sampleIndex++)
                if (sampleIndex < 50000) continue;
                PT4.GetSample(sampleIndex, header.captureDataMask, statusPacket, pt4Reader, ref sample);
                sum += (sample.mainCurrent);//sample.mainVoltage);

            powAvg = sum / count;

            return powAvg;
Пример #2
        public static double[] powerParseArr(string pt4file, int start)
            string input = pt4file;

            FileStream pt4Stream = File.Open(

            //Console.WriteLine("File source " + args[1]);

            BinaryReader pt4Reader = new BinaryReader(pt4Stream);

            // reader the file header
            PT4.Pt4Header header = new PT4.Pt4Header();

            PT4.ReadHeader(pt4Reader, ref header);

            // read the Status Packet
            PT4.StatusPacket statusPacket = new PT4.StatusPacket();
            PT4.ReadStatusPacket(pt4Reader, ref statusPacket);

            // determine the number of samples in the file
            long sampleCount = PT4.SampleCount(pt4Reader, header.captureDataMask);

            // pre-position input file to the beginning of the sample // data (saves a lot of repositioning in the GetSample // routine)
            pt4Reader.BaseStream.Position = PT4.sampleOffset;
            // process the samples sequentially, beginning to end
            PT4.Sample sample = new PT4.Sample();

            List<double> ret = new List<double>();

            int begin = start * 5000;
            for (long sampleIndex = begin; sampleIndex < sampleCount; sampleIndex++)
                PT4.GetSample(sampleIndex, header.captureDataMask, statusPacket, pt4Reader, ref sample);
                powerSum += (sample.mainCurrent * sample.mainVoltage);

                if (powerCnt == 5000)
                    powerAvg = powerSum / powerCnt;
                    //results[((sampleIndex + 1) / samplingRate) - 1] = powerAvg;
                    powerSum = 0;
                    powerCnt = 0;

            return ret.ToArray();
Пример #3
        public static double[] powerParseArr(int powerIndex, string folder, int beginIndex, int avgDuration)
            string input = folder + @"\power" + powerIndex + ".pt4";

            FileStream pt4Stream = File.Open(

            //Console.WriteLine("File source " + args[1]);

            BinaryReader pt4Reader = new BinaryReader(pt4Stream);

            // reader the file header
            PT4.Pt4Header header = new PT4.Pt4Header();

            PT4.ReadHeader(pt4Reader, ref header);

            // read the Status Packet
            PT4.StatusPacket statusPacket = new PT4.StatusPacket();
            PT4.ReadStatusPacket(pt4Reader, ref statusPacket);

            // determine the number of samples in the file
            long sampleCount = PT4.SampleCount(pt4Reader, header.captureDataMask);

            // pre-position input file to the beginning of the sample // data (saves a lot of repositioning in the GetSample // routine)
            pt4Reader.BaseStream.Position = PT4.sampleOffset;
            // process the samples sequentially, beginning to end
            PT4.Sample sample = new PT4.Sample();

            powerSum = 0;
            powerCnt = 0;
            powerAvg = 0;
            double[] results = new double[sampleCount / avgDuration];

            for (long sampleIndex = beginIndex; sampleIndex < sampleCount; sampleIndex++)
                PT4.GetSample(sampleIndex, header.captureDataMask, statusPacket, pt4Reader, ref sample);
                powerSum += sample.mainCurrent * sample.mainVoltage;

                if (powerCnt == avgDuration)
                    powerAvg = powerSum / powerCnt;
                    results[((sampleIndex + 1) / avgDuration) - 1] = powerAvg;
                    powerSum = 0;
                    powerCnt = 0;

            return results;
Пример #4
        public static double powerParse(string file, int beginIndex, int avgDuration)
            string input = file;

            FileStream pt4Stream = File.Open(

            //Console.WriteLine("File source " + args[1]);

            BinaryReader pt4Reader = new BinaryReader(pt4Stream);

            // reader the file header
            PT4.Pt4Header header = new PT4.Pt4Header();

            PT4.ReadHeader(pt4Reader, ref header);

            // read the Status Packet
            PT4.StatusPacket statusPacket = new PT4.StatusPacket();
            PT4.ReadStatusPacket(pt4Reader, ref statusPacket);

            // determine the number of samples in the file
            long sampleCount = PT4.SampleCount(pt4Reader, header.captureDataMask);

            // pre-position input file to the beginning of the sample // data (saves a lot of repositioning in the GetSample // routine)
            pt4Reader.BaseStream.Position = PT4.sampleOffset;
            // process the samples sequentially, beginning to end
            PT4.Sample sample = new PT4.Sample();

            int startTime = beginIndex * avgDuration;

            for (long sampleIndex = startTime; sampleIndex < sampleCount; sampleIndex++)
                PT4.GetSample(sampleIndex, header.captureDataMask, statusPacket, pt4Reader, ref sample);
                powerSum += (sample.mainCurrent * sample.mainVoltage);

            powerAvg = powerSum / powerCnt;

            return powerAvg;
Пример #5
        public static ArrayList PowerParse(string folder)
            string input = folder + @"\power.pt4";

            ArrayList rets = new ArrayList();

            FileStream pt4Stream = File.Open(

            //Console.WriteLine("File source " + args[1]);

            BinaryReader pt4Reader = new BinaryReader(pt4Stream);

            // reader the file header
            PT4.Pt4Header header = new PT4.Pt4Header();

            PT4.ReadHeader(pt4Reader, ref header);

            // read the Status Packet
            PT4.StatusPacket statusPacket = new PT4.StatusPacket();
            PT4.ReadStatusPacket(pt4Reader, ref statusPacket);

            // determine the number of samples in the file
            long sampleCount = PT4.SampleCount(pt4Reader, header.captureDataMask);

            // pre-position input file to the beginning of the sample // data (saves a lot of repositioning in the GetSample // routine)
            pt4Reader.BaseStream.Position = PT4.sampleOffset;
            // process the samples sequentially, beginning to end
            PT4.Sample sample = new PT4.Sample();

            //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(folder + @"\power.csv");
            //Dictionary<double, double> powerTable = new Dictionary<double, double>();

            double sum = 0;
            double powAvg = 0;
            for (long sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < sampleCount; sampleIndex++)

                PT4.GetSample(sampleIndex, header.captureDataMask, statusPacket, pt4Reader, ref sample);
                //powerTable[sample.timeStamp] = sample.mainCurrent;
                sum += (sample.mainCurrent * Config.VOLT);
                int sampleRate = 5000;
                if (sampleIndex % sampleRate == 0) // 5000 HZ : calculate every 1 second 50 for 100hz

                    powAvg = sum / sampleRate;
                    rets.Add(Math.Round(powAvg, 2));
                    powAvg = 0;
                    sum = 0;

            // tw.Close();
            Console.WriteLine("Finish: Power");
            return rets;