private void Load() { #if UNITY // In unity editor set synchronizer from the inspector #else var path = Path.Combine(RootPath, AssetBundleName); var bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(path); if (bundle == null) { PTLogger.Error($"Failed to load ParallelTasker asset bundle from {path}."); return; } var prefab = bundle.LoadAsset <GameObject>("Synchronizer"); m_synchronizer = Instantiate(prefab); bundle.Unload(true); #endif if (m_synchronizer == null) { PTLogger.Error("Could not load synchronizers"); return; } m_synchronizer.SetActive(true); foreach (var sync in m_synchronizer.GetComponents <IPTSynchronizer>()) { PTLogger.Debug($"Adding {sync} to known synchronizers"); s_synchronizers.Add(sync.EventTime, sync); } }
internal void OnSceneChange(Scene current, Scene next) { // in KSP scene changes are done through an intermediate loading buffer scene if (!ResetOnSceneChange) { return; } PTLogger.Debug($"Scene change: {} -> {}"); Controller?.ResetCurrentTasks(); }
public PTThreadPool(int number) { PTLogger.Info($"Initializing threadpool with {number.ToString()} threads."); m_threads = new Thread[number]; for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) { m_threads[i] = new Thread(ExecuteTasks); m_threads[i].Start(); } }
public void RunFinalizer() { try { finalize?.Invoke(argument); } catch (Exception ex) { PTLogger.Exception(ex); } Release(); }
public PTTaskQueue() { ResetCount(); #if DEBUG var sb = new StringBuilder($"{this} dequeue order:\n"); var counter = 0; foreach (var group in m_tasks.Keys) { sb.AppendLine($" {(++counter).ToString()}. {group.ToString()}"); } PTLogger.Debug(sb.ToString()); #endif }
public static void Flush() { if (m_sb.Length <= 0) { return; } lock (m_lock) { m_sb.Insert(0, m_logStart); PTLogger.Info(m_sb.ToString()); Clear(); } }
public PTThreadTask RunInitializer() { try { argument = initialize?.Invoke(); } catch (Exception ex) { main = null; finalize = null; PTLogger.Exception(ex); } return(this); }
private void Awake() { if (m_instance == null) { PTLogger.Debug($"Singleton {this} is awake"); m_instance = this as T; DontDestroyOnLoad(this); OnAwake(); } else { PTLogger.Warning($"{this} is a Singleton but an instance already exists, destroying this instance"); m_destroyingDuplicate = true; Destroy(this); } }
private void Initialize(Func <PTTimePair, T> create) { var factory = create ?? (pair => default(T)); foreach (var group in PTUtils.GetAllTimePairs()) { try { this[group] = factory(group); } catch (Exception) { PTLogger.Error($"Error while initializing {this} with {group.ToString()}"); throw; } } }