public override PShape3D CreateShape(GameObject root) { Fix64Vec3 s = CalculateSize(); if (s != { _currentSize = s; Fix64Vec3 center =; Fix64Quat rotation = Fix64Quat.identity; if (gameObject != root) { center = _pTransform.localPosition; rotation = _pTransform.localRotation; } _shape = Parallel3D.CreatePolyhedron(convexData, s, center, rotation); if (createUnityPhysicsCollider) { var collider = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); collider.convex = true; } return(_shape); } else { return(null); } }
protected override void UpdateShape(GameObject root) { Fix64 h = CalculateHeight(); Fix64 r = CalculateRadius(); Fix64Vec3 p1 =; Fix64Vec3 p2 =; CalculatePoints(h, r, ref p1, ref p2); if (p1 == || p2 == { Debug.LogError("Invalid Size"); return; } Fix64Vec3 center =; Fix64Quat rotation = Fix64Quat.identity; if (gameObject != root) { center = _pTransform.localPosition; rotation = _pTransform.localRotation; } point1 = p1; point2 = p2; radius = r; height = h; Parallel3D.UpdateCapsule(_shape, _fixture, p1, p2, radius, center, rotation); }
public static Fix64Vec3 MulT(Fix64Vec3 pos, Fix64Quat rot, Fix64Vec3 point) { Fix64Vec3 output =; NativeParallel3D.MulT(pos, rot, point, ref output); return(output); }
public bool LoadSavedExport(UInt32 step) { if (step > _maxStep) { return(false); } if (step < _minStep) { return(false); } int index = CalculateExportIndex(step); PBodyExport3D export = bodyExports[index]; linearVelocity = export.linearVelocity; angularVelocity = export.angularVelocity; position = export.position; orientation = export.orientation; orientation0 = export.orientation0; awake = export.awake; sleepTime = export.sleepTime; Parallel3D.UpdateBodyTransformForRollback(this, position, orientation, orientation0); Parallel3D.UpdateBodyVelocity(this, linearVelocity, angularVelocity); Parallel3D.SetAwakeForRollback(this, awake, sleepTime); return(true); }
// public static Fix64Mat4x4 FromTRS(Fix64Vec3 translation, Fix64Quat rotation, Fix64Vec3 scale) { Fix64 x1 = translation.x; Fix64 y1 = translation.y; Fix64 z1 = translation.z; Fix64 x2 = scale.x; Fix64 y2 = scale.y; Fix64 z2 = scale.z; Fix64Mat3x3 rot = new Fix64Mat3x3(rotation); Fix64 a11 = rot.x.x; Fix64 a21 = rot.x.y; Fix64 a31 = rot.x.z; Fix64 a12 = rot.y.x; Fix64 a22 = rot.y.y; Fix64 a32 = rot.y.z; Fix64 a13 = rot.z.x; Fix64 a23 = rot.z.y; Fix64 a33 = rot.z.z; Fix64Vec4 _x = new Fix64Vec4(x2 * a11, x2 * a21, x2 * a31,; Fix64Vec4 _y = new Fix64Vec4(y2 * a12, y2 * a22, y2 * a32,; Fix64Vec4 _z = new Fix64Vec4(z2 * a13, z2 * a23, z2 * a33,; Fix64Vec4 _w = new Fix64Vec4(x1, y1, z1,; return(new Fix64Mat4x4(_x, _y, _z, _w)); }
public override PShape3D CreateShape(GameObject root) { Fix64Vec3 s = CalculateSize(); if (s != { Fix64Vec3 center =; Fix64Quat rotation = Fix64Quat.identity; if (gameObject != root) { center = _pTransform.localPosition; rotation = _pTransform.localRotation; } _shape = Parallel3D.CreateCube(s.x, s.y, s.z, center, rotation); if (createUnityPhysicsCollider) { var collider = gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); collider.size = (Vector3)size; } return(_shape); } else { return(null); } }
public static Fix64 LengthSqr(Fix64Quat a) { return(Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawX, a.RawX) + NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawY, a.RawY) + NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawZ, a.RawZ) + NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawW, a.RawW))); }
public static bool OverlapCube(Fix64Vec3 center, Fix64Quat rotation, Fix64 x, Fix64 y, Fix64 z, int mask, PShapeOverlapResult3D shapeOverlapResult) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } int count = 0; bool hit = NativeParallel3D.CubeOverlap(internalWorld.IntPointer, mask, center, rotation, x, y, z, _queryBodyIDs, ref count); shapeOverlapResult.count = count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { UInt16 bodyID = _queryBodyIDs[i]; if (bodyDictionary.ContainsKey(bodyID)) { shapeOverlapResult.rigidbodies[i] = bodyDictionary[bodyID].RigidBody; } else { Debug.LogError($"Rigibody not found: {bodyID}"); } } return(hit); }
/// <summary> /// Imports the floating point values from the Unity Transform Component /// NOT deterministic /// </summary> public void ImportFromUnity() { //Debug.LogWarning("ImportFromUnity"); _localPosition = (Fix64Vec3)transform.localPosition; _localRotation = (Fix64Quat)transform.localRotation; _localEularAngles = (Fix64Vec3)transform.localEulerAngles; _localScale = (Fix64Vec3)transform.localScale; }
public static Fix64Quat FromEulerAngles(Fix64Vec3 value) { Fix64 yaw_y = Fix64.DegToRad(value.y); Fix64 pitch_x = Fix64.DegToRad(value.x); Fix64 roll_z = Fix64.DegToRad(value.z); return(Fix64Quat.FromYawPitchRoll(yaw_y, pitch_x, roll_z)); }
public static void UpdateBodyTransForm(PBody3D body, Fix64Vec3 pos, Fix64Quat rot) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } NativeParallel3D.UpdateBodyTransform(body.IntPointer, pos, rot); }
public static Fix64Quat Inverse(Fix64Quat a) { long inv_norm = NativeFixedMath.Rcp64(LengthSqr(a).Raw); return(Make( -NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawX, inv_norm), -NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawY, inv_norm), -NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawZ, inv_norm), NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawW, inv_norm))); }
public static Fix64Quat Normalize(Fix64Quat a) { long inv_norm = NativeFixedMath.Rcp64(LengthFastest(a).Raw); Fix64 x = Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawX, inv_norm)); Fix64 y = Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawY, inv_norm)); Fix64 z = Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawZ, inv_norm)); Fix64 w = Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Mul64(a.RawW, inv_norm)); return(new Fix64Quat(x, y, z, w)); }
internal static extern IntPtr CreateBody(IntPtr worldHandle, int bodyType, Fix64Vec3 position, Fix64Quat orientation, Fix64Vec3 linearDamping, Fix64Vec3 angularDamping, Fix64Vec3 gravityScale, bool fixedRotationX, bool fixedRotationY, bool fixedRotationZ, ref UInt16 bodyID);
public Fix64Mat3x3(Fix64Quat quat) { Fix64 _x = quat.x; Fix64 _y = quat.y; Fix64 _z = quat.z; Fix64 _w = quat.w; Fix64 x2 = _x + _x, y2 = _y + _y, z2 = _z + _z; Fix64 xx = _x * x2, xy = _x * y2, xz = _x * z2; Fix64 yy = _y * y2, yz = _y * z2, zz = _z * z2; Fix64 wx = _w * x2, wy = _w * y2, wz = _w * z2; x = new Fix64Vec3( - (yy + zz), xy + wz, xz - wy); y = new Fix64Vec3(xy - wz, - (xx + zz), yz + wx); z = new Fix64Vec3(xz + wy, yz - wx, - (xx + yy)); }
protected override void UpdateShape(GameObject root) { Fix64Vec3 s = CalculateSize(); if (s != { Fix64Vec3 center =; Fix64Quat rotation = Fix64Quat.identity; if (gameObject != root) { center = _pTransform.localPosition; rotation = _pTransform.localRotation; } Parallel3D.UpdateCube(_shape, _fixture, s.x, s.y, s.z, center, rotation); } }
public static Fix64Quat LookRotation(Fix64Vec3 dir, Fix64Vec3 up) { // From: if (dir == { return(identity); } if (up != dir) { Fix64Vec3 v = dir + up * -Fix64Vec3.Dot(up, dir); Fix64Quat q = FromTwoVectors(Fix64Vec3.forward, v); return(FromTwoVectors(v, dir) * q); } else { return(FromTwoVectors(Fix64Vec3.forward, dir)); } }
public static Fix64Quat Slerp(Fix64Quat q1, Fix64Quat q2, Fix64 t) { Fix64 epsilon = Fix64.FromDivision(1, 1000000); Fix64 cos_omega = q1.x * q2.x + q1.y * q2.y + q1.z * q2.z + q1.w * q2.w; bool flip = false; if (cos_omega < { flip = true; cos_omega = -cos_omega; } Fix64 s1, s2; if (cos_omega > ( - epsilon)) { // Too close, do straight linear interpolation. s1 = - t; s2 = (flip) ? -t : t; } else { Fix64 omega = Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Acos64(cos_omega.Raw)); Fix64 inv_sin_omega = / Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Sin64(omega.Raw)); Fix64 v1 = ( - t) * omega; Fix64 v2 = t * omega; s1 = Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Sin64(v1.Raw)) * inv_sin_omega; s2 = Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Sin64(v2.Raw)) * inv_sin_omega; s2 = (flip) ? -s2 : s2; } return(new Fix64Quat( s1 * q1.x + s2 * q2.x, s1 * q1.y + s2 * q2.y, s1 * q1.z + s2 * q2.z, s1 * q1.w + s2 * q2.w)); }
//3D body public static PBody3D AddBody( int bodyType, Fix64Vec3 position, Fix64Quat orientation, Fix64Vec3 linearDamping, Fix64Vec3 angularDamping, Fix64Vec3 gravityScale, bool fixedRotationX, bool fixedRotationY, bool fixedRotationZ, IParallelRigidbody3D rigidBody) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } UInt16 bodyID = 0; IntPtr m_NativeObject = NativeParallel3D.CreateBody( internalWorld.IntPointer, bodyType, position, orientation, linearDamping, angularDamping, gravityScale, fixedRotationX, fixedRotationY, fixedRotationZ, ref bodyID); PBody3D body = new PBody3D(m_NativeObject, bodyID, rigidBody as ParallelRigidbody3D, bodyExportSize); rigidBodies.Add(rigidBody); bodyDictionary[bodyID] = body; ReadNativeBody(body); return(body); }
public override PShape3D CreateShape(GameObject root) { Fix64 h = CalculateHeight(); Fix64 r = CalculateRadius(); Fix64Vec3 p1 =; Fix64Vec3 p2 =; CalculatePoints(h, r, ref p1, ref p2); if (p1 == || p2 == { Debug.LogError("Invalid Size"); return(null); } else { Fix64Vec3 center =; Fix64Quat rotation = Fix64Quat.identity; if (gameObject != root) { center = _pTransform.localPosition; rotation = _pTransform.localRotation; } point1 = p1; point2 = p2; radius = r; height = h; _shape = Parallel3D.CreateCapsule(p1, p2, radius, center, rotation); if (createUnityPhysicsCollider) { var collider = gameObject.AddComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); collider.height = (float)h; collider.radius = (float)radius; } return(_shape); } }
internal static extern IntPtr CreateConvex(Fix64Vec3[] verts, UInt32 vertsCount, ParallelEdge[] edges, UInt32 edgesCount, ParallelFace[] faces, UInt32 faceCount, ParallelPlane[] planes, Fix64Vec3 scale, Fix64Vec3 center, Fix64Quat rotation);
internal static extern IntPtr CreateCapsule(Fix64Vec3 v1, Fix64Vec3 v2, Fix64 radius, Fix64Vec3 center, Fix64Quat rotation);
internal static extern void UpdateCube(IntPtr shapeHandle, IntPtr fixtureHandle, Fix64 x, Fix64 y, Fix64 z, Fix64Vec3 center, Fix64Quat rotation);
internal static extern bool CubeOverlap(IntPtr worldHandle, int mask, Fix64Vec3 center, Fix64Quat rot, Fix64 x, Fix64 y, Fix64 z, UInt16[] bodyIDs, ref int count);
internal static extern void UpdateCapsule(IntPtr shapeHandle, IntPtr fixtureHandle, Fix64Vec3 v1, Fix64Vec3 v2, Fix64 radius, Fix64Vec3 center, Fix64Quat rotation);
internal static extern Fix64Vec3 MulT(Fix64Vec3 pos, Fix64Quat rot, Fix64Vec3 point, ref Fix64Vec3 output);
internal void _internal_WriteTranform(Fix64Vec3 position, Fix64Quat rotation) { _localPosition = position; _internalLocalRotation = rotation; ExportToUnity(); }
public void RotateInLocalSpace(Fix64Vec3 eulers) { //Rotation = Fix64Quat.FromEulerAngles(eulers) * Rotation; localRotation = localRotation * Fix64Quat.FromEulerAngles(eulers); }
//rotate in degree public void RotateInWorldSpace(Fix64Vec3 eulers) { //Rotation = Fix64Quat.FromEulerAngles(eulers) * Rotation; rotation = rotation * Fix64Quat.FromEulerAngles(eulers); }
internal static extern void UpdateBodyTransformForRollback(IntPtr bodyHandle, Fix64Vec3 position, Fix64Quat orientation, Fix64Quat orientation0);