Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements bicubic filtering with bounds checking at every pixel.
        /// </summary>
        private unsafe void BicubicFitSurfaceChecked(Surface source, Rectangle dstRoi)
            Rectangle roi   = Rectangle.Intersect(dstRoi, this.Bounds);
            Rectangle roiIn = Rectangle.Intersect(dstRoi, new Rectangle(1, 1, width - 1, height - 1));

            IntPtr  rColCacheIP = Memory.Allocate(4 * (ulong)roi.Width * (ulong)sizeof(double));
            double *rColCache   = (double *)rColCacheIP.ToPointer();

            // Precompute and then cache the value of R() for each column
            for (int dstX = roi.Left; dstX < roi.Right; ++dstX)
                double srcColumn      = (double)(dstX * (source.width - 1)) / (double)(width - 1);
                double srcColumnFloor = Math.Floor(srcColumn);
                double srcColumnFrac  = srcColumn - srcColumnFloor;
                for (int m = -1; m <= 2; ++m)
                    int    index = (m + 1) + ((dstX - roi.Left) * 4);
                    double x     = m - srcColumnFrac;
                    rColCache[index] = R(x);

            // Set this up so we can cache the R()'s for every row
            double *rRowCache = stackalloc double[4];

            for (int dstY = roi.Top; dstY < roi.Bottom; ++dstY)
                double     srcRow      = (double)(dstY * (source.height - 1)) / (double)(height - 1);
                double     srcRowFloor = (double)Math.Floor(srcRow);
                double     srcRowFrac  = srcRow - srcRowFloor;
                int        srcRowInt   = (int)srcRow;
                ColorBgra *dstPtr      = this.GetPointAddressUnchecked(roi.Left, dstY);

                // Compute the R() values for this row
                for (int n = -1; n <= 2; ++n)
                    double x = srcRowFrac - n;
                    rRowCache[n + 1] = R(x);

                // See Perf Note below
                //int nFirst = Math.Max(-srcRowInt, -1);
                //int nLast = Math.Min(source.height - srcRowInt - 1, 2);

                for (int dstX = roi.Left; dstX < roi.Right; dstX++)
                    double srcColumn      = (double)(dstX * (source.width - 1)) / (double)(width - 1);
                    double srcColumnFloor = Math.Floor(srcColumn);
                    double srcColumnFrac  = srcColumn - srcColumnFloor;
                    int    srcColumnInt   = (int)srcColumn;

                    double blueSum     = 0;
                    double greenSum    = 0;
                    double redSum      = 0;
                    double alphaSum    = 0;
                    double totalWeight = 0;

                    // See Perf Note below
                    //int mFirst = Math.Max(-srcColumnInt, -1);
                    //int mLast = Math.Min(source.width - srcColumnInt - 1, 2);

                    ColorBgra *srcPtr = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcColumnInt - 1, srcRowInt - 1);

                    for (int n = -1; n <= 2; ++n)
                        int srcY = srcRowInt + n;

                        for (int m = -1; m <= 2; ++m)
                            // Perf Note: It actually benchmarks faster on my system to do
                            // a bounds check for every (m,n) than it is to limit the loop
                            // to nFirst-Last and mFirst-mLast.
                            // I'm leaving the code above, albeit commented out, so that
                            // benchmarking between these two can still be performed.
                            if (source.IsVisible(srcColumnInt + m, srcY))
                                double w0 = rColCache[(m + 1) + (4 * (dstX - roi.Left))];
                                double w1 = rRowCache[n + 1];
                                double w  = w0 * w1;

                                blueSum  += srcPtr->B * w * srcPtr->A;
                                greenSum += srcPtr->G * w * srcPtr->A;
                                redSum   += srcPtr->R * w * srcPtr->A;
                                alphaSum += srcPtr->A * w;

                                totalWeight += w;


                        srcPtr = (ColorBgra *)((byte *)(srcPtr - 4) + source.stride);

                    double alpha = alphaSum / totalWeight;
                    double blue;
                    double green;
                    double red;

                    if (alpha == 0)
                        blue  = 0;
                        green = 0;
                        red   = 0;
                        blue  = blueSum / alphaSum;
                        green = greenSum / alphaSum;
                        red   = redSum / alphaSum;

                        // add 0.5 to ensure truncation to uint results in rounding
                        alpha += 0.5;
                        blue  += 0.5;
                        green += 0.5;
                        red   += 0.5;

                    dstPtr->Bgra = (uint)blue + ((uint)green << 8) + ((uint)red << 16) + ((uint)alpha << 24);
                } // for (dstX...
            }     // for (dstY...

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements bicubic filtering with bounds checking at every pixel.
        /// </summary>
        private void BicubicFitSurfaceChecked(Surface source, Rectangle dstRoi)
            if (this.width < 2 || this.height < 2 || source.width < 2 || source.height < 2)
                SuperSamplingFitSurface(source, dstRoi);
                    Rectangle roi = Rectangle.Intersect(dstRoi, this.Bounds);
                    Rectangle roiIn = Rectangle.Intersect(dstRoi, new Rectangle(1, 1, width - 1, height - 1));

                    IntPtr rColCacheIP = Memory.Allocate(4 * (ulong)roi.Width * (ulong)sizeof(double));
                    double* rColCache = (double*)rColCacheIP.ToPointer();

                    // Precompute and then cache the value of R() for each column
                    for (int dstX = roi.Left; dstX < roi.Right; ++dstX)
                        double srcColumn = (double)(dstX * (source.width - 1)) / (double)(width - 1);
                        double srcColumnFloor = Math.Floor(srcColumn);
                        double srcColumnFrac = srcColumn - srcColumnFloor;
                        int srcColumnInt = (int)srcColumn;

                        for (int m = -1; m <= 2; ++m)
                            int index = (m + 1) + ((dstX - roi.Left) * 4);
                            double x = m - srcColumnFrac;
                            rColCache[index] = R(x);

                    // Set this up so we can cache the R()'s for every row
                    double* rRowCache = stackalloc double[4];

                    for (int dstY = roi.Top; dstY < roi.Bottom; ++dstY)
                        double srcRow = (double)(dstY * (source.height - 1)) / (double)(height - 1);
                        double srcRowFloor = (double)Math.Floor(srcRow);
                        double srcRowFrac = srcRow - srcRowFloor;
                        int srcRowInt = (int)srcRow;
                        ColorBgra *dstPtr = this.GetPointAddressUnchecked(roi.Left, dstY);

                        // Compute the R() values for this row
                        for (int n = -1; n <= 2; ++n)
                            double x = srcRowFrac - n;
                            rRowCache[n + 1] = R(x);

                        // See Perf Note below
                        //int nFirst = Math.Max(-srcRowInt, -1);
                        //int nLast = Math.Min(source.height - srcRowInt - 1, 2);

                        for (int dstX = roi.Left; dstX < roi.Right; dstX++)
                            double srcColumn = (double)(dstX * (source.width - 1)) / (double)(width - 1);
                            double srcColumnFloor = Math.Floor(srcColumn);
                            double srcColumnFrac = srcColumn - srcColumnFloor;
                            int srcColumnInt = (int)srcColumn;

                            double blueSum = 0;
                            double greenSum = 0;
                            double redSum = 0;
                            double alphaSum = 0;
                            double totalWeight = 0;

                            // See Perf Note below
                            //int mFirst = Math.Max(-srcColumnInt, -1);
                            //int mLast = Math.Min(source.width - srcColumnInt - 1, 2);

                            ColorBgra *srcPtr = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcColumnInt - 1, srcRowInt - 1);

                            for (int n = -1; n <= 2; ++n)
                                int srcY = srcRowInt + n;

                                for (int m = -1; m <= 2; ++m)
                                    // Perf Note: It actually benchmarks faster on my system to do
                                    // a bounds check for every (m,n) than it is to limit the loop
                                    // to nFirst-Last and mFirst-mLast.
                                    // I'm leaving the code above, albeit commented out, so that
                                    // benchmarking between these two can still be performed.
                                    if (source.IsVisible(srcColumnInt + m, srcY))
                                        double w0 = rColCache[(m + 1) + (4 * (dstX - roi.Left))];
                                        double w1 = rRowCache[n + 1];
                                        double w = w0 * w1;

                                        blueSum += srcPtr->B * w * srcPtr->A;
                                        greenSum += srcPtr->G * w * srcPtr->A;
                                        redSum += srcPtr->R * w * srcPtr->A;
                                        alphaSum += srcPtr->A * w;

                                        totalWeight += w;


                                srcPtr = (ColorBgra *)((byte *)(srcPtr - 4) + source.stride);

                            double alpha = alphaSum / totalWeight;
                            double blue;
                            double green;
                            double red;

                            if (alpha == 0)
                                blue = 0;
                                green = 0;
                                red = 0;
                                blue = blueSum / alphaSum;
                                green = greenSum / alphaSum;
                                red = redSum / alphaSum;

                                // add 0.5 to ensure truncation to uint results in rounding
                                alpha += 0.5;
                                blue += 0.5;
                                green += 0.5;
                                red += 0.5;

                            dstPtr->Bgra = (uint)blue + ((uint)green << 8) + ((uint)red << 16) + ((uint)alpha << 24);
                        } // for (dstX...
                    } // for (dstY...

                } // unsafe