Picture IO manager. Handles reading and writing the Images files and the Image Information file
Наследование: IPictureIOManager
        /// <summary>
        /// Playback an image.
        /// </summary>
        private void PlaybackImage(Guid pictureId)
            var filenameResolver = this.CreateFilenameResolver(pictureId);
            var pictureIOManager = new PictureIOManager(filenameResolver);
            ImageStateData imageStateData = pictureIOManager.LoadImageStateData();


            var canvasPlayback = new CanvasPlayback(filenameResolver.MasterCanvasRecorderFilename(imageStateData.CurrentSavePoint));


            // Simply instantiate the class derived from monogame:game and away we go...
            ToolboxLayoutDefinition layoutDefinition =
                imageStateData.Width > imageStateData.Height ?
                    this.toolboxLayoutManager.PlaybackLandscapeToolboxLayout :

            this.playBackApp = new CanvasPlaybackApp(canvasPlayback, imageStateData, layoutDefinition, this.deviceScale);
            this.playBackApp.Exiting += CanvasPlaybackAppExiting;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the current image from the file list and updates the display.
        /// </summary>
        private void DeleteCurrentImageFromFileListAndUpdateDisplay()
            var filenameResolver = this.CreateFilenameResolver(this.PictureIdFromFile(this.currentFileIndex));
            var pictureIOManager = new PictureIOManager(filenameResolver);



            if (this.fileListLength == 0)
                // we've just deleted the last image!
                foreach (var image in this.imageViewList)
                    image.Image = null;
                // remove the current image from screen.
                // copy the first image into the middle (current) image
                // then scroll to the next image
                int previousImageIndex = (this.currentFileIndex == 0) ? this.fileListLength - 1 : this.currentFileIndex - 1;
                this.LoadImageWithIndex(1, previousImageIndex);
                this.currentFileIndex = previousImageIndex;
                this.scrollView.SetContentOffset(new PointF(this.imageViewList[2].Frame.X, 0), true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Edits a specific image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='pictureId'>
        /// Unique ID referencing the specific image we want to edit
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='imageStateData'>
        /// Image state data for this image - if null then it will be read from disk (so should not be null for new images)
        /// </param>
        private void EditImage(Guid pictureId, ImageStateData imageStateData = null)
            var filenameResolver = this.CreateFilenameResolver(pictureId);
            var pictureIOManager = new PictureIOManager(filenameResolver);

            if (imageStateData == null)
                imageStateData = pictureIOManager.LoadImageStateData();


            BusyMessageDisplay busyMessageDisplay = new BusyMessageDisplay("Saving", "Please wait...");

            // Simply instantiate the class derived from monogame:game and away we go...
            ToolboxLayoutDefinition layoutDefinition =
                imageStateData.Width > imageStateData.Height ?
                    this.toolboxLayoutManager.PaintLandscapeToolboxLayout :

            this.paintApp = new PaintApp(pictureIOManager, filenameResolver, imageStateData, busyMessageDisplay, layoutDefinition, this.deviceScale);
            this.paintApp.Exiting += PaintAppExiting;

        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the image and all associated data
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Filename for the newly created image</returns>
        /// <param name='pictureId'>
        /// Identifier of the image to copy
        /// </param>
        private string CopyImage(Guid pictureId)
            var existingFileFilenameResolver = this.CreateFilenameResolver(pictureId);
            var pictureIOManager = new PictureIOManager(existingFileFilenameResolver);

            var newFileFilenameResolver = this.CreateFilenameResolver(Guid.NewGuid());


            return newFileFilenameResolver.MasterImageFilename;