Пример #1
 protected static void Copy(ARStatementDetail aDest, ARStatement aSrc)
     aDest.CustomerID    = aSrc.CustomerID;
     aDest.CuryID        = aSrc.CuryID;
     aDest.StatementDate = aSrc.StatementDate;
     //BranchID is copied earlier - from the document to both StatementHeader and details
Пример #2
 protected static void Copy(ARStatementDetail aDest, ARRegister aSrc)
     aDest.DocType        = aSrc.DocType;
     aDest.RefNbr         = aSrc.RefNbr;
     aDest.BranchID       = aSrc.BranchID;
     aDest.DocBalance     = aSrc.DocBal;
     aDest.CuryDocBalance = aSrc.CuryDocBal;
     aDest.IsOpen         = aSrc.OpenDoc;
Пример #3
        public virtual void ARStatementDetail_RowDeleted(PXCache cache, PXRowDeletedEventArgs e)
            ARStatementDetail row = (ARStatementDetail)e.Row;

            foreach (ARRegister iDoc in this.Docs.Select(row.DocType, row.RefNbr))
                if (row.StatementDate == iDoc.StatementDate)
                    iDoc.StatementDate = null;
Пример #4
        protected virtual void GenerateCustomerStatement(ARStatementCycle aCycle, Customer customer, DateTime aStatementDate,
                                                         Dictionary <Tuple <int, string, int, DateTime>, ARStatement> statementsTrace)
            PXSelectBase <Customer>   selectCustomer = new PXSelect <Customer, Where <Customer.statementCycleId, Equal <Required <Customer.statementCycleId> > > >(this);
            PXSelectBase <ARRegister> selectOpenDocs = new PXSelectJoin <ARRegister, LeftJoin <ARInvoice, On <ARInvoice.docType, Equal <ARRegister.docType>,
                                                                                                              And <ARInvoice.refNbr, Equal <ARRegister.refNbr> > > >,
                                                                         Where <ARRegister.customerID, Equal <Required <ARRegister.customerID> >,
                                                                                And <ARRegister.released, Equal <BQLConstants.BitOn>,
                                                                                     And <ARRegister.docDate, LessEqual <Required <ARRegister.docDate> >,
                                                                                          And <Where <ARRegister.openDoc, Equal <BQLConstants.BitOn>,
                                                                                                      Or <ARRegister.statementDate, IsNull> > > > > > >(this);

            PXSelectBase <ARStatementDetail> selectDocsStmDetail = new PXSelect <ARStatementDetail, Where <ARStatementDetail.customerID,
                                                                                                           Equal <Required <ARStatementDetail.customerID> >,
                                                                                                           And <ARStatementDetail.docType, Equal <Required <ARStatementDetail.docType> >,
                                                                                                                And <ARStatementDetail.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARStatementDetail.refNbr> > > > >, OrderBy <Asc <ARStatementDetail.statementDate> > >(this);

            PXSelectBase <ARStatement> selectAllPreviousByCustomer = new PXSelect <ARStatement,
                                                                                   Where <ARStatement.customerID, Equal <Required <ARStatement.customerID> > >,
                                                                                   OrderBy <Asc <ARStatement.curyID, Desc <ARStatement.statementDate> > > >(this);

            PXSelectBase <ARStatement> selectPreviousStatement = new PXSelect <ARStatement,
                                                                               Where <ARStatement.branchID, Equal <Required <ARStatement.branchID> >,
                                                                                      And <ARStatement.customerID, Equal <Required <ARStatement.customerID> >,
                                                                                           And <ARStatement.curyID, Equal <Required <ARStatement.curyID> > > > >,
                                                                               OrderBy <Desc <ARStatement.statementDate> > >(this);

            bool ageCredits = (this.ARSetup.Current.AgeCredits ?? false);

            Dictionary <StatementKey, ARStatement> statements = new Dictionary <StatementKey, ARStatement>();
            List <ARStatementDetail> details = new List <ARStatementDetail>();

            foreach (PXResult <ARRegister, ARInvoice> iDoc in selectOpenDocs.Select(customer.BAccountID, aStatementDate))
                ARStatement       header          = null;
                ARRegister        doc             = (ARRegister)iDoc;
                ARInvoice         inv             = (ARInvoice)iDoc;
                ARStatementDetail statementDetail = (ARStatementDetail)selectDocsStmDetail.Select(doc.CustomerID, doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr);
                bool         isNewDoc             = (statementDetail == null);
                StatementKey key = new StatementKey(doc.BranchID.Value, doc.CuryID);

                if (IsMultipleInstallmentMaster(inv))
                    continue; //Skip invoice, which is the first in multiple installments sequence (master)
                if (!statements.ContainsKey(key))
                    header = new ARStatement();
                    Copy(header, customer);
                    Copy(header, aCycle);
                    Copy(header, doc);
                    header.StatementDate = aStatementDate;

                    ARStatement trace    = null;
                    bool        gotTrace = statementsTrace.TryGetValue(new Tuple <int, string, int, DateTime>(header.BranchID.Value, header.CuryID, header.CustomerID.Value, header.StatementDate.Value), out trace);
                    if (gotTrace)
                        header.PrevPrintedCnt = trace.PrevPrintedCnt;
                        header.PrevEmailedCnt = trace.PrevEmailedCnt;
                    statements[key] = header;
                    header = statements[key];

                ARStatementDetail det = new ARStatementDetail();
                Copy(det, header);
                Copy(det, doc);

                if (doc.DocType != AR.ARDocType.CashSale && doc.DocType != AR.ARDocType.CashReturn)
                    Accumulate(header, (doc.Payable == true ? inv : doc), aCycle, isNewDoc, ageCredits);


            //Merge with previous statements - is needed for Balance Brought Forward
            Dictionary <StatementKey, DateTime> lastCuryStatement = new Dictionary <StatementKey, DateTime>();

            foreach (ARStatement iPrev in selectAllPreviousByCustomer.Select(customer.BAccountID))
                ARStatement  header = null;
                StatementKey key    = new StatementKey(iPrev.BranchID.Value, iPrev.CuryID);
                if (lastCuryStatement.ContainsKey(key) && lastCuryStatement[key] > iPrev.StatementDate)

                if (!statements.ContainsKey(key))
                    header = new ARStatement();
                    header.BranchID      = iPrev.BranchID;
                    header.CuryID        = iPrev.CuryID;
                    header.CustomerID    = iPrev.CustomerID;
                    header.StatementDate = aStatementDate;
                    Copy(header, customer);
                    Copy(header, aCycle);
                    statements[key] = header;
                    header = statements[key];

                header.BegBalance     = iPrev.EndBalance;
                header.CuryBegBalance = iPrev.CuryEndBalance;
                lastCuryStatement[key] = iPrev.StatementDate.Value;

            foreach (ARStatement iH in statements.Values)
                ARStatement prev = selectPreviousStatement.Select(iH.CustomerID, iH.BranchID, iH.CuryID);
                if (prev != null)
                    iH.BegBalance     = prev.EndBalance;
                    iH.CuryBegBalance = prev.CuryEndBalance;

                ApplyFIFORule(iH, ageCredits);

            PersistStatement(customer.BAccountID, aStatementDate, statements.Values, details);
Пример #5
        protected virtual void GenerateCustomerStatement(StatementCreateBO statementGraph, ARStatementCycle aCycle, Customer customer, DateTime aStatementDate,
                                                         Dictionary <Tuple <int, string, int, DateTime>, ARStatement> statementsTrace, IList <PXResult <ARRegister, ARInvoice> > familyDocuments)
            PXSelectBase <ARRegister> selectOpenDocs = new PXSelectJoin <ARRegister, LeftJoin <ARInvoice, On <ARInvoice.docType, Equal <ARRegister.docType>,
                                                                                                              And <ARInvoice.refNbr, Equal <ARRegister.refNbr> > > >,
                                                                         Where <ARRegister.customerID, Equal <Required <ARRegister.customerID> >,
                                                                                And <ARRegister.released, Equal <BQLConstants.BitOn>,
                                                                                     And <ARRegister.docDate, LessEqual <Required <ARRegister.docDate> >,
                                                                                          And <Where <ARRegister.openDoc, Equal <BQLConstants.BitOn>,
                                                                                                      Or <ARRegister.statementDate, IsNull> > > > > > >(this);

            PXSelectBase <ARStatementDetail> selectDocsStmDetail = new PXSelect <ARStatementDetail, Where <ARStatementDetail.customerID,
                                                                                                           Equal <Required <ARStatementDetail.customerID> >,
                                                                                                           And <ARStatementDetail.docType, Equal <Required <ARStatementDetail.docType> >,
                                                                                                                And <ARStatementDetail.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARStatementDetail.refNbr> > > > >, OrderBy <Asc <ARStatementDetail.statementDate> > >(this);

            PXSelectBase <ARStatement> selectAllPreviousByCustomer = new PXSelect <ARStatement,
                                                                                   Where <ARStatement.customerID, Equal <Required <ARStatement.customerID> > >,
                                                                                   OrderBy <Asc <ARStatement.curyID, Desc <ARStatement.statementDate> > > >(this);

            PXSelectBase <ARStatement> selectPreviousStatement = new PXSelect <ARStatement,
                                                                               Where <ARStatement.branchID, Equal <Required <ARStatement.branchID> >,
                                                                                      And <ARStatement.customerID, Equal <Required <ARStatement.customerID> >,
                                                                                           And <ARStatement.curyID, Equal <Required <ARStatement.curyID> > > > >,
                                                                               OrderBy <Desc <ARStatement.statementDate> > >(this);

            bool ageCredits = (this.ARSetup.Current.AgeCredits ?? false);
            bool isParent   = customer.StatementCustomerID == customer.BAccountID;

            Dictionary <StatementKey, ARStatement> statements = new Dictionary <StatementKey, ARStatement>();

            if (isParent)
                foreach (PXResult <ARRegister, ARInvoice> res in familyDocuments)
                    ARRegister   doc = res;
                    StatementKey key = new StatementKey(doc.BranchID.Value, doc.CuryID);
                    AddARStatement(statements, key, aCycle, customer, aStatementDate);

            List <ARStatementDetail> details = new List <ARStatementDetail>();

            foreach (PXResult <ARRegister, ARInvoice> iDoc in selectOpenDocs.Select(customer.BAccountID, aStatementDate))
                ARRegister        doc             = iDoc;
                ARInvoice         inv             = iDoc;
                ARStatementDetail statementDetail = selectDocsStmDetail.Select(doc.CustomerID, doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr);
                bool         isNewDoc             = statementDetail == null;
                StatementKey key = new StatementKey(doc.BranchID.Value, doc.CuryID);


                if (IsMultipleInstallmentMaster(inv))
                    continue;                     //Skip invoice, which is the first in multiple installments sequence (master)
                ARStatement header = AddARStatement(statements, key, aCycle, customer, aStatementDate);
                if (header.Processed != true)
                    ARStatement prevStatement = selectPreviousStatement.Select(header.BranchID, header.CustomerID, header.CuryID);
                    if (prevStatement != null)
                        header.PrevStatementDate = prevStatement.StatementDate;

                    ARStatement trace;
                    if (statementsTrace.TryGetValue(new Tuple <int, string, int, DateTime>(header.BranchID.Value,
                                                                                           header.CuryID, header.CustomerID.Value, header.StatementDate.Value), out trace))
                        header.PrevPrintedCnt = trace.PrevPrintedCnt;
                        header.PrevEmailedCnt = trace.PrevEmailedCnt;

                    header.Processed = true;

                ARStatementDetail det = new ARStatementDetail();
                Copy(det, header);
                Copy(det, doc);

                if (doc.DocType != AR.ARDocType.CashSale && doc.DocType != AR.ARDocType.CashReturn)
                    var document = (doc.Payable == true ? inv : doc);

                    if (header.StatementType == StatementTypes.CS_BALANCE_BROUGHT_FORWARD && isNewDoc)
                        header.EndBalance     = (header.EndBalance ?? 0m) + document.SignBalance * document.OrigDocAmt;
                        header.CuryEndBalance = (header.CuryEndBalance ?? 0m) + document.SignBalance * document.CuryOrigDocAmt;
                    else if (header.StatementType == StatementTypes.CS_OPEN_ITEM)
                        header.EndBalance     = (header.EndBalance ?? 0m) + document.SignBalance * document.DocBal;
                        header.CuryEndBalance = (header.CuryEndBalance ?? 0m) + document.SignBalance * document.CuryDocBal;


            if (isParent)
                AccumulateAgeBalancesIntoStatements(familyDocuments, statements, ageCredits);

            //Merge with previous statements - is needed for Balance Brought Forward
            Dictionary <StatementKey, DateTime> lastCuryStatement = new Dictionary <StatementKey, DateTime>();

            foreach (ARStatement iPrev in selectAllPreviousByCustomer.Select(customer.BAccountID))
                StatementKey key = new StatementKey(iPrev.BranchID.Value, iPrev.CuryID);
                if (lastCuryStatement.ContainsKey(key) && lastCuryStatement[key] > iPrev.StatementDate)

                ARStatement header = AddARStatement(statements, key, aCycle, customer, aStatementDate);

                header.BegBalance     = iPrev.EndBalance;
                header.CuryBegBalance = iPrev.CuryEndBalance;
                lastCuryStatement[key] = iPrev.StatementDate.Value;

            foreach (ARStatement iH in statements.Values)
                ARStatement prev = selectPreviousStatement.Select(iH.CustomerID, iH.BranchID, iH.CuryID);
                if (prev != null)
                    iH.BegBalance     = prev.EndBalance;
                    iH.CuryBegBalance = prev.CuryEndBalance;

                ApplyFIFORule(iH, ageCredits);

            PersistStatement(statementGraph, customer.BAccountID, aStatementDate, statements.Values, details);