Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// returns minutewise measures prepared for the flot line chart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plantId">solar plant id</param>
        /// <param name="date">The requested day</param>
        /// <returns>multiple rows of type 'long'</returns>
        public FlotLineChartTable GetCumulatedMinuteWiseWattageChartData(int plantId, DateTime date)
            var startDate = Utils.CropHourMinuteSecond(date);
              var endDate = startDate.AddDays(1);

              var utcOffsetMs = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("W. Europe Standard Time").GetUtcOffset(Utils.GetGermanNow()).TotalMilliseconds;

              string text = @"
            SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.DateTime)*1000) as timeValue , ROUND(SUM(m.OutputWattage))
            FROM inverter i
            INNER JOIN measure m
            ON i.InverterId = m.InverterId
            WHERE i.PlantId = @plantId
            AND DateTime BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate
            GROUP BY timeValue
            ORDER BY timeValue ASC;";

              var sqlCom = base.GetReadCommand(text);

              sqlCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@plantId", plantId);
              sqlCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", startDate);
              sqlCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@endDate", endDate);

              var result = new FlotLineChartTable();

              using (var rdr = sqlCom.ExecuteReader())
            while (rdr.Read())
              result.AddValue(rdr.GetDouble(0) + utcOffsetMs, rdr.GetDouble(1));
              return result;
Пример #2
        public List<FlotLineChartTable> GetInverterWiseMinuteWiseWattageChartData(int plantId, DateTime date)
            var utcOffsetMs = Utils.GetGermanTimeZone().GetUtcOffset(Utils.GetGermanNow()).TotalMilliseconds;
              var startDate = Utils.CropHourMinuteSecond(date);
              var endDate = startDate.AddDays(1);

              // sorting the measures is important, first publicInverterId then DateTime
              string text = @"
            SELECT i.PublicInverterId, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.DateTime)*1000) as timeValue , ROUND(m.OutputWattage)
            FROM inverter i
            INNER JOIN measure m
            ON i.InverterId = m.InverterId
            WHERE i.PlantId = @plantId
            AND DateTime BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate
            ORDER BY i.PublicInverterId ASC, timeValue ASC;";

              var sqlCom = base.GetReadCommand(text);

              sqlCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@plantId", plantId);
              sqlCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", startDate);
              sqlCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@endDate", endDate);

              List<FlotLineChartTable> result = new List<FlotLineChartTable>();
              FlotLineChartTable currentTable = new FlotLineChartTable();
              bool isFirst = true;
              int publicInverterId = -1;
              int currentInverterId;

              using (var rdr = sqlCom.ExecuteReader())

            while (rdr.Read())
              //get the current inverter Id
              currentInverterId = rdr.GetInt32(0);

              if (isFirst)
            //if this is the first read, initialize the public inverterId
            publicInverterId = currentInverterId;
            isFirst = false;

              //read all measures one inverter after another
              if (publicInverterId != currentInverterId)
            // we have completed one wattage series and can build the next one

            currentTable = new FlotLineChartTable();
            publicInverterId = currentInverterId;

              // read the current row
              currentTable.AddValue(rdr.GetDouble(1) + utcOffsetMs, rdr.GetDouble(2));

            // add the last result table
              return result;