private void cmb_item_symbol_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { TfSQL tfSql = new TfSQL(); string sqlcallItemName = "select inspectname from procinsplink where model = '" + cmb_model.Text + "' and line ='" + cmb_line.Text + "' and process ='" + cmb_process_symbol.Text + "' and inspect = '" + cmb_item_symbol.Text + "'"; txt_item_name.Text = tfSql.sqlExecuteScalarString(sqlcallItemName); }
void callItemSymbol() { TfSQL tfSql = new TfSQL(); string sqlcallItem = "select distinct inspect from procinsplink where model = '" + cmb_model.Text + "' and line ='" + cmb_line.Text + "' and process ='" + cmb_process_symbol.Text + "' order by inspect"; tfSql.getComboBoxData(sqlcallItem, ref cmb_item_symbol); }
void callProcessSymbol() { TfSQL tfSql = new TfSQL(); string sqlcallProcess = "select distinct process from processtbl where model = '" + cmb_model.Text + "' and line ='" + cmb_line.Text + "' order by process"; tfSql.getComboBoxData(sqlcallProcess, ref cmb_process_symbol); }
void callLine() { TfSQL tfSql = new TfSQL(); string sqlcallLine = "select distinct line from processtbl where model = '" + cmb_model.Text + "' order by line"; tfSql.getComboBoxData(sqlcallLine, ref cmb_line); }
void callModel() { TfSQL tfSql = new TfSQL(); string sqlcallModel = "select distinct model from modeltbl order by model"; tfSql.getComboBoxData(sqlcallModel, ref cmb_model); }
private void cmb_process_symbol_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { callItemSymbol(); TfSQL tfSql = new TfSQL(); string sqlcallProcessName = "select procname from processtbl where model = '" + cmb_model.Text + "' and line ='" + cmb_line.Text + "' and process ='" + cmb_process_symbol.Text + "'"; txt_process_name.Text = tfSql.sqlExecuteScalarString(sqlcallProcessName); }