private PMSModel.JsonModel GetDataHelper(HttpRequest request, HashtableCustom ht) { PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); try { ht.Add_Key(MenuIds, request); ht.Add_Key(IsDelete, request); ht.Add_Key(isPush, request); ht.Add_Key(PageIndex, request); ht.Add_Key(PageSize, request); ht.Add_Key(ImageUrl, request); ht.Add_Key(NotItem, request); ht.Add_Key(ChildId, request); ht.Add_Key(isAll, request); jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetDataInfo(ht); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); } return(jsonModel); }
/// <summary> /// 根据ID获得分类信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void GetAdvertisingForId(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); try { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); if (!Null_Check(request, "AdvId")) { jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetEntityById(int.Parse(request["AdvId"])); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, }; } finally { context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
public void GetNewData(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); try { HashtableCustom ht = new HashtableCustom(); ht.Add_Key(PageIndex, request); ht.Add_Key(PageSize, request); ht.Add_Key(isPush, request); ht.Add_Key(IsDelete, request); jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetAdvertData(ht); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, retData = "", status = "no" }; } finally { context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
public void SetAdvertisingTop(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); try { HashtableCustom ht = new HashtableCustom(); ht.Add_Key(MenuId, request); ht.Add_Key(Id, request); jsonModel = BllAdvert.SetAdvertisingTop(ht); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, }; } finally { context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
private void BatchChangeMenuId(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; string[] ids = context.Request["Ids"].Split(','); PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = BllAdvert.BatchChangeValue("MenuId", request[MenuId], ids); context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); }
/// <summary> /// 根据菜单子节点和父节点获得菜单下的分类信息(以及不包括那些节点NotItem) /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void GetAdvertising(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); try { HashtableCustom ht = new HashtableCustom(); string sqlWhere = ""; var d = request["IsDelete"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request[IsDelete])) { sqlWhere += "IsDelete=" + request[IsDelete]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request[isPush])) { sqlWhere += " and isPush =" + request[isPush]; } if (!Null_Check(request, MenuId)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere)) { jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetEntityListByField(MenuId, request[MenuId]); } else { jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetEntityListByField(MenuId, request[MenuId], sqlWhere); } } else { jsonModel = GetDataHelper(request, ht); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, }; } finally { context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 更新分类信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void UpdateAdvertising(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; if (!Null_Check(request, Id)) { try { PMSModel.Advertising advert = BllAdvert.GetEntityById(int.Parse(request[Id])).retData as PMSModel.Advertising; if (advert != null) { if (!Null_Check(request, IsDelete)) { advert.IsDelete = Convert.ToByte(request[IsDelete]); } if (!Null_Check(request, ClickNum)) { advert.ClickNum = advert.ClickNum + 1; } if (!Null_Check(request, Sort)) { advert.SortId = Convert.ToInt64(request[Sort]); } if (!Null_Check(request, isPush)) { advert.isPush = Convert.ToByte(request[isPush]); } PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = BllAdvert.Update(advert); jsonModel.status = "yes"; context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, retData = "", status = "no" }; context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } } }
/// <summary> /// 根据菜单子节点或父节点获得 菜单下的分类信息。 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void GetPageListForMenuId(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); try { HashtableCustom ht = new HashtableCustom(); ht.Add_Key(PageIndex, request); ht.Add_Key(PageSize, request); ht.Add_Key(isPush, request); if (!Null_Check(request, isAll)) { ht.Add(isAll, Convert.ToBoolean(request[isAll])); } if (!Null_Check(request, MenuId)) { int mid = Convert.ToInt32(request[MenuId]); string pids = GetMenuChild(mid); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pids)) { ht.Add(MenuId, pids); jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetAdvertData(ht); } } else { jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetAdvertData(ht); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, retData = "", status = "no" }; } finally { context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 统计文章访问率 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void GetStatistics(HttpContext context) { PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); HttpRequest request = context.Request; try { HashtableCustom ht = new HashtableCustom(); ht.Add_Key(PageIndex, request); ht.Add_Key(PageSize, request); string where = string.Empty; ht.Add(TableName, Advertising); where += " and IsDelete =" + (int)PMSUtility.SysStatus.正常; string notIn = string.Empty; string _NotItem = Convert.ToString(request["NotItem"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_NotItem)) { notIn = string.Format(" and MenuId not in ({0})", _NotItem); } if (!Null_Check(request, isPush)) { where += " and isPush=" + request[isPush].SafeToString() + notIn; } ht.Add(Order, "ClickNum desc "); jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetPage(ht, true, where); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, retData = "", status = "no" }; } finally { context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 新闻导读上移、下移 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void UpOrDownAdvert(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); try { HashtableCustom ht = new HashtableCustom(); ht.Add_Key(upOrdown, request); if (!Null_Check(request, MenuId)) { ht.Add(MenuId, GetMenuChild(Convert.ToInt32(request[MenuId]))); } else { ht.Add_Key(MenuId, request); } ht.Add_Key(isPush, request); ht.Add_Key(Id, request); ht.Add_Key(SortId, request); jsonModel = BllAdvert.UpdateAdertSort(ht); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, }; } finally { context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 修改分类信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void EditAdvertising_Video(HttpContext context) { PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); HttpRequest request = context.Request; try { string _Id = request[Id]; string _Description = request[Description]; int Menu_Id = int.Parse(request[MenuId]); string _CreativeHTML = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(request[CreativeHTML]); PMSModel.Advertising advert = new PMSModel.Advertising(); if (_CreativeHTML.Contains("src=") && _CreativeHTML.Contains("type=")) { //替换错误的media_html string media_html = request["media_html"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(media_html)) { //获取上传音视频的文件路径 int scr1 = media_html.IndexOf("file=") + 5; int scr2 = media_html.IndexOf("src="); advert.FilePath = media_html.Substring(scr1, scr2 - scr1).Replace("\"", string.Empty); string imgPat = "<embed[^>]+/>|<embed[^>]+[^/>]></embed>"; _CreativeHTML = Regex.Replace(_CreativeHTML, imgPat, media_html); _CreativeHTML = "<div style='width:750px;margin:10px auto;'><video class='video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered' controls preload='auto' width='750' height='500' poster='/PreSchool/images/luntu_01.png'><source src='" + advert.FilePath + "' type='video/mp4' autoplay='autoplay'/></video></div>"; //获取文件类型 string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(advert.FilePath).Trim(); //暂时只能有一个视频 if (fileExtension.Equals(".mp4") || fileExtension.Equals(".avi") || fileExtension.Equals(".rmvb") || fileExtension.Equals(".swf")) { //获取文件名名称 string fileName = Path.GetFileName(advert.FilePath); string filename_img = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(advert.FilePath) + ".png"; string cmd = string.Format("ffmpeg -i {0} -ss 00:00:04 -r 1 -q:v 2 -f image2 {1}", Hander_C.web_app_ip + Hander_C.web_app_root + fileName, Hander_C.ffmpeg_save_address + filename_img); //获取视频第一帧 Execute(cmd); advert.ImageUrl += Hander_C.web_app_root + filename_img + ","; } } } else { advert.FilePath = request["FilePath"]; } string Creator = request["Creator"]; // advert.Description = _Description; advert.CreativeHTML = _CreativeHTML; advert.ClickNum = Null_Check(request, ClickNum) ? 0 : int.Parse(request[ClickNum]); advert.ModelType = Null_Check(request, ModelType) ? 0 : int.Parse(request[ModelType]); advert.FileName = request[FileName]; if (!Null_Check(request, isPush)) { advert.isPush = Convert.ToByte(request[isPush]); } advert.CreateTime = Null_Check(request, CreateTime) ? DateTime.Now : Convert.ToDateTime(request[CreateTime]); if (_CreativeHTML.ToUpper().IndexOf(SRC) > -1) { string[] imageArry = new HtmlImgRegex().GetHtmlImageUrlList(_CreativeHTML); string imgstr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < imageArry.Length; i++) { imgstr += imageArry[i] + ","; } if (imgstr.Length > 0) { advert.ImageUrl = imgstr.Substring(0, imgstr.Length - 1); } } else { advert.ImageUrl = ""; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_Id)) { advert.Id = int.Parse(request[Id]); jsonModel = BllAdvert.Update(advert); } else { //advert.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; advert.Creator = Creator; advert.MenuId = Menu_Id; advert.IsDelete = (int)PMSUtility.SysStatus.正常; //advert.isPush = Convert.ToByte((int)isPush.未发布); jsonModel = BllAdvert.Add(advert); if (jsonModel.errNum == 0) { int advId = Convert.ToInt32(jsonModel.retData); PMSModel.Advertising at = new PMSModel.Advertising(); //int preSid = BllAdvert.GetSortIdForAdvert(advId, MenuId); at.Id = advId; at.SortId = advId + 1; BllAdvert.Update(at); } } context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, retData = "", status = "no" }; context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 添加或修改视频新闻消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void SetAdvertising_Video(HttpContext context) { PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); HttpRequest request = context.Request; try { string _Id = request[Id]; string _Description = request[Description]; int Menu_Id = int.Parse(request[MenuId]); string _CreativeHTML = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(request[CreativeHTML]); string _ImageUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(request[ImageUrl]); string _FilePath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(request[FilePath]); PMSModel.Advertising advert = new PMSModel.Advertising(); string Creator = request["Creator"]; advert.MenuId = Menu_Id; advert.Description = _Description; advert.CreativeHTML = _CreativeHTML; advert.ClickNum = Null_Check(request, ClickNum) ? 0 : int.Parse(request[ClickNum]); //advert.ImageUrl = _ImageUrl; advert.FilePath = _FilePath; advert.ModelType = Null_Check(request, ModelType) ? 0 : int.Parse(request[ModelType]); if (!Null_Check(request, isPush)) { advert.isPush = Convert.ToByte(request[isPush]); } advert.CreateTime = Null_Check(request, CreateTime) ? DateTime.Now : Convert.ToDateTime(request[CreateTime]); if (_CreativeHTML.ToUpper().IndexOf(SRC) > -1) { string[] imageArry = new HtmlImgRegex().GetHtmlImageUrlList(_CreativeHTML); string imgstr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < imageArry.Length; i++) { imgstr += imageArry[i] + ","; } if (imgstr.Length > 0) { advert.ImageUrl = imgstr.Substring(0, imgstr.Length - 1); } } else { advert.ImageUrl = ""; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_Id)) { advert.Id = int.Parse(request[Id]); jsonModel = BllAdvert.Update(advert); } else { //advert.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; advert.Creator = Creator; advert.MenuId = Menu_Id; advert.IsDelete = (int)PMSUtility.SysStatus.正常; //advert.isPush = Convert.ToByte((int)isPush.未发布); jsonModel = BllAdvert.Add(advert); if (jsonModel.errNum == 0) { int advId = Convert.ToInt32(jsonModel.retData); PMSModel.Advertising at = new PMSModel.Advertising(); //int preSid = BllAdvert.GetSortIdForAdvert(advId, MenuId); at.Id = advId; at.SortId = advId + 1; BllAdvert.Update(at); } } context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, retData = "", status = "no" }; context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
public void GetMenuOwnLevel(HttpContext context) { PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = null; PMSModel.JsonModel Model = null; HttpRequest request = context.Request; try { if (menu == null) { HashtableCustom ht1 = new HashtableCustom(); ht1.Add(TableName, PortalTreeData); string where = string.Empty; bool isPage = false; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request["MenuLevelIndex"])) { where += " and MenuLevelIndex=" + request["MenuLevelIndex"]; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[Display])) { where += " and Display=" + request[Display]; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[IsDelete])) { where += " and IsDelete=" + request[IsDelete]; } ht1.Add(Order, " SortId desc ,CreateTime desc,ShowIndexSort desc "); //获取菜单数据 Model = BllPTDS.GetPage(ht1, isPage, where); List <Dictionary <string, object> > dic = Model.retData as List <Dictionary <string, object> >; List <MenuLevelModel> menuLevelModelList = new List <MenuLevelModel>(); foreach (var item in dic) { #region 获取数据或IDs HashtableCustom ht2 = new HashtableCustom(); ht2.Add_Key(Display, request); ht2.Add_Key(IsDelete, request); ht2.Add(TableName, PortalTreeData); ht2.Add(Order, " SortId asc ,CreateTime desc "); string where2 = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[Display])) { where2 += " and Display=" + request[Display]; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[IsDelete])) { where2 += " and IsDelete=" + request[IsDelete]; } //跳级获取,listChild 如果为null 说明只有两级(获取三级数据) where2 = string.Format(" and Id in(select pid from PortalTreeData where pid in(select id from PortalTreeData where PId ={0}) group by PId)", item[Id]); ht2.Add(MenuIds, item[Id]); var moder = BllPTDS.GetPage(ht2, isPage, where2); string ids = BllAdvert.GetIDS(ht2); #endregion //菜单级别数据(携带跳级数据) MenuLevelModel menLevelModel = null; if (Convert.ToString(moder.retData) != string.Empty) { menLevelModel = new MenuLevelModel() { ChildList = moder.retData, IsMore2Level = true }; } else { menLevelModel = new MenuLevelModel() { IsMore2Level = false }; } menLevelModel.Id_Bottom_List = ids; #region 实体属性 menLevelModel.Id = Convert.ToInt32(item[Id]); menLevelModel.Name = Convert.ToString(item[Name]); menLevelModel.CreateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(item[CreateTime]); menLevelModel.Creator = Convert.ToString(item["Creator"]); menLevelModel.PId = Convert.ToInt32(item["PId"]); menLevelModel.BeforeUrl = Convert.ToString(item["BeforeUrl"]); menLevelModel.BeforeAfter = Convert.ToInt32(item["BeforeAfter"]); menLevelModel.AfterUrl = Convert.ToString(item["AfterUrl"]); menLevelModel.SortId = Convert.ToInt32(item[SortId]); menLevelModel.DisplayCount = Convert.ToInt32(item["DisplayCount"]); menLevelModel.DisplayType = Convert.ToString(item["DisplayType"]); menLevelModel.MenuLevelIndex = Convert.ToInt32(item["MenuLevelIndex"]); menLevelModel.ShowIndexSort = Convert.ToInt32(item["ShowIndexSort"]); #endregion menuLevelModelList.Add(menLevelModel); } jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { retData = menuLevelModelList, errMsg = "success" }; menu = jsonModel; } else { jsonModel = menu; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, retData = "", status = "no" }; } finally { if (jsonModel == null) { jsonModel = new JsonModel(); } context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 不需要传IDS和PageSize(根据菜单获取所有数据) /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void GetMenusItemsData(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; HashtableCustom ht1 = new HashtableCustom(); List <IndexModelEntity> IndexModelEntityList = new List <IndexModelEntity>(); PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); PMSModel.JsonModel Model = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); try { #region 获取首页导读的一级菜单(包括了三级的菜单)||获取指定菜单ID的二级菜单(通过一级菜单的ID去获取) ht1.Add(TableName, PortalTreeData); string where = string.Empty; bool isPage = false; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[Display])) { where += " and Display=" + request[Display]; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[IsDelete])) { where += " and IsDelete=" + request[IsDelete]; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[IsShowIndex])) { where += " and IsShowIndex=" + request[IsShowIndex]; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[MenuIds])) { where += string.Format(" and PId in({0}) ", request[MenuIds]); } //获取显示在首页导读工作区域的菜单 ht1.Add(Order, " ShowIndexSort asc, SortId desc ,CreateTime desc "); Model = BllPTDS.GetPage(ht1, isPage, where); #endregion List <Dictionary <string, object> > dic = Model.retData as List <Dictionary <string, object> >; foreach (var item in dic) { IndexModelEntity indexModielEntity = new IndexModelEntity(); #region 实体属性 indexModielEntity.Id = Convert.ToInt32(item[Id]); indexModielEntity.Name = Convert.ToString(item[Name]); indexModielEntity.CreateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(item[CreateTime]); indexModielEntity.Creator = Convert.ToString(item["Creator"]); indexModielEntity.PId = Convert.ToInt32(item["PId"]); indexModielEntity.BeforeUrl = Convert.ToString(item["BeforeUrl"]); indexModielEntity.BeforeAfter = Convert.ToInt32(item["BeforeAfter"]); indexModielEntity.AfterUrl = Convert.ToString(item["AfterUrl"]); indexModielEntity.SortId = Convert.ToInt32(item[SortId]); indexModielEntity.DisplayCount = Convert.ToInt32(item["DisplayCount"]); indexModielEntity.DisplayType = Convert.ToString(item["DisplayType"]); indexModielEntity.MenuLevelIndex = Convert.ToInt32(item["MenuLevelIndex"]); indexModielEntity.ShowIndexSort = Convert.ToInt32(item["ShowIndexSort"]); #endregion #region 获取导读数据(后台获取限制数据的条数) int displayCount = 0; if (request["DisplayCount"] != null) { displayCount = Convert.ToInt32(request["DisplayCount"]); } else { displayCount = Convert.ToInt32(item["DisplayCount"]); } HashtableCustom ht2 = new HashtableCustom(); ht2.Add(MenuIds, item[Id]); ht2.Add(MenuId, item[Id]); ht2.Add(PageSize, displayCount); ht2.Add_Key(IsDelete, request); ht2.Add_Key(isPush, request); ht2.Add(PageIndex, 1); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[IsShowIndex])) { //获取三级数据,没有则获取二级数据 var moder = BllAdvert.GetDataMore_LevelInfo(ht2); indexModielEntity.ListData = moder.retData; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request[MenuIds])) { //获取直接二级数据,没有则获取二级数据 var moder = BllAdvert.GetAdvertData(ht2); indexModielEntity.ListData = moder.retData; } #endregion IndexModelEntityList.Add(indexModielEntity); } jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { retData = IndexModelEntityList, errMsg = "success" }; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, }; } finally { context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel) + "}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 获得新闻或菜单下的分类信息。 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void GetPageList(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = context.Request; PMSModel.JsonModel jsonModel = null; HashtableCustom ht = new HashtableCustom(); try { bool is_Page = true; bool is_All = false; ht.Add_Key(PageIndex, request); ht.Add_Key(PageSize, request); if (!Null_Check(request, isPage)) { is_Page = Convert.ToBoolean(request[isPage]); } if (!Null_Check(request, isAll)) { is_All = Convert.ToBoolean(request[isAll]); } if (is_All) { ht.Add_Key(MenuId, request); ht.Add(IsDelete, (int)PMSUtility.SysStatus.正常); ht.Add_Key(isPush, request); jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetAdvertPageList(ht); } else { ht.Add(TableName, Advertising); string where = string.Empty; if (!Null_Check(request, MenuId)) { where += " and [MenuId]=" + request[MenuId]; } where += " and IsDelete =" + (int)PMSUtility.SysStatus.正常; if (!Null_Check(request, isPush)) { where += " and isPush=" + request[isPush].SafeToString(); } if (!Null_Check(request, MenuIds)) { where += " and [MenuId] in (" + request[MenuIds].SafeToString() + ")"; } if (!Null_Check(request, ImageUrl)) { where += " and(ImageUrl is not null and ImageUrl != '')"; } ht.Add(Order, " MenuId asc,SortId desc ,CreateTime desc "); jsonModel = BllAdvert.GetPage(ht, is_Page, where); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error(ex); jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel() { errMsg = ex.Message, retData = "", status = "no" }; } finally { if (jsonModel == null) { jsonModel = new PMSModel.JsonModel(); } ht.Clear(); string js = Hander_C.jss.Serialize(jsonModel); context.Response.Write("{\"result\":" + js + "}"); } }