protected void Visit(ASTNode node) { if (node == null) return; else if (node is CLASS_DECLARATION) { CLASS_DECLARATION cd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)node; if ( == "__MAIN") return; constructorFound = false; foreach (Statement stmt in cd.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); // if no user defined constructor is found, add one ArrayList modifiers, parameters; StatementList stmt_list; Statement ctorDecl; if (!constructorFound) { modifiers = new ArrayList(); modifiers.Add(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC); parameters = new ArrayList(); stmt_list = new StatementList(); ctorDecl = new FUNCTION_DECLARATION(modifiers, false, "__construct", parameters, stmt_list, 0, 0); cd.stmt_list.Add(ctorDecl); } // in every case, add a static constructor modifiers = new ArrayList(); modifiers.Add(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC); modifiers.Add(PHP.Core.Modifiers.STATIC); parameters = new ArrayList(); stmt_list = new StatementList(); ctorDecl = new FUNCTION_DECLARATION(modifiers, false, "__constructStatic", parameters, stmt_list, 0, 0); cd.stmt_list.Add(ctorDecl); } else if (node is FUNCTION_DECLARATION) { FUNCTION_DECLARATION fd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)node; if ( == "__construct") constructorFound = true; } }
public void insert(string name, int kind, ASTNode node) { SymbolTableEntry entry = new SymbolTableEntry(name, kind, node); // a new class member? if (kind == SymbolTable.CLASS_VARIABLE) { if (classMembers.Contains(name)) Report.Error(306, name); classMembers.Add(name); } // no symbol with this name exists, so add it if (entries[name] == null) { Hashtable value = new Hashtable(); value[kind] = entry; entries[name] = value; } // a symbol with this name already exists else { Hashtable value = (Hashtable)entries[name]; // but with another kind, so add it if (value[kind] == null) value[kind] = entry; // with kind reserved word, class, class variable or function, so report error else switch (kind) { case SymbolTable.RESERVED_WORD: Report.Error(201, name, node.line, node.column); break; case SymbolTable.CLASS: Report.Error(202, name, node.line, node.column); break; case SymbolTable.CLASS_VARIABLE: Report.Error(204, name, node.line, node.column); break; case SymbolTable.FUNCTION: Report.Error(211, name, node.line, node.column); break; } } }
public SymbolTableEntry(string name, int kind, ASTNode node) { = name; this.kind = kind; this.node = node; }
public void insertLocal(string name, int kind, ASTNode node) { cur_scope.insert(name, kind, node); }
public void insertGlobal(string name, int kind, ASTNode node) { getTopScope().insert(name, kind, node); }
protected void Visit(ASTNode node) { if (node == null) return; else if (node is CLASS_DECLARATION) { CLASS_DECLARATION cd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)node; // process statements of class SymbolTable.getInstance().cur_scope = cd.scope; foreach (Statement stmt in cd.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is CLASS_VARIABLE_DECLARATION) { CLASS_VARIABLE_DECLARATION cvd = (CLASS_VARIABLE_DECLARATION)node; // process all values assigned foreach (Expression expr in cvd.values) Visit(expr); } else if (node is FUNCTION_DECLARATION) { FUNCTION_DECLARATION fd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)node; // process parameters and statements of function SymbolTable.getInstance().cur_scope = fd.scope; foreach (PARAMETER_DECLARATION pd in fd.parameters) Visit(pd); foreach (Statement stmt in fd.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is PARAMETER_DECLARATION) { PARAMETER_DECLARATION pd = (PARAMETER_DECLARATION)node; // process default value Visit(pd.default_value); } else if (node is IF) { // process if statement IF i = (IF)node; Visit(i.expr); Visit(i.stmt); // process else if statements foreach (ELSEIF e in i.elseif_list) Visit(e); // process else statement Visit(i.else_stmt); } else if (node is ELSEIF) { // process if statement ELSEIF e = (ELSEIF)node; Visit(e.expr); Visit(e.stmt); } else if (node is WHILE) { WHILE w = (WHILE)node; // process while expression and statement Visit(w.expr); Visit(w.stmt); } else if (node is DO) { DO d = (DO)node; // process do expression and statement Visit(d.stmt); Visit(d.expr); } else if (node is FOR) { FOR f = (FOR)node; // process for expressions and statement foreach (Expression e in f.expr_list1) Visit(e); foreach (Expression e2 in f.expr_list2) Visit(e2); Visit(f.stmt); foreach (Expression e3 in f.expr_list3) Visit(e3); } else if (node is FOREACH) { FOREACH f = (FOREACH)node; // process foreach expressions and statement if (f.key != null && f.key is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Warn(406, ((FUNCTION_CALL)f.key).function_name, f.key.line, f.key.column); if (f.value is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Warn(406, ((FUNCTION_CALL)f.value).function_name, f.value.column, f.value.line); Visit(f.stmt); } else if (node is BLOCK) { BLOCK b = (BLOCK)node; // process statements of block foreach (Statement stmt in b.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is StatementList) { StatementList s = (StatementList)node; // process statements of block foreach (Statement stmt in s) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is ECHO) { ECHO e = (ECHO)node; // process echo expressions foreach (Expression e2 in e.expr_list) Visit(e2); } else if (node is BREAK) { BREAK b = (BREAK)node; // process expression Visit(b.expr); } else if (node is CONTINUE) { CONTINUE c = (CONTINUE)node; // process expression Visit(c.expr); } else if (node is RETURN) { RETURN r = (RETURN)node; // process expression Visit(r.expr); } else if (node is EXPRESSION_AS_STATEMENT) { EXPRESSION_AS_STATEMENT eas = (EXPRESSION_AS_STATEMENT)node; // process expression Visit(eas.expr); } else if (node is CLONE) { CLONE c = (CLONE)node; // process expression Visit(c.expr); } else if (node is PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM) { PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM pn = (PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)node; // process expression Visit(pn.expr); } else if (node is OBJECT_OPERATOR) { OBJECT_OPERATOR oo = (OBJECT_OPERATOR)node; // process left part Visit(oo.expr1); // process right part Visit(oo.expr2); } else if (node is EQUALS) { EQUALS e = (EQUALS)node; // process expressions Visit(e.expr1); Visit(e.expr2); } else if (node is VARIABLE) { VARIABLE var = (VARIABLE)node; // process offset, if available if (var.offset != null) Visit(var.offset); } else if (node is OFFSET) { OFFSET o = (OFFSET)node; // process offset expression Visit(o.value); } else if (node is FUNCTION_CALL) { FUNCTION_CALL fc = (FUNCTION_CALL)node; // process parameters foreach (Expression expr in fc.parameters) Visit(expr); } else if (node is INSTANCEOF) { INSTANCEOF i = (INSTANCEOF)node; // process expression Visit(i.expr); } else if (node is ARRAY) { ARRAY a = (ARRAY)node; // process array pairs foreach (ARRAY_PAIR ap in a.array_pair_list) { Visit(ap.key); Visit(ap.value); } } else if (node is UnaryExpression) { UnaryExpression ue = (UnaryExpression)node; // process expression Visit(ue.expr); } else if (node is BinaryExpression) { BinaryExpression be = (BinaryExpression)node; // process expressions Visit(be.expr1); Visit(be.expr2); } else if (node is TernaryExpression) { TernaryExpression te = (TernaryExpression)node; // process expressions Visit(te.expr1); Visit(te.expr2); Visit(te.expr3); } else if (node is Expression) { Expression e = (Expression)node; if (e is VARIABLE) Visit((VARIABLE)e); else if (e is FUNCTION_CALL) Visit((FUNCTION_CALL)e); else if (e is ARRAY) Visit((ARRAY)e); else if (e is UnaryExpression) Visit((UnaryExpression)e); else if (e is BinaryExpression) Visit((BinaryExpression)e); else if (e is TernaryExpression) Visit((TernaryExpression)e); } }
protected void Visit(ASTNode node) { if (node == null) return; else if (node is CLASS_DECLARATION) { CLASS_DECLARATION cd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)node; foreach (Statement stmt in cd.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is FUNCTION_DECLARATION) { FUNCTION_DECLARATION fd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)node; bool returnReached = false; StatementList newStmtList = new StatementList(); // copy each statement to newStmtList until top return is reached foreach (Statement stmt in fd.stmt_list) { if (stmt is RETURN) { newStmtList.Add(stmt); returnReached = true; break; } else newStmtList.Add(stmt); } // if there was no return statement, add one if (!returnReached) newStmtList.Add(new RETURN(null, 0, 0)); // replace statement list of function with new one fd.stmt_list = newStmtList; } }
protected void Visit(ASTNode node) { if (node == null) return; else if (node is CLASS_DECLARATION) modifiedStmtList.Add((Statement)node); else if (node is FUNCTION_DECLARATION) { FUNCTION_DECLARATION fd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)node; ArrayList modifiers = new ArrayList(); modifiers.Add(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC); modifiers.Add(PHP.Core.Modifiers.STATIC); fd.modifiers = modifiers; cd__MAIN.stmt_list.Add(fd); } else fd__MAIN.stmt_list.Add((Statement)node); }
protected void Visit(ASTNode node) { if (node == null) return; else if (node is CLASS_DECLARATION) { CLASS_DECLARATION cd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)node; foreach (Statement stmt in cd.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is FUNCTION_DECLARATION) { FUNCTION_DECLARATION fd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)node; foreach (Statement stmt in fd.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is BLOCK) { BLOCK b = (BLOCK)node; foreach (Statement stmt in b.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is IF) { IF i = (IF)node; Visit(i.stmt); } else if (node is ELSEIF) { ELSEIF e = (ELSEIF)node; Visit(e.stmt); } else if (node is WHILE) { WHILE w = (WHILE)node; level++; Visit(w.stmt); level--; } else if (node is DO) { DO d = (DO)node; level++; Visit(d.stmt); level--; } else if (node is FOR) { FOR f = (FOR)node; level++; Visit(f.stmt); level--; } else if (node is FOREACH) { FOREACH f = (FOREACH)node; level++; Visit(f.stmt); level--; } else if (node is SWITCH) { SWITCH s = (SWITCH)node; level++; foreach (ASTNode node2 in s.switch_case_list) { if (node2 is CASE) Visit((CASE)node2); else if (node2 is DEFAULT) Visit((DEFAULT)node2); } level--; } else if (node is CASE) { CASE c = (CASE)node; Visit(c.stmt); } else if (node is DEFAULT) { DEFAULT d = (DEFAULT)node; Visit(d.stmt); } else if (node is BREAK) { if (level == 0) Report.Error(501, node.line, node.column); } else if (node is CONTINUE) { if (level == 0) Report.Error(501, node.line, node.column); } }
protected void Visit(ASTNode node) { if (node == null) return; else if (node is CLASS_DECLARATION) { cd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)node; // check if class extends a final class if (cd.extends != null) { SymbolTableEntry parentCdEntry = SymbolTable.getInstance().lookupGlobal(cd.extends.ToLower(), SymbolTable.CLASS); CLASS_DECLARATION parentCd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)parentCdEntry.node; if (parentCd.modifier == Modifiers.FINAL) Report.Error(101,, cd.line, cd.column); } // create type builder TypeAttributes modifier = TypeAttributes.Class; if (cd.modifier == PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC) modifier |= TypeAttributes.Public; //else if (cd.modifier == PHP.Core.Modifiers.ABSTRACT) // modifier |= TypeAttributes.Abstract; else if (cd.modifier == PHP.Core.Modifiers.FINAL) modifier |= TypeAttributes.Sealed; Type parent; if (cd.extends == null || typesAlreadyProcessed[cd.extends] == null) { if ( == "__MAIN") parent = typeof(object); else parent = PHPObject; } else parent = (Type)typesAlreadyProcessed[cd.extends]; cd.typBld = PEmitter.modBld.DefineType(, modifier, parent); typesAlreadyProcessed.Add(, cd.typBld); // insert class symbol (which is case insensitive) SymbolTable.getInstance().insertGlobal(, SymbolTable.CLASS, cd); // process each statement within class SymbolTable.getInstance().openScope(); cd.scope = SymbolTable.getInstance().cur_scope; foreach (Statement stmt in cd.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); SymbolTable.getInstance().closeScope(); cd = null; } else if (node is CLASS_VARIABLE_DECLARATION) { CLASS_VARIABLE_DECLARATION cvd = (CLASS_VARIABLE_DECLARATION)node; // create field builders FieldAttributes modifiers = 0; if (cvd.modifiers.Count == 0) modifiers = FieldAttributes.Public | FieldAttributes.Static; else if (cvd.modifiers.Contains(Modifiers.CONST)) modifiers = FieldAttributes.Public | FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.InitOnly; else if (!cvd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC) && !cvd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PROTECTED) && !cvd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PRIVATE)) modifiers = FieldAttributes.Public; else { ArrayList tmpModifiers = (ArrayList)cvd.modifiers.Clone(); if (cvd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC)) { modifiers = FieldAttributes.Public; tmpModifiers.Remove(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC); } else if (cvd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PROTECTED)) { modifiers = FieldAttributes.Family; tmpModifiers.Remove(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PROTECTED); } else if (cvd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PRIVATE)) { modifiers = FieldAttributes.Private; tmpModifiers.Remove(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PRIVATE); } if (tmpModifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC) || tmpModifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PROTECTED) || tmpModifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PRIVATE)) Report.Error(105, cvd.line, cvd.column); } foreach (int modifier in cvd.modifiers) { switch (modifier) { case PHP.Core.Modifiers.STATIC: modifiers |= FieldAttributes.Static; break; //case PHP.Core.Modifiers.ABSTRACT: Report.Error(103, "abstract", cvd.line, cvd.column); break; case PHP.Core.Modifiers.FINAL: Report.Error(103, "abstract", cvd.line, cvd.column); break; } } cvd.fieldBuilders = new ArrayList(); foreach (string name in cvd.names) { cvd.fieldBuilders.Add(cd.typBld.DefineField(name, PHPMixed, modifiers)); // insert member symbol SymbolTable.getInstance().insertLocal(name, SymbolTable.CLASS_VARIABLE, cvd); } } else if (node is FUNCTION_DECLARATION) { fd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)node; // check if function overrides a final function with the same name CLASS_DECLARATION tmpCd = cd; while (tmpCd.extends != null) { SymbolTableEntry parentCdEntry = SymbolTable.getInstance().lookupGlobal(cd.extends.ToLower(), SymbolTable.CLASS); tmpCd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)parentCdEntry.node; SymbolTableEntry superFdEntry = tmpCd.scope.lookup(, SymbolTable.FUNCTION); if (superFdEntry != null) { FUNCTION_DECLARATION superFd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)superFdEntry.node; if (superFd.modifiers.Contains(Modifiers.FINAL)) { StringBuilder parameters = new StringBuilder(); foreach (PARAMETER_DECLARATION pd in superFd.parameters) { if (pd.type != null) { parameters.Append(pd.type); parameters.Append(" "); } parameters.Append(; parameters.Append(", "); } if (parameters.Length > 0) parameters.Remove(parameters.Length - 2, 2); Report.Error(102, + "::" + + "(" + parameters.ToString() + ")", fd.line, fd.column); } } } // create constructor and method builders MethodAttributes modifiers = 0; if (fd.modifiers.Count == 0) modifiers = MethodAttributes.Public; else if (!fd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC) && !fd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PROTECTED) && !fd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PRIVATE)) modifiers = MethodAttributes.Public; else { ArrayList tmpModifiers = (ArrayList)fd.modifiers.Clone(); if (fd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC)) { modifiers = MethodAttributes.Public; tmpModifiers.Remove(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC); } else if (fd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PROTECTED)) { modifiers = MethodAttributes.Family; tmpModifiers.Remove(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PROTECTED); } else if (fd.modifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PRIVATE)) { modifiers = MethodAttributes.Private; tmpModifiers.Remove(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PRIVATE); } if (tmpModifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PUBLIC) || tmpModifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PROTECTED) || tmpModifiers.Contains(PHP.Core.Modifiers.PRIVATE)) Report.Error(105, fd.line, fd.column); } foreach (int modifier in fd.modifiers) { if ( == "__construct") switch (modifier) { case PHP.Core.Modifiers.STATIC: Report.Error(104, "static", fd.line, fd.column); break; //case PHP.Core.Modifiers.ABSTRACT: Report.Error(104, "abstract", fd.line, fd.column); break; case PHP.Core.Modifiers.FINAL: modifiers |= MethodAttributes.Final; break; } else if ( == "__constructStatic") modifiers |= MethodAttributes.Static; else switch (modifier) { case PHP.Core.Modifiers.STATIC: modifiers |= MethodAttributes.Static; break; //case PHP.Core.Modifiers.ABSTRACT: modifiers |= MethodAttributes.Abstract; break; case PHP.Core.Modifiers.FINAL: modifiers |= MethodAttributes.Final; break; } } Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[fd.parameters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.Length; i++) parameterTypes[i] = PHPMixed; Type returnType; if ( == "__MAIN") returnType = typeof(void); else returnType = PHPMixed; if ( == "__construct" || == "__constructStatic") fd.ctrBld = cd.typBld.DefineConstructor(modifiers, CallingConventions.Standard, parameterTypes); else fd.mthBld = cd.typBld.DefineMethod(, modifiers, returnType, parameterTypes); // at beginning of script if ( == "__MAIN") { mainMethod = fd.mthBld; // disable warnings, if desired if (!Report.warningsEnabled) { mPHPRuntime = Assembly.LoadFrom("mPHPRuntime.dll"); Type report = mPHPRuntime.GetType("PHP.Core.Report"); fd.mthBld.GetILGenerator().Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); fd.mthBld.GetILGenerator().Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, report.GetField("warningsEnabled")); } // initialize local settings to en-US fd.mthBld.GetILGenerator().Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Init", Type.EmptyTypes)); } // insert function symbol (which is case insensitive) SymbolTable.getInstance().insertLocal(, SymbolTable.FUNCTION, fd); // remember scope SymbolTable.getInstance().openScope(); fd.scope = SymbolTable.getInstance().cur_scope; SymbolTable.getInstance().closeScope(); fd = null; } }
protected void Visit(ASTNode node) { if (node == null) return; else if (node is CLASS_DECLARATION) { cd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)node; // process each statement of class foreach (Statement stmt in cd.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); // bake the class cd.typ = cd.typBld.CreateType(); cd = null; } else if (node is FUNCTION_DECLARATION) { fd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)node; // get ILGenerator and check if this is a static function or not bool staticFunction; if ( == "__construct" || == "__constructStatic") { ilGen = fd.ctrBld.GetILGenerator(); staticFunction = fd.ctrBld.IsStatic; } else { ilGen = fd.mthBld.GetILGenerator(); staticFunction = fd.mthBld.IsStatic; } // in constructors, store initial class member values if ( == "__construct" || == "__constructStatic") { CLASS_DECLARATION tmpCd = cd; ArrayList namesAlreadyAdded = new ArrayList(); do { // fetch class variable declarations of current class ArrayList classVarDecls = tmpCd.scope.lookup(SymbolTable.CLASS_VARIABLE); foreach (SymbolTableEntry cvdEntry in classVarDecls) { CLASS_VARIABLE_DECLARATION cvd = (CLASS_VARIABLE_DECLARATION)cvdEntry.node; for (int i = 0; i < cvd.names.Count; i++) { FieldBuilder fb = (FieldBuilder)cvd.fieldBuilders[i]; string name = (string)cvd.names[i]; Expression value = cvd.values.Get(i); // only process names not already added if (namesAlreadyAdded.Contains(name)) continue; bool cvdIsVisible = tmpCd == cd || !cvd.modifiers.Contains(Modifiers.PRIVATE); bool cvdIsStatic = cvd.modifiers.Contains(Modifiers.STATIC) || cvd.modifiers.Contains(Modifiers.CONST); // in a static constructor, store initial static class member values if ( == "__constructStatic" && cvdIsVisible && cvdIsStatic) { if (value == null) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPNull.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); else Visit(value); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, fb); namesAlreadyAdded.Add(name); } // in a local constructor, store initial local class member values if ( == "__construct" && cvdIsVisible && !cvdIsStatic) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); if (value == null) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPNull.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); else Visit(value); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fb); namesAlreadyAdded.Add(name); } } } // fetch parent class declaration if (tmpCd.extends == null) tmpCd = null; else { SymbolTableEntry parentCdEntry = SymbolTable.getInstance().lookupGlobal(tmpCd.extends.ToLower(), SymbolTable.CLASS); tmpCd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)parentCdEntry.node; } } while (tmpCd != null); } // store parameters passed as local variable PARAMETER_DECLARATION pd; for (int i = 0; i < fd.parameters.Count; i++) { pd = (PARAMETER_DECLARATION)fd.parameters[i]; // push value passed ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, i + (staticFunction ? 0 : 1)); // if value passed is Null, use default value, if available if (pd.default_value != null) { Label skip = ilGen.DefineLabel(); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Isinst, PHPNull); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, skip); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); Visit(pd.default_value); ilGen.MarkLabel(skip); } // check if class type hint is ok if (pd.type != null) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, pd.type); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Type).GetMethod("GetType", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool) })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i + (staticFunction ? 1 : 2)); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("CheckTypeHint", new Type[] { PHPMixed, typeof(Type), typeof(int) })); } // store StoreToVariable(; } // process statements if (fd.stmt_list.Count() == 0) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Nop); else foreach (Statement stmt in fd.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); ilGen = null; fd = null; } else if (node is GLOBAL) { GLOBAL g = (GLOBAL)node; foreach (VARIABLE var in g.var_list) fd.scope.globalVariables.Add(; } else if (node is STATIC_DECLARATION) { STATIC_DECLARATION sd = (STATIC_DECLARATION)node; foreach (Expression expr in sd.expr_list) { if (expr is VARIABLE) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPNull.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); StoreToStaticVariable(((VARIABLE)expr).name); } if (expr is EQUALS) { Visit(((EQUALS)expr).expr2); StoreToStaticVariable(((VARIABLE)((EQUALS)expr).expr1).name); } } } else if (node is ECHO) { ECHO e = (ECHO)node; foreach (Expression e2 in e.expr_list) { Visit(e2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Echo", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } } else if (node is BLOCK) { BLOCK b = (BLOCK)node; foreach (Statement stmt in b.stmt_list) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is StatementList) { StatementList s = (StatementList)node; // process statements of block foreach (Statement stmt in s) Visit(stmt); } else if (node is IF) { IF i = (IF)node; Label nextCheck = ilGen.DefineLabel(); Label endIf = ilGen.DefineLabel(); // process if statement Visit(i.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToValueBool", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, nextCheck); Visit(i.stmt); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endIf); ilGen.MarkLabel(nextCheck); // process elseif statements foreach (ELSEIF e in i.elseif_list) { //Visit(e); ELSEIF ei = (ELSEIF)node; Label nextCheck2 = ilGen.DefineLabel(); // process else statement Visit(ei.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToValueBool", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, nextCheck2); Visit(ei.stmt); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endIf); ilGen.MarkLabel(nextCheck2); } // process else statement Visit(i.else_stmt); // done ilGen.MarkLabel(endIf); endIf = new Label(); } else if (node is WHILE) { WHILE w = (WHILE)node; enterLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); exitLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); ilGen.MarkLabel(enterLoop); Visit(w.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToValueBool", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, exitLoop); Visit(w.stmt); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, enterLoop); ilGen.MarkLabel(exitLoop); } else if (node is DO) { DO d = (DO)node; enterLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); exitLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); ilGen.MarkLabel(enterLoop); Visit(d.stmt); Visit(d.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToValueBool", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, exitLoop); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, enterLoop); ilGen.MarkLabel(exitLoop); } else if (node is FOR) { FOR f = (FOR)node; enterLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); exitLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); foreach (Expression expr in f.expr_list1) { Visit(expr); // pop to treat for expression(s) 1 as statement(s) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } ilGen.MarkLabel(enterLoop); IEnumerator ienum = f.expr_list2.GetEnumerator(); bool hasMore = ienum.MoveNext(); while (hasMore) { Visit((Expression)ienum.Current); hasMore = ienum.MoveNext(); if (hasMore) // if more than one expression 2, pop all except last one to only decide on last one for jumping ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } // if for expression 2 is empty, the loop should run indefinitely if (f.expr_list2.Count() > 0) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToValueBool", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, exitLoop); } Visit(f.stmt); foreach (Expression expr in f.expr_list3) { Visit(expr); // pop to treat for expression(s) 3 as statement(s) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, enterLoop); ilGen.MarkLabel(exitLoop); } else if (node is FOREACH) { FOREACH f = (FOREACH)node; if (f.key != null && f.key is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, f.key.line, f.key.column); if (f.value is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, f.value.line, f.value.column); enterLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); exitLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); Label warn = ilGen.DefineLabel(); // push array reference Visit(f.array); // if type is not array, jump to end ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Isinst, PHPArray); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, warn); // if array is not referenced, clone to acheive value semantics if (!(f.value is REFERENCE)) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Clone", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); // declare key and value variable string valueName; if (f.value is VARIABLE) valueName = ((VARIABLE)f.value).name; else valueName = ((VARIABLE)((REFERENCE)f.value).variable).name; if (f.key != null) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)f.key).name); } ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); StoreToVariable(valueName); // reset public array pointer ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, PHPArray.GetMethod("Reset", Type.EmptyTypes)); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); // enter loop ilGen.MarkLabel(enterLoop); // check if public array pointer is inside the array ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("CurrentIsValid", new Type[] { PHPArray })); // if not, exit loop ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, exitLoop); // if key variable declared, push current key of array and store to key variable if (f.key != null) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, PHPArray.GetMethod("Key", Type.EmptyTypes)); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)f.key).name); } // push current value of array and store to value variable ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, PHPArray.GetMethod("Current", Type.EmptyTypes)); StoreToVariable(valueName); // process foreach statement Visit(f.stmt); // load value variable and store as current value of array ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, PHPArray.GetMethod("Key", Type.EmptyTypes)); LoadFromVariable(valueName); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, PHPArray.GetMethod("Append", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); // advance public array pointer ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, PHPArray.GetMethod("Next", Type.EmptyTypes)); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); // and reenter loop ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, enterLoop); // report invalid argument ilGen.MarkLabel(warn); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 407); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, f.line); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, f.column); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, mPHPRuntime.GetType("PHP.Core.Report").GetMethod("Warn", new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) })); // pop array reference ilGen.MarkLabel(exitLoop); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } else if (node is SWITCH) { SWITCH s = (SWITCH)node; enterLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); exitLoop = ilGen.DefineLabel(); // push switch expression and enter loop Visit(s.expr); ilGen.MarkLabel(enterLoop); // process case and default statements foreach (ASTNode node2 in s.switch_case_list) { if (node2 is CASE) Visit((CASE)node2); else if (node2 is DEFAULT) Visit((DEFAULT)node2); } // done ilGen.MarkLabel(exitLoop); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, PHPCoreRuntime.GetField("switchInProgress")); } else if (node is CASE) { CASE c = (CASE)node; Label processCase = ilGen.DefineLabel(); Label nextCase = ilGen.DefineLabel(); // if statements already processing, process this one as well ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, PHPCoreRuntime.GetField("switchInProgress")); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, processCase); // else if case expression doesn't equal switch expression, jump to next case ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); Visit(c.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("IsEqual", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToValueBool", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, nextCase); // else start processing switch statements ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, PHPCoreRuntime.GetField("switchInProgress")); // process case statement ilGen.MarkLabel(processCase); Visit(c.stmt); // mark start of next case ilGen.MarkLabel(nextCase); } else if (node is DEFAULT) { DEFAULT d = (DEFAULT)node; // process default statement ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Stsfld, PHPCoreRuntime.GetField("switchInProgress")); Visit(d.stmt); } else if (node is BREAK) { BREAK b = (BREAK)node; ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, exitLoop); } else if (node is CONTINUE) { CONTINUE c = (CONTINUE)node; ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, enterLoop); } else if (node is RETURN) { RETURN r = (RETURN)node; if ( != "__MAIN" && != "__construct" && != "__constructStatic") { // if no return value specified, use Null as return value; otherwise use return value specified if (r.expr == null) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPNull.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); else Visit(r.expr); } ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); } else if (node is UNSET) { UNSET u = (UNSET)node; // unset variables for (int i = 0; i < u.var_list.Count(); i++) { if (u.var_list.Get(i) is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, u.var_list.Get(i).line, u.var_list.Get(i).column); VARIABLE var = (VARIABLE)u.var_list.Get(i); // regular variable, so unset if (var.offset == null) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr,; ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPString.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreRuntime.GetMethod("UnsetVariable", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } // array item, so remove from array else if (var.offset.kind == OFFSET.SQUARE) { LoadFromVariable(; // convert to Array (in case the variable was unset) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToArray", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); if (var.offset.value == null) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); else Visit(var.offset); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, PHPArray.GetMethod("Remove", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } } } else if (node is EXPRESSION_AS_STATEMENT) { EXPRESSION_AS_STATEMENT eas = (EXPRESSION_AS_STATEMENT)node; Visit(eas.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } else if (node is VARIABLE) { VARIABLE var = (VARIABLE)node; // get desired variable value LoadFromVariable(; // process offset, if available if (var.offset != null) { // this is an array if (var.offset.kind == OFFSET.SQUARE) { if (var.offset.value == null) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); else Visit(var.offset); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, OFFSET.SQUARE); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Offset", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed, typeof(int) })); } } } else if (node is REFERENCE) { REFERENCE r = (REFERENCE)node; // process enclosed variable or function call if (r.variable is VARIABLE) Visit((VARIABLE)r.variable); else if (r.variable is FUNCTION_CALL) Visit((FUNCTION_CALL)r.variable); } else if (node is OFFSET) { OFFSET o = (OFFSET)node; // process offset expression Visit(o.value); } else if (node is FUNCTION_CALL) { FUNCTION_CALL fc = (FUNCTION_CALL)node; // catch predefined functions if (fc.function_name.ToLower() == "define") { PushParameters(fc.parameters, 3); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreRuntime.GetMethod("DefineConstant", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } // otherwise call user defined function else { // look in global scope as calls to functions in user defined classed are handled by object operator or paamayim nekudotayim SymbolTable st = SymbolTable.getInstance(); SymbolTableEntry entry = cd.scope.lookup(fc.function_name.ToLower(), SymbolTable.FUNCTION); if (entry == null) Report.Error(212, fc.function_name, fc.line, fc.column); FUNCTION_DECLARATION fd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)entry.node; // pass parameters (only as many as needed) int parametersPassedActually = (int)Math.Min(fd.parameters.Count, fc.parameters.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < parametersPassedActually; i++) { PARAMETER_DECLARATION pd = (PARAMETER_DECLARATION)fd.parameters[i]; Expression expr = (Expression)fc.parameters.Get(i); Visit(expr); // clone if value semantics is desired if (!pd.by_reference && !(expr is REFERENCE)) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Clone", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } // if less parameters actually passed then necessary, pass Null objects instead for (int i = parametersPassedActually; i < fd.parameters.Count; i++) { PARAMETER_DECLARATION pd = (PARAMETER_DECLARATION)fd.parameters[i]; if (pd.default_value == null) Report.Warn(300, System.Convert.ToString(i + 1), fc.line, fc.column); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPNull.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); } // ensure parameters passed by reference are variables for (int i = 0; i < parametersPassedActually; i++) { PARAMETER_DECLARATION pd = (PARAMETER_DECLARATION)fd.parameters[i]; Expression variableSupplied = (Expression)fc.parameters.Get(i); if (pd.by_reference || variableSupplied is REFERENCE) if (!(variableSupplied is VARIABLE || variableSupplied is REFERENCE)) Report.Error(301, System.Convert.ToString(i + 1), variableSupplied.line, variableSupplied.column); } // add function call to call trace ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, + "->" + fc.function_name); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreRuntime.GetMethod("AddFunctionCallToTrace", new Type[] { typeof(string) })); // if an object operator in progress, call instance function if (objectOperatorInProgress) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, fd.mthBld); // else call static function else ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, fd.mthBld); // remove function call from call trace ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreRuntime.GetMethod("RemoveFunctionCallFromTrace", Type.EmptyTypes)); } } else if (node is NEW) { NEW n = (NEW)node; SymbolTableEntry cdEntry = SymbolTable.getInstance().lookupGlobal(n.type.ToLower(), SymbolTable.CLASS); if (cdEntry == null) Report.Error(203, n.type, n.line, n.column); CLASS_DECLARATION cd = (CLASS_DECLARATION)cdEntry.node; SymbolTableEntry ctorEntry = cd.scope.lookup("__construct", SymbolTable.FUNCTION); FUNCTION_DECLARATION ctorDecl = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)ctorEntry.node; // pass parameters (only as many as needed) int parametersPassedActually = (int)Math.Min(ctorDecl.parameters.Count, n.ctor_args.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < parametersPassedActually; i++) { Expression expr = (Expression)n.ctor_args.Get(i); Visit(expr); } // if less parameters actually passed then necessary, pass Null objects instead for (int i = parametersPassedActually; i < ctorDecl.parameters.Count; i++) { PARAMETER_DECLARATION pd = (PARAMETER_DECLARATION)ctorDecl.parameters[i]; if (pd.default_value == null) Report.Warn(300, System.Convert.ToString(i + 1), n.line, n.column); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPNull.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); } // ensure parameters passed by reference are vairables for (int i = 0; i < parametersPassedActually; i++) { PARAMETER_DECLARATION pd = (PARAMETER_DECLARATION)ctorDecl.parameters[i]; Expression variableSupplied = (Expression)n.ctor_args.Get(i); if (pd.by_reference || variableSupplied is REFERENCE) if (!(variableSupplied is VARIABLE || variableSupplied is REFERENCE)) Report.Error(301, System.Convert.ToString(i + 1), variableSupplied.line, variableSupplied.column); } // add constructor call to call trace ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, n.type + "->__construct"); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreRuntime.GetMethod("AddFunctionCallToTrace", new Type[] { typeof(string) })); // call constructor ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctorDecl.ctrBld); // remove constructor call from call trace ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreRuntime.GetMethod("RemoveFunctionCallFromTrace", Type.EmptyTypes)); } else if (node is INSTANCEOF) { INSTANCEOF i = (INSTANCEOF)node; Visit(i.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, i.type); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Type).GetMethod("GetType", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool) })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Instanceof", new Type[] { PHPMixed, typeof(Type) })); } else if (node is ARRAY) { ARRAY a = (ARRAY)node; // create new empty array ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPArray.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); // process array pairs foreach (ARRAY_PAIR ap in a.array_pair_list) { // duplicate reference to array (in order not to loose it after append) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); // process key if (ap.key == null) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); else Visit(ap.key); // process value if (ap.value is REFERENCE) if (((REFERENCE)ap.value).variable is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, ap.line, ap.column); Visit(ap.value); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, PHPArray.GetMethod("Append", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } } else if (node is INC) { INC i = (INC)node; if (i.expr is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, i.expr.line, i.expr.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)i.expr).name); if (i.kind == 1) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Clone", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPInteger.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Plus", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); if (i.kind == 0) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Clone", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)i.expr).name); } else if (node is DEC) { DEC d = (DEC)node; if (d.expr is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, d.expr.line, d.expr.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)d.expr).name); if (d.kind == 1) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPInteger.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Minus", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); if (d.kind == 0) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)d.expr).name); } else if (node is BOOLEAN_NOT) { BOOLEAN_NOT bn = (BOOLEAN_NOT)node; Visit(bn.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("BooleanNot", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is NOT) { NOT n = (NOT)node; Visit(n.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Not", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is EXIT) { EXIT e = (EXIT)node; if (e.expr == null) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPNull.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); else Visit(e.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Exit", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is PRINT) { PRINT p = (PRINT)node; Visit(p.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Print", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is BOOL_CAST) { BOOL_CAST bc = (BOOL_CAST)node; Visit(bc.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToBoolean", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is INT_CAST) { INT_CAST ic = (INT_CAST)node; Visit(ic.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToInteger", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is DOUBLE_CAST) { DOUBLE_CAST dc = (DOUBLE_CAST)node; Visit(dc.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToDouble", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is STRING_CAST) { STRING_CAST sc = (STRING_CAST)node; Visit(sc.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToString", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is ARRAY_CAST) { ARRAY_CAST ac = (ARRAY_CAST)node; Visit(ac.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToArray", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is OBJECT_CAST) { OBJECT_CAST oc = (OBJECT_CAST)node; Visit(oc.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToObject", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is CLONE) { CLONE c = (CLONE)node; Visit(c.expr); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Clone", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM) { PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM pn = (PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)node; LoadFromPaamayimNekudotayim(pn); } else if (node is OBJECT_OPERATOR) { OBJECT_OPERATOR oo = (OBJECT_OPERATOR)node; LoadFromObjectOperator(oo); } else if (node is EQUALS) { EQUALS e = (EQUALS)node; if (e.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, e.expr1.line, e.expr1.column); // push assigned value as result of this equals expression Visit(e.expr2); // store to an object operator expression if (e.expr1 is OBJECT_OPERATOR) StoreToObjectOperator((OBJECT_OPERATOR)e.expr1, e.expr2); // store to an object operator expression else if (e.expr1 is PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM) StoreToPaamayimNekudotayim((PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)e.expr1, e.expr2); // store to a variable expression else if (e.expr1 is VARIABLE) { VARIABLE var = (VARIABLE)e.expr1; // determine value or reference semantis bool referenceSemantics = false; // if assigned expr is a reference if (e.expr2 is REFERENCE) { REFERENCE r = (REFERENCE)e.expr2; // and a variable is called, it's reference semantics if (r.variable is VARIABLE) referenceSemantics = true; // and a function not returnung a reference is called, it's reference semantics if (r.variable is FUNCTION_CALL) { SymbolTableEntry entry = SymbolTable.getInstance().lookup(((FUNCTION_CALL)r.variable).function_name.ToLower(), SymbolTable.FUNCTION); FUNCTION_DECLARATION fd = (FUNCTION_DECLARATION)entry.node; if (fd.return_by_reference) referenceSemantics = true; } } // if there is no offset, just store to that variable if (var.offset == null) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); if (!referenceSemantics) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Clone", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); StoreToVariable(; } // if there is an array offset, load array and store to specified place of that array else if (var.offset.kind == OFFSET.SQUARE) { LoadFromVariable(; // if array loaded is null, create a new one and store Label skip = ilGen.DefineLabel(); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Isinst, PHPNull); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, skip); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPArray.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); StoreToVariable(; ilGen.MarkLabel(skip); LoadFromVariable(; // convert to Array (in case the variable was unset) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToArray", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); // if value of offset is null, push null to automatically calculate key if (var.offset.value == null) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); // if a value is given, push that value else Visit(var.offset.value); Visit(e.expr2); if (!referenceSemantics) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Clone", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, PHPArray.GetMethod("Append", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } } } else if (node is PLUS_EQUAL) { PLUS_EQUAL pe = (PLUS_EQUAL)node; if (pe.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, pe.expr1.line, pe.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)pe.expr1).name); Visit(pe.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Plus", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)pe.expr1).name); } else if (node is MINUS_EQUAL) { MINUS_EQUAL me = (MINUS_EQUAL)node; if (me.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, me.expr1.line, me.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)me.expr1).name); Visit(me.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Minus", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)me.expr1).name); } else if (node is MUL_EQUAL) { MUL_EQUAL me = (MUL_EQUAL)node; if (me.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, me.expr1.line, me.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)me.expr1).name); Visit(me.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Mul", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)me.expr1).name); } else if (node is DIV_EQUAL) { DIV_EQUAL de = (DIV_EQUAL)node; if (de.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, de.expr1.line, de.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)de.expr1).name); Visit(de.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Div", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)de.expr1).name); } else if (node is CONCAT_EQUAL) { CONCAT_EQUAL ce = (CONCAT_EQUAL)node; if (ce.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, ce.expr1.line, ce.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)ce.expr1).name); Visit(ce.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Concat", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)ce.expr1).name); } else if (node is MOD_EQUAL) { MOD_EQUAL me = (MOD_EQUAL)node; if (me.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, me.expr1.line, me.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)me.expr1).name); Visit(me.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Mod", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)me.expr1).name); } else if (node is AND_EQUAL) { AND_EQUAL ae = (AND_EQUAL)node; if (ae.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, ae.expr1.line, ae.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)ae.expr1).name); Visit(ae.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("And", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)ae.expr1).name); } else if (node is OR_EQUAL) { OR_EQUAL oe = (OR_EQUAL)node; if (oe.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, oe.expr1.line, oe.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)oe.expr1).name); Visit(oe.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Or", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)oe.expr1).name); } else if (node is XOR_EQUAL) { XOR_EQUAL xe = (XOR_EQUAL)node; if (xe.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, xe.expr1.line, xe.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)xe.expr1).name); Visit(xe.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Xor", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)xe.expr1).name); } else if (node is SL_EQUAL) { SL_EQUAL se = (SL_EQUAL)node; if (se.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, se.expr1.line, se.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)se.expr1).name); Visit(se.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Sl", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)se.expr1).name); } else if (node is SR_EQUAL) { SR_EQUAL se = (SR_EQUAL)node; if (se.expr1 is FUNCTION_CALL) Report.Error(408, se.expr1.line, se.expr1.column); LoadFromVariable(((VARIABLE)se.expr1).name); Visit(se.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Sr", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); StoreToVariable(((VARIABLE)se.expr1).name); } else if (node is BOOLEAN_AND) { BOOLEAN_AND ba = (BOOLEAN_AND)node; Visit(ba.expr1); Visit(ba.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("BooleanAnd", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is BOOLEAN_OR) { BOOLEAN_OR bo = (BOOLEAN_OR)node; Visit(bo.expr1); Visit(bo.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("BooleanOr", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is LOGICAL_AND) { LOGICAL_AND la = (LOGICAL_AND)node; Visit(la.expr1); Visit(la.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("LogicalAnd", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is LOGICAL_OR) { LOGICAL_OR lo = (LOGICAL_OR)node; Visit(lo.expr1); Visit(lo.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("LogicalOr", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is LOGICAL_XOR) { LOGICAL_XOR lx = (LOGICAL_XOR)node; Visit(lx.expr1); Visit(lx.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("LogicalXor", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is CONCAT) { CONCAT c = (CONCAT)node; Visit(c.expr1); Visit(c.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Concat", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is PLUS) { PLUS p = (PLUS)node; Visit(p.expr1); Visit(p.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Plus", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is MINUS) { MINUS m = (MINUS)node; Visit(m.expr1); Visit(m.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Minus", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is TIMES) { TIMES t = (TIMES)node; Visit(t.expr1); Visit(t.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Times", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is DIV) { DIV d = (DIV)node; Visit(d.expr1); Visit(d.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Div", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is MOD) { MOD m = (MOD)node; Visit(m.expr1); Visit(m.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Mod", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is AND) { AND a = (AND)node; Visit(a.expr1); Visit(a.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("And", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is OR) { OR o = (OR)node; Visit(o.expr1); Visit(o.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Or", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is XOR) { XOR x = (XOR)node; Visit(x.expr1); Visit(x.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Xor", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is SL) { SL s = (SL)node; Visit(s.expr1); Visit(s.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Sl", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is SR) { SL s = (SL)node; Visit(s.expr1); Visit(s.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Sr", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is IS_EQUAL) { IS_EQUAL ie = (IS_EQUAL)node; Visit(ie.expr1); Visit(ie.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("IsEqual", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is IS_NOT_EQUAL) { IS_NOT_EQUAL ine = (IS_NOT_EQUAL)node; Visit(ine.expr1); Visit(ine.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("IsNotEqual", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is IS_IDENTICAL) { IS_IDENTICAL ii = (IS_IDENTICAL)node; Visit(ii.expr1); Visit(ii.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("IsIdentical", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is IS_NOT_IDENTICAL) { IS_NOT_IDENTICAL ini = (IS_NOT_IDENTICAL)node; Visit(ini.expr1); Visit(ini.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("IsNotIdentical", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is LOWER) { LOWER l = (LOWER)node; Visit(l.expr1); Visit(l.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Lower", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is IS_LOWER_OR_EQUAL) { IS_LOWER_OR_EQUAL iloe = (IS_LOWER_OR_EQUAL)node; Visit(iloe.expr1); Visit(iloe.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("IsLowerOrEqual", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is GREATER) { GREATER g = (GREATER)node; Visit(g.expr1); Visit(g.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Greater", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL) { IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL igoe = (IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL)node; Visit(igoe.expr1); Visit(igoe.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("IsGreaterOrEqual", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); } else if (node is IF_EXPR) { IF_EXPR ie = (IF_EXPR)node; Label falseBranch = ilGen.DefineLabel(); Label mergeBranches = ilGen.DefineLabel(); Visit(ie.expr1); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreConvert.GetMethod("ToValueBool", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, falseBranch); Visit(ie.expr2); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, mergeBranches); ilGen.MarkLabel(falseBranch); Visit(ie.expr3); ilGen.MarkLabel(mergeBranches); } else if (node is LNUMBER_SCALAR) { LNUMBER_SCALAR ls = (LNUMBER_SCALAR)node; ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, ls.value); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPInteger.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) })); } else if (node is DNUMBER_SCALAR) { DNUMBER_SCALAR ds = (DNUMBER_SCALAR)node; ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, ds.value); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPDouble.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(double) })); } else if (node is STRING_SCALAR) { STRING_SCALAR ss = (STRING_SCALAR)node; if (ss.value.ToLower() == "true") { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPBoolean.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(bool) })); } else if (ss.value.ToLower() == "false") { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPBoolean.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(bool) })); } else { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, ss.value); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPString.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) })); } } else if (node is SINGLE_QUOTES) { SINGLE_QUOTES sq = (SINGLE_QUOTES)node; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); foreach (object o in sq.encaps_list) { if (o is string) result.Append((string)o); else if (o is VARIABLE) { result.Append('$'); result.Append(((VARIABLE)o).name); } } ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, result.ToString()); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPString.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) })); } else if (node is DOUBLE_QUOTES) { DOUBLE_QUOTES dq = (DOUBLE_QUOTES)node; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); bool concat = false; foreach (object o in dq.encaps_list) { if (o is string) output.Append((string)o); else { // push substring between last variable and current one and concat, if necessary if (output.Length > 0) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, output.ToString()); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPString.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) })); if (concat) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Concat", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); concat = true; output = new StringBuilder(); } // push variable value if (o is VARIABLE) Visit((VARIABLE)o); // or push object operator result else if (o is OBJECT_OPERATOR) Visit((OBJECT_OPERATOR)o); // or push Null else ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPNull.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); // concat, if necessary if (concat) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Concat", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); concat = true; } } // push substring after last variable and concat, if necessary if (output.Length > 0) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, output.ToString()); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPString.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) })); if (concat) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Concat", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); output = null; } } else if (node is HEREDOC) { HEREDOC h = (HEREDOC)node; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); bool concat = false; foreach (object o in h.encaps_list) { if (o is string) output.Append((string)o); else { // push substring between last variable and current one and concat, if necessary if (output.Length > 0) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, output.ToString()); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPString.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) })); if (concat) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Concat", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); concat = true; output = new StringBuilder(); } // push variable value if (o is VARIABLE) Visit((VARIABLE)o); // or push object operator result else if (o is OBJECT_OPERATOR) Visit((OBJECT_OPERATOR)o); // or push Null else ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPNull.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); // concat, if necessary if (concat) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Concat", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); concat = true; } } // push substring after last variable and concat, if necessary if (output.Length > 0) { ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, output.ToString()); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPString.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) })); if (concat) ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreLang.GetMethod("Concat", new Type[] { PHPMixed, PHPMixed })); output = null; } } else if (node is CONSTANT) { CONSTANT c = (CONSTANT)node; // push constant value ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr,; ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, PHPString.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) })); ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, PHPCoreRuntime.GetMethod("GetConstant", new Type[] { PHPMixed })); } else if (node is UnaryExpression) { UnaryExpression ue = (UnaryExpression)node; // process expression Visit(ue.expr); } else if (node is BinaryExpression) { BinaryExpression be = (BinaryExpression)node; // process expressions Visit(be.expr1); Visit(be.expr2); } else if (node is TernaryExpression) { TernaryExpression te = (TernaryExpression)node; // process expressions Visit(te.expr1); Visit(te.expr2); Visit(te.expr3); } else if (node is Expression) { Expression e = (Expression)node; if (e is VARIABLE) Visit((VARIABLE)e); else if (e is FUNCTION_CALL) Visit((FUNCTION_CALL)e); else if (e is ARRAY) Visit((ARRAY)e); else if (e is UnaryExpression) Visit((UnaryExpression)e); else if (e is BinaryExpression) Visit((BinaryExpression)e); else if (e is TernaryExpression) Visit((TernaryExpression)e); } }