Пример #1
        /** Pick N random walkable nodes from all nodes in all graphs and add them to the buffer.
         * Here we select N random nodes from a stream of nodes.
         * Probability of choosing the first N nodes is 1
         * Probability of choosing node i is min(N/i,1)
         * A selected node will replace a random node of the previously
         * selected ones.
         * \see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reservoir_sampling
        void PickNRandomNodes(int count, List <GraphNode> buffer)
            int n = 0;

            var graphs = PathFindHelper.GetConfig().graphs;

            // Loop through all graphs
            for (int j = 0; j < graphs.Length; j++)
                // Loop through all nodes in the graph
                graphs[j].GetNodes(node => {
                    if (!node.Destroyed && node.Walkable)
                        if ((GetRandom() % n) < count)
                            if (buffer.Count < count)
                                buffer[(int)(GetRandom() % buffer.Count)] = node;
Пример #2
        /** Returns the nearest node to a position using the specified NNConstraint.
         * \param position The position to try to find a close node to
         * \param hint Can be passed to enable some graph generators to find the nearest node faster.
         * \param constraint Can for example tell the function to try to return a walkable node. If you do not get a good node back, consider calling GetNearestForce.
        public virtual NNInfoInternal GetNearest(Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint, GraphNode hint)
            // This is a default implementation and it is pretty slow
            // Graphs usually override this to provide faster and more specialised implementations

            float maxDistSqr = constraint == null || constraint.constrainDistance ? PathFindHelper.GetConfig().maxNearestNodeDistanceSqr : float.PositiveInfinity;

            float     minDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
            GraphNode minNode = null;

            float     minConstDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
            GraphNode minConstNode = null;

            // Loop through all nodes and find the closest suitable node
            GetNodes(node => {
                float dist = (position - (Vector3)node.position).sqrMagnitude;

                if (dist < minDist)
                    minDist = dist;
                    minNode = node;

                if (dist < minConstDist && dist < maxDistSqr && (constraint == null || constraint.Suitable(node)))
                    minConstDist = dist;
                    minConstNode = node;

            var nnInfo = new NNInfoInternal(minNode);

            nnInfo.constrainedNode = minConstNode;

            if (minConstNode != null)
                nnInfo.constClampedPosition = (Vector3)minConstNode.position;
            else if (minNode != null)
                nnInfo.constrainedNode      = minNode;
                nnInfo.constClampedPosition = (Vector3)minNode.position;

Пример #3
        GraphNode PickAnyWalkableNode()
            var       graphs = PathFindHelper.GetConfig().graphs;
            GraphNode first  = null;

            // Find any node in the graphs
            for (int j = 0; j < graphs.Length; j++)
                graphs[j].GetNodes(node => {
                    if (node != null && node.Walkable && first == null)
                        first = node;

Пример #4
        /** Estimated cost from the specified node to the target.
         * \see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm
        internal uint CalculateHScore(GraphNode node)
            uint h;

            switch (heuristic)
            case Heuristic.Euclidean:
                h = (uint)(((GetHTarget() - node.position).costMagnitude) * heuristicScale);
                // Inlining this check and the return
                // for each case saves an extra jump.
                // This code is pretty hot
                if (hTargetNode != null)
                    h = System.Math.Max(h, PathFindHelper.euclideanEmbedding.GetHeuristic(node.NodeIndex, hTargetNode.NodeIndex));

            case Heuristic.Manhattan:
                Int3 p2 = node.position;
                h = (uint)((System.Math.Abs(hTarget.x - p2.x) + System.Math.Abs(hTarget.y - p2.y) + System.Math.Abs(hTarget.z - p2.z)) * heuristicScale);
                if (hTargetNode != null)
                    h = System.Math.Max(h, PathFindHelper.GetConfig().euclideanEmbedding.GetHeuristic(node.NodeIndex, hTargetNode.NodeIndex));

            case Heuristic.DiagonalManhattan:
                Int3 p = GetHTarget() - node.position;
                p.x = System.Math.Abs(p.x);
                p.y = System.Math.Abs(p.y);
                p.z = System.Math.Abs(p.z);
                int diag  = System.Math.Min(p.x, p.z);
                int diag2 = System.Math.Max(p.x, p.z);
                h = (uint)((((14 * diag) / 10) + (diag2 - diag) + p.y) * heuristicScale);
                if (hTargetNode != null)
                    h = System.Math.Max(h, PathFindHelper.euclideanEmbedding.GetHeuristic(node.NodeIndex, hTargetNode.NodeIndex));
Пример #5
        /** Main pathfinding method.
         * This method will calculate the paths in the pathfinding queue.
         * \see CalculatePathsThreaded
         * \see StartPath
        IEnumerator CalculatePaths(PathHandler pathHandler)
            // Max number of ticks before yielding/sleeping
            long maxTicks   = (long)(PathFindHelper.GetConfig().maxFrameTime *10000);
            long targetTick = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + maxTicks;

            while (true)
                // The path we are currently calculating
                Path p = null;

                while (p == null)
                    try {
                        p = queue.PopNoBlock(false);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        yield break;

                    if (p == null)
                        yield return(null);

                IPathInternals ip = (IPathInternals)p;

                // Max number of ticks we are allowed to continue working in one run
                // One tick is 1/10000 of a millisecond
                maxTicks = (long)(PathFindHelper.GetConfig().maxFrameTime *10000);


                // Now processing the path
                // Will advance to Processing

                // Call some callbacks
                // It needs to be stored in a local variable to avoid race conditions
                var tmpOnPathPreSearch = OnPathPreSearch;
                if (tmpOnPathPreSearch != null)

                // Tick for when the path started, used for calculating how long time the calculation took
                long startTicks = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
                long totalTicks = 0;


                // Check if the Prepare call caused the path to complete
                // If this happens the path usually failed
                if (!p.IsDone())
                    // For debug uses, we set the last computed path to p, so we can view debug info on it in the editor (scene view).
                    PathFindHelper.debugPathData = ip.PathHandler;
                    PathFindHelper.debugPathID   = p.pathID;

                    // Initialize the path, now ready to begin search

                    // The error can turn up in the Init function
                    while (!p.IsDone())
                        // Do some work on the path calculation.
                        // The function will return when it has taken too much time
                        // or when it has finished calculation

                        // If the path has finished calculation, we can break here directly instead of sleeping
                        // Improves latency
                        if (p.IsDone())

                        totalTicks += System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - startTicks;
                        // Yield/sleep so other threads can work

                        yield return(null);

                        startTicks = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                        targetTick = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + maxTicks;

                    totalTicks += System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - startTicks;
                    p.duration  = totalTicks * 0.0001F;

                                        #if ProfileAstar
                    System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref AstarPath.PathsCompleted);

                // Cleans up node tagging and other things

                // Call the immediate callback
                // It needs to be stored in a local variable to avoid race conditions
                var tmpImmediateCallback = p.immediateCallback;
                if (tmpImmediateCallback != null)

                // It needs to be stored in a local variable to avoid race conditions
                var tmpOnPathPostSearch = OnPathPostSearch;
                if (tmpOnPathPostSearch != null)

                // Push the path onto the return stack
                // It will be detected by the main Unity thread and returned as fast as possible (the next late update)


                // Wait a bit if we have calculated a lot of paths
                if (System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks > targetTick)
                    yield return(null);

                    targetTick = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + maxTicks;