internal static MethodRef MethodBodyCtor(ClassRef klass) { MethodRef ctor = klass.GetMethod(".ctor"); if (ctor != null) return ctor; else { ctor = klass.AddMethod(".ctor", PrimitiveType.Void, new Type[0]); ctor.AddCallConv(CallConv.Instance); return ctor; } }
/// <summary> /// Add a class to this Scope. If this class already exists, throw /// an exception /// </summary> /// <param name="newClass">The class to be added</param> public void AddClass(ClassRef newClass) { ClassRef aClass = (ClassRef)GetClass(newClass.NameSpace(),newClass.Name(),true); if (aClass != null) throw new DescriptorException("Class " + newClass.NameString()); if (Diag.DiagOn) Console.WriteLine("Adding class " + newClass.Name() + " to ResolutionScope " + name); classes.Add(newClass); // Change Refs to Defs here newClass.SetScope(this); }
/*-------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------*/ internal ReferenceScope(string name) : base(name) { defaultClass = new ClassRef(this,"",""); defaultClass.MakeSpecial(); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Util ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Find the Type instance for this fully qualified type name. /// </summary> internal PERWAPI.Type findType(string qname) { // Always convert voids to native if (qname == "Fan.Sys.Void") { qname = "System.Void"; } PERWAPI.Type type = (PERWAPI.Type)types[qname]; if (type == null) { string aname = FanUtil.getPodName(qname); if (aname == null) { aname = "mscorlib"; } if (qname.StartsWith("Fanx.")) { aname = "sys"; // hack for support classes } if (qname.EndsWith("Peer")) { aname += "Native_"; // TODO } // first check if this is a type in this pod that // hasn't been defined yet if (aname == assemblyName) { // stub out type - fill get filled in later (we hope) string[] sn = FanUtil.splitQName(qname); ClassDef stub = null; if (qname.IndexOf("/") != -1) { // Nested class PERWAPI.ClassDef cdef = (PERWAPI.ClassDef)findType(sn[0]); stub = cdef.AddNestedClass(PERWAPI.TypeAttr.NestedPublic, sn[1]); } else { // Normal class stub = peFile.AddClass(PERWAPI.TypeAttr.Public, sn[0], sn[1]); } types[qname] = stub; return(stub); } AssemblyRef aref = (AssemblyRef)assemblies[aname]; if (aref == null) { aref = peFile.MakeExternAssembly(aname); assemblies[aname] = aref; } string[] s = FanUtil.splitQName(qname); if (qname.IndexOf("/") != -1) { // Nested class PERWAPI.ClassRef cref = (PERWAPI.ClassRef)findType(s[0]); type = cref.AddNestedClass(s[1]); } /* * else if (qname.IndexOf("<") != -1) * { * // Generic type * //if (type == null) type = aref.AddClass(s[0], s[1]); * PERWAPI.ClassRef cref = (PERWAPI.ClassRef)findType(s[0]); * cref.SetGenericParams(new GenericParam[] { cref.GetGenericParam(0) }); * type = cref; * } */ else { // Normal class, get/add type type = aref.GetClass(s[0], s[1]); if (type == null) { type = aref.AddClass(s[0], s[1]); } } types[qname] = type; } return(type); }
internal static ClassRef ReadDef(PEReader buff, ReferenceScope resScope, uint index) { uint junk = buff.ReadUInt32(); string cName = buff.GetString(); string nsName = buff.GetString(); ClassRef newClass = (ClassRef)resScope.GetExistingClass(nsName,cName); if (newClass == null) { newClass = new ClassRef(resScope,nsName,cName); resScope.AddToClassList(newClass); } newClass.readAsDef = true; newClass.Row = index; junk = buff.GetCodedIndex(CIx.TypeDefOrRef); newClass.fieldIx = buff.GetIndex(MDTable.Field); newClass.methodIx = buff.GetIndex(MDTable.Method); return newClass; }
internal static void Read(PEReader buff, TableRow[] typeRefs, bool resolve) { for (uint i=0; i < typeRefs.Length; i++) { uint resScopeIx = buff.GetCodedIndex(CIx.ResolutionScope); string name = buff.GetString(); string nameSpace = buff.GetString(); if (buff.CodedTable(CIx.ResolutionScope,resScopeIx) == MDTable.TypeRef) typeRefs[i] = new NestedClassRef(resScopeIx,nameSpace,name); else typeRefs[i] = new ClassRef(resScopeIx,nameSpace,name); typeRefs[i].Row = i+1; } if (resolve) { for (int i=0; i < typeRefs.Length; i++) { ((ClassRef)typeRefs[i]).ResolveParent(buff,false); } } }
/// <summary> /// Make a ClassRef for this ClassDef /// </summary> /// <returns>ClassRef equivalent to this ClassDef</returns> public virtual ClassRef MakeRefOf() { if (refOf == null) { Assembly assem = scope.GetThisAssembly(); ReferenceScope scopeRef; if (assem != null) scopeRef = assem.MakeRefOf(); else scopeRef = scope.MakeRefOf(); refOf = scopeRef.GetClass(name); if (refOf == null) { refOf = new ClassRef(scopeRef,nameSpace,name); scopeRef.AddToClassList(refOf); } refOf.defOf = this; } return refOf; }
internal void SetDefaultClass(ClassRef dClass) { defaultClass = dClass; }
/*------------------------- public set and get methods --------------------------*/ /// <summary> /// Add a class which is declared public in this external module of /// THIS assembly. This class will be exported from this assembly. /// The ilasm syntax for this is .extern class /// </summary> /// <param name="attrSet">attributes of the class to be exported</param> /// <param name="nsName">name space name</param> /// <param name="name">external class name</param> /// <param name="declFile">the file where the class is declared</param> /// <param name="isValueClass">is this class a value type?</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this external class</returns> public ClassRef AddExternClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, bool isValueClass, PEFile pefile) { ClassRef cRef = new ClassRef(this,nsName,name); if (isValueClass) cRef.MakeValueClass(); ExternClass eClass = new ExternClass(attrSet,nsName,name,modFile); exportedClasses.Add(eClass); cRef.SetExternClass(eClass); classes.Add(cRef); return cRef; }
internal static void GetMethodRefs(PEReader buff, uint num, ClassRef parent) { for (int i=0; i < num; i++) { uint rva = buff.ReadUInt32(); ushort implFlags = buff.ReadUInt16(); ushort methFlags = buff.ReadUInt16(); string name = buff.GetString(); uint sigIx = buff.GetBlobIx(); uint parIx = buff.GetIndex(MDTable.Param); if (IsPublicOrProtected(methFlags)) { MethodRef mRef = new MethodRef(parIx,name,sigIx); // changed mRef.SetParent(parent); //Console.WriteLine(parent.NameString()); MethSig mSig = buff.ReadMethSig(mRef,name,sigIx); // = name; mRef.SetSig(mSig); // changed parent.AddToMethodList(mRef); //if (parent.GetMethod(mSig) == null) { // MethodRef mRef = new MethodRef(mSig); // parent.AddToMethodList(mRef); //} } } }
internal EVAL(Scope current, Frame frame, YYLTYPE location): base(current, location) { this.frame = frame; if (frame.current_block != null) block_type = CodeGenContext.FindClass(frame.current_block.GetType()); }
internal static FieldRef AddField(ClassRef classRef, string name, PERWAPI.Type type) { FieldRef field = classRef.GetField(name); if (field == null) field = classRef.AddField(name, type); return field; }
internal static MethodRef AddStaticMethod(ClassRef classRef, string name, PERWAPI.Type retType, PERWAPI.Type[] args) { MethodRef method = classRef.GetMethod(name, args); if (method == null) method = classRef.AddMethod(name, retType, args); return method; }
internal static MethodRef AddInstanceMethod(ClassRef classRef, string name, PERWAPI.Type retType, PERWAPI.Type[] args) { MethodRef method = classRef.GetMethod(name, args); if (method == null || method.GetCallConv() != CallConv.Instance) { method = classRef.AddMethod(name, retType, args); method.AddCallConv(CallConv.Instance); } return method; }
/// <summary> /// Add a class to this Scope. If the class already exists, /// throw an exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="nsName">name space name</param> /// <param name="name">class name</param> /// <returns>a descriptor for this class in another module</returns> public virtual ClassRef AddClass(string nsName, string name) { ClassRef aClass = GetClass(nsName,name); if (aClass != null) { if ((aClass is SystemClass) && (!((SystemClass)aClass).added)) ((SystemClass)aClass).added = true; else throw new DescriptorException("Class " + aClass.NameString()); } else { aClass = new ClassRef(this,nsName,name); classes.Add(aClass); } return aClass; }
/*------------------------- internal functions --------------------------*/ /* internal void AddMember(Member memb) { if (memb is Method) { Method existing = GetMethod(memb.Name(),((Method)memb).GetParTypes()); if (existing == null) methods.Add(memb); } else { Field existing = GetField(memb.Name()); if (existing == null) fields.Add(memb); } } */ internal void AddToExportedClassList(ClassRef exClass) { if (exportedClasses.Contains(exClass)) return; exportedClasses.Add(exClass); }
internal bool isDefaultClass(ClassRef aClass) { return aClass == defaultClass; }
internal MSCorLib() : base("mscorlib") { classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Void)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Boolean)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Char)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Int8)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.UInt8)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Int16)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.UInt16)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Int32)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.UInt32)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Int64)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.UInt64)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Float32)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Float64)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.IntPtr)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.UIntPtr)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.String)); classes.Add(new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.TypedRef)); ObjectClass = new SystemClass(this,PrimitiveType.Object); classes.Add(ObjectClass); valueType = new ClassRef(this,"System","ValueType"); valueType.MakeValueClass(); classes.Add(valueType); }
internal static void GetClassRefs(PEReader buff, TableRow[] eClasses) { for (uint i=0; i < eClasses.Length; i++) { uint junk = buff.ReadUInt32(); junk = buff.ReadUInt32(); string name = buff.GetString(); string nameSpace = buff.GetString(); uint implIx = buff.GetCodedIndex(CIx.Implementation); eClasses[i] = new ClassRef(implIx,nameSpace,name); eClasses[i].Row = i+1; } }
/*-------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------*/ internal NestedClassRef(ClassRef parent, string name) : base(parent.GetScope(),"",name) { this.parent = parent; }
internal static void GetClassRefs(PEReader buff, TableRow[] typeRefs, ReferenceScope paren, uint[] parIxs) { int num = typeRefs.Length; uint[] fieldStart = new uint[num+1], methStart = new uint[num+1], extends = new uint[num+1]; for (int i=0; i < num; i++) { uint flags = buff.ReadUInt32(); string name = buff.GetString(); string nameSpace = buff.GetString(); extends[i] = buff.GetCodedIndex(CIx.TypeDefOrRef); fieldStart[i] = buff.GetIndex(MDTable.Field); methStart[i] = buff.GetIndex(MDTable.Method); //Console.WriteLine("flags = " + Hex.Int(flags)); if (i == 0) // ASSERT first entry is always <Module> typeRefs[i] = paren.GetDefaultClass(); else if (isPublic(flags)) { if (parIxs[i] != 0) { typeRefs[i] = new NestedClassRef(paren,nameSpace,name); } else { typeRefs[i] = paren.GetExistingClass(nameSpace,name); if (typeRefs[i] == null) { typeRefs[i] = new ClassRef(paren,nameSpace,name); paren.AddToClassList((ClassRef)typeRefs[i]); } } } } fieldStart[num] = buff.GetTableSize(MDTable.Field)+1; methStart[num] = buff.GetTableSize(MDTable.Method)+1; // Find Nested Classes for (int i=0; i < typeRefs.Length; i++) { if ((typeRefs[i] != null) && (typeRefs[i] is NestedClassRef)) { NestedClassRef nRef = (NestedClassRef)typeRefs[i]; ClassRef nPar = (ClassRef)typeRefs[parIxs[i]-1]; if (nPar == null) { // parent is private, so ignore typeRefs[i] = null; } else { nRef.SetParent(nPar); nPar.AddToClassList(nRef); } } if (typeRefs[i] != null) { if (buff.GetCodedElement(CIx.TypeDefOrRef,extends[i]) == MSCorLib.mscorlib.ValueType()) ((ClassRef)typeRefs[i]).MakeValueClass(); buff.SetElementPosition(MDTable.Field,fieldStart[i]); FieldDef.GetFieldRefs(buff,fieldStart[i+1]-fieldStart[i],(ClassRef)typeRefs[i]); buff.SetElementPosition(MDTable.Method,methStart[i]); MethodDef.GetMethodRefs(buff,methStart[i+1]-methStart[i],(ClassRef)typeRefs[i]); } } }
internal override void ResolveParent(PEReader buff, bool isExtern) { if (parent != null) return; CIx cIx = CIx.ResolutionScope; if (isExtern) cIx = CIx.Implementation; parent = (ClassRef)buff.GetCodedElement(cIx,resScopeIx); parent.ResolveParent(buff,isExtern); parent = (ClassRef)buff.GetCodedElement(cIx,resScopeIx); if (parent == null) return; NestedClassRef existing = parent.GetNestedClass(name); if (existing == null) { scope = parent.GetScope(); parent.AddToClassList(this); } else if (isExtern) buff.InsertInTable(MDTable.ExportedType,Row,existing); else buff.InsertInTable(MDTable.TypeRef,Row,existing); }
internal static ClassRef ReadClass(PEReader buff, ReferenceScope resScope) { uint resScopeIx = buff.GetCodedIndex(CIx.ResolutionScope); string name = buff.GetString(); string nameSpace = buff.GetString(); ClassRef newClass = (ClassRef)resScope.GetExistingClass(nameSpace,name); if (newClass == null) newClass = new ClassRef(resScope,nameSpace,name); return newClass; }
internal void SetParent(ClassRef paren) { parent = paren; }
internal static void GetFieldRefs(PEReader buff, uint num, ClassRef parent) { for (int i=0; i < num; i++) { uint flags = buff.ReadUInt16(); string name = buff.GetString(); uint sigIx = buff.GetBlobIx(); if ((flags & (uint)FieldAttr.Public) == (uint)FieldAttr.Public) { if (parent.GetField(name) == null) { //Console.WriteLine(parent.NameString()); buff.currentClassScope = parent; FieldRef fRef = new FieldRef(parent,name,buff.GetFieldType(sigIx)); buff.currentClassScope = null; parent.AddToFieldList(fRef); } } } }
internal bool HasArg(ClassRef argType) { foreach (Type t in Method.GetParTypes()) if (argType == t) return true; return false; }