public void Submit(Fill fill) { //Process Submit button var queueState = fill.QueueState; // Process Adjudication if (!fill.IsAdjudicated && !fill.Prescription.Patient.IsBillingMethodCash) { fill.QueueState = QueueStates.ThirdPartyRejects; } else { fill.IsAdjudicated = true; } if (fill.IsAdjudicated) { if (fill.Prescription.Product.DrugClass > 0) { fill.QueueState = QueueStates.DUE; } else { fill.IsDUEApproved = true; fill.QueueState = QueueStates.PrintLabel; } } new FillRepository().Update(fill); }
public QueueSnapshot GetQueueSnapShot(int queueId) { QueueSnapshot snapShot = new QueueSnapshot(); List<PDSFill> selectedPDSFillList = new List<PDSFill>(); var pdsQueues = new List<PDSQueue>() { new PDSQueue { StateId = (int)QueueStates.DUE, Name="DUE", Code="DUE"}, new PDSQueue { StateId = (int)QueueStates.ThirdPartyRejects, Name="3RD PARTY REJECTS", Code="MAR"}, new PDSQueue { StateId = (int)QueueStates.PrintLabel, Name="PRINT LABEL", Code="PLABEL"}, new PDSQueue { StateId = (int)QueueStates.RPHVerificaiton, Name="RPH VERIFICATION", Code="RPH"}, new PDSQueue { StateId = (int)QueueStates.WillCall, Name="WILL CALL", Code="WILLCALL"} }; using (var context = new PDSEntities()) { var groupedFills = context.PDSFills.GroupBy(p => p.State); foreach (var fillGroup in groupedFills) { int stateId = fillGroup.Key.Value; if (pdsQueues.Count(p => p.StateId == stateId) > 0) { pdsQueues.Single(p => p.StateId == stateId).Count = fillGroup.Count(); } if (fillGroup.Key.Value == queueId) { selectedPDSFillList = fillGroup.ToList(); } } } List<Fill> selectedFills = new List<Fill>(); foreach (var pdsFill in selectedPDSFillList) { var fill = new Fill(); MapPDSFilltoFill(pdsFill, fill); selectedFills.Add(fill); } snapShot.Queues = pdsQueues; snapShot.SelectedQueueFills = selectedFills; return snapShot; }
public Fill Create(Fill fill) { PDSFill pdsFill = null; using (var context = new PDSEntities()) { pdsFill = new PDSFill(); MapFilltoPDSFill(fill, pdsFill); context.AddToPDSFills(pdsFill); context.SaveChanges(); } if (pdsFill != null) { fill.Id = pdsFill.ID; } return fill; }
public Fill Load(int fillId) { Fill fill = new Fill { Id = fillId }; PDSFill pdsFill = null; using (var context = new PDSEntities()) { pdsFill = context.PDSFills.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ID == fillId); if (pdsFill != null) { MapPDSFilltoFill( pdsFill,fill); } } if(pdsFill != null) { fill.Prescription = new PrescriptionRepository().Load(pdsFill.RxID); } return fill; }
private static void PrintLabel(Fill selectedFill) { var printControl = new PrintLabel(selectedFill); printControl.Width = 8.27 * 96; printControl.Height = 11.69 * 96; //Create a fixed Document and Print the document FixedDocument fixedDoc = new FixedDocument(); PageContent pageContent = new PageContent(); FixedPage fixedPage = new FixedPage(); fixedPage.Height = 11.69 * 96; fixedPage.Width = 8.27 * 96; fixedPage.Children.Add(printControl); ((System.Windows.Markup.IAddChild)pageContent).AddChild(fixedPage); fixedDoc.Pages.Add(pageContent); PrintDialog dialog = new PrintDialog(); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) { //dialog.PrintVisual(_PrintCanvas, "My Canvas"); dialog.PrintDocument(fixedDoc.DocumentPaginator, "Print label"); } }
public MARPage(Fill selectedFill) : this() { SelectedFill = selectedFill; }
private void MapPDSFilltoFill(PDSFill pdsFill, Fill fill) { fill.Id = pdsFill.ID; try { fill.Prescription = new PrescriptionRepository().Load(pdsFill.RxID); } catch { } fill.DispensedQty = pdsFill.DispensedQty.Value; fill.DispensedDate = pdsFill.DispensedDate.Value; fill.IsAdjudicated = pdsFill.IsAdjudicated; fill.IsDUEApproved = pdsFill.IsDueApproved; fill.IsPrintLabelCompleted = pdsFill.IsLabelPrinted; fill.IsRPHApproved = pdsFill.IsRPHVerified; fill.WrittenQty = pdsFill.WrittenQty.Value; fill.DispensedQty = pdsFill.DispensedQty.Value; fill.IsSold = pdsFill.IsSold; fill.QueueState = (QueueStates)Enum.ToObject(typeof(QueueStates), pdsFill.State.Value); }
public Fill Create(Fill fill) { return new FillRepository().Create(fill); }
private void MapFilltoPDSFill(Fill fill, PDSFill pdsFill) { pdsFill.RxID = fill.Prescription.Id; pdsFill.DispensedQty = fill.DispensedQty; pdsFill.DispensedDate = fill.DispensedDate; pdsFill.IsAdjudicated = fill.IsAdjudicated; pdsFill.IsDueApproved = fill.IsDUEApproved; pdsFill.IsLabelPrinted = fill.IsPrintLabelCompleted; pdsFill.IsRPHVerified = fill.IsRPHApproved; pdsFill.WrittenQty = fill.WrittenQty; pdsFill.DispensedQty = fill.DispensedQty; pdsFill.IsSold = fill.IsSold; pdsFill.State = (int)fill.QueueState; }
public void PerformRPHVerificaiton(Fill fill) { fill.IsRPHApproved = true; fill.QueueState = QueueStates.WillCall; new FillRepository().Update(fill); }
public RPHVerificationPage(Fill selecetedFill) : this() { SelectedFill = selecetedFill; }
public Fill Update(Fill fill) { using (var context = new PDSEntities()) { var pdsFill = context.PDSFills.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ID == fill.Id); if (pdsFill != null) { MapFilltoPDSFill(fill,pdsFill); } context.SaveChanges(); } return fill; }
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Prescription prescription = new Prescription(); prescription.Patient = SelectedPatient; prescription.Product = SelectedProduct; prescription.Prescriber = SelectedPrescriber; prescription.SIG = txtSig.Text; prescription.WrittenDate = txtWrittenDate.SelectedDate.Value; prescription.ExpirationDate = prescription.WrittenDate.Add(new TimeSpan(365,0,0,0)); Int32 refills; Int32.TryParse(txtRefills.Text, out refills); prescription.RefillsAllowed = refills; //Create the Fills prescription = new PrescriptionManager().Create(prescription); Fill fill = new Fill(); fill.Prescription = prescription; fill.RefillsAllowed = refills; Int32 writtenQty; Int32.TryParse(txtWrittenQty.Text, out writtenQty); fill.WrittenQty = writtenQty; fill.DispensedQty = writtenQty; fill.QueueState = QueueStates.RxEntry; fill.DispensedDate = DateTime.Today; var createdFill = new FillManager().Create(fill); //Submit the Fill new FillManager().Submit(createdFill); NavigationService.GoBack(); }
public void ApproveDUE(Fill fill) { fill.IsDUEApproved = true; fill.QueueState = QueueStates.PrintLabel; new FillRepository().Update(fill); }
public void PrintLabel(Fill fill) { fill.IsPrintLabelCompleted = true; fill.QueueState = QueueStates.RPHVerificaiton; new FillRepository().Update(fill); }
public void Sell(Fill fill) { fill.IsSold = true; fill.QueueState = QueueStates.Sold; new FillRepository().Update(fill); }
public void ReSubmit(Fill fill) { fill.IsAdjudicated = true; Submit(fill); }