private float[] DrawHeaderRows(Page page, int pageNumber) { float x = x1; float y = (pageNumber == 1) ? y1FirstPage : y1; float cellH; for (int i = 0; i < numOfHeaderRows; i++) { List <Cell> dataRow = tableData[i]; cellH = GetMaxCellHeight(dataRow); for (int j = 0; j < dataRow.Count; j++) { Cell cell = dataRow[j]; float cellW = cell.GetWidth(); int colspan = cell.GetColSpan(); for (int k = 1; k < colspan; k++) { cellW += dataRow[++j].GetWidth(); } if (page != null) { page.SetBrushColor(cell.GetBrushColor()); cell.Paint(page, x, y, cellW, cellH); } x += cellW; } x = x1; y += cellH; } return(new float[] { x, y }); }
private float[] DrawHeaderRows(Page page, bool draw) { float x = x1; float y = y1; float cell_w = 0f; float cell_h = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < numOfHeaderRows; i++) { List <Cell> dataRow = tableData[i]; cell_h = GetMaxCellHeight(dataRow); for (int j = 0; j < dataRow.Count; j++) { Cell cell = dataRow[j]; float cellHeight = cell.GetHeight(); if (cellHeight > cell_h) { cell_h = cellHeight; } cell_w = cell.GetWidth(); for (int k = 1; k < cell.GetColSpan(); k++) { cell_w += dataRow[++j].GetWidth(); } if (draw) { page.SetBrushColor(cell.GetBrushColor()); cell.Paint(page, x, y, cell_w, cell_h); } x += cell_w; } x = x1; y += cell_h; } return(new float[] { x, y, cell_w, cell_h }); }
private float[] DrawTableRows(Page page, float[] parameter) { float x = parameter[0]; float y = parameter[1]; float cellH; for (int i = rendered; i < tableData.Count; i++) { List <Cell> dataRow = tableData[i]; cellH = GetMaxCellHeight(dataRow); for (int j = 0; j < dataRow.Count; j++) { Cell cell = dataRow[j]; float cellW = cell.GetWidth(); int colspan = cell.GetColSpan(); for (int k = 1; k < colspan; k++) { cellW += dataRow[++j].GetWidth(); } if (page != null) { page.SetBrushColor(cell.GetBrushColor()); cell.Paint(page, x, y, cellW, cellH); } x += cellW; } x = x1; y += cellH; // Consider the height of the next row when checking if we must go to a new page if (i < (tableData.Count - 1)) { List <Cell> nextRow = tableData[i + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < nextRow.Count; j++) { Cell cell = nextRow[j]; float cellHeight = cell.GetHeight(); if (cellHeight > cellH) { cellH = cellHeight; } } } if (page != null && (y + cellH) > (page.height - bottomMargin)) { if (i == tableData.Count - 1) { rendered = -1; } else { rendered = i + 1; numOfPages++; } return(new float[] { x, y }); } } rendered = -1; return(new float[] { x, y }); }
private Point DrawTableRows(Page page, bool draw, float[] parameter) { float x = parameter[0]; float y = parameter[1]; float cell_w = parameter[2]; float cell_h = parameter[3]; for (int i = rendered; i < tableData.Count; i++) { List <Cell> dataRow = tableData[i]; cell_h = GetMaxCellHeight(dataRow); for (int j = 0; j < dataRow.Count; j++) { Cell cell = dataRow[j]; float cellHeight = cell.GetHeight(); if (cellHeight > cell_h) { cell_h = cellHeight; } cell_w = cell.GetWidth(); for (int k = 1; k < cell.GetColSpan(); k++) { cell_w += dataRow[++j].GetWidth(); } if (draw) { page.SetBrushColor(cell.GetBrushColor()); cell.Paint(page, x, y, cell_w, cell_h); } x += cell_w; } x = x1; y += cell_h; // Consider the height of the next row when checking if we must go to a new page if (i < (tableData.Count - 1)) { List <Cell> nextRow = tableData[i + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < nextRow.Count; j++) { Cell cell = nextRow[j]; float cellHeight = cell.GetHeight(); if (cellHeight > cell_h) { cell_h = cellHeight; } } } if ((y + cell_h) > (page.height - bottom_margin)) { if (i == tableData.Count - 1) { rendered = -1; } else { rendered = i + 1; numOfPages++; } return(new Point(x, y)); } } rendered = -1; return(new Point(x, y)); }
public void DrawOn(Page page) { double x = x1; double y = y1; double cell_w = 0.0; double cell_h = 0.0; page.setPenWidth(lineWidth); page.SetPenColor(lineColor[0], lineColor[1], lineColor[2]); for (int i = 0; i < numOfHeaderRows; i++) { List <Cell> dataRow = tableData[i]; for (int j = 0; j < dataRow.Count; j++) { Cell cell = dataRow[j]; cell_h = cell.font.body_height + 2 * margin; cell_w = cell.width; for (int k = 1; k < cell.colspan; k++) { cell_w += dataRow[++j].width; } page.SetBrushColor( cell.brushColor[0], cell.brushColor[1], cell.brushColor[2]); cell.Paint(page, x, y, cell_w, cell_h, margin); x += cell_w; } x = x1; y += cell_h; } for (int i = rendered; i < tableData.Count; i++) { List <Cell> dataRow = tableData[i]; for (int j = 0; j < dataRow.Count; j++) { Cell cell = dataRow[j]; cell_h = cell.font.body_height + 2 * margin; cell_w = cell.width; for (int k = 1; k < cell.colspan; k++) { cell_w += dataRow[++j].width; } page.SetBrushColor( cell.brushColor[0], cell.brushColor[1], cell.brushColor[2]); cell.Paint(page, x, y, cell_w, cell_h, margin); x += cell_w; } x = x1; y += cell_h; if ((y + cell_h) > (page.height - bottom_margin)) { if (i == tableData.Count - 1) { rendered = -1; } else { rendered = i + 1; } return; } } rendered = -1; }
public Point DrawOn(Page page, bool draw) { float num = this.x1; float num2 = this.y1; for (int i = 0; i < this.numOfHeaderRows; i++) { float num3 = 0f; List <Cell> list = this.tableData[i]; for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { Cell cell = list[j]; float num4 = cell.GetHeight() + 2f * this.padding; if (num4 > num3) { num3 = num4; } float num5 = cell.GetWidth(); for (int k = 1; k < cell.GetColSpan(); k++) { num5 += list[++j].GetWidth(); } if (draw) { page.SetBrushColor(cell.GetBrushColor()); cell.Paint(page, num, num2, num5, num3, this.padding); } num += num5; } num = this.x1; num2 += num3; } for (int l = this.rendered; l < this.tableData.Count; l++) { float num3 = 0f; List <Cell> list2 = this.tableData[l]; for (int m = 0; m < list2.Count; m++) { Cell cell2 = list2[m]; float num6 = cell2.GetHeight() + 2f * this.padding; if (num6 > num3) { num3 = num6; } float num5 = cell2.GetWidth(); for (int n = 1; n < cell2.GetColSpan(); n++) { num5 += list2[++m].GetWidth(); } if (draw) { page.SetBrushColor(cell2.GetBrushColor()); cell2.Paint(page, num, num2, num5, num3, this.padding); } num += num5; } num = this.x1; num2 += num3; if (l < this.tableData.Count - 1) { List <Cell> list3 = this.tableData[l + 1]; for (int num7 = 0; num7 < list3.Count; num7++) { Cell cell3 = list3[num7]; float num8 = cell3.GetHeight() + 2f * this.padding; if (num8 > num3) { num3 = num8; } } } if (num2 + num3 > page.height - this.bottom_margin) { if (l == this.tableData.Count - 1) { this.rendered = -1; } else { this.rendered = l + 1; this.numOfPages++; } return(new Point(num, num2)); } } this.rendered = -1; return(new Point(num, num2)); }