Пример #1
        public static void Position(string frontNode, string rearNode)
            Graph    g = Database.Instance.Data.Graphs.FirstOrDefault().Value;
            Forklift f = Database.Instance.Data.Forklifts.FirstOrDefault().Value;

            Node front = null;
            Node rear  = null;

                front = g.getNode(frontNode);
                rear  = g.getNode(rearNode);
            catch (NodeException e)

                f.UpdateNodes(front, rear);
            catch (NodeException e)

            PrintSuccess("Position updated");
Пример #2
        // Used to check if position information is required
        public static void UpdatePositionInformation()
            Graph    g = Database.Instance.Data.Graphs.FirstOrDefault().Value;
            Forklift f = Database.Instance.Data.Forklifts.FirstOrDefault().Value;

            if (f.RearNode == null || f.FrontNode == null)
                ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, "Information about PALL-E position is required.");

                bool result;

                    Node rearNode  = null;
                    Node frontNode = null;

                    // The user must enter a faceing node
                    while (frontNode == null)
                            ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, "Enter name of front node...");
                            String faceing = Console.ReadLine();
                            frontNode = g.getNode(faceing);
                        catch (NodeException e)
                            ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.ERROR, "Error when finding node: '" + e.Message + "'");

                    // The user must enter a last node
                    while (rearNode == null)
                            ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, "Enter name of rear node...");
                            String last = Console.ReadLine();
                            rearNode = g.getNode(last);
                        catch (NodeException e)
                            ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.ERROR, "Error when finding node: '" + e.Message + "'");

                    // Update node information
                    result = f.UpdateNodes(frontNode, rearNode);

                    Commands.PrintSuccess("Position updated");
                }while (!result);
                ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, ConsoleHandler.DNS + " position information:");
                ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, "Front-node: '" + f.FrontNode.Name + "'. Rear-node: '" + f.RearNode.Name + "'");
        // Consumes one package
        private void ConsumePackage(byte[] package)
            // Allocates data from the package
            byte[] data = new byte[package.Length - 3];

            // Finds the type of pakcage
            byte byteType = package[1];

            // Fills the data array with the corresponding data
            for (int i = 2, j = 0; i < package.Length - 1; i++, j++)
                data[j] = package[i];

            // Convert the data to a string
            string dataString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, data.Length);

            // Find the correct method to consume the package
            switch (byteType)
            case TYPE_UPDATE_COLOR:
                // Tell the user that the color is being fetched
                // dataString contains the id of the color
                ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.BLUETOOTH, "Sending color #" + dataString + "...");

                // Get the color from the database
                Color requestedColor = Database.Instance.Data.Colors.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value.Identifier == int.Parse(dataString)).Value;

                // Convert the RGB-values of the color to byte array
                byte[] returnData = requestedColor.ToRGBBytes();

                // Send the package back to the NXT
                SendPackageBT(TYPE_FETCHED_COLOR, returnData);


            case TYPE_SAVE_COLOR:

                // Split the data into to values that needs to be saved
                int colorId = int.Parse(dataString.Substring(0, 3)); // Use the first char as color identifer
                int red     = int.Parse(dataString.Substring(3, 3)); // Use the first char as red value
                int green   = int.Parse(dataString.Substring(6, 3)); // Use the first char as green value
                int blue    = int.Parse(dataString.Substring(9, 3)); // Use the first char as blue value

                // Tell the user that the color is being saved
                ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.BLUETOOTH, "Received color #" + colorId + ". (" + red + ", " + green + ", " + blue + ")");

                // Find the old color
                Color color = Database.Instance.Data.Colors.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value.Identifier == colorId).Value;

                // Update the values
                color.Red   = red;
                color.Green = green;
                color.Blue  = blue;

                // Save the updated color

            case TYPE_REPORT_OBSTACLE:

                ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.ERROR, "Obstacle encountered!");

                int directionsIndex = int.Parse(dataString);

                if (!(CurrentJob is TurnJob) && !(CurrentJob is DebugJob))
                    if (CurrentJob != null)
                        Path currentPath = CurrentJob.GetPath();

                        String directions = new ForkliftPath(currentPath, forklift.RearNode).getDirections();

                        if (CurrentJob is PalletJob)
                            PalletJob pj = (PalletJob)CurrentJob;

                            if (pj.Type == PalletJobType.fetch)
                                directions = directions.Insert(0, "TUND");
                            else if (pj.Type == PalletJobType.deliver)
                                directions = directions.Insert(0, "TUBDN");

                        int max = directions.Length;
                        int i   = directionsIndex;

                        if (directions[directions.Length - 1] == 'L' || directions[directions.Length - 1] == 'R')

                        double nodeRearIndex = (max - 1.0 - i) / 2.0;

                        if (Math.Abs(nodeRearIndex % 1 - 0.5) < 0.4)
                            ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.ERROR, "Currently inside intersection - aborting all jobs");

                            forklift.FrontNode = null;
                            forklift.FrontNode = null;

                            // Inform the user to update the position
                            ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.ERROR, "Please update the position of the forklift...");

                            while (forklift.FrontNode == null || forklift.RearNode == null)
                            Node newRearNode  = null;
                            Node newFrontNode = null;
                            int  roundedIndex = (int)nodeRearIndex;

                            if (roundedIndex == 0)
                                newFrontNode = forklift.FrontNode;
                                newRearNode  = forklift.RearNode;
                                newFrontNode = currentPath.Nodes[roundedIndex];
                                newRearNode  = currentPath.Nodes[roundedIndex - 1];

                            // Update the visitied count on edges
                            Node previousNode = null;

                            foreach (Node n in currentPath.Nodes)
                                if (previousNode == null)
                                    previousNode = n;

                                // Find edge to the previous node and increment the visitied count
                                KeyValuePair <Node, Edge> nodeEdgePair = previousNode.Neighbours.Single(x => x.Key != null && x.Key.Equals(n));

                                if (n.Equals(newFrontNode))

                                previousNode = n;

                            // Update forklift nodes
                            forklift.FrontNode = newFrontNode;
                            forklift.RearNode  = newRearNode;

                            // Update edge the NXT is standing on
                            Database.Instance.Data.Graphs.FirstOrDefault().Value.BlockEdge(newFrontNode, newRearNode);
                        Commands.PrintError("No current job - Continuing...");
                else if (CurrentJob is TurnJob)
                    ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, "Already performing turn-job... (ignoreing)");
                else if (CurrentJob is DebugJob)
                    ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, "Performing debug-job... (ignoreing debugjobs)");


            // Check if the NXT updated its status
            case TYPE_UPDATE_STATUS:
                if (dataString[0] != GetStatusByte(forklift))
                    // Tell the user what the status the NXT updated to
                    ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.BLUETOOTH, "Received " + ConsoleHandler.DNS + "-status: " + dataString);

                // Check what status the NXT told us
                switch (dataString[0])
                // The NXT was idle
                case STATUS_IDLE:

                    // Check if the nxt just completed a job
                    if (forklift.Status == Status.BUSY && CurrentJob != null)
                        Path p = CurrentJob.GetPath();

                        // Update the visited count on traversed edges
                        Node previousNode = null;

                        foreach (Node n in p.Nodes)
                            if (previousNode == null)
                                previousNode = n;

                            // Find edge to the previous node and increment the visitied count
                            KeyValuePair <Node, Edge> nodeEdgePair = previousNode.Neighbours.Single(x => x.Key != null && x.Key.Equals(n));

                            previousNode = n;

                        // Update the position of the forklift
                        if (p.Nodes.Count >= 2)
                            Node frontNode = p.Nodes.ElementAt(p.Nodes.Count - 1);
                            Node rearNode  = p.Nodes.ElementAt(p.Nodes.Count - 2);

                            Forklift f = Database.Instance.Data.Forklifts.FirstOrDefault().Value;
                            f.UpdateNodes(frontNode, rearNode);

                        if (!(CurrentJob is TurnJob))
                            Graph g = Database.Instance.Data.Graphs.FirstOrDefault().Value;

                            // Unblock all edges
                            for (int i = g.BlockedEdges.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                Tuple <Node, Node> edge = g.BlockedEdges[i];
                                g.UnblockEdge(edge.Item1, edge.Item2);

                            // Decay the graph

                        if (CurrentJob is PalletJob)
                            PalletJob job = (PalletJob)CurrentJob;

                            // Check if the forklift just finished a deliver pallet job
                            if (job.Type == PalletJobType.deliver)
                                Pallet pallet = forklift.Payload;

                                // Update the location of the pallet
                                pallet.Location = p.Nodes.Last();

                                // Update the payload of the forklift
                                forklift.Payload = null;
                            else if (job.Type == PalletJobType.fetch)
                                Node n = p.Nodes.Last();

                                // Update the payload (Which will also update the location of the pallet)
                                forklift.Payload = n.Pallet;

                            // Swap front and rear node
                            forklift.UpdateNodes(forklift.RearNode, forklift.FrontNode);

                        CurrentJob = null;

                    // Update the internal status
                    forklift.Status = Status.IDLE;

                    // Check if PALL-E should get another job
                    if (CurrentJob == null && forklift.Status == Status.IDLE)
                        Job nextJob = null;

                        while ((nextJob == null || nextJob.GetPath() != null) && JobList.Count > 0)
                            // Get the next job (job with lowest id)
                            nextJob = JobList.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Key < r.Key ? l : r).Value;

                            catch (PathException e)
                                Commands.PrintError("Remove job #" + nextJob.ID() + ": '" + e.Message + "'");
                            catch (JobException e)
                                Commands.PrintError("Remove job #" + nextJob.ID() + ": '" + e.Message + "'");

                            nextJob = null;

                        // We removed all the jobs, nothing left to do!
                        if (JobList.Count < 1)

                            // Test if the path can be generated

                            // Tell the user what job was sent
                            Commands.PrintSuccess("Sending Job #" + nextJob.ID() + " to PALL-E. " + (JobList.Count - 1) + " jobs left");

                            // Send the job to the NXT
                            SendPackageBT(nextJob.GetJobTypeBytes(), nextJob.GetBytes());
                        catch (JobException e)
                            Commands.PrintError("Job #" + nextJob.ID() + " cancelled: '" + e.Message + "'");


                // The NXT was busy
                case STATUS_BUSY:

                    // If the NXT was just idle, you know you have given it a job
                    if (forklift.Status == Status.IDLE)
                        // Debug jobs has highe priority
                        if (JobList.Count > 0)
                            // Remove the job that is being executed currently
                            CurrentJob = JobList.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Key < r.Key ? l : r).Value;

                    // Update the internal status
                    forklift.Status = Status.BUSY;

                case STATUS_OBSTACLE:
                    if (CurrentJob != null)
                        if (!(CurrentJob is DebugJob))
                            if (!(CurrentJob is TurnJob))
                                ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, "Calculating alternative path...");

                                CurrentJob = new TurnJob(Database.Instance.Data.Jobs.Keys.Min() - 1);

                                Node oldFrontNode = forklift.FrontNode;
                                Node oldRearNode  = forklift.RearNode;

                                forklift.FrontNode = oldRearNode;
                                forklift.RearNode  = oldFrontNode;

                                ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, "Sending turn-job to PALL-E...");
                                ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.REGULAR, "Resending turn-job to " + ConsoleHandler.DNS + "...");

                            // Send turn job
                            SendPackageBT(CurrentJob.GetJobTypeBytes(), CurrentJob.GetBytes());
                            // Send empty package (so that obstacle status will be avoided)
                            DebugJob dj = new DebugJob(-1, "");
                            SendPackageBT(dj.GetJobTypeBytes(), dj.GetBytes());
                        ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.ERROR, "Tried to recover from obstacle, but there are no jobs left");
                        // throw new Exception("No current jobs");

                    // The status should not be updated if the current job is a debugjob
                    if (!(CurrentJob is DebugJob))
                        // Update the internal status
                        forklift.Status = Status.OBSTACLE;


                // The NXT encoutered an error
                case STATUS_ERROR:
                    // Update the internal status
                    forklift.Status = Status.ERROR;

                    // Tell the user that the NXT encountered an error
                    ConsoleHandler.AddMessage(MessageType.ERROR, ConsoleHandler.DNS + " reported an error");

                    forklift.Status = Status.UNKNOWN;