Пример #1
        /*GetIndex method
         * this method allows to look for the index of an entry if it exists in the list.
         * If the data exist it should be unique because the association of the attribute state,
         * area and office is unique.

        private int GetIndex(string state, string county, int year, string office)
            var index = Data.FindIndex(results => results.State == ElectionData.TitleCase(state) &&
                                       results.Area == ElectionData.TitleCase(county) &&
                                       results.Office == ElectionData.TitleCase(office) &&
                                       results.Date.Year == year);

Пример #2
         * this method allows to check if a data exist in the list. If the data exists
         * it should be unique because the association of the attribute state, area and office
         * is unique.
         * The method return true if a entry as been found or false if not

        private bool CheckUniqueData(string state, string county, int year, string office)
            var result =
                Data.Where(results => results.State == ElectionData.TitleCase(state) &&
                           results.Area == ElectionData.TitleCase(county) &&
                           results.Office == ElectionData.TitleCase(office) &&
                           results.Date.Year == year);

Пример #3
        /*GetSingleRow method
         * this method allows to look for a single entry of the List if it exists in the list.
         * If the data exist it should be unique because the association of the attribute state,
         * area and office is unique.
         * The method return an ElectionData object if it exist

        private ElectionData GetSingleRow(string state, string county, int year, string office)
            var result =
                Data.FirstOrDefault(results => results.State == ElectionData.TitleCase(state) &&
                                    results.Area == ElectionData.TitleCase(county) &&
                                    results.Office == ElectionData.TitleCase(office) &&
                                    results.Date.Year == year);

Пример #4
        /*SearchByState method
         * this method allows to search a subset of entry with the corresponding state
         * searched by the user. The method return an set ElectionData object if it exists.

        private void SearchByState(string state)
            //search for the corresponding state
            var result =
                Data.Where(results => results.State == ElectionData.TitleCase(state.ToLower())).ToList();

            if (result.Count() != 0)     //if the state exist
                DisplaySomeData(result); //display each corresponding state entry found
            else //if the state doesn't exit
                Console.WriteLine("\n**No State named {0}**", state);
Пример #5
        /*SearchByState method
         * this method allows to search a subset of entry with the corresponding office
         * searched by the user. The method return an set ElectionData object if it exists.

        private void SearchByOffice(string office)
            var result =
                    results => results.Office == ElectionData.TitleCase(office.ToLower()) ||
                    results.Office[0] == char.ToUpper(office[0])).ToList();

            if (result.Count() != 0)     //if the office exist
                DisplaySomeData(result); //Display correspondidng office found
            else                         //if the office doesn't exit
                Console.WriteLine("\n**No Office named {0}**", office);
Пример #6
        /*SearchByCounty method
         * this method allows to search for a specific entry with the corresponding county
         * searched by the user. The method return a ElectionData object if it exists

        private void SearchByCounty(string county)
            //search for the corresponding county if it exists
            var result =
                Data.Where(results => results.Area == ElectionData.TitleCase(county.ToLower())).ToList();

            //if the county exists
            if (result.Count() != 0)
                DisplaySomeData(result); //display the county found
            else                         //if the county doesn't exit
                Console.WriteLine("\n**No County named {0}**", county);
Пример #7
        /* ElectionDataSet constructor
         * This constructor uses chaining.
         * Same could be achieved by:
         * 1. Creating a local ReadCsv object
         * 2. Call Content Property on the object...That returns a list of string arrays
         * 3. Use LINQ to convert List<string[]> into List<ElectionData>

        public ElectionDataSet()
            if (Data != null)
                Clear(); //if the list is not empty, clear it
            //initialize a new list with the content of the CSV file
            Data =
                new ReadCsv().CsvContent.Select(
                    x =>
                    new ElectionData(x[0], ElectionData.TitleCase(x[1].ToLower()),
                                     new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(x[2].Substring(0, 4)),
                                                  Convert.ToInt32(x[2].Substring(4, 2)),
                                                  Convert.ToInt32(x[2].Substring(6, 2))),
Пример #8
        public void Modify()
            int    newRepublicanVotes = 0, newDemocraticVotes = 0;
            string state, county, office;
            int    year;
            List <ElectionData> result;

            Console.WriteLine("\nEnter details for new election data below\nEnter -- (double hyphen/minus) at anytime to exit\n");
                Console.Write("Select State: "); //get the input from the user
                state = ElectionData.TitleCase(Console.ReadLine());
                if (state == "--")
                result = Data.Where(results => results.State == state).ToList();
                if (!result.Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: State not in the Data set");
            } while (!result.Any());

                Console.Write("Select County: ");
                county = ElectionData.TitleCase(Console.ReadLine());
                if (county == "--")
                result = Data.Where(results => results.State == state && results.Area == county).ToList();
                if (!result.Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: No county in {0} named {1}", state, county);
            } while (!result.Any());

                Console.Write("Select Office: Ex..{0}: ", AllTypesOfElections());
                office = ElectionData.TitleCase(Console.ReadLine());
                if (office == "--")
                result =
                    Data.Where(results => results.Office == office && results.State == state && results.Area == county).
                if (!result.Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: We have no {0} election for {1}, {2}", office, county, state);
            } while (!result.Any());

            bool isValid;

                Console.Write("Year of Election: ");
                var yearString = Console.ReadLine();

                if (yearString == "--")

                isValid = int.TryParse(yearString, out year);
                if (isValid == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Year format is wrong. Ex. 2008");
                if (year < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Year must be greater than zero.");

                result =
                    Data.Where(results => results.Office == office && results.State == state && results.Area == county && results.Date.Year == year).ToList();
                if (!result.Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: We have no {0} election for {1}, {2} in {3}", office, county, state, year);
            } while (year < 0 || isValid == false || !result.Any());

            if (!CheckUniqueData(state, county, year, office))        //check if the entry exists
                Console.WriteLine("There's no {0} election data for {1} County, {2}, in {3}", office, county, state, year);
            {                                                   //if the entry exist
                Console.WriteLine("\nAt this time, you are only allowed to edit number of votes: ");
                bool badInput;
                    badInput = false;
                    Console.WriteLine(GetSingleRow(state, county, year, office));

                    //display the entry to modify
                    try                                         //user can only modify number of vote
                    {                                           //check user input
                        Console.Write("\nNew Votes for Republican Party: ");
                        newRepublicanVotes = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                        if (newRepublicanVotes < 0)
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                        Console.Write("New Votes for Democratic Party: ");
                        newDemocraticVotes = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                        if (newDemocraticVotes < 0)
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n{0}", ex.Message);
                        badInput = true;
                } while (badInput);
                //if the input is good, we edit the entry
                EditSingleElection(newRepublicanVotes, newDemocraticVotes, state, county, year, office);

                Console.WriteLine("\n {0} {1} election data for {2} County, {3} has been edited.", year, office, county, state);
                Console.WriteLine(GetSingleRow(state, county, year, office));
Пример #9
        public void Add()
            string   office;
            string   state;
            string   area;
            DateTime dateTime = new DateTime();
            int      republicanVotes;
            string   republicanCandidate;
            int      democraticVotes;
            string   democraticCandidate;

            Console.WriteLine("\nEnter details for new election data below\nEnter -- (double hyphen/minus) at anytime to exit\n");

                Console.Write("Election office: "); //get the input from the user
                office = ElectionData.TitleCase(Console.ReadLine());
                if (office == "--")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(office))
                    Console.WriteLine("Office Name can not be empty or NULL");
            } while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(office));

                Console.Write("State name: "); //get the input from the user
                state = ElectionData.TitleCase(Console.ReadLine());
                if (state == "--")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(state))
                    Console.WriteLine("State Name can not be empty or NULL");
            } while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(state));

            bool isValidDate;

                Console.Write("Year of Election: (YYYYMMDD) ");
                var yearString = Console.ReadLine();
                if (yearString == "--")

                DateTime temp;
                isValidDate = DateTime.TryParseExact(yearString, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                     DateTimeStyles.None, out temp);
                if (isValidDate)
                    dateTime = temp;
                    Console.WriteLine("Date has to be valid, in the format: YYYMMDD");
            } while (isValidDate == false);

                Console.Write("County name: "); //get the input from the user
                area = ElectionData.TitleCase(Console.ReadLine());
                if (area == "--")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(area))
                    Console.WriteLine("County Name can not be empty or NULL");
            } while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(area));

            bool isRepVotesValid;

                Console.Write("Republican votes: ");
                var repVoteString = Console.ReadLine();
                if (repVoteString == "--")
                isRepVotesValid = int.TryParse(repVoteString, out republicanVotes);
                if (isRepVotesValid == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Number of votes MUST be an integer. Ex. 1234");
                if (republicanVotes < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Number of votes MUST be greater than zero.");
            } while (republicanVotes < 0 || isRepVotesValid == false);

                Console.Write("Republican Candidate Name: "); //get the input from the user
                republicanCandidate = ElectionData.TitleCase(Console.ReadLine());
                if (republicanCandidate == "--")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(republicanCandidate))
                    Console.WriteLine("Republican Candidate Name can not be empty or NULL");
            } while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(republicanCandidate));

            bool isDemVotesValid;

                Console.Write("Republican votes: ");
                var demVoteString = Console.ReadLine();
                if (demVoteString == "--")
                isDemVotesValid = int.TryParse(demVoteString, out democraticVotes);
                if (isDemVotesValid == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Number of votes MUST be an integer. Ex. 1234");
                if (republicanVotes < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Number of votes MUST be greater than zero.");
            } while (democraticVotes < 0 || isDemVotesValid == false);

                Console.Write("Democrat Candidate Name: "); //get the input from the user
                democraticCandidate = ElectionData.TitleCase(Console.ReadLine());
                if (democraticCandidate == "--")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(democraticCandidate))
                    Console.WriteLine("Democrat Candidate Name can not be empty or NULL");
            } while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(democraticCandidate));

            //check if there is any duplicate
            var result =
                Data.Where(results => area != null && results.Area == ElectionData.TitleCase(area.ToLower())).
                Where(results => state != null && results.State == ElectionData.TitleCase(state.ToLower())).
                Where(results => office != null && results.Office == ElectionData.TitleCase(office.ToLower())).
                Where(results => results.Date.Year == dateTime.Year);

            if (!result.Any())                                  //if there is no duplicate
                var vote = republicanVotes + democraticVotes;   //determine the total votes
                                                                //declare and initialize a new election data objet
                var newElec = new ElectionData(office, state, dateTime, area, vote, republicanVotes, republicanCandidate, democraticVotes, democraticCandidate);
                Add(newElec);                                   //add the object to the list
                Console.WriteLine("\n Input Added\n");
                Console.WriteLine(newElec);                     //display the object added
                Console.WriteLine("Data already exist");        //if duplicate exist