Пример #1
        private static void UploadImage(P imageToPost, ref Misc.PostRequest request)
            List <string> pictureExtensions = new List <string> {
                "jpg", "png", "jpeg"
            List <string> animationExtensions = new List <string> {
            List <string> gifExtensions = new List <string> {

            //Upload to either imgur or gyfcat depending on the type.
            if (pictureExtensions.Contains(imageToPost.File.Ext))
                Upload.PostToImgur(ref request);
            else if (animationExtensions.Contains(imageToPost.File.Ext))
                    Upload.PostToImgurAsVideo(ref request);
                catch (Exception)
                    request.ResultUrl = request.RequestUrl;
            else if (gifExtensions.Contains(imageToPost.File.Ext))
                    Upload.PostToImgurAsGif(ref request);
                catch (Exception)
                        Upload.PostToImgurAsVideo(ref request);
                    catch (Exception)
                        request.ResultUrl = request.RequestUrl;
                //if (imageToPost.File.Size <= 10485760)
                //    Upload.PostToGfycat(ref request);
                //    try
                //    {
                //        Upload.PostToImgurAsGif(ref request);
                //    }
                //    catch (Exception)
                //    {
                //        try
                //        {
                //            Upload.PostToImgurAsVideo(ref request);
                //        }
                //        catch (Exception )
                //        {
                //            request.ResultUrl = request.RequestUrl;
                //        }
                //    }
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Title = "OwO What's This? Loading bulge...";
            SetOut(new Writer());
            C.WriteLine("Configuration loaded!");
            Title = "OwO Bot " + Constants.Version;
            Args  = args;
            int argumentIndexSub = 0;

            if (args.Length > 0)
                if (int.TryParse(args[0], out argumentIndexSub))
                    C.WriteLine("Found valid argument for subreddit!");

            int argumentIndexMail = 0;

            if (args.Length > 1)
                if (int.TryParse(args[1], out argumentIndexMail))
                    C.WriteLine("Found valid argument for Email!");
                    EmailRecipient = Config.mail.reciever[argumentIndexMail];
                C.WriteLine("Using default mailer!");
                EmailRecipient = Config.mail.reciever[argumentIndexMail];

            #region Temporary method for populating database with titles.
            //using (DbPosts p = new DbPosts())
            //    var allPosts = p.GetAllPosts();

            //    foreach (Misc.PostRequest s in allPosts)
            //    {
            //        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Title))
            //        {
            //            var redd = Get.Reddit();
            //            Post sss = (Post)redd.GetThingByFullname($"t3_{s.RedditPostId}");
            //            p.SetTitle(s.E621Id, sss.Title);
            //        }
            //    }

            #region Temporary method for populating colorschemes
            //using (DbPosts p = new DbPosts())
            //    var noColorScheme = p.GetWithNoColorScheme();

            //    var colorThiefc = new ColorThief();
            //    foreach (var r in noColorScheme)
            //    {
            //        string thumbUrlc = Html.FindThumbnail(r.ResultUrl);
            //        Bitmap ac = new Bitmap(Html.GetImageFromUrl(thumbUrlc));
            //        var color = colorThiefc.GetColor(ac);
            //        p.UpdateColorScheme(r.Id, color.Color.ToHexString());
            //    }

            if (argumentIndexSub == -1)

            var subConfig = Config.subreddit_configurations[argumentIndexSub];
            WorkingSub = subConfig.subreddit;
            string requestSite = subConfig.issafe ? "e926" : "e621";
            C.WriteLine($"Running for /r/{subConfig.subreddit}!");

            string saveTags = $"{subConfig.tags} date:>={DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1):yyyy-MM-dd}";

            WebClient = new WebClient
                Headers = { ["User-Agent"] = $"OwO Bot/{Constants.Version} (by BitzLeon on Reddit)" }
            HttpClient = new HttpClient();
            HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", $"OwO Bot/{Constants.Version} (by BitzLeon on Reddit)");

            int              page         = 1;
            List <P>         searchObject = new List <P>();
            List <Blacklist> blacklist;
            using (DbBlackList dbBlackList = new DbBlackList())
                blacklist = dbBlackList.GetAllIds(WorkingSub);

            while (searchObject.Count == 0)
                string result = string.Empty;
                    result = WebClient.DownloadString($"https://{requestSite}.net/posts.json?tags={saveTags}&limit=50&page=" + page);
                catch (WebException)
                    C.WriteLine("No search results found.");
                var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <E621Search>(result);

                if (response?.Posts != null)
                    var temp = response.Posts;
                    searchObject = searchObject.Distinct().ToList();
                //Hide tags that we were unable to hide earlier because of the 6 tag limit, generally, things that aren't "furry" per se.
                string[] hideTags = subConfig.hide.Split(' ').Select(x => x.Trim())
                                    .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x))
                //Filetype filtering
                searchObject = searchObject.Where(results => results.File.Ext != "swf").ToList();
                //Hard filtering
                searchObject = searchObject.Where(results => !TagsToHide.Any(tagsToHide => results.Tags.MasterList.Contains(tagsToHide))).ToList();
                //Soft filtering
                searchObject = searchObject.Where(results => !hideTags.Any(tagsToHide => results.Tags.MasterList.Contains(tagsToHide))).ToList();
                //Blacklist filtering
                searchObject = searchObject.Where(r => !blacklist.Select(x => x.PostId).Contains(r.Id)).ToList();
            Reddit reddit = Get.Reddit();

            if (reddit.User.FullName.ToLower() != Config.reddit.username.ToLower())
                C.WriteLine("Unable to verify Reddit login details. Ensure ALL your credentials are correct.");

            Subreddit subreddit = reddit.GetSubreddit(subConfig.subreddit);
            C.WriteLine("Getting most recent posts..."); //2 days back should be fine
            //Get all the posts from reddit.
            var newPosts = subreddit.New.Where(x => !x.IsSelfPost && x.Created >= DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(-2)).ToList();
            DbSubredditPosts dbSubredditConnection = new DbSubredditPosts();

            //Clean up old posts. No reason to keep them in here.
            C.WriteLine($"Deleteing all Posts older than {Config.reddit.Check_Back_X_Days} days...");
            C.WriteLine($"{dbSubredditConnection.DeleteAllPostsOlderThan(Config.reddit.Check_Back_X_Days)} Posts deleted!");

            //Get all post Ids from database. We don't want to grb the entire blob yet- those are a bit heavy!
            List <ImgHash> dbPostIds = dbSubredditConnection.GetAllIds();
            //Remove all intersecting items. If we find it in the database, we don't need to recalculate the hash.
            newPosts = newPosts.Where(x => dbPostIds.All(d => x.Id != d.PostId)).ToList();

            C.WriteLine($"Grabbed {newPosts.Count} to compare. Converting to hashes...");

            string defaultTitle    = Title;
            int    progressCounter = 0;
            int    totalPosts      = newPosts.Count;
            Title = $"{defaultTitle} [{progressCounter}/{totalPosts}]";
            foreach (var newPost in newPosts)
                var timer = new Stopwatch();
                Write($"Working on {newPost.Id}...");
                ImgHash thisPair = F.Hashing.FromPost(newPost);
                if (thisPair.IsValid)
                    if (dbSubredditConnection.AddPostToDatabase(thisPair))
                        C.WriteLineNoTime("Added to database...");
                C.WriteLineNoTime($"Done in {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms!");
                Title = progressCounter > totalPosts
                    ? $"{defaultTitle} [DONE!]"
                    : $"{defaultTitle} [{progressCounter}/{totalPosts}]";
            Title = defaultTitle;

            List <ImgHash> dbPosts = dbSubredditConnection.GetAllValidPosts();
            dbSubredditConnection.Dispose(); //Close  the connection. Don't need to keep it open anymore.
            dbPosts = dbPosts.Where(x => x.SubReddit.ToLower() == subConfig.subreddit.ToLower()).ToList();
            P imageToPost = null;
            foreach (P searchResult in searchObject)
                bool   isUnique         = true;
                byte[] currentImageHash = F.Hashing.GetHash(searchResult.File.Url.ToString());

                foreach (ImgHash imgHash in dbPosts)
                    double equivalence = F.Hashing.CalculateSimilarity(currentImageHash, imgHash.ImageHash);
                    if (equivalence > 0.985)
                        if (String.Equals(subConfig.subreddit, imgHash.SubReddit, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            C.WriteLine($"Found equivalency of {equivalence:P1}.");
                            C.WriteLine("Image was posted on this sub already.");
                            isUnique = false;
                if (isUnique)
                    imageToPost = searchResult;

            if (imageToPost == null)
                C.WriteLine("No image found to post...");
                C.WriteLine("Found an image to post! Lets start doing things...");
            Misc.PostRequest request = new Misc.PostRequest
                Description = imageToPost.Description,
                RequestUrl  = imageToPost.File.Url.ToString(),
                RequestSize = imageToPost.File.Size,
                IsNsfw      = imageToPost.Rating == "e",
                E621Id      = imageToPost.Id,
                Subreddit   = WorkingSub

            //Properly recycle data if we are going to be reposting something from another sub.
            DbPosts dboPosts      = new DbPosts();
            var     uploadedCheck = dboPosts.GetPostData(imageToPost.Id);
            if (uploadedCheck.Count == 0)
                C.Write("Building title...");
                request.Title = GenerateTitle(imageToPost);
                UploadImage(imageToPost, ref request);
                var first = uploadedCheck.First();
                request.Title     = first.Title;
                request.ResultUrl = first.ResultUrl;

            C.Write("Posting to Reddit...");
                Post post = subreddit.SubmitPost(request.Title, request.ResultUrl);
                if (request.IsNsfw)
                request.DatePosted = DateTime.Now;
                C.Write("Commenting on Post...");
                string parsedSource;
                if (imageToPost.Sources != null && imageToPost.Sources.Count > 0)
                    parsedSource = $"[Original Source]({imageToPost.Sources.FirstOrDefault()})";
                    parsedSource = "No source provided";

                string parsede621Source = $"[{requestSite} Source](https://{requestSite}.net/posts/{imageToPost.Id})";

                string creditsFooter;
                if (MailBasedTitle)
                    creditsFooter = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailRecipient.username) ?
                                    $"/u/{EmailRecipient.username}" :
                                    "a helpful user";
                    creditsFooter = "Artist";
                string comment = $"{parsedSource} | {parsede621Source} " +
                                 "\r\n" +
                                 "\r\n" +
                                 "---" +
                                 "\r\n" +
                                 "\r\n" +
                                 $"Title by {creditsFooter} | This is a bot | [Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/gz9sn7r) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/twisty_plot) | [Report problems](/message/compose/?to=BitzLeon&subject={Uri.EscapeUriString($"OwO Bot {Constants.Version} post {post.Url}")}) | [Source code](https://github.com/Bitz/OwO_Bot)";

                request.RedditPostId = post.Id;

                Blacklist imageData = new Blacklist
                    PostId      = imageToPost.Id,
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    Subreddit   = WorkingSub

                    var    colorThief = new ColorThief();
                    string thumbUrl   = Html.FindThumbnail(request.ResultUrl);
                    Bitmap a          = new Bitmap(Html.GetImageFromUrl(thumbUrl));
                    request.ColorScheme = colorThief.GetColor(a).Color.ToHexString();
                catch (Exception)

                //instate a reusable connection rather than a 1 off object.
                using (DbConnector dbConnector = new DbConnector())
                    //Saved to prevent rechecking.
                    DbBlackList blacklistdb = new DbBlackList(dbConnector);

                    //Saved for later use maybe.
                    DbPosts dbPostsFinalSave = new DbPosts(dbConnector);
            catch (DuplicateLinkException)
                using (DbConnector dbConnector = new DbConnector())
                    Blacklist imageData = new Blacklist
                        PostId      = imageToPost.Id,
                        CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                        Subreddit   = WorkingSub

                    //Saved to prevent rechecking.
                    DbBlackList blacklistdb = new DbBlackList(dbConnector);

                Process.Start(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, Args.FirstOrDefault());
